B. Burnt. P.B. Partly Burnt. D. Damaged. S. Damaged by Shot and Shell. NORTH OF THE RIVER SEINE.
| Div. of Map. | 1 | Palace of the Tuileries, B | 8 | 2 | Museum of the Louvre, P.B | 8 | 3 | Palais Royal, B | 8 | 4 | The Bourse (Exchange) | 8 | 5 | The New Opera House | 8 | 6 | The Church of the Madeleine, D | 8 | 7 | The Column VendÔme (overthrown) | 8 | 8 | The Palace of the ElysÉe | 7 | 9 | The Triumphal Arch, D | 7 | 10 | Palais de l’Industrie, B | 7 | 11 | Church of St. Augustin, D | 8 | 12 | ” of the Trinity, B | 8 | 13 | ” Notre Dame de Lorette | 8 | 14 | MinistÈre of Marine | 8 | 15 | BibliothÈque Nationale | 8 | 16 | Halles Centrales, S | 8 | 17 | Church of Saint Eustache, D | 8 | 18 | OpÉra Comique | 8 | 19 | Church of St. Vincent de Paul | 8 | 20 | Hospital of LariboisiÈre, D | 3 | 21 | Barracks of Prince EugÈne, D | 9 | 22 | Hospital of St. Louis | 9 | 23 | Prison of La Roquette, D | 14 | 24 | Statue of Prince EugÈne (removed) | 14 | 25 | HÔtel de Ville, B | 13 | 26 | Tower of St. Jacques, D | 13 | 27 | Prison of Mazas | 14 | 28 | Barracks NapolÉon, B | 14 | 29 | Conservatoire of Arts and MÉtiers | 9 | 30 | Hospital of St. EugÉnie | 15 | 31 | Cattle Market and Slaughter H | 5 | 32 | Magasins of Bercy (sacked) | 20 | 33 | MinistÈre des Finances, B | 8 | 34 | Place de la Concorde, D | 8 | 86 | Porte St. Denis, D | 8 | 36 | Porte St. Martin, D | 9 | 37 | Theatre of Porte St. Martin, B | 9 | 38 | Church of St. Laurent, D | 9 | 39 | Mairie 1st Arrondissement, D | 8 | 40 | ThÉÂtre du Chatelet, P.B | 13 | 41 | ThÉÂtre Lyrique, B | 13 | 42 | Caisse Municipale, B | 13 | 43 | Assistance Publique, B | 13 | 44 | Mairie IVth Arrondissement, P.B | 14 | 45 | Magasins RÉunis, D | 9 | 46 | ThÉÂtre des Del. Comiques, B | 9 | 47 | Mairie XIth Arrondissement, P.B | 14 | 48 | Column of July, D | 14 | 49 | The Arsenal, B | 14 | 50 | Hospital of SalpÉtriÈre, B | 19 | 51 | Granary of Abundance, B | 14 | 52 | Lyons Railway Station, PB | 14 | 53 | Mairie of XIIth Arrondissement and Church of Bercy, B | 14 | SOUTH OF THE RIVER SEINE. 1 | Foreign Office, D. | 7 | 2 | Military School | 12 | 3 | Les Invalides and Tomb of NapolÉon I. | 12 | 4 | Corps LÉgislatif | 7 | 5 | Barracks d’Orsay, P.B. | 8 | 6 | Palace of the Institute | 13 | 7 | The Mint | 13 | 8 | Church of St. Sulpice | 13 | 9 | Palace of the Luxembourg, D. | 13 | 10 | OdÉon Theatre, D. | 13 | 11 | Museum of Cluny | 13 | 12 | Palais de Justice, B. | 13 | 13 | Cathedral of Notre Dame | 13 | 14 | Church of the Pantheon, D. | 13 | 15 | Church of Val de GrÂce | 13 | 16 | The Observatory | 18 | 17 | Wine Market (sacked) | 14 | 18 | Palace of LÉgion d’Honneur, B. | 8 | 19 | Conseil d’État and Exchequer, B. | 8 | 20 | Bank of Deposit, B. | 8 | 21 | Western Railway Station, B. | 13 | 22 | Gobelins Tapestry Manufactory, P.B. | 18 | 23 | Orleans Railway Station, P.B. | 14 | See western side of Plan for the fire and devastation caused by shot and shell during the engagements between the Federal troops and the army of Versailles:—Point du Jour, Auteuil, Passy, Porte Maillot, Avenue de la Grande ArmÉe (Arc de Triomphe, much injured), Neuilly, Villiers, Lavallois, &c. [Maps: (press map to enlarge)] Illustration: Parts Destroyed Or Damaged During the Reign of The Commune |