Justices' reports on the execution of the Book of Orders of January, 1630/1 A. Dom. State Papers, Chas. I. Vol. 188. 85.Questions sent by the justices responsible for the division of Fawley, Hants. to the constables etc. of their district. This copy of the inquiries was sent by Sir Richard Tychborne, Sir Thomas Stukeley, Henry Clerke and William Rolfe, the justices responsible for Fawley, to the High Sheriff of the county, together with a report on the measures taken to improve poor relief in the division of Fawley. The justices state they have sent these inquiries to the "officers of everie parish," but have so far not obtained satisfactory replies. The document is directed "To the right worll Thomas Cotele Esq. high Sheriffe of the county of South(amp)ton." Southht. "The perticuler of such things as by vertue of divers statutes menconed in his Mat's Commission are given in charge to the severall officers vizt. Touching the poore. 1. What poore are releived that cannott worke. 2. What poore are sett to worke that want it. 3. What stocks are provided to sett the poore on worke. 4. The names of such poore as want stocks to worke. 5. The names of such men or women children that are above the age of 10 yeres & not bound apprentice. 6. The names of such householders as are fitt to take apprentices. 7. What monies or lands have bine given to charitable vses. 8. Whether the Churchwardens & overseers for theis things have mett monethly. Touching highwaies. 1. What high waies are in decay & need repaier wthin yor parish. 2. Whether the Churchwardens and Constables in Easter weeke last did chuse surveyors. 3. Whether they did appoint 6 daies for worke and give notice thereof the next Sunday after. 4. Whether everie man having a plowe did for 6 daies and 8 houres in that day wth twoe men and necessarie tooles worke in those daies. 5. Whether everie person not being an hired servt or taking wages have wrought those 6 daies. 6. What defects in any persons have bine presented by the Surveyors to the Justices. 7. Whether any nusance by anie neighbors to anie high waies be comitted. Touching laborers & s(er)vts. 1. Whether those in the parish wch are fitt to serve doe serve. 2. Whether anie be retained or doe serve for lesse then a yeare. 3. Whether any doe give or take wage other then the Statute allowes. 4. Whether any departe att the end of theire terme wthout a q(uar)ters warninge. 5. Whether any doe serve or be retained wthout first shewing a testimoniall. 6. Whether any refuse to serve either as apprentice or otherwise wch ought to serve. Touching Rogues.
1. To present wch of theis or what other persons have bine apprehended or punished either by private persons or officers. 2. Whoe have neglected to punish anie such Rogues. 3. Whoe have releived or lodged them. Touching Alehouses. 1. What alehouses there be in yor parish & where they stand. 2. What persons they bee that keepe them & whether licensed or bound. 3. What assize of bread & beere they keepe. 4. What disorders they keepe in theire houses by drinking or otherwise. 5. What persons haunt the same Alehouses or continue drinking therein. 6. What persons have bine drunke and have not bine therefore punished. Lastly. Whether the watches appointed by the Statute have bine duly observed for the apprehencon and punishmt of Rogues." B. Dom. State Papers, Chas. I. Vol. 189. 80 and Vol. 197. 69. Extracts from two reports from the hundred of Braughing, one sent to the High Sheriff in April and the other in Sept. 1631.These two reports contain abstracts of the returns sent in by the overseers at six monthly meetings held between Feb. 7th, 1630/1 and June 27th, 1631 Hertf. "An Abstract of the Returne and presentments made by the Churchwardens, Constables and Ouerseers for the poore in the parishes of the halfe Hundred of Braughinge vnto vs Justices of the peace in this devision whose names are herevnder written, on the viith of February 1630. Braughinge Noe stocke for the poore, noe land or rents for charitable vses. A dozen of bread out of Lent and ii dozen in Lent wth a barrell of white and a cade of red herrings. Noe children put to seruice this yeare, foure to be put out, six rogues punished, fiftie shillings guift to the poore. Edward Dogood, Henry Watts, Churchwardens. Widford. Noe stocke, but foure pounds yearely gathered, and fiue markes rent, none that want worke, none put to seruice, one to put forth. Prouision of corne