- Abibe mountains, 11.
- Accomplices and conspirators in the plot to assassinate the Marquis Pizarro, the parts they played, and their ultimate fates, 102-3 and n.
- Acosta, Juan de, 55, 73, 290, 312
- Agamenon, father-in-law of Pedro de CandÍa, a Greek, 263.
- AgÜero, Diego de, 112-13, 169, 234, 236, 277, 279, 282.
- alcalde, meaning of, xlvi; 6, 14, 48-9, 51, 79, 127-8, 135, 152-3, 160, 179, 193, 341, 361, 371-2, 374.
- Aldana, Lorenzo de, xlvi, 4-7, 34, 55, 140-1, 157, 159, 160, 162, 183, 188-9, 191, 199, 200, 203, 207, 237-8, 277, 282.
- algarroba bread, 367 and n.
- algarrobo, the tree (Prosopis, sp. var.), 328;
- forests, 334.
- alguazil, meaning of, xlvi; 6, 152-3.
- Aliaga, JerÓnimo de, 112-13;
- governor's lieutenant at Lima, 185, 234, 236.
- Aller, Diego de, 309, 361.
- Almagro, Don Diego de, the elder, Adelantado, xxvii, xxix-xli, 4, 51-3, 79, 230-1.
- Alvarez, Antonio, 153, 181-2.
- —— Diego, 315, 365.
- Alvarez HolguÍn, Pero, 84 127, 129-37, 150-3, 156-7, 163, 166-7, 170-9, 186-9, 191-2, 194, 197, 199, 200, 202-4, 206-7, 209-11, 232-8, 243, 252, 254, 269, 272, 276;
- accepted at Cuzco as general, 154;
- accepted at Guamanga, 165;
- at Parcos, 165;
- Vaca de Castro relegates him as camp-master, 201;
- delivers the royal standard to Vaca de Castro, 205;
- killed in the Battle, 278;
- his burial at Guamanga, 284 n..
- Ampudia, Juan de, 5-6, 34, 39-42, 48;
- killed by Indians, 43.
- anacona, yana-cuna, 120 and n..
- AÑasco, Pedro de, 4, 34-6, 41, 48, 55;
- wounded, 37;
- killed and eaten, 38.
- Andagoya, Juan de, 89, 90, 138.
- —— Don Pascual de, Adelantado, 8 44-6, 48-9, 55, 77-8, 89 and n., 90, 138-9 and n.;
- his narrative, 140 n.
- Andahuaylas, 244, 293.
- AntioquÍa, 184.
- 204, 305.
- Book of Foundations. See Cieza de LeÓn, Pedro de, 52 n.;
- his writings, xxv-xxviii, xxxi_xxxiii, xxxix-xlvii;
- denounces cruel treatment of the Indians, xliv, 164-5, 339;
- bewails his pen-weariness, 314-15.
- "Cinnamon" forest. See Canela.
- Clerics, friars, priests, and religiosos, various, 22, 55, 67, 97-8, 101, 122, 127;
- succour the wounded and confess the dying, 283, 357, 359.
- Cobos, Don Francisco de los, Comendador mayor, Charles V's secretary, xxxvii, 116.
- coca monopoly, 295.
- Coca river, 62 n.;
- village, 291.
- Collao, the, xxviii, 1, 50, 127, 132, 362.
- Concho tract, 327.
- Conchucos Indians, 118.
- conquistadores, the original Spanish invaders of America, 20, 226, 236, 293, 306, 352 n., 354, 373.
- Contents, chapter headings vii_xxi;
- maps and plates, xxiii.
- Coronado, Francisco, 103;
- executed, 285.
- Corregidores, 347-8.
- CortÉs, Hernando, 370.
- Cotabamba, 156.
- Cote, MartÍn, 168, 228, 262, 275:
- executed, 286.
- Council of the Indies, Royal, 100, 338, 341-6, 348, 355-6, 360.
- Cross-bows in warfare, 16, 17, 25, 29, 39, 40, 174, 186-7, 188, 192, 194, 199, 203, 233, 243, 252, 282;
- appointed Camp-master, 134;
- family relationships of, 187 n.;
- fatally wounded in the battle, 278;
- his death and burial, 284 and n.
- GonzÁlez de Benavides, Gil, 351, 353 n..
- Gorgona, La, island, 85.
- Gran Chaco, el, xxvii, 323 n. 334 n..
- Greciano, Juan, 11, 12.
