Wild Ducks from the fens of Lincolnshire; Rabbits from Hampshire, and Poultry from Norfolk. Our dealer has procured his stock at Leadenhall Market, and is now crying them in Piccadilly. STRAWBERRIES,from Battersea and Fulham, where they are grown in large quantities, and sent to Covent-Garden Market, from whence the London dealer purchases them in large baskets (called rounds), containing many pottles. BURLINGTON HOUSE.We have given the entrance gateway, for no other part of this splendid mansion can be seen from the street. This house was built by Richard Boyle, third Earl of Burlington, (who is said to have erected it there because he was certain no one would build beyond him,) from his own designs, assisted by Kent, who was his intimate friend and companion. It is very large, has a stone front, and a circular Doric colonnade joins the wings. Here were deposited those exquisite specimens of Grecian art, the Elgin Marbles, previous to their purchase by Government and removal to the British Museum. [Image unavailable: BURLINGTON HOUSE, GATEWAY. WILD DUCK RABBIT OR FOWL. STRAWBERRIES.] BURLINGTON HOUSE, GATEWAY. WILD DUCK RABBIT OR FOWL. STRAWBERRIES. [Image unavailable: SAINT GEORGES HANOVER SQ: NEW MACKEREL.] SAINT GEORGES HANOVER SQ: NEW MACKEREL. |