at iiis iiiid for the poore. Oliuer Mills, Churchwarden. Eastwicke. Noe stocke for the poore, noe children to put to service, noe disorder in Alehouses, Watches and Ward duely kept, iii rogues punished, xxxs yearly rent for the poore. Thomas Kinge, George Cramphorne, Constables. Stansted Abbot. Noe stocke but twoe cowes John Tayler, Constable. Ware. Thirtie pounds stocke to sett the poore one worke; three lately put to seruice, nine more male and female to put forth; rents yearely imployed according to the donors wills; fortie markes, 80li yearely collection by Rates for the poore, more levied since Michaellmas last; 93li to buy corne for the poore and sold them at iiiis. the bushell, more 26li giuen at Christmas by the Inhabitants in money to the poore; Watch and Ward duely kept, xiii rogues punished and passed, none but will worke for reasonable pay, three drawe Beare and sell wthout Licence, noe disorders in Innes or Alehouses but such as haue lately been punished. Robert Dowell, Isacke Needham, Constables. Chorley. Noe stocke, twoe put to service, noe rents for charitable vses, no vnlicenced Alehouses, 24 Quarters of corne provided for the poore and sold to them at iiis. iiiid. the bushell. Nicholas Humfrie, Churchwarden. Gildston. Noe stocke, The poore imployed by clothiers, one childe put to seruice the others twoe young, 5li yearely Rent for the poore, but one Alehouse noe disorder therein, Watches and Wards duely kept. Nathaniell Spencer, Constable. Hunsdon. Tenn pounds Stocke to sett the poore on Worke, none to be put out, 10li Land for charitable vses; noe unlicenced Alehouses; noe disorder in any, Watch and Ward duely kept, Rogues punished by the Marshall. George Elliott, Richard Hunt, Const. Westmill. Noe stocke for the poore, xvii rogues punished & passed, Richard Beadle and John Boldle liue idly Richard Haruey, Const. Sabridgworth. Noe stocke to sett the Poore on worke, a stocke of corne at iiis. and iiiid. the bushell for the poore, none put to seruice, many to be put forth, the profits to the poore imployed as by the doners wills, noe unlicenced alehouses, noe disorder in licenced, none liue idly, Watch and Ward duely kept, Rogues punished and passed according to the lawe; Levied vpon drunkards xs. wch was giuen to the poore. William Addams, Churchwarden. Standon. Noe stock for the poore, watch and ward duely kept, xii rogues punished and passed, none liue idly, fiue children put out to seruice, viii male & ix female children to put fourth, noe vnlicenced Alehouses nor disorder in any, noe money Levied vpon drunkards, 50li per annu(m) rents imployed according to the donors intent. William Beadle, Churchwarden. Stortford. Twentie foure pounds & tenn shillings collected yearly for the poore xiili: xis rents, xxiijli: xs laid out to buy corne for the poore at xvid the bushell cheaper then it cost, not any put to seruice this yeare, viii children to be put out, noe vnlicenced alehouses, noe disorder in Inne or Alehouse, foure vagrants punished, Watch and Warde duely kept, not any idle persons. Leonard Knight, Constable. Thundridge. Noe stocke for their poore, watches and wards duely kept, none put to seruice this yeare, Henry Cobham selleth Beare wthout Licence noe disorder in Innes or Alehouses, noe money levied upon drunkards. The rest of the presentment is against Edward Gardiner Esq. wch doth depend vpon the Lawe. Frier Durden, Churchwarden. This ends the returns for Feb. 7th; the same parishes send returns on each of the later dates; the few which are here printed are those which indicate the alteration effected by the enforcement of the Book of Orders. "An Abstract of the Returnes made March the viith.... Sabrdgworth. Noe vnlicenced Alehouses, noe disorder, watch and ward duely kept, vagrants punished according to the Lawe, xs leuied vpon drunkards to the vse of the poore. Gabraell Whittawe, his wife, sonne and daughter liue idly and are hedgbreakers, noe stocke in the parish to sett the poore on worke. A greate stocke Richard Shepheard, Robert Goulett, Consta. Stortford. Stocke to set the poore one worke to make Clothe 22li: 10s: of hempe, towe and flax; 24 children to put to seruice, 22 poore spinners sett to worke, none sell beare or ale wthout licence, noe disorder in Innes or Alehouses, iiii rogues punished, watch & ward duely kept, noe Money leuied vpon drunkards since our last returne: Thomas Gurston goeth aboute wth a Gunne or Peece, Tobias