A, B, C, D, F, G, H, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z
Abancay, i, 318
Acari, i, 28, 265
Acos, i, 301, 373
Aguja Point, i, 25
Alcaviquiza tribe, near Cuzco, ii, 105, 106
Ambato, i, 154;
defeat of Atoc at, ii, 232, 233, 235
Anan Cuzco. See Cuzco.
Anaquer Hill, ii, 18
Ancasmayu river, i, 122; ii, 44, 64, 213;
northern limit of the empire, 218, 221, 223
Ancocagua temple, i, 357; ii, 88, 89
Andahuaylas, i, 315, 317; ii, 83, 109, 118, 139, 145, 154
Andesuyo (Anti-suyu), i, 323, 337; ii, 51, 70;
invasion of, ii, 166, 168, 169;
war with snakes, 166
Angoyaco pass, i, 302
Antis, ii, 175, 195
Apurimac river, i, 319; ii, 8, 43, 141, 147
Apurima, ii, 178
Arcos, ii, 154
Arequipa, i, 287, 392
Arica, i, 29
Asillo, i, 369; ii, 166
Atacama, i, 267
Ausancata temple, i, 354
Ayamarca, ii, 114, 115
Ayancas, road by, ii, 43
Ayavaca, ii, 179, 207
Ayaviri, i, 358, 359; ii, 135, 165, 166
Aymaraes, ii, 119
Ayangaro, i, 369; ii, 166, 170
Bahaire, Cieza de Leon at, ii, 131
Barranca, La, i, 248 n.
Bio-bio river, i, 31
Bombon, i, 286, lake of, 294; ii, 156, 175, 178, 206
Bracamoros, i, 204, 209; ii, 70, 179, 208
Cacha, i, 356; ii, 6
Caitomarca, ii, 123, 124
Calca, conquest by Uira-ccocha Ynca, ii, 121
Callao, i, 27
Camana, i, 29, 265
CaÑaris, i, 162, 167, 169; ii, 71;
head-dress, 72;
subjugation, 180, 181, 209, 229;
massacre of, 234
CaÑaribamba, i, 204
Canas, i, 356, 358; ii, 3, 6;
head-dress, 72;
tribe of, 133, 171, 172, 233
CaÑete valley (see Huarco), i, 257 n., 259
Canches, i, 355, 358; ii, 3;
head-dress, 72;
tribe of, 133, 171, 172, 233
Cangalla, ii, 133
Caracollo, i, 381
Caraugas, ii, 195, 233
Caranqui, i, 133, 138; ii, 59, 65, 70, 181, 215, 219
Caranques, i, 133, 138
Caraques, i, 185
Carex Isle, ii, 132
Caravaya, i, 369
Carmanca Hill, at Cuzco, i, 325; ii, 142
Cartagena (see Bahaire), ii, 131
Casma, i, 26
Cassana, at Cuzco, ii, 158
Cavinas, i, 354
Caxabamba, ii, 235
Caxamarca, i, 271; ii, 8, 59, 83, 86, 178, 179, 186, 206
Caxas, ii 43, 179, 207
Chacama valley, i, 241
Chachapoyas, i, 277, 278, 207; ii, 70, 91, 157, 179
Chancas, i, 280, 315, 316; ii, 83, 199;
conquests of, 119, 139;
advance to Cuzco, ii, 140, 154, 157;
defeated, 143;
trophy of their bodies, ii, 144
Chaqui, i, 383
Charcas, i, 381;
mines, 385;
ii, 195, 200, 233
Chayanta, i, 383; ii, 212
Chicama. (See Chacama.)
Chichas, i, 383
Chilana, village in the Collao, i, 373
Chilca, i, 255
Chile, i, 30, 384; ii, 44, 51, 59, 64, 65, 70;
conquest by Tupac Ynca Yupanqui, 195;
Huayna Ccapac in, 201, 203;
name of, 202 n.
Chimu, i, 242; ii, 185, 212
Chincha-suyu, 51, 175, 176, 177;
road of, 177
Chinchas, i, 228, 260; ii, 189, 190, 191
Chinchay-cocha lake, i, 294, 296. (See Bombon.)
Chiquana, i, 356
Chiriguanas, ii, 69, 201
Choclo-cocha Lake, ii, 118
Chucuito, i, 373; ii, 4, 59, 130, 135, 152, 170, 173, 174, 194
Chumbivilicas, i, 335; ii, 168
Chunchos, ii, 69
Chungara village, near VilcaÑota, ii, 88
Chuqui-apu (La Paz), i, 380; ii, 59, 200
Cochabamba, i, 383
Cocha-casa, ii, 140, 147
Cochasqui, ii, 215
Collas, i, 359, 363, 367;
their head-dress, 72. (See Collao.)
