ost@g@html@files@27842@27842-h@27842-h-8.htm.html#Page_166" class="pginternal">166-167 - See also Clinton iron ores.
Bisbee, Arizona, copper ores, 47, 198, 204, 314, 316 Bismuth ores, 252-253, 397 Bitumen and asphalt, 56, 151-153, 397 Black Hills, South Dakota, gold ores, 228, 229 "Blue ground," occurrence of diamonds in, 291 "Bluestone," 84 Bohemia, uranium and radium ores, 265 Boise Basin, Idaho, monazite deposits, 289 Boleo, Lower California, copper ores, 201 Bolivia, antimony, 247 - bismuth, 252, 253
- borax, 275
- copper, 206
- nitrates, 103
- petroleum, 128
- silver, 232
- tin, 261, 262-263
- tungsten, 183, 184
Bolivia, commercial and political control of various minerals, 64 Bonne Terre limestone, Missouri, zinc ores, 217 Boone formation, Missouri, zinc ores, 217 Borax, 274-277, 397 Borax Lake, California, borax deposits, 276 Borneo, diamond dust, 268 Bort, 267, 268, 398 Boulder batholith, Montana, ore-deposits of, 44 Boulder County, Colorado, tungsten ores, 184 Braden copper ores, Chile, 199 Brazil, chromite, 179 - coal, 116
- diamonds and diamond dust, 268, 292
- graphite, 280
- iron, 52-53, 162, 165, 167, 313
- manganese, 174-175, 176
- mica, 286
- monazite, 288, 289
- oil shales, 151
- zirconium, 189-190
Brazil, commercial and political control of various minerals, 64 Briey district, France, iron ores, 161, 270 Chile, borax, 275, 276 - bromine, 277
- coal, 116
- copper, 197-199, 203
- iron, 155, 161, 162, 164, 171
- manganese, 176
- nitrates, 100, 101-104
- phosphates, 105, 106
- potash, 112
- silver, 232
- sulphur, 109-110
Chile, commercial and political control of various minerals, 64, 261 China, antimony, 247-248, 249 - arsenic, 250, 251
- bismuth, 252
- coal, 115, 116, 127, 154
- iron, 154, 160, 164, 165, 171
- petroleum, 128
- salt, 294
- silver, 232
- tin, 260
- tungsten, 183, 184
China, commercial and political control of various minerals, 64 "Chloriding" for silver ores, 314 Chrome (or chromite) ores, 178-180, 307, 365-366, 398 Clarke, F. W., 13, 17, 18 Classification of mineral deposits, 27-59 - of mineral lands, 309-311
- of mineral materials, adjustment of scientific to commercial names, 356
Clays, 18, 85, 91-92, 398 Cle Elum, Washington, iron ores, 58 Cleavage, 26 Cleveland district, England, iron ores, 161 Clifton-Morenci district, Arizona, copper ores, 38, 198 Climate, as a factor in exploration, 315 - effect of in formation of bauxites, 246
Clinton iron ores, 9, 52-53, 222, 232, 257, 261, 271, 288, 387 - participation of government in mineral trade, 388
- relative position in regard to supplies of minerals, 399
Geysers, 72 Gilbert, Chester G., 123 Gilbert, Chester G., and Pogue, Joseph E., 119, 134, 138 Gilpin County, Colorado, uranium ores, 266 Glacial geology, application to railroad building, 418 - application to road materials, 91, 418