Chandler hath noe Lawfull calling. Tho. Barnard, gen. Church. Westmill. Tenn pounds, thirteene shillings Stocke for the releife of the poore in corne; Richard Beadle, John Beadle idle liuers out of seruice, noe Inne or Alehouse in the parish, the Guifts formerly given imployed as by the donors wills, watch and ward duely kept, three rogues punished.... Thomas Kirbey, Michaell More, Churchwardens. An Abstract of the Returnes made Aprill the iiiith Anno d(omi)ni 1631.... Braughinge. Noe stock to sett the poore on worke but they are sett on worke by the inhabitants to spinn towe at iiiid the pound, fiftie shillings guift to the poore, adozen of bread out of Lent and twoe dozen in Lent wth a Barrell of White & a cade of Redd herrings the Weekly Collection amounteth to aboue xxli the yeare, six rogues punished, Watches and Wardes duely kept.... Will Denison, Const. Widford. None that keepe Alehouse wthout Licence noe disorder in the Licenced, Watch and Ward duely kept, iiii rogues punished, noe money leuied vpon drunkards, none but will and doe worke for reasonable wages, noe stocke but the poore are releiued wth corne and money, noe Guifts to charitable vses, none to put fourth Apprentices but those whome their parents will put fourth. Tho. Ouerill, Const. D. S. P. Chas. I. Vol. 197. 69. An Abstract of the Returnes and presentments made by the churchwardens, constables and ouerseers for the Poore in the parishes of the halfe hundred of Braughing vnto vs Justices of the peace in this diuision whose names are herevnder written on the first day of May anno do(min)i 1631.... Stortford. Twoe put fourth Apprentices, there is more to put fourth soe soone as there cann be masters gotten for them, Robert Gray refuseth to pay to the Rate for the poore, there is one William Brookes will not keepe his seruice.... James Scruby, John Jones, Ouerseers. An Abstract of the Returnes made May xxxth 1631.... Gilston. Noe unlicenced Alehouse keepers, Watch & Ward is duely kept, one Rogue punished and passed since the last Sitting, Joseph Charnocke and Thomas Charnocke liue idly and will not worke there is fiue pounds stocke and the poore are sett on worke, none put fourth apprentices as yet.... Hen. Damyan, Constable. An Abstract of the Returnes made June xxviith anno do(min)i 1631.... Hunsdon. None sell Ale or beare wthout Licence, Watch and Ward is duely kept, tenn Rogues haue been punished and passed, noe money leuied vpon drunkards, noe idle persons, theire was a stocke of Tenn pounds to sett the poore on worke, wch is decayed and come to fiue pounds, Noe guifts to charitable vses, none fitt to put apprentices.... George Elliott, Constable. Eastwicke. Watch and Ward is duely kept, noe unlicenced alehouses, noe rogues punished since the last sitting, the poore are sett on worke by the inhabitants, there are some yearely rents wch are weekely distributed to the poore, none to put fourth apprentices." Tho. King, Constable. This later report is endorsed "Certifyed by the high Sheriff the first of Septemb(er) 1631. Jo. Boteler." C. Dom. State Papers, Chas. I. Vol. 190. 10.Part of the Report of Bridewell. This report of Bridewell seems to have been made in consequence of the inquiries of the commissioners on poor relief appointed in Jan. 1630/1. The estimated value of the labour of the inmates, the cost of their maintenance, the amount paid in salaries to the officials of the hospital all throw light on the rate of wages and on the cost of living at this time. London Bridewell. "To the right honble the lords of his Maties most hoble privy Counsaile. We, the Presidt, Treasurer and other the Governors of the hospitall of Bridewell, in obedience to yor Lo(rdshi)ps order dated the xviiith day of Aprill now last past doe humbly present vnto Honors a true particuler of all the state of the same Hospitall as it now standeth this Second day of May 1631 in manner and forme following (vizt.) "Casuall receipts."
For the ymploymt of the said last recited som(m)es of Two hundred pounds a peice, the Citty have given bonds that the same shall remaine and foreu(er) continue as a stock in the said Hospitall and that the benefitt thereof made shall redound to the putting forth of poore children apprentices and otherwise to releive the poore of the same hospitall in such sort and to such vses as the donors thereof have limitted. The same to be disposed by the discrecon of the Governors of the same Hospitall.
