Abbey, 124—founded, 124—endowment, 126—dissolution, 126—present remains of, 129—church, 129—western window, 130—armorial bearings in, 131—tower, 131—altar screen, 134—font, 135—north porch, 135—tombs in, 136—patronage of the living, 128—descent of the abbatial property, 127—church estate | |
Abbey-foregate | |
Abbots of Shrewsbury attended Parliaments | |
Abbot’s lodging | |
Acton Burnell, Parliament of, 126—Statute of | |
Agricultural Shows | |
Aldermen | |
Allatt, Mr. John, monument to | |
—’s Charity school | |
Almond Park | |
Almshouses, St. Mary’s | |
— St. Chad’s | |
— St. Giles’s | |
— Evans’s, (Meole) | |
Anderson’s tomb | |
Antiquities in Free School Library | |
“Arbours” | |
Ashton, Thomas, first head master of Free School | |
Atcham village, church, and bridge | |
Attingham Hall | |
Bailiffs | |
Baptists’ Meeting-house | |
Barker Street | |
Barker, Thomas, birth-place of | |
—’s Delight, or the Art of Angling | |
Baths, Royal | |
Battle of Shrewsbury, 61, 175—execution of prisoners, 17—interments of slain, 61 | |
Beechey’s, Sir William, portrait of Lord Hill | |
Bell Stone Mansion | |
Belle Vue | |
Belmont | |
Benbow Place | |
— Admiral, birth-place of | |
— monument to | |
— portrait of | |
Bennette’s Halle | |
Bernard, St. life of, stained glass | |
Berwick house, chapel, and hospital | |
Bevan’s “Records of the Salop Infirmary” | |
Billiard Room | |
Birds | |
Bishopric of Shrewsbury | |
Blakeway, Rev. J. B. monument to | |
Blase St. Chapel of | |
Blue School | |
“Boards” of Shrewsbury School | |
Bomere Pool | |
Boucher, John, Bishop of Shrewsbury | |
Bowdler’s Charity School | |
Brick building first erected in Shrewsbury | |
Bridge, English or Stone | |
— old | |
— Welsh | |
— old, or St. George’s, 11 | |
British fortress, remains of, 23—princes, palace of | |
Britons, first inhabited by | |
Broadwell | |
Brown School | |
Butler, Bishop, 32—armorial bearings | |
— statue to | |
— portrait of | |
Butcher Row, 16 | |
Butter Cross, old, 16—new | |
Cadman’s monument | |
Canal, Shrewsbury and Ellesmere | |
Catherine’s, St., Chapel | |
Castle Street | |
Castle 23—situation of, 23—founded by Roger de Montgomery, 25—gateway of, 21—keep, 23—rebuilt by Edward I., 26—besieged in the civil wars | |
Cemetery, Abbey | |
Cemetery, Dissenters’ | |
Chad’s, Saint, Church, remains of old, 107—burnt, 111—fall of, 109—collegiate establishment | |
— New Church, 162—College | |
— Almshouses, 113—figure of | |
Chantry Chapels in St. Mary’s church, 70 | |
Charles I. portrait of, 14—lodged at the Council House, 21—received Sacrament at St. Mary’s, 64—addresses army | |
Charles II. portrait of | |
Charlotte, Queen of George III, portrait of | |
Charlton Hall | |
Charleton, Lords of Powis, 75 | |
Charters | |
Cholera | |
Christ Church, Oxon. | |
Church Street | |
Church of England Literary and Scientific Institute | |
Circus | |
Clive, Lord, portrait of | |
Coal DepÔt of Railway | |
— — Shropshire, and Staffordshire | |
— — Welsh | |
— wharfs | |
Coleham | |
College Hill | |
Column, Lord Hill’s | |
Corbet Monument in Battlefield Church | |
Corn Market | |
Corporation | |
Corpus Christi procession | |
Coton Hill | |
— of the Marches of Wales | |
| |
County Goal | |
Courts of Assize | |
Cross, High, 17—Street | |
Crucifixion, sculpture of | |
“Dana,” the | |
David, last British Prince of Wales, trial of | |
— execution of | |
DepÔt, the | |
Dingle | |