Glacial soils, 95 Globe, Arizona, copper ores, 198 Gneissic structure, 26 Gogebic district, Michigan, iron ores, 312, 318, 325-326 Gold, monetary reserves, 223 Gold Coast, West Africa, manganese, 176 Gold ores, 36-50, 51, 221-230, 308-309, 313-314, 397 Goldfield, Nevada, alunite, 41-42, 114 Gossan, 47, 109, 173, 313 Government ownership and control. See Nationalization. Governments, participation in mineral ownership and international trade, 388-390 Granite, 17, 19, 82, 90 Graphite, 279-283, 398 Graphite Association, Southern, 405 Gravel, sand and, 84-85 Gray, F. W., 368 Great Basin, Nevada, covering of mineral deposits by lavas, 311-312 - gold-silver ores, occurrence in a metallogenic province, 308
- tungsten ores, 185
Great Britain, arsenic, 250 - barite, 272
- cadmium, 253
- cement, 78
- chalk, 83
- clay, 85
- coal, 115-117, 126, 127<
html@files@27842@27842-h@27842-h-15.htm.html#Page_364" class="pginternal">364
- choice of for valuation purposes, 233
- limiting effect on acquirement of reserves, 334
- International aspects of mineral resources, 2, 383-404
- International Coal Commission, 387, 393, 402
- International trade, in common rocks, 80
- in minerals, 383-388
- participation of governments, 388-390
- Intrusive rocks, formation of, 19
- Iowa, flint linings, 269
- Ireland, bauxite, 242
- Iron and coal, situation of western Europe under terms of Peace Treaty, 400-403
- Iron and steel, metallurgical processes, 158-159
- Iron and steel industry, possible establishment on west coast of United States, 155, 165
- Iron cap, of sulphide deposits, 47, 109, 313
- Iron ores, anti-conservational effect of war, 365
- attempt to estimate reserves of continents, 322
- exploration of in Lake Superior region, 323-326
- general geologic and economic features, 8-9, 28, 34, 36, 47, 50, 52-53, 55-56, 58, 96, 153-156, 158-173, 397
- litigation concerning Cuban, 349
- metallogenic provinces and epochs, 308-309
- outcrops, 312-313
- taxation of in Lake Superior region, 335
- use of magnetic surveys, 317-318
- world reserves, 162-165, 360-361
- Itabirite, 167
- Italy, asbestos, 271, 272
- asphalt and bitumen, 152
- barite, 272
- bauxite, 242
- borax, 275
- cement, 87
- graphite, 280
- manganese, 176
- marble, 83
- mercury, 256-257
- natural gas, 151
- petroleum, 128
- pumice, 268
- salt, 294
- sulphur, 237, 314
- zinc, 42, 216, 219
- Monte Amiata district, Italy, mercury ores, 257
- Morenci-Metcalf district, Arizona, copper ores, 38, 198
- Mother Lode district, California, gold ores, 229, 308, 316
- Munitions Resources Commission of Canada, 404
- Nancy, France, iron ores, 161
- National Academy of Sciences, 407
- National Conservation Commission, 367
- National district, Nevada, antimony ores, 249
- Nationalization of mineral resources 345-347, 375-376, 377-378, 382, 388
- Natural abrasives, 267-270, 397
- Natural gas, 57, 151
- Nebraska, potash, 112, 114
- Netherlands. See Holland, Dutch East Indies, etc.