Collao—Colla-suyu, i, 304, 359, 360, 363, 370; ii, 2, 51, 75;
invaded by Inca Uira-ccocha, 130, 167;
incursions of Chinchas into, 189;
Chanca chief sent to, 151;
invasion, 165;
rebellion, 169, 172;
subjugation, 173;
pacification, 174, 175;
Tupac Ynca Yupanqui in, 194, 195;
Huayna Ccapac in, 200
Compata, ii, 133
Conchucos, i, 286, 291
Condesuyo (Cunti-suyu), ii, 51, 106, 107, 112;
treason of chiefs, 117;
invasion of, 146, 168;
summoned to join the army of Huascar, 233
Copacopa, ii, 165
Copayapu, i, 30
Coquimbo, i, 30; ii, 4
Coropuna temple, ii, 89
Cotobambas, ii, 8
Curahuasi, ii, 147
Curampa, ii, 140, 148
Curicancha, Temple of the Sun at Cuzco, i, 328, 385; ii, 9, 22, 23, 71, 83;
description of, 84, 85, 101, 103, 158, 203
Cuzco, i, 146;
situation, i, 322;
divisions, i, 325;
description, i, 330;
full of strangers, i, 71;
foundation, i, 329; ii, 21;
first arrival of Spaniards at, ii, 9;
Anan Cuzco, ii, 97, 102, 122;
Orin (Hurin) Cuzco, ii, 127;
drainage of swamps, ii, 99, 100;
rivers of, ii, 111, 112;
in danger from the Chancas, ii, 140, 141;
fortress, 160-164;
Bishop of, i, 424. (See Curicancha.)
Desaguadero, i, 373; ii, 174
Ferrol, port of, i, 26
Gorgona Isle, i, 21, 420; ii, 220
Guamanga founded, i, 307, 308;
Indians, 310
Guanacauri, ii, 148, 154. (See Huanacauri.)
GuaÑape, i, 26, 245; ii, 213
Guarmay, i, 26, 247; ii, 213
Guayaguil, i, 197, 201, 203; ii, 209, 211
Hanan Cuzco, ii, 97, 102, 122
Hatun Colla, ii, 3, 14, 16, 17, 33, 59, 117, 130, 135, 170
Hatun-cana, i, 356
Hatun canche, ii, 158
Hayo-hayo, i, 381
Hervay, fortress of, ii, 193 n.
Horuro, i, 356
Huallabamba, i, 139
Huamachuco, i, 287, 289
Huambacho, i, 247
Huanacauri temple, ii, 17, 18, 19, 22, 89, 101, 107, 111
Huancas, i, 279, 298;
legends of, i, 299;
head-dress, ii, 72;
conquest, ii, 153, 154;
submission, ii, 155, 173
Huancabamba, i, 210, 269; ii, 59, 179, 207
Huancachupachos, ii, 206
Huancavilcas, i, 168, 181, 192
Huanuco, i, 282, 283, 285; ii, 157
Huara, i, 26, 248
Huaray, i, 293
Huarco valley, i, 257, 258;
fortress, ii, 164;
war, 191-195
Huarina, i, 9, 380
Huarochiri, ii, 43
Huaqui, i, 274
Huaura, ii, 213
Huaylos, i, 286
Hurin Cuzco, i, 67; ii, 97, 102
Juli, i, 373; ii, 130
Juliaca, i, 369
Lampa, harvest ceremony at, i, 412
La Paz, i, 380, 381. (See Chuqui-apu.)
La Plata, ii, 201
Latacunga, ii, 59
Lima, i, 248
Limatambo, i, 320
Llacta-cunga, i, 143, 150
Lobos Island, i, 25
Lucanas, ii, 148, 199
Lunahuana, i, 228, 260
Luracachi, ii, 134
Mala, i, 256
Manta, i, 182, 184
Marca, in Condesuyo, ii, 107
Marcapata, ii, 169
Marcavillca, ii, 34
Maule river, i, 31; ii, 64, 195, 221
Mohina, treasure found at, i, 353;
road from Cuzco to, ii, 44
Motupe valley, i, 239
Moxos, ii, 69
Moyobamba, i, 280
Muhina. (See Mohina.)
Mulahalo, i, 147, 148
Muli-ambato, i, 153
Nasca Point, i, 28
—— valley, i, 264; ii, 190
Nicasio village, i, 365, 369
OcoÑa valley, i, 29, 265
Ollantay-tambo. (See Tambo.)
Oma, near Cuzco, ii, 105
Omasayu, i, 369; ii, 90, 166
Orin Cuzcos. (See Hurin Cuzco.)
Otavalo, ii, 215
Pacarec-tampu, i, 335; ii, 11, 13, 87
Pacasmayu, i, 240
Pachacamac, i, 251, 252, 253, 254; ii, 90;
temple of, ii, 187, 211;
Huayna Capac at, 213
Paltas, i, 205; ii, 43, 235
Paria, i, 381; ii, 59
Pariacaca Pass, ii, QUICHUA WORDS.
