
Extracts from the Journals of the Common Council of London.

These Journals begin with the entries for the year 1416 and are still continued. They are contained in large folio volumes and are written on paper in French, Latin and English. The entries made in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are generally in English. The resolutions of the Common Council and the chief letters, precepts and proclamations concerning the government of the City were copied within a few days of the time they were made by one of the officials under the Town Clerk[731].

The following two extracts illustrate the fact that the organisation for the poor in London was municipal, both before and after the statute of 1572[732], and show the methods by which the City authorities enforced their orders.

A. Copy in the Journals of a precept for a collection for the poor issued in 1563. Journals, XVIII. f. 145 b.

By the Maior.

To thalderman of the warde of Cheape. A precept for to make a collection for the pore.

Whear as there was a precept dated the VIIth of this present September directed to all and every parsone, vicar, curate and churchwarden of every parishe churche wthin yor saide warde com(m)aunding them that they and euery of them should cause the Inhabitants of there saide parishe to assemble them selues together and make a colleccion and provysyon for the pore, sick and nedye of there saide parishe and, if there saide parishe were not afflicted and had no nede of any suche provysion, that then they shoulde bestowe the same vpon other pore paryshes wthin the saide Cittye where they shoulde think it moste nedefull. Forasmuche as the execucon of suche diligence therin towardes the poores releif hath taken no suche good successe as was hoped for, And understanding, the great visytacon of god to continew and sicknes to encrease and perceyving also by complaynt of the nedye there miserable estate, These are therefore to requyer and in the Quenes Mats name to charge and comaunde you that you cale before you the saide parsone, vicar and churchwardens of euery parishe churche wthin yor saide warde, once every weke, and that you see or saide precept putt in execucon according to the Tenor therof and the charytye collected to be bestowed accordingly. Requyring ye to take suche order wth them as either refuse orells be found negligent in doing there dutyes therin (if by gentyll monytion to them geven) they will not be reformed as yor discression shall seme good. Fayle ye not hereof As ye will answere for the contrarye at yor perill, yeoven at the Guildhall of the saide Cittye the last of this present moneth of September 1563.

Blackwell J.C.

B. Copy in the Journals of a precept for a collection in February 1573/4. Journals, XX. I. f. 119.

By the maior.

A precept for the collection for the poore.

Albeit that, accordinge to the late statute made for releif the poore, eu(er)ye personne inhabitinge wthin this city and liberties of the same haue byne seu(er)ally taxed, yet the nomber of the poore is so great that the same colleccons notwthstandinge beinge faithfully disposed amonge them in this hard tyme many poore, impotent, sicke and deseased people lyue in great penury and neede redy to be famished for lack of releif. And to thend the sayd poore may be charitably provided for, theis shalbe to will and require you that you take such order in yor ward by yor self or by yor deputy that the churchwarde(n)s of eu(er)y parishe churche wthin yor sayd ward at everye sermon readinge or service in the sayd parishe churches collect and gather the devocon and charitable almose of well disposed people towardes the releif and maintenaunce of the sayd poore to be distributed in suche parishes of this city as hath most neede thereof and as shalbe appoynted by suche persons as shalbe named by the lord maior of this city for the tyme beinge for the distribucon of the same. And also that you cause eu(er)y preacher and reder of eu(er)y such sermon and readinge and also eu(er)y parsone, vicarre and curate of the sayd parishe churches wthin yor sayd ward to be moued gently to exhort there audience charitably to gyue ther almose for the end and purpose afforesayd. And further that you cause diligent serch to be made from tyme to tyme through out yor sayd ward for all such poore as shalbe newly com into yor sayd ward out of the country or ells where. And to take order for thavoydinge of the same with all speede, fayle ye not hereof etc. Yeoven at the guildhall of the City of London the XVII{th} of february 1573.



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