- A wreath of light blue vapour, pure and rare, 68
- Adieu, ye joys of La Valette!, 80
- All along the valley, stream that flashest white, 22
- Arno wins us to the fair white walls, 56
- At Antwerp, there is a low wall, 112
- Brook and road, 34
- Come down, O maid, from yonder mountain height, 21
- England, we love thee better than we know, 77
- Far on its rocky knoll descried, 12
- Farewell, farewell! Before our prow, 99
- Glion?——Ah, twenty years, it cuts, 36
- Had Cain been Scot, God would have changed his doom, 121
- Happy is England! I could be content, 39
- Hast thou a charm to stay the morning-star, 14
- Holland, that scarce deserves the name of land, 113
- I cannot rest from travel: I will drink, 7
- I do remember me, that in my youth, 60
- I gaze upon a city, 116
- I have known cities with the strong-armed Rhine, 107
- I leave thee, beauteous Italy! no more, 74
- I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs, 53
- I travelled among unknown men, 9
- Illyrian woodlands, echoing falls, 81
- In front the awful Alpine track, 35
- In KÖhln, a town of monks and bones, 98
- In the market-place of Bruges stands the belfry old and brown, 108
- In the steamy, stuffy Midlands, 'neath an English summer sky, 26
- In the valley of the Pegnitz, where across broad meadow-lands, 103
- Is this, ye Gods, the Capitolian Hill?, 62
- It is not only that the sun, 83
- Lo! Cintra's glorious Eden intervenes, 25
- Many a vanished year and age, 88
- Never, oh never more shall I behold, 38
- No plainer truth appears, 118
- No sound of wheels or hoof-beat breaks, 44
- Nobly, nobly Cape Saint Vincent to the North-west died away, 77
- Nowhere I sojourn but I thence depart, 73
- O beautiful beneath the magic moon, 55
- O love, what hours were thine and mine, 40
- Oh, come to Rome, it is a pleasant place, 56
- Oh, thou Parnassus! whom I now survey, 87
- On her still lake the city sits, 55
- Once more upon the woody Apennine, 47
- Over the great windy waters, and over the clear-crested summits, 7
- Quick, painter, quick, the moment seize, 23
- Remote, unfriended, melancholy, slow, 8
- Say, hast thou tracked a traveller's round, 76
- Seven weeks of sea, and twice seven days of storm, 78
- Sweet the memory is to me, 69
- Tanagra! think not I forget,