A, C, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, Y, Z
Anacona. (See Yana cuna.)
Ancha, very, ii, 14, 63, 212
Apu, chief, ii, 14, 62, 97, 212
Atoc, fox, ii, 228
Ayllos, slings, i, 355; ii, 46, 54-73
Camac, creator, i, 253
Camayus, officials, ii, 27, 90
Cancha, place, ii, 83
Canqui, thou art, ii, 62
Capacocha, ceremony of offerings, ii, 88, 89, 91-93
Cay, this, ii, 212
Ccapac, rich, i, 136; ii, 12, 17, 21, 22, 105
Ccampa, thou (dative), ii, 62, 212, 218
Ccepi, burden, ii, 88
Ccocha. (See Cocha.)
Ccuri, gold, ii, 83
Chaca, bridge, i, 132
Chacara, farm, ii, 27, 30, 60
Chacu, hunt, i, 288 n.
Chaqui, foot, ii, 76
Chaquira, beads, i, 176, 405; ii, 40, 86, 90
Chumpi, belt, i, 146
ChuÑu, preserved potatoe, i, 361; ii, 54
Churi, son, ii, 14, 62
Coca, i, 352; ii, 196
Cocha, lake, ii, 8
Cuna (plural particle), ii, 205, 213, 218
Curaca, nobleman, ii, 41, 58
Curi (correctly Ccuri), gold, ii, 83
Hatun, great, ii, 14, 62, 212
Hatun cancha, ii, 158
Hatun-raymi, ii, 93, 96
Huaca, sacred, i, 77, 228; ii, 87, 88, 90, 91
Huaca-camayoc, i, 413
Huaranca, thousand, ii, 135
Huarmi, woman, ii, 76
Huasi, house, ii, 83
Huata, year, ii, 55, 76, 82
Huauque, brother, ii, 76
Huayna, youth, ii, 197, 213, 218
Huayna-cuna, youths, i, 138; ii, 213, 218
Huayras, used in the mines, i, 389
Huillac. (See Uillac.)
Huis-cacha. (See Uis cacha.)
Inca. (See Ynca.)
Inti. (See Ynti.)
Llacta, city, ii, 197
Llama, i, 393; ii, 45
Llautu, fringe: emblem of sovereignty, ii, 2, 19
Lliclla, mantle, i, 146
Lloque, left-handed, ii, 100, 102, 103
Macana, club, i, 49, 203
Mama, mother, ii, 12, 105, 114
Mama-cuna, women of the temples, i, 25, 149, 164, 369, 405; ii, 10, 46, 85, 92, 95, 138, 206
Manan, not, ii, 218
Maqui, hand, ii, 76
Micuni, to eat, ii, 212
Mitimaes, colonists, i, 149, 150, 209, 271, 328, 362; ii, 24, 36, 39, 50, 67-71, 166, 177, 179
Mizqui, sweet, ii, 212
Mucha, worship, ii, 17, 38, 96, 210
Molle trees. (See Mulli.)
Mulli, Schinus Molle, i, 299
NaÑa, sister, ii, 76
Naui, eye, ii, 76
Oca, Oxalis tuberosa, i, 361; ii, 94
Oxota. (See Usuta.)
Paccari (Pacarec), dawn, ii, 11, 13, 87
Pacha, earth, ii, 62
—— world, i, 253; ii, 82
—— hundred, ii, 205
Palla, married princess, ii, 147, 224
Pillaca, kind of fringe, ii, 19
Pucara, fortress, i, 302, 368; ii, 2, 69, 75, 121, 147, 216
Punchau, day, ii, 76
Purachuco, tuft of feathers, ii, 19
Quilla, moon, ii, 76
Quinua, Chenopodium Quinua, i, 361; ii, 54, 94
Quipus, system of record, i, 290; ii, 33, 34, 53, 57, 61, 165
Quiru, tooth, ii, 14, 76
Raymi, festival, ii, 93, 96
Rincri, ear, ii, 76
Rumi, stone, i, 132; ii, 227
Runa, man, ii, 76, 205
Runtu, egg, ii, 121
Sapa, only, ii, 62
Sasi, fast, ii, 18, 20
Senca, nose, ii, 76
Sullull, truth, ii, 62
Sulluy, of a truth, ii, 212
Supay, devil, i, 224; ii, 10
Tampu, inn, i, 161, 290; ii, 14, 16, 73, 101, 103, 131, 201, 230
Taqui, music, ii, 29, 40, 91, 92, 137
Ticiviracocha, God, i, 299; ii, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 94;
image lost, 97
Topu. (See Tupu.)
