These useful articles are mostly the manufacture of the persons who carry them about for sale: they are of all shapes and sizes—cap-boxes, bonnet-boxes, clothes-boxes, &c. OLD CLOTHES!“Clo! Clo!!” This is the abbreviated cry of the old clothesman, when going his rounds. The trade is mostly conducted by Jews, who take the morning purchases to Rosemary Lane, (commonly called Rag Fair,) near Tower Hill, where they dispose of them to dealers, who patch, mend, and sell again to the public. Our Jew, judging from his beard and band round his waist, is some dignitary of the synagogue; he has just made a purchase of an old court suit at ST. JAMES’S PALACE.It is a plain brick building, and was erected by Henry VIII. in 1551. Queen Anne was the first to hold her court here, since which time it has been uniformly used for that purpose. Here is the Chapel Royal, in which our present Queen was married to Prince Albert: it is used only for purposes of state. King Charles I. passed the last eleven days of his life here, during his trial. A great portion of the south-eastern corner was destroyed by fire, in 1809. [Image unavailable: SAINT JAMES’ PALACE. OLD CLOTHES. BUY A BOX, A BAND BOX.] SAINT JAMES’ PALACE. OLD CLOTHES. BUY A BOX, A BAND BOX. [Image unavailable: WESTMINSTER ABBEY. AND TOWER OF SAINT MARGARET’S CHURCH. MILK BELOW.] WESTMINSTER ABBEY. AND TOWER OF SAINT MARGARET’S CHURCH. MILK BELOW. |