- Guamanga, city or town of (called Ayacucho since 1824), 50, 51, 117 n., 126, 144, 151, 164-5, 174, 207-8, 214, 236 and n., 237, 239-41, 244, 247, 255-6, 260, 262, 265-6, 270-1, 273, 285-7, 289, 293;
- called "of the Victory," 288.
- Guancas, natives of Jauja province, 167, 170-1, 236, 254.
- Guanuco, province and town, 51-2, 120-1, 144.
- Guaraz, 50, 176-7, 186, 188, 192, 195, 197, 199, 200, 202-4, 210-11, 232, 236, <
e policy towards, 338, 348-55;
- restrictions on carrying loads, and on pearl diving, 350;
- rapid extinction of, 339.
- Inscription on Pizarro's tomb at Lima, 112.
- Introduction, xxv-xlvi.
- Islands, Cuba, 358;
- EspaÑola, 339, 358, 360;
- del Gallo, 85-6;
- La Gorgona, 85;
- Mal Pelo, 85;
- of Palms, 45, 87-8, 90;
- Puna, 124;
- San Juan, 358.
/i> Cote, MartÍn. Maule, 167, 238, 261; river, 264. Maytama. See Indian Chiefs. Mazuelos, Rodrigo de, 112-13, 115. Mejia, HernÁn, an alderman of Sevilla, 82, 85. MÉndez, Diego, 102, 181-2, 209, 222, 227-8, 275, 281-2, 296; his flight and capture, 292-3; his escape, treachery, and assassination 303 n.. Mendieta, Lope de, 153, 282. Mendoza, Alonso de, 23, 154, 283. —— Alvaro de, 22, 49, 79. —— Don Antonio de, Viceroy of New Spain, xlv, 361. Mendoza, Francisco de, 321, 323-4, 333-7, 363-8. —— Gabriel de, 153. —— Lope de, 154. —— Pedro de, 304, 316. "Men of Chile." See Almagro faction. Mercadillo, Alonso, xxvii, 68. Mercado, Diego NÚÑez. See NÚÑez. —— the factor, 257-9, 262, 266, 268. Mercy, Our Lady of, monasteries and churches of, at Cuzco, 127; at Lima, 113, 144; at Truxillo, 122. Merlo, SebastiÁn de, secretary, 82, 86-7, 90, 138, 189, 197-8, 277; wounded, 281. Mocaquaxa (Macagax), 328 and n.. Mompox, 11. Montemayor, Alonso de, 5, 53, 83, 77, 80-1, 85-91, 157, 159, 287, 309-10, 361; Audiencia of, see Audiencia. Parcos, 165, 255. Partida, law of, 266. Pasto, 6, 55, 158. Paucura, province, 19, 27-8. Paz, La, 150 and see Chuqui_apu. PeÑa, Alonso de, 89 n., 139 n.. —— CristÓbal de, 89, 139. Peralta, Don Diego de, of La Paz, 161; banished, 150. Perdomo, Luis, alcalde of Plata, 152-3. Perero, Sancho, of CÁceres, 132-4, 152-3. Pereyra, Gonzalo, 168; ensign-general, 208. PÉrez, Francisco, executed, 286. —— Juan, 105, 210, 290; executed, 286. —— Becerra, Diego, 103, 218; a turncoat, 261 (printed LÓpez in error for PÉrez), 318. —— de Esquivel, Alonso, 105. —— de Guevara, Juan, 122, 144, 237, 288. Pero Alvarez. See Alvarez HolguÍn, Pedro. Peroanzures. See Anzures de Camporredondo, Pedro. Pescado, village and river, 8. Picado, Antonio, secretary to Pizarro, 3, 55, 84, 91, 98, 105, 111-12, 115; is captured, 116, 124, 126; is put to the torture, married, and beheaded, 142-4. Picara. See Indian Chiefs. —— province, 19-22, 24, 27. Picoy, village, 255. Pimentel, Antonio, 17, 22-3
l">58, 64-5, 75, 125, 138, 140, 156, 158-62, 164, 179, 182-4, 186, 190-2, 205, 268, 290-1, 307, 309, 311, 314. —— War of (book), xxv-vi.
z, Ana, marries Picado the night before he is beheaded, 143. —— Sergeant-major, 168, 245, 276, 278. —— de Caravajal, Benito, licentiate, 53, 113, 234, 236, 280. —— —— IllÁn, the factor, brother of Benito, 53, 113, 168-9, 234-5, 330. Suer de Nava, Melchor, 5, 13, 18, 22-3, 28, 46-8. Suicide, of an Indian captive girl, 16; of an Indian captive Chief, 32; of a number of Indians 39. Surbano, JerÓnimo (Don Diego's envoy to Spain), 250. - Tacurumbi. See Indian Chiefs.