Tucuy, all, ii, 62, 197, 218
Tupu, measure, i, 146; ii, 43, 66, 88, 112
Tuta, night, ii, 76
Ucumari, bear, ii, 232
Uillac Umu, High Priest, i, 329, 414; ii, 86, 97
Uira, grease, ii, 8
Uiscacha, rabbit, i, 402; ii, 46
Uma, head, ii, 76
Uncha, fillet for the head, i, 146
Usuta, shoe, i, 146; ii, 38
Uyay, hear, ii, 62, 197
Vira, grease. (See Uira.)
Yahuar, blood, i, 133; ii, 218
Yana-cuna, servant, i, 391; ii, 55, 67 n., 88, 89, 201, 205
Yaya, father
Ylla (name given to bodies of the venerated dead), ii, 96
Yllapa, lightning, ii, 96
Ynca, sovereign, of the blood royal
Ynti, the sun, ii, 14, 62
Ynti-huasi, Temple of the Sun, ii, 83
Yscay, two, ii, 205
Ynca, i, 233
Yunca, warm valley, i, 162
Yupanqui, you may count, ii, 102 n., 158
Zazi. (See Sasi.)
A, C, G, H, I, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, Y, Z
Ahuapanti, a general of Huascar, ii, 233
Alaya, chief of Xauxa, i, 224, 301; ii, 206
Alcariza, a lord of Cuzco, ii, 15, 16, 17
Anco allo, chief of the Chancas, i, 280; ii, 154, 156;
his flight, 157
Aperahua Oracle, ii, 90
Arnauan, a name of Ticiviracocha, ii, 6
Atahualpa, ii, 8, 9, 10;
ransom, ii, 83, 86;
at Caxamarca, i, 271;
meaning of word, i, 231;
birth, ii, 203;
to rule at Quito, ii, 221, 222;
account of, ii, 224, 225;
rebellion, ii, 227;
cruelty to CaÑaris, i, 167; ii, 230, 235;
war with Huascar, i, 273, 275, 409, 421; ii, 235
Atoc, general of Huascar, i, 167, 273; ii, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233
Ayar Cachi (Asauca), ii, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20
Ayar Manco, ii, 12, 21
Ayar Uchu, ii, 12, 13
Capac. (See Ccapac.)
Cari, a great lord in the Collao, i, 363; ii, 5, 130, 135;
rebellion, 170, 173
Cariapasa, chief of Chucuito, i, 373
Cayu Tupac, the Ynca who supplied Cieza de Leon with information, ii, 11, 121
Ccapac, a rebel against Ynca Uira-ccocha, ii, 127
Ccapac Yupanqui, his reign, ii, 106, 107, 108;
embassy from the Quichuas to, 109;
death, ii, 110
—— —— general in the Huanca campaign, ii, 154
—— —— governor of Cuzco, ii, 178
Chalco Mayta, governor of Quito, ii, 183
Chalicuchima, a general of Atahualpa, i, 320; ii, 9, 227, 232
Chimbo Ocllo, wife of Huayna Ccapac, ii, 199
Chirihuana, governor of Chucuito, ii, 4
Colla Tupac, guardian of Huascar, ii, 222, 237 n., 228
Cusi-chuca, chief at Xauxa, ii, 206
Cusi-hualpa, son of Huayna Ccapac, ii, 222
Guacarapora, lord of Xauxa;
use of quipus, ii, 34
Guamaraconas. (See Huayna-cuna.)
Guanacauri. (See Huanacauri.)
Guasco, chief of Andahuaylas, i, 315, 318
Hastu Huaraca, chief of the Chancas, ii, 140, 141;
interview with the Ynca, ii, 142;
defeated, ii, 143;
enters service of the Ynca, ii, 145;
sent to the Collao, ii, 151
Huaman Hualpa, a son of Huayna Ccapac, ii, 222
Huanacauri, the hero god, ii, 14, 18, 20, 22, 87, 101, 103, 107
Huanca Auqui, a son of Huayna Ccapac, general, for Huascar, ii, 233;
defeated, 235
Huaraca, chief of the Chancas, ii, 118
Huarivilca, god of the Huancas, i, 300; ii, 154
Huascar, i, 272, 421; ii, 8, 9, 99, 163, 203, 222;
his character, ii, 224, 225;
accession, 226;
war with Atahualpa, ii, 228, 229;
his alarm, 233;
army defeated, 235
Huayna Ccapac, i, 140, 169, 179, 193; ii, 11, 25, 44, 67, 99, 155, 163, 180;
birth, 181;
accession, 197;
character, 198;
march of, 199, 200;
to Chile, 201, 202;
invasion of Bracamoros, 208;
severity, 209;
at Quito, 210;
on the coast, 212;
anecdote, 212;
war north of Quito, 215;
besieged, 217;
his vengeance, 218;
hears of Spaniards, 220;
death, 221;
obsequies, 222, 223
Huayna-cuna (Guamaraconas), i, 138; ii, 213, 218
Humalla, a chief in the Collao,
rebels, ii, 170
Illa Tupac, ii, 227 n.