There ys no Linnen bedding or ymplemts of houshold stuffe belonging to the said Hospitall other then such as are hereafter menconed in a particuler Inventary thereof made and here vnto annexed. There are vsed wthin the said Hospitall these occupacons or workes hereafter menconed (vizt). Four Silkeweavers who doe keepe poore children taken vp in the streets or otherwise distressed as their apprentices to the number of fortye & sixe. Two Pinmakers who doe likewise keepe as apprentices twenty and three. One Ribbon weaver who keepeth v apprentices. Two Hempdressers who keepe Tenn apprentices. Five Glovers who keepe Sixteene apprentices. One Linnen Weav(er) who keepeth iiijr apprentices. One Carpenter who keepeth Two apprentices. The whole number of the apprentices are cvi. The Hempmen aforesaid doe at this time keepe at worke in beating hempe of men and women to the number of xlviii. There are also kept at this present wthin the said Hospitall of vagrants and persons vnable to worke to the number of xiij. There are also wthin the said Hospitall these seu(er)all officers hereafter menconed.
The Ordinances and Constitucons by wch the said hospitall is ordered and governed are conteined and specified in great bookes by reason of the largenes whereof they cannot in so short a time be coppied out but they shalbe ready to be shewed forth as yor Honors shall appoint." D. Dom. State Papers, Chas. I., Vol. 191, No. 42. This report is endorsed "16 May, 1631. Certificate from the Maior of Guldeforde in Surr."Guldeford in Com. Surr. "The certificate of John Champion gent Maior of the Towne of Guldeford, on the behalf of the Maior and Justices of peace of the saide Towne and Lib(er)ties made the Sixtenth day of May, in the seauenth yere of the Raigne of or Sou(er)aigne Lord kinge Charles 1631. Accordinge to his Maties good Orders and direccons, and in performance of or Duties I certifie That forthwth vppon receipt of the Booke of instruccons wch was about the 5t of Februarie last past, we, the saide Maior and the Justices of Peace in the saide Towne, did assemble orselues togeather and did call before vs The constables, churchwardens and overseers of the poore in the seu(er)all parishes wthin the saide Towne and lib(er)ties. And ther did enquire, As by the saide booke of Orders is directed, And haue vntill this tyme contynewed a three weekes meetinge and made enquirie accordinglie. We found no neglect in any of the saide Officers, But that they haue discharged ther duties accordinge to Lawe. Vppon or enquirie had, seuerall presentmts were made to vs agt dronkards and such as do sitt tiplinge and drinckinge in Alehouses and vitlinge houses, and we haue caused the penalties lymitted by the statute to be leuyed, as well on them as the vitlers and disposed the same to ye poore of the seu(er)all parishes wher the offences were comitted as the Lawe requireth. We haue caused also Two apprentices to be bound to handicrafts and raysed money to place them And do prouide to haue such other as are yet to be placed, to be put out so sone as they are fitt to be put out We haue, at or Sessions of the peace helde for the saide Towne on the second day of May last, enquired on those Articles that tend to reformacon or punishmt of Offences in Further we haue caused the statute of laborers to be putt in execucon Item we haue ordered That the taxacons for the releife of the poore are duely collected for their present releife. And touchinge the hable poore men of the Towne both great and smale They are daielie imployed and set on woorke, by the meanes of a good manufacture founded by the right honoble the most Reuerend father in god, the Lord Archbishopp of Canterbury his grace, in Guldeford, the stock beinge flaxe and hempe, spining and weauing the same into cloth, wch we finde to be a great comfort to many poore workefolke, men, women and children her. We haue caused daylie ward in the Toune to be kept by sufficient persons for the app(re)hencon of Rogues and Vagabonds and for safetie and good order. And we haue wth all diligence and care taken order That the constables and officers in the saide Towne haue vsed all diligence and care in punishinge of Rogues and Vagabonds and that ther was few or no Rogue taken for that by the late care and watch in the countrie and Townes nere to tak Rogues, verie few or none are found to wander nor any come to this Towne. The number of Alehouses ar wth all care lessened wth vs and the unlycensed punished and Brewers that haue srued them, and the penalties disposed to the poore accordinge to lawe. We haue taken speciall Care for the amending of highwaies wthin the lib(er)ties of the Towne and haue giuen the same in chardge to the Surveyors of the high waies to see it trulie performed 16to May Anno D(omin)i 1631. E. Dom. State Papers, Chas. I., Vol. 216, No. 45. This document is endorsed "Cantebr(igia) July 1632, Certificate of ye justices for the hundreds of Chesterton, Papworth and North sto(we). Julii 16o 1632." |
