
Extract relating to the parish of St Peter's of Southgate, from the census of the poor taken at Norwich recorded in the "Maioris Bocke for the Pore[733], made in the feaste of St John the Baptiste 1576" and continued down to 1580.

Theis be the names[734] of the poore within the saide Citie as they ware vewed in the yere of our lord god 1570. In the tyme of Mr John Alldereche maior.

The Warde of Southe Consforthe.

Names of the poore to be relieved weekelye.
In St Peters of Southgate.

In the house of Robt. Susling. no allmns and vrie pore but able to worke

Richard Bitche of the age of 35 yeres, a husbondman which worketh with Mrs Cantrell and kepith not with his wife (but at tymes) and helpith her little. And Margarit his wyfe of the age of 40 yeres she spinne white warpe and Jone her doughter, of the age of 12 yeres, that spinne allso the same. And Simond her sonne of the age of 8 yeres that goe to scoole. And Alice and Faithe? the eldiste of the age of 8 yeres and the other of the age of 3 yeres, And haue dwelt here ii yeres and sence Witsontyde and haue dwelt moste parte at Banham where thaie ware maried and since at Swanton next Norwaltham and Amringall.

the house of the gates. iiiid a weke and verie pore but able to worke

Peter Browne (porter) a cobler of the age of 50 yeres and hath little woorke. And Agnes his wyfe of the age of 52 yeres that workith not, but have bene sicke since Christmas (but in helth now) she spinne white warpe havinge three doughters, the one of the age of 18 yeres, the other of the age of 14 yeres, and the other of the age of 13 yeres, the which all spinne when they can get it, but now they ar without worke: thaie have dwelt here theis twentie yeres, and thaie haue one doughter Elizabethe wch is idle and is sent from service where she dwelt with Willm. Nought of Thorp iii quarters of a yere.

in the house of his owne but now in morgadge. iiiid a weke

Thomasse Claxon, boote wrighte, is abrode at worke, and comfort his wife to his power, and is of the age of 43 yeres, and Anne his wyfe that is of the age of 27 yeres, and ii sonnes; the eldiste of the age of 4 yeres: she spinne white warp, he hathe dwelt here ever and now she lyeth in childebed, and theie be indifferentlie stowred with househoulde stuffe.

Thomas Mathew laborer, who is gonne from his wyfe beinge of the age of 40 yeres, from whome she hath no help, and Margarit his wyfe, of the age of 32 yeres, and haue no childrene, she spinne white warp, and have dwelt here (ever) and knoweth not where her husbond is.

in monfor

Henrie Bisbioke mason, of the age of 46 yeres, and Elizabeth his wyfe, of the age of 30 yeres: and two sonnes the eldist three yeres of age: she spinne white warpe.

in the first tower. no almns verie pore but able to worke.

Willm. Bridges of the age of 40 yeres (a laborer) and Jone his wyfe, of the age of 23 yeres, she spinne white warp, havinge one sonne, and one doughter: the eldist of the age of 8 yeres, and thaie kepe together and haue dwelt here eyght yeres.

Allso there is Thomas Warde and his wyfe but these liue uppon there labor.

At gaywodes. no almns indifferent able to worke.

James Taylor, a taylor, of the age of 30 yeres (now in prisonne, in the Gylde haule) and Margarit his wyfe, of the age of 30 yeres, which spinneth white warp, and was Linstis wyfe that was so longe in prisonne and havinge one childe beinge a sonne, of the age of eyght yeres theie haue dwelt here since Michelmas, last past, but she liue of her labor and dwell wthin Gaywode at monforthes.

Calistones house. indifferent no al(m)ns.

Thomas Willsonne, of the age of 30 yeres a baskitmaker, and Katherin his wyfe of the age of 25 yeres who maketh buttonnes, havinge two doughters the eldist of the age of 5 yeres, thaie haue dwelt here ever.

Edward Paulms house.

Michaell Cocke, of the age of 40 yeres a laborer and[735]
his wyfe, of the age of 50 yeres; they liue together, and have dwelt here aboue three yeres.

Palmes house. verie pore no allmns.

Nicholas Feelde of the age of 30 yeres sometyme a painter, and Beeth? his wyfe of the age of 30 yeres who spinne white warp hauinge two sonnes, the eldist of the age of 6 yeres, and haue dwelt here ever.

In South Connesforthe.

The names of the poore to be relieved weekelye[736].
St. Andries, St. Edmondes, St. Julianes.

Indifferent able to worke. no all(m)ns.

John Soule of the age of 40 yeres, a laborer, and Alice his wyfe of the age of 23 yeres, who spinne white warpe, havinge no children, and they liue together and have dwelt here ever.



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