Lloque Yupanqui, marriage, ii, 100;
reign, 102;
death, 103
—— —— brother of Ynca Yupanqui;
governor of Cuzco, ii, 147;
commands the army in the Huanca campaign, ii, 154, 155
Macay Cuca, Queen of Ynca Rocca, ii, 111
Mama Cahua Pata, daughter of the lord of Oma, Queen of Mayta Ccapac, ii, 105
Mama Chiquia, of Ayamarca,
Queen of Ynca Yupanqui, ii, 114
Mama Cora, one of the women who came forth from Pacarec Tampu, ii, 12
Mama Huaco, one of the women who came forth from Pacarec Tampu, ii, 12
Mama Ocllo, Queen of Tupac Ynca Yupanqui, ii, 175
Mama Rahua, one of the women who came forth from Pacarec Tampu, ii, 12
Manco Ccapac, i, 136, 194, 329, 354, 409; ii, 12, 17, 22, 23, 99
Manco Ynca, i, 304, 305; ii, 11, 30, 222;
assumption of the sovereign fringe by, 17
Mayta Ccapac, fourth Ynca, ii, 103;
death, 107
Nanque Yupanqui, son of Huayna Ccapac, ii, 222
Paullu Ynca, i, 77;
funeral obsequies, ii, 104, 196 n., 222
Quizquiz, general of Atahualpa, ii, 8, 164, 227
Rahua Ocllo. (See Mama Rahua.)
Rocca Ynca, ii, 111;
reign, ii, 113;
obsequies, 115
—— —— a general of Huascar, ii, 233
Rumi-Ñaui, a general of Atahualpa, ii, 227
Runta-Ccoya, Queen of the Ynca Uira-ccocha, ii, 121
Sapana. (See Zapana.)
Sayri Tupac, ii, 11
Sinchi Rocca, ii, 23, 24;
reign, ii, 99
Tici-uira-ccocha, god, i, 299; ii, 1, 6, 7;
name, 8, 9, 22, 24;
image, 97
Titu, a son of Huayna Ccapac, ii, 222
Tuapaca, name of Tici-uira-ccocha in Collao, ii. 6
Tumbala, lord of Puna, i, 195; ii, 211
Tupac Ynca Yupanqui, i, 147, 149, 165, 169, 178, 192, 217, 261, 269, 313, 337, 357; ii, 25, 44, 64, 86, 99, 150, 163, 170;
accession, 171, 172;
subjugated the Collas, 173, 174, 175;
march to Chinchasuyu, ii, 177;
at Caxamarca, 178;
at Bracamoros, 179;
conquest of coast valleys, 185-193;
conquest of Chile, 195;
death, 196
—— —— a son of Huayna Ccapac, ii, 222
Tupac Hualpa, a son of Huayna Ccapac, ii, 222
Tupac Uasco, chief of the Chancas, ii, 118, 147, 151, 157
Tuta Palla, mother of Atahualpa, ii, 203
Uasco. (See Tupac Uasco.)
Ucumari, general of Atahualpa, ii, 232
Uillac Umu, High Priest, i, 329; ii, 86, 97
Uira-ccocha Ynca, i, 332, 338, 355, 363; ii, 64, 71;
accession, 120;
reign, 121 to 136;
abdication, 137, 140
—— (God), i, 162, 357, 367. (See Tici-uira-ccocha.)
Urco Ynca, ii, 129;
objections to his accession, 137;
accession, 138;
vicious conduct, 139, 140, 141;
deposition, 144, 146
Urco Huaranca, governor of Atahualpa, ii, 233
Viracocha. (See Uira-ccocha.)
Ynca Yupanqui, accession, ii, 116;
murder, ii, 117
—— —— ii, 129, 139;
defence of Cuzco by, 140;
defeats the Chancas, 143;
accession, 144;
march of his army, 147;
rule, 152;
meaning of name, 158;
builds fortress of Cuzco, 158-164;
proceedings, 165;
conquest of the Collao, 167;
of Condesuyos, 168;
invades Anti-suyu, 168, 169;
abdicates, 171
Yumalla, chief of the Collao, i, 373
ZaÑu, chief of, ii, 100
Zapana, lord in the Collao, i, 363, 369; ii, 2, 3, 14, 117, 130;
embassy from, 132;
death, 135, 170
A, B, C, E, G, H, L, M, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, Z
Aldana, Lorenzo de, founded Pasto, i, 123;
his kind treatment of the natives, and bequest in their favour, i, 124 n.
