Orders made by the justices responsible for Aylesham and Reipham, Co. Norfolk, 23rd October, 1622 (Brit. Mus. Add. MSS., No. 12,496, f. 222). The following orders were enclosed with a letter of Dec. 7th, 1622, written by John Rycherds, one of the justices of Norfolk, to Sir Julius Caesar Both the letter and these enclosed orders form part of the Caesar papers. Norff. Orders conceaved and put in Execucon at Aylesham and Reipham the xviijth and xxiijth of October 1622, by the Justices of the Peace for the Lymitt in the Hundreds of Eynesford and South Erpinham in the said Cownty as followeth. 39o Eliz. 16. That the greatest Malsters and Ingrossers of Barly be suppresed in parte or in the whole, whereby much Barly may be staied from maltinge, for bread for the poore, which is nowe wastfullye consumed in stronge Beere vpon riotous drunkards while the poore Labourers want bread. 23o Hen. 8o 4o. 2o Jac. 4o. 4o Jac. 4 & 5. That Brewers be not permitted to sell Beere to Alehowsekeepers aboue the rates of 6s 8d a barrell, the best, & iiijs iiijd the small, accordinge to the rates agreed vpon at the gen(er)all Sessions of the peace houlden at the Castle of Norwch at Easter 51o H. 3. 51 Ed. 1 That Bakers keepe the Assise of bread accordinge to the price of corne, that they bake but the three sorts of bread appointed by the lawe and sell but 13 to the doz. That Cakes and Finger breade be restrayned in Innes and Alehowses. 8o H. 6. 5o. 10 H. 7. 4o. That Troy weights be provided in Townes where Bakers do dwell and where they utter bread, and that the Constables wth the overseers of the poore there, doe weekelie weigh and survey the bread baked there or brought thither. 39o Eliz. 4o. 43o Eliz. 3o. 7o Jac. 4o. That poore people be not permitted to wander and begge out of the parishe where they dwell but kept at worke and that worke be prouided for those that cannot gett worke themselues and that such be compelled to doe their worke well that the stocke be not consumed. That poore children be put to Schoole to knittinge and spinninge dames, and the Churchwardens and Ouerseers for the poore to paie the Schoole dames their wages, where the parents are not able. 39o Eliz. 4o. 43o Eliz. 3o. 1o Jac. 7o. 7o Jac. 4o. 11o H. 7. 2o. 5 & 6 E. 6. 25o. Rogues and wanderers to be corrected and ordered accordinge to lawe, and the constables to be punished that do neglect yt, for they are the Roguemakers. Superfluous Alehowses to be both suppressed and kept downe, and that none be permitted to be Alehowsekeepers but those that are licensed by the gen(er)all consent of the Justice of the Lymitt, that best knowe both the conveniency of the places, the necessitie of an Alehowse there, and the abilitie and condicon of the Alehowsekeeper, and accordinge to the Articles heretofore agreed vpon betwene the Judges of the Assises for that County and subscribed by the Justices of the peace there. 1o Eliz. 2. 23 Eliz. 1o. 1o Jac. 9. 4 & 5 Jac. 4 & 5. 7 Jac. 10. 3 Jac. 4o. 5 E. 6. That all the good Lawes ordained for the goverment of Alehowses licensed and vnlicensed the Alehowsekeepers, the Brewers, (who are the principall Causers both of the excessive nomber and of the great disorders in those howses), the idle Tipplers, the blasphemours, drunkards or excessive drinkers and the Absent from Church be seuerely and constantly put and kept in Execucon. That the Lawes against Ingrossers, Forestallers and Regrators For all or most of these there are good Lawes prouided, if the Justices wth one gen(er)all Consent be carefull to putt their lief vnto them. But there is one other mayne inconvenience wch to remedie will require power from the hoble Board, and that is, That the great owners of Corne aswell farmors as others do not thresh out their owne Corne, but buy all they spend or Sowe either at the Marketts or of poore small farmors that are constrayned to sell nowe and yett must buy againe before Harvest next for their owne expence wch doth both encrease the prices of all grayne, and by that meanes all the Corne is brought into a fewe handes who then make the prices at their owne pleasure. If theis things be provided for and duly putt in execucon, there wilbee Corne enough found and spared for the people of our Countrey wthout inquiringe or examininge perticuler mens store, wch doth but discouer the want and there bie inhaunce the prices, but augments not the store. |