- Tambo, an ancient Inca fortress, 176.
- —— Blanco, 118.
- Tambos (wayside rest houses), 309.
- Tapia, 349 and n..
- Tello, Juan, 168, 283;
- executed, 286.
- Tesuna province, 334.
- tiÁnguez, native market, 242.
- Tierra Firme, 7, 44, 77, 79, 138, 289, 298, 309, 331, 339.
- TimanÁ, 8, 34-5, 37-8.
- Tomebamba, an Inca lodgment, 183-4.
- Tordoya. See GÓmez de Tordoya.
- Toro, Alonso de, 165-6.
- Tovar. See GarcÍa de Tovar.
- Truxillo (Trujillo), 3, 58, 118, 119, 122-3, 125, 127, 144, 155, 187, 192-6, 310
CHISWICK PRESS: CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. The Hakluyt Society. (Founded 1846.) 1917. President. ALBERT GRAY, Esq., C.B., K.C. Vice-Presidents. The Right Hon. The Lord BELHAVEN and STENTON. The Right Hon. The Lord PECKOVER of WISBECH. Admiral of the Fleet The Right Hon. Sir. EDWARD HOBART SEYMOUR, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., LL.D. Treasurer. EDWARD HEAWOOD, Esq. Council. BOLTON GLANVILL CORNEY, Esq., I.S.O. M. LONGWORTH DAMES, Esq. WILLIAM FOSTER, Esq., C.I.E. F. H. H. GUILLEMARD, Esq., M.D. A. R. HINKS, Esq., F.R.S. Sir JOHN F. F. HORNER, K.C.V.O. Sir EVERARD IM THURN, K.C.M.G., C.B. Sir JOHN SCOTT KELTIE, LL.D. Sir FREDERIC G. KENYON, K.C.B., F.B.A., Litt. D. Sir CHARLES LUCAS, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. Admiral Sir ALBERT HASTINGS MARKHAM, K.C.B. ALFRED P. MAUDSLAY, Esq. Lt.-Col. Sir MATTHEW NATHAN, G.C.M.G., R.E. H. R. TEDDER, Esq. Lieut.-Col. Sir RICHARD CARNAC TEMPLE, Bart., C.B., C.I.E. BASIL HOME THOMSON, Esq., C.B. Sir REGINALD TOWER, K.C.M.G., C.V.O. Hon. Secretary. J. A. J. de VILLIERS, Esq., British Museum, W.C.1. Clerk and Assistant Treasurer. Mr. SAMUEL JOHN EVIS, Royal Geographical Society, Kensington Gore, S.W.7. Bankers in London. Messrs. BARCLAY & Co., Ltd., 1, Pall Mall East, S.W.1. Bankers in New York. THE GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, 140, Broadway. Agent for Distribution and Sale of Volumes. Mr. BERNARD QUARITCH, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W.1. Annual Subscription.—One Guinea (in America, five dollars). The Hakluyt Society, established in 1846, has for its object the printing of rare and valuable Voyages, Travels, Naval Expeditions, and other geographical records. Books of this class are of the highest interest to students of history, geography, navigation, and ethnology; and many of them, especially the original narratives and translations of the Elizabethan and Stuart periods, are admirable examples of English prose at the stage of its most robust development. The Society has not confined its selection to the books of English travellers, to a particular age, or to particular regions. Where the original is foreign, the work is given in English, fresh translations being made, except where it is possible to utilise the spirited renderings of the sixteenth or seventeenth century. The works selected for reproduction are printed (with rare exceptions) at full length. Each volume is placed in the charge of an editor especially competent—in many cases from personal acquaintance with the countries described—to give the reader such assistance as he needs for the elucidation of the text. As these editorial services are rendered gratuitously, the whole of the amount received from subscribers is expended in the preparation of the Society's publications. One hundred volumes (forming Series I., see pages iva. to xiva.) were issued from 1846 to 1898; forty-two volumes of Series II. (see pages xva. to xviiia.) have been issued in the nineteen years ending 1917. A brief index to these is given on pages xxia. to xxviia., and a list of works in preparation on page xxa.
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