Almagro, Diego de, i, 7, 159, 186, 256, 318, 419
Almagro, Diego de (the lad), i, 306, 312, 335; ii, 13
Alvarado, Alonzo de, i, 159, 279, 282
Alvarado, Pedro de, i, 148, 155, 156, 157, 185, 186, 248
Alvarado, Gomez de, i, 157, 281, 283
Aranda, a Spaniard. Evidence as to converse with devils, ii, 132
Bachicao, Hernando, hanged at Juli by Francisco de Carbajal, i, 373
Belalcazar, Sebastian de, i, 79, 93, 105, 110, 113, 145, 201, 423;
marches to assist Gasca, i, 151, 186
Blasco NuÑez Vela, i, 187, 139
Bobadilla, Fray Francisco de, the umpire between Pizarro and Almagro, i, 256
Bueno, Martin, one of the first soldiers who went to Cuzco, ii, 9
Carbajal, Francisco de, i, 362, 373, 422
Carrasco, Alonzo, had seen the trophy of bodies of the Chancas, ii, 145
Castro, Vaca de, i, 283, 312
Centeno, Diego de, i, 380, 384
Chaves, Francisco de, i, 292
Cieza de Leon, Pedro de (the author), dedication of his work, i, 1;
his habit of writing on the march, i, 3;
plan of his work, i, 6;
collecting information concerning the coast, i, 27;
loses his journal after the battle of Xaquixaguana, i, 32;
joins Vadillo, i, 41;
method of collecting information, i, 177;
marching to join the royal army, i, 151, 167, 241;
crosses bridge over the Apurimac, i, 319;
goes to Charcas, i, 339;
at Pucara, i, 368;
takes notes in the Collao, 364;
at Tiahuanaco, i, 376; ii, 173;
proposes to form plantations of trees, i, 401;
sees God’s hand in the conquest of the Indies, i, 418;
finishes the first part of his work, i, 427;
record of retribution, i, 423;
inquires of the natives as to their condition before the time of the Yncas, ii, 2;
visits the temple of Cacha, ii, 7;
information from citizens of Cuzco, ii, 3;
Ynca sources of information, ii, 11, 121;
plan of his second part, ii, 24;
learns the practical use of the quipus at Xauxa, ii, 34;
praises Ynca rule, ii, 47;
heard oracles speak at Bahaire, ii, 131;
visits the fortress of Cuzco, ii, 162;
conclusion of his work, ii, 236
Elemosin, Diego Rodriguez, great wealth discovered by, ii, 89
Escobar, Maria de, introduced wheat into Peru, i, 400
Gasca, Pedro de la, i, 208, 241, 318, 320, 339
Gomara, Francisco Lopez de, criticism on, ii, 67
Guevara, Juan Perez de, conquests in the eastern forests, i, 280
Gutierrez Felipe, his discoveries south of Peru, i, 383
Guzman, Hernando de, present at the siege of Cuzco;
visits the fortress of Cuzco with the author, ii, 162
Heredia, Nicolas de, discoveries south of Peru, i, 383
HiÑojosa, Ruy Sanchez de, discoveries in the direction of Rio de la Plata;
killed by Heredia, i, 384
Ladrillero, Juan, navigates Lake Titicaca, i, 370
Ledesma, Baltasar de, retribution on, i, 423
Loaysa, Geronimo de, Archbishop of Lima, i, 227, 424
Maldonado, Diego de, his estates, i, 317 n.; ii, 139 n.
Moguer, name of one of the first soldiers who went to Cuzco, ii, 9
Ondegardo, Polo de, corregidor of Charcas, i, 387
Orellana, Francisco de, i, 112, 202, 406
OrgoÑez, Rodrigo, i, 254, 304
Otaso, Marcos, a priest, who gave the author an account of the harvest ceremony at Lampa, i, 412
Pacheco, Juan, his experience of the conduct of devils in obstructing the conversion of heathens, i, 416, 417
Pancorvo, Juan de, estate at Ayaviri, i, 359;
had seen the trophy of Chanca bodies, ii, 145
Pinto, Simon, corregidor of Chucuito, i, 373
Pizarro, Francisco, i, 21, 156, 214, 244, 250, 256, 268, 272, 310, 329, 353; ii, 9, 34, 220
Pizarro, Gonzalo, i, 32, 137, 303, 311, 320, 380
Pizarro, Hernando, i, 253, 254, 335; ii, 13
Puelles, Pedro de, i, 187, 283
Rios, Pedro de los, i, 419
Saavedra, Juan de, arrived in Peru with Pedro de Alvarado, i, 157, 185;
as governor of Cuzco, assisted the author in his researches, ii, 11
Santa Maria, Fray Juan de, trouble with the devil when baptizing a chief, i, 417
Santo Tomas, Fray Domingo de, his labours in the study of Quichua, i, 163;
gives information to the author, i, 219;
his evidence respecting the wiles of the devil, i, 225;
founds a monastery in the coast valley of Chacama, i, 242, 427
Santillan, Hernando de, judge of the Audiencia, i, 425; ii, 236;
had seen the author’s work, ii, 236
Saravia, Dr. Bravo de, judge of the Audiencia, i, 205, 425;
had seen the author’s work, ii, 236
Solano, Juan de, Bishop of Cuzco, i, 424
Sosa, Hernan Rodriquez de, retribution on, for cruelty to Indians, i, 423
Terrazas, BartolomÉ de, his estate at Cacha, ii, 6 n.