St Gyles Cripplegate in Com. Midd. "The constables and churchwardens therehaue levyed of Alehousekeepers unlycensed and for defective measures in annis 1630, 1631 & 1632, hucusque | lxxiiijli xvs |
Francis Foster, Thomas Howgrave, John Willes, Churchwardens. And that they have improved by the stockedisbursed | iijli xiis |
Whereof they have disbursed to poore people for stocke to sett them on worke | ixli viiis |
Apprentices put out, 19. And for releife of those that were infectedwth the plague in ye said parishe | iiijli xviiis |
Rewards to informers. And for the puttinge forth and Clothingenyneteene Apprentices | xxxiiili xviiis |
Discretion. And for rewardes to those that discoveredthe said forfeitures in ye paryshe (for the vse of ye poore?) | viiili iiis |
And they haue disbursed to divers poore people accordinge to theire necessities by the discretion of the saide churchwardens | xvili xviis |
They have receaved | lxxviiili viis |
Stocke remayninge. And haue disbursed | lxxiiili iiiis iiiid |
And there remaynes in stocke for the vse of the poore of that parishe | vli iis viiid" |
G. Dom. State Papers, Chas. I., Vol. 349, No. 86.
Part of the Certificate from the wappentake of Bassetlaw
The following document is endorsed "Nott. 10th March 1636," in another hand, while in the same hand as the rest of the document is written, "The Divisions of North Clay, South Clay and Hatfeild wthin the wapentake of Bersett Law in the County of Nottingha(m)." The part of the document here printed relates to the division of South Clay.
"A Certificate of our proceedings at the Monethly meeteings held wthin the Hundred of Bersett Law in the County of Nottingh(a)m since the last Assizes delivered to his Maties Judges of Assize the tenth day of March Anno d(omi)ni 1636.
At East Retford for the Divisions of South Clay and North Clay in October and Februarie 1636."
"Laneham [779].
They certifie six poore people wch haue weeckely releife.
It(em) that they haue in Towne stocke xvis wch is bestowed in hemp and imployed to sett such poore on worke as wante.
It(em) that they haue had noe wanderers come wthin their liberties.
It(em) that they haue 4 poore children to bee placed out apprentices wch are to bee bound the next meeteing.
Impr(imis) there is in that Towne and parishe 6 impotent and aged people wch haue weeckely pension.
It(em) they haue in Towne stocke xxs.
It(em) they haue punished one vagrant.
It(em) they haue placed foure poore children app(re)ntices.
Stokeham [780].
Impr(imis) they haue in that Towne noe poore people but such as are able to maintaine themselues.
It(em) wanderers they had none.
Impr(imis) they haue noe poore wch neede weeckely releife.
It(em) they haue in Towne stocke 40s to sett such poore on worke as neede.
It(em) they haue noe poore children fitt as yett to bee putt apprentices.
It(em) they haue punished 3 wanderers and sent the(m) into Yorkeshire where they sayed they were borne.
Inpr(imis) they maintayne 3 poore people wth weeckely pension being aged.
It(em) they haue in Towne stocke 3li to sett such poore on worke as want worke.
It(em) they haue noe poore children fitt to bee placed apprentices.
It(em) wanderers they haue had none.
East Drayton.
Impr(imis) they maintayne 5 poore people being impotent and aged wth weeckely pension.
It(em) they haue in Towne stocke 40s to sett such other poore on worke as want worke.
It(em) they haue noe poore children fitt to bee placed Apprentices.
It(em) they haue punished 3 vagrants.
Inpr(imis) they maintaine 2 poore people wth weeckely pension.
It(em) they haue 30s in Towne stocke.
It(em) they haue noe poore children fitt to bee placed apprentices.
Item they haue punished 3 vagrants.
Impr(imis) they maintaine one poore man wth weeckely pension.
It(em) they haue xxli in Towne stocke.
It(em) they haue placed out 2 Apprentices.
Item they haue noe wanderers come wthin their Towne.
Impr(imis) they maintaine 4 poore people wth monethly pension.
It(em) they haue in Towne stocke 2li. 6s. 8d.
