ss="indx">Glass-mending, with allied processes, 33-49; old proverb on, 33 Glass-powder, 136; how to prepare, 27 Glass, to pulverise, 234 Glazed or patent leather, how to make, 193 Glaze-mediums, 228 Gloves, how cleaned, 238 Glue, 4; and lime cement, 41; for coarse work, 235; waterproof, 186 Glycerine, in cements, 6; with glue, 68 Gomme laque, or shellac, 249 Goupil, F., Manual of Mending, 32, 64, 218, 222, 225 Grease-spots, to remove, 92 Green, Dr. Samuel A., on book-worms, 115 Grinding off fractures in glass, 48 Ground for wax-painting, 228, 229 Grounds of pictures, 221 Guards for mending broken fictile wares, 31, 32 Gum for general use, 243 Gum-mastic, 16, 22 Gum (or starch), 2, 3 Gutta-percha and oil cement for mending soles, 192 Gutta-percha cement for leather, 189 Gypsum, 6 Hard cement for all wood, 80 Harness, saddle, and bridle repairing, 193 Hats, blankets, &c., to mend by felting, 199-201 Heating wood before glueing, 60 Heigelin, Professor, exhibition of flowers made from shavings, 68 Hide, raw, 189 Hildebrand, Wolfgang, on liquid glass, 7, 35, 148 Hofer, Johannes, 142 Hofer, Raimund, on indiarubber, 159, 168 Holding together broken china while mending, &c., 17 Holes in leather repaired with linen, 161 Horn, to mould or soften, 148, 251 Hubbard, Ernst, “The rendering Valuable of Refuse Wood,” by, 69 Hyatt’s patent ivory, 153 Hydraulic lime, 8 Ignorance, general, as to cleaning pictures, 212 Imitation indiarubber cl
ndx">Ox-gall in cleaning pictures, 218 Oxidised cement, 176 Page, the American painter, 210 Pages in books, to repair when torn, 90, 91, 94 Paget’s French mastic, 136 Pamphlets, binding, 100 Panel pictures, repairing, with shavings, 57; fourteenth century, in distemper, &c., 227 Panel, warped, how to straighten a, 228 Panels of artificial wood, 81; cements for, 82 Paper and wood-shavings, 52 Paper, its composition, 86, 87; repairing damaged paper, 86, 87 Paper-leather, 129, 130 Papier-mÂchÉ, or softened paper, 106, 121-133; articles made from, 121; moulding, 121, 122 Paracelsus, 35 Parchment paper, how to prepare, 95, 96 Parchment, repairing, 122; artificial, from paper, 122 Parland, Mr., 128 Paste of starch or flour, 10 Paste, leather, the same mixed with indiarubber, 185; use and preparation, &c., 186 Paste, bookbinders’, 96; shoemakers’, 197 Patches, inserting, 201 Patterns cut from wood-shavings (engraving), 51-53 Pavements, to repair different kinds, 28 Peat, 78 Philatius, the inventor of book-binding and glue, 99 Pictures, restoring, 210-230; glazed and scaling, how to treat, 226 Plaster of Paris, alum, and glass cement, 141 Plugging teeth with indiarubber, 166 Polytechnic cement and imperial liquid glue, also Keye’s cement, 39 Porcelain, 18 Potatoes as cement, &c., 9 Pots, cracks in iron, 180 Prepare, to, wood for paint, 83 Process of restoring worn and injured binding of a book, and of a bas-relief in leather, 183-185 Proper paste, the, for wallpaper, waterproof, 164, 165 Pulp, paper, 130-133 Putty, 33, THE END |