Tobar, Francisco de, retribution on, for cruelty to Indians, i, 422
Uzeda, Diego de, goes with the author to Charcas, i, 365
Valverde, Vicente de, Bishop of Cuzco, i, 424
Varagas, Juan de, held the Indians of Tiahuanaco in encomienda, i, 379
Vasquez, Tomas, his estate in Ayaviri;
gives information to the author, ii, 3;
the author visits the fortress of Cuzco with, ii, 162
Vergara, Pedro de, i, 205
Villadiego, Captain, sent against the Ynca Manco, i, 305
Villacastin, Francisco de, at Ayaviri with the author, ii, 3 n.
Villaroel, discovered mines of Potosi, i, 386
Zarate, name of one of the first three soldiers who went to Cuzco, ii, 9
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S, V
Accounts, method of keeping by means of quipus, i, 290; ii, 33;
use at Xauxa, 34, 35, 53, 57, 61, 165;
audit of, ii, 61
Administrative system of the Yncas, ii, 36, 37, 209
Adobes, sun-dried bricks, i, 129, 219, 251
Aguacate, a fruit. (See Palta.)
Aji pepper, i, 42, 232; ii, 94
Algoroba trees, i, 129, 235, 239 n.
Alpacas, i, 394; ii, 45
Amazons, a race of, ii, 3
Andenes, i, 321; ii, 160
Andes, description, i, 129;
forests, 323, 337;
animals and snakes, 338;
riches of, 406
Army: military colonies, ii, 69;
order of marching, 73, 199;
assembly of, 133, 147, 153, 165, 177, 205;
discipline of, 177, 205;
difficult march, 200, 201;
method of defending fortified
places, 217, 218;
Huascar calls for an assembly of the army, 233
Art, Peruvian works of, i, 403, 404
Assessment of tribute, ii, 51, 52
Astronomical knowledge, ii, 82
Authority for the history, ii, 11, 24, 25, 121
Balsas, used at sea, i, 265;
on the rivers, ii, 125
Barley, i, 144, 400
Baths of the Yncas, i, 271, 285 n.
Building, skill of the Yncas in, i, 405; ii, 160, 161-164
Cannibalism, absence of, ii, 79
Ceremonies of the Yncas, previous to accession, ii, 18, 19. (See Festival, Funeral, Harvest, Homage.)
Chain, golden, at Cuzco, ii, 19, 20, 91, 97, 153, 226;
lost, ii, 97
Chicha, fermented liquor, i, 152, 220; ii, 18, 85, 87, 94, 95, 200
Children, naming, i, 231;
of the Ynca, ii, 26, 27
Chirimoyas. (See Guanavanas.)
Climate of Peru, i, 130;
of Quito, i, 140;
of Peruvian coast, i, 214;
of the Collao, i, 360
Cloth-weaving, i, 405
Coast valleys, i, 129, 214-216 to 268;
fertility of, i, 233. (See Yuncas.)
Colonists, i, 149, 150, 209, 271, 328, 362;
account of system, 67-71, passim
Conquests, system of, ii, 47, 48-49
Cotton, i, 143, 393
Couriers. (See Posts.)
Crime, punishment of, ii, 81
Deserts of the coast, i, 128, 238, 240;
peopling of, ii, 70
Devil. (See Supay.)
Dogs, i, 235
Doorways, monolithic, at Tiahuanaco, i, 276
Drainage of swamp at Cuzco, ii, 99
Dyes used by Indians, i, 405
Ears, ceremony of piercing, ii, 19
Earthquakes at Arequipa, i, 268
Emigrants. (See Colonists.)
Festival of Hatun Raymi, ii, 94, 95
Fish used as manure, i, 255
Fishing on the coast, i, 267
Flowers used at sacrifices, i, 71
Fortress (see Pucara);
buildings of the fortress at Cuzco, ii, 160-164
Foxes, i, 227, 402
Fringe. (See Head-dress.)
Fruits, i, 234, 235, 283;
pepino, ii, 212
Funeral obsequies of an Ynca, ii, 104, 115
Gold, i, 57, 70, 77, 79, 86, 336;
of Caravaya, 369, 381; ii, 40. (See Treasure.)