It(em) they haue noe poore children fitt to bee placed apprentices.
It(em) wanderers they haue had none.
Impr(imis) they have 5 poore people wch haue weeckely pension.
It(em) in Towne stocke twenty mks.
It(em) they haue placed out one apprentice.
It(em) they haue punished one vagrant.
Inpr(imis) in Towne stocke 2li. 6s. 8d.
It(em) one poore boy placed out apprentice.
It(em) two wanderers punished.
Inpr(imis) 3 poore people wch haue weeckely or monethly releife, as they neede.
It(em) in Towne stocke xli.
It(em) wanderers they haue had none.
Inpr(imis) in Towne stocke 6li. 13s. 4d.
It(em) wanderers they haue had none.
It(em) poore children to bee placed out apprentices none.
It(em) 4 poore people wch haue monethly releife.
Impr(imis) they allowe a poore woman a weekely pension.
It(em) they give for the keepinge of a bastard child per ann(um) xxxiiis iiijd.
It(em) in towne stock 4 pounds.
It(em) they haue punished 2 vagrants.
Impr(imis) they give to 9 poore people weekely pension.
It(em) in towne stock five pounds.
It(em) they haue placed out 6 poore children apprentice.
It(em) they haue punished 3 vagrants.
East Markham.
Impr(imis) in towne stock vij pounds.
It(em) they haue placed out fower apprentice and wth two of them given viili xs.
It(em) wanderers they haue had none.
Impr(imis) the(y) releeve weekly of poore people, impotent, aged and younge children 29.
It(em) they haue punished 3 vagrants.
Impr(imis) they haue no poore that need releefve all being able to mainteine themselues wth theire labor.
It(em) they haue no towne stock in regard theire poore are otherwise sett on worke.
It(em) they haue no wanderers.
Imp(rimi)s they mainteine 8 poore people wth weekly pension and one wth monthly pension.
It(em) towne stock they haue none because they imploy theire poore in other worke as they wante it.
Laxton cu(m) Morehouse.
Inpr(imi)s they haue placed 3 poore children out apprentice and given wth them vili xs.
It(em) they haue no towne stock, theire poore such as want work beinge sett on worke otherwise by the towne.
It(em) wanderers they haue had none.
West Markham.
Impr(imi)s they haue diuers younge children but are too young to place out apprentice wch wee maintaine and theire parents wth worke.
It(em) an old woman is mainteyned wth a monethly pension of vs iiijd and a load of coles eu(er)y yeare.
It(em) wanderers they haue had none.
Headon cu(m) Upton.
Impr(imi)s they give vnto 3 poore people a weekly allowance.
It(em) such poore as are able to worke are sett on worke.
It(em) they haue placed out 4 apprentice.
It(em) they haue punished 2 vagrants."
The reports for the divisions of North Clay and Hatfeild follow, and the whole is signed by the justices.
H. Dom. State Papers, Chas. I., Vol. 395, No. 55.
Certificate concerning the Book of Orders from the hundreds of Loes, Wilford, Thredling and Plomesgate, 14 July 1638
"To the high Sheriffe of the County of Suff.
The Certificate of the Justices of the peace whose names are herevnd(er)written for the hundreds of Loes, Willford, Thredlinge and Plomesgate wthin the lib(er)ty of Sct Etheldred made the xiiiith day of Julye: 1638, touchinge his Mat's Booke of Orders as followeth:
1. First that wee doe contynue or monethly meeteings wthin the said hundreds according to his Mat's said Booke of orders.
2. That the impotent poore wthin the said hundreds are releived and such other poore as are able to worke and will worke
3. That such idle poore as will nott worke are sent to the house of Correction and there sett to worke and punished according to lawe.
4. That the nomber of sup(er)fluous alehowses wthin the said hundreds doe still contynue suppressed.
5. That since or last c(er)tificate wee haue bound forth syxe poore children to be apprentices.
6. That since or last c(er)tificate wee haue levied wthin the said hundreds for disorders in Innes and Alehowses and for other offences comitted contrary to lawe the some of Twenty shillings.
7. That there hath bin a watch kept wthin the said hundreds for the apprehending of Rogues and vagabonds in wch watch such Rogues as haue bin Apprehended haue bin punished and sent according to lawe.
Edwd Duke.
Nic. Reuette."