- Nevada, alunite, 39, 41-42, 114
- antimony, 247, 249
- bismuth, 253
- borax, 275, 276
- copper, 41, 199, 203
- diatomaceous earth, 269
- gold, 36, 222, 230, 308, 311-312
- graphite, 281
- grinding pebbles, 268
- mercury, 357
- oil shales, 151
- platinum, 239-240
- silver, 36, 38, 234, 235-237, 308, 311-312
- tungsten, 183
- turquoise, 293
- zinc, 216
- New Almaden, California, mercury ores, 259
- New Brunswick, gypsum, 283-284
- New Caledonia, chromite, 178-179 nickel, 180-182
- New Cornelia, Arizona, copper ores, 203
- Newfoundland, iron ores, 52-53, 160, 166
- laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 344
117, 400-403 - effect of terms on valuation problems, 335
- Silesian lead and zinc ores, 210, 214
- Pearls, 289-292
- Peat, formation of, 123-124
- Pegmatites, 19-20, 35, 39
- Peneplains, formation of, 6
- Pennsylvania, basalt, 82
- clay, 85
- coal, 115, 117, 126
- flint linings, 269
- graphite, 281
- iron, 171
- limestone, 83
- natural gas, 151
- petroleum, 133
- sand and gravel, 85
- sandstone, 84
- serpentine, 83
- silica for refractories, 195
- slate, 85
- Persia, petroleum 128-130, 137, 391
- Peru, bismuth, 252
- borax, 275
- coal, 116
- copper, 197-198
- mercury, 258
- molybdenum, 186
- nitrates, 103
- petroleum, 128, 137
- phosphates, 106
- silver, 232
- tungsten, 183
- vanadium, 187, 188
- Petroleum, 57, 127-150, 307, 310, 386, 396, 398
- Petroliferous provinces, 149, 308
- Petrology, relation to economic geology, 3
- Philipsburg, Montana, manganese and silver ores, 37, 175, 176-177, 237
- Phosphates, 99-100, 104-107, 397
- Physiography, general discussion and relations to economic geology, 6-10
- Physiography, relation to bridge building, 413
- relation to Hudson River tunnels, 415
- relation to railway construction, 418
- relation to river and harbor improvements, 5
- relation to topography, 7
- Subsidence of ground over mining operations, geologic study of, 357, 417
- Sudbury, Ontario, cobalt, 255
- Sulphide enrichment. See Secondary enrichment.
- Sulphur, 99-100, 109-111, 397
- Sulphur Bank Springs, California, deposition of mercury by hot waters, 259
- Supergene ores, use of term, 32, 33, 48
- Surface water supplies, 76-78
- Surface waters, application of geology to use of, 414
- relation to excavation and construction, 78-79
- Sweden, cement, 87
- iron, 154, 155, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 171
- manganese, 176
- phosphate from Thomas slag, 104
- zinc, 214
- See also Scandinavia.
- Switzerland, cement, 87
- nitrogen fixation plants, 102
- Syngenetic ore deposits, use of term, 32, 34, 51
- Taconite, 167
- Talc and soapstone, 299-300, 397
- Tankage, use of phosphate content, 104
- Tariffs, proposed, on mineral resources, 175-176, 179, 184, 192, 248, 257-258
- Tariffs and duties, anti-conservational effect of, 362-363, 366, 375, 376, 393-394
- Tasmania, bismuth, 252
- Taxation of mineral resources, 1, 335-341
- Tennessee, barite, 273
- bauxite, 243, 245
- copper, 204
- flint linings, 269
- marble, 397
- monazite, 288, 289, 398
- natural abrasives, 267-270, 397, 398
- natural gas, 151
- nickel, 181, 398
- nitrates, 102, 398
- oil shales, 150-151
- petroleum, 128-150, 396, 398
- phosphates, 104-107, 397
- platinum, 238-240, 398
- potash, 112-114, 398
- precious stones, 290, 292-293, 398
- pumice, 268, 398
- pyrite, 107-109, 397
- salt, 294-298, 397
- silica, 195-196
- silver, 231-237, 397
- stone, 82-88, 397
- sulphur, 109-111, 397
- talc, 299, 300, 397
- tin, 261, 262, 398
- titanium, 190-191, 398
- tripoli, 269, 398
- tungsten, 183-185, 398
- uranium and radium, 264-266, 397
- vanadium, 18, 188, 398
- zinc, 214-220, 398
- zirconium, 189, 398
- United States, control of various minerals in other countries, 64, 102, 129, 152, 163-164, 165, 175, 180-181, 184, 187, 189, 191,
Transcriber's Note Some inconsistent spelling in the text has been retained. Page x DEVELOPMNET changed to DEVELOPMENT Page 87 Unites changed to United Page 89 heterogenous changed to heterogeneous Page 179 Guatemela changed to Guatemala Paqe 329 familar changed to familiar Page 433 Afrcia changed to Africa Page 434 Winconsin changed to Wisconsin Page 444 westtern changed to western Page 450 ownnership changed to ownership |