Golden maize and animals at the temple of the Sun, 85
Guanavanas (or Chirimoyas), i, 234
Harvest festivities, i, 412; ii, 97
Head-dresses, i, 171, 172, 330; ii, 72;
of the CaÑaris, i, 167; ii, 72;
of chiefs on the coast, i, 225;
Carinas, i, 330;
of the Collao, i, 363; ii, 72;
of the Huancas, ii, 72;
of the Canas, ii, 72;
of the Yuncas, ii, 72;
of the Canchis, ii, 72;
fringe or Llautu of the sovereign, ii, 2, 19
High priest of the Sun, or Uillac Umu, i, 329, 414; ii, 86, 97
Homage, ceremony of, in the Collao, ii, 136
Honey, eaten by old Carbajal, i, 362
Hunt, royal, ii, 45
Irrigation works, i, 236, 263;
near Cuzco, i, 354
Journeys of the Yncas, ii, 62, 63
Justice, administration of, ii, 81
Knighthood, ceremony of investiture, ii, 19, 101
Labour, organisation of, ii, 58
Land, partition of, ii, 75
Language general, or Quichua, i, 163, 146, 407; ii, 76, 77
Llamas, i, 393; ii, 45
Memorials. (See Records.)
Mines in CaÑaris, i, 169;
of emeralds at Manta, i, 182;
in Tarapaca, 266, 267;
Conchucos, 293;
Potosi, 382-386, 390, 391;
Charcas, 385;
Porco, 385
Mining industry, ii, 53
Morality of the Yncas, ii, 80
Mummies of the Yncas, ii, 30, 31
Obeisance, mark of, ii, 38
Oracles, consultation of, ii, 103, 131
Palta, a fruit, i, 16, 73, 99, 234
Pepinos, i, 234; ii, 212
Posts and runners, system of, ii. 64, 65, 66
Potatoes, i, 360
Priest. (See High Priest.)
Queen of the Ynca, selection, ii, 24
Quichua. (See Language.)
Quipus. (See Accounts, Records.)
Rain, absence of on the coast, i, 214
Recitations of wise men, ii, 32
Records and memorials of the Yncas, ii, 28;
system of recording events, ii, 29
Religion (See Yncas):
of the CaÑaris, i, 162;
of the Huancavilcas, i, 181;
of the Mantos, i, 183;
of the Huamanchucos, i, 289;
of the Canas, i, 357;
of the Collas, i, 366;
of the Huanucas, i, 285;
of the Huancas, i, 299;
of the coast people, i, 221
Retribution on Spaniards for cruelty to the Indians, i, 422, 423
Riches of the Yncas, ii, 39. (See Treasure.)
Roads, Ynca, i, 153, 217, 253, 287, 290, 293, 302, 320, 326; ii, 42-44;
posts, ii, 64, 65, 66;
road of Chincha sayu, ii, 177, 204;
road from Cuzco to Quito, ii, 183
Runners, system of, ii, 64, 65
Sacrifices, human, practice much exaggerated by Spaniards;
but the author does not deny its existence, ii, 79, 80;
account of, ii, 87, 89, 103
Sarsaparilla, i, 200, 395
Silver at Potosi, i, 388;
at Charcas, i, 385
Skulls, custom of flattening, i, 96, 363
Snakes, war with, ii, 166
Statistics, Ynca system of, i, 57
Sun, temple of, at Cuzco, ii, 83-85;
figure of, lost, ii, 97, 98
Ccuri-cancha at Cuzco, i, 328, 385; ii, 9, 22, 23, 71, 83, 85, 101, 103, 158, 203;
of Huanacauri, ii, 14, 18, 20, 22, 87, 101, 103, 107;
of Ancocagua, i, 357; ii, 88, 89;
of Coropuna, ii, 89;
of VilcaÑota, ii, 88, 134, 169;
of Pachacamac, i, 251, 253, 254; ii, 90, 187, 211, 213
Traditions, of bearded men at Titicaca, ii, 4;
of a strange man of great stature, ii, 5;
of the brethren of Paccari-tampu, ii, 12, 13
Treasure, ii, 39;
lost, ii, 42, 97, 98 (see Gold);
treasure of the Yncas, ii, 39, 40
Trees of Peru, i, 129, 142, 235, 239, 397, 401;
fruit trees, i, 234
Tribute, ii, 51-56
Vice, absence of, ii, 78
ceremonies, ii, 18, 19, 20;
wife, children, ii, 26, 27;
memorials of, 28, 32;
mummies of deceased, i, 226; ii, 30, 31;
forethought of, ii, 37;
mark of obeisance to, ii, 38;
riches of, ii, 39, 40;
attendance on, ii, 41;
roads of, ii, 42-44;
hunts, 45, 46;
method of conquest, ii, 47-49;
system of colonising, ii, 50, 67;
tribute, ii, 51-56;
statistics, ii, 57;
audit of accounts, ii, 61;
organisation of labour, ii, 58;
governors appointed by, ii, 59;
order of marching, ii, 73;
punishment of offences, ii, 74, 81;
partition of land, ii, 75;
journeys, ii, 76;
absence of vicious practices, ii, 78;
morality, ii, 80;
councillors, ii, 81;
astronomical knowledge, ii, 82