Arch street bridge, Paterson, destruction of; 27
Beattie's dam, flood flow at; 16-17
flood period at; 9
view of; 16
Bridges, destruction of; 26-27
Capacity of streams, increase in; 28
Central Basin, damage in; 24
flood in, descent of; 14-15
Charlotteburg, rainfall at;11, 12
Chatham, flood period at; 10
Chester, rainfall at; 11
Cranberry Pond, dam at, failure of; 24
Damages, discussion of; 23-28
Darlington, reservoir site at; 33
Dixons Pond, reservoir site at; 37
Dover, rainfall at; 11, 12
Drought, relation of rainfall to; 12
Dundee dam, flood flow over; 17-22
flood flow over, diagram showing; 20
flood period at; 9
floods at, comparison of, figure showing; 18
East Jersey Water Company, damage at pumping station of; 25-26
Elizabeth, rainfall at; 11
Essex Fells, rainfall at; 11, 12
Flood, descent of; 14-22
period of; 9-10
prevention of; 28-44
Flood damage, plates showing; 26, 28
Floods, general conclusions concerning; 44-45
Great Passaic Swamp, reservoir site at; 38-39
Great Piece reservoir, cost of, estimate of; 42
Greenwood Lake, use of; 34
Hanover, rainfall at; 11
Hebrew quarter, Paterson, devastation in, plate showing; 28
Highland tributaries, damages along; 23-25
descent of flood in; 14-15
Hotel, wreck of, plate showing; 26
Little Falls, dam at, view of; 16
damage at; 25-26
flood flow at; 16-17
flood period at; 9
rainfall at; 12
Longwood Valley, reservoir site in; 37
Lower Longwood, reservoir site near; 38
Lower Valley, damage in; 25-28
improvements in, discussion of; 29-31
Ludlum Steel and Iron Company, water front of; 24
Macopin dam, flood flow at; 15-16
flood period at; 10
Main street bridge, Paterson, destruction of; 27
Midvale, proposed reservoir near; 34
Mill district, Paterson, effects of flood in, plate showing; 26
Millington, reservoir site near; 38-39, 40
Mountain View, reservoir site at; 31-33, 40
Mountain View reservoir, cost of, estimate of; 43
New York City, rainfall at; 11, 13
Newark, rainfall at; 11, 12, 13
Newark water department, information furnished by; 16
Newell, F. H., letter of transmittal by; 7
Newfoundland, reservoir site near; 36, 40
Nigger Pond, dam at, failure of; 24
Oakland, reservoir site near; 34
Obstructions to flow of Passaic River, discussion of; 29-30
Old Boonton, flood period at; 10
Passaic, damage at; 27-28
inundated lands at, plate showing; 28
Passaic Basin, reservoir sites in upper; 38-39
storage facilities in, effect of; 11
Passaic River, bridge over, plate showing; 28
flood flow of; 17-22
diagram showing; 20
flood period on; 10
floods on, comparison of, diagram showing; 18
flow of, obstructions to; 29-30
Passaic Valley, rainfall in; 11, 12
Paterson, damage at; 26-27
flood district of, plate showing; 24
flood-water lines in residence district of, plate showing; 16
Hebrew quarter in, devastation in, plate showing; 28
mill district, effects of flood in, plate showing; 26
rainfall at; 11, 12
residence district, flood-water lines in, plate showing; 16
views in; 16, 24, 26, 28
Pequanac Basin, reservoir sites in; 35-36, 40, 41
Pequanac River, damage along; 24
flood flow of; 16
flood period on; 10
Petersburg, reservoir site near; 37
Plainfield, rainfall at; 11
Pompton Lake, dry bed of, plate showing; 24
reservoir site at; 33-35
Pompton Lakes, damage at; 24
Pompton Lakes dam, plate showing; 24
Pompton Plains, damage at; 24
highest water at; 10
Pompton reservoir, discussion of; 31-33
Powerville, reservoir site near; 37
Precipitation, amount of; 11-14
Prevention of floods, discussion of; 28-45
Rainfall, amount of; 11-14
relation of drought to; 12
Ramapo River, damages along; 23-24
flood on, time of; 9
Ramapo Valley, reservoir sites in; 33-34, 40, 41
Reservoir sites, comparison of; 40-44
Reservoirs for preventing floods, discussion of; 28, 31-40
Residence district, Paterson, flood-water lines in, plate showing; 16
Ringwood, rainfall at; 11, 12
Ringwood Creek, reservoir site on; 35
River street, Paterson, view of; 26
River Vale, rainfall at; 11, 12
Rockaway Basin, reservoir sites on; 37-38, 40, 41
Rockaway River, flood period on; 10
Saddle River, reservoir sites on; 39-40
Sherrerd, M. R., aid by; 15
Smith, G. W., quoted on changes in channel at Little Falls; 25
South Orange, rainfall at; 11, 12
Splitrock Pond, reservoir site on; 38
Spruce street, Paterson, washout at, plate showing; 26
Stickle Pond, proposed reservoir at; 36
Stony Brook, reservoir site on; 37
Storage reservoirs for preventing floods, discussion of; 28, 31-40
Streams, capacity of, increase in; 28
Vermeule, C. C., quoted on Pompton reservoir; 31-32
Wanaque Basin, reservoir sites in; 34-35, 40, 41
West Street Bridge, Paterson, destruction of; 26
West Brook, reservoir site on; 35