Dogpole | |
Dominican, or Black Friars | |
Dormitory, Monks’ | |
Douglas, Earl, death of | |
Drapers’ Company | |
Dry Dingle, remains of amphitheatre in | |
Durer, Albert, stained glass by | |
Ebenezer Meeting-house | |
Edward I., keep of the Castle erected by | |
— rebuilds Castle | |
Edward III., statue of | |
Edward IV., portrait of | |
— occasional residence of | |
— Queen of | |
Edward VI., portrait of | |
Eleanor’s (Queen) Bower | |
Elizabeth, Queen, armorial bearings of | |
Evans’s Almshouses | |
Evans, Mr. D., skill in glass staining, 55, 71, 79, 134, 149, 164 | |
Evans, R. Esq., portrait of Admiral Owen | |
Exchequer | |
Farm yard, existence of an ancient | |
Farquhar, George | |
Flora of Shropshire | |
Fonts, in St. Mary’s church, 76—Abbey, 135—St. Giles, 163—St. Chad’s | |
Foundation of Shrewsbury by the Britons | |
Frankwell, suburb of, 172—sweating sickness in | |
Freehold Land Society | |
| |
Gas-works | |
Gateway of the Castle, 22—Council House | |
“Genealogy of Christ from Jesse,” stained glass | |
George’s, St. Church, 173—stained glass in | |
George I., portrait of | |
George II., portrait of, 7—III., portrait of | |
Giles’s, St. Church, 148—stained glass in, 149—tombs in, 150—font, 150—cross, 152—restoration | |
— Hospital, endowment of, 153—appointment of master | |
Glass, stained, in St. Michael’s Church, 60—in St. Mary’s Church, 69, 71, 74, 75, 77, 79, 82—in St. Alkmund’s Church, 97—in St. Julian’s Church, 102—in Abbey Church, 132, 133—in St. Giles’s Church, 149—in Trinity Church, 157—in St. Chad’s Church, 164—in St. George’s Church, 174—in Free School Library | |
Goods DepÔt of Railway | |
Government, local | |
Government School of Art and Design | |
Guesten Hall of Abbey | |
Guild Hall, ancient | |
— merchant | |
— House of the Fraternity of the Holy Cross | |
— of St. Wenefrede, 125—Ditto of B. V. Mary | |
Hazledine, Wm., bust of | |
— Abbots of, town house of | |
Head masters of Free Schools, portraits of | |
Heaving, custom of | |
Henry I., privilege conferred by | |
— II., first charter granted by | |
— III., guild merchant recognized by charter of | |
— VII., house in which he lodged | |
— VIII., portrait of | |
High Street | |
Hill, Sir Rowland, Bart., portrait of | |
Hill’s Lane | |
— Mansion | |
History of Shrewsbury | |
Holy Cross, Church of the | |
Hospital for lepers, 162 | |
Hospital of the Holy Cross | |
House of Industry | |
Howard Street | |
— Bust of, by Bacon | |
Inscription on Blakeway’s Monument | |
Inscription on Bishop Butler’s do. 81—on Wigram’s do. | |
— on Benbow’s ditto | |
Ireland’s Mansion, 14—family, armorial bearings of | |
James II. kept his Court at Council House | |
John’s, St. Hill | |
— or Wesleyan Methodist Meeting-house | |
Jones’s Mansion | |
— Lord Chief Justice, 90—monument of | |
Jones, Thomas, Esq., first Mayor of Shrewsbury | |
Judges’ Lodgings | |
Juliana, St., ancient sculpture of | |
Kingsland | |
Keep of the Castle | |
Kennedy, Rev. B. H., D.D. | |
Knights of the Shire, ceremony relative to | |
Laura’s Tower | |
Lawrence, Mr. Robert, monument to | |
Leaton Shelf | |
Lepers, Hospital of | |
Leybourne Chapel, 78—Monument | |
Lilleshall Abbey | |
Llewellyn, Prince of Wales | |
Longner Hall | |
Lunatic Asylum | |
Magistrates | |
Manufactures of Shrewsbury | |
| |
Mardol | |
Market Square, 9—antique appearance of | |
— House, 9—Cattle, 51—Corn, 11—General, 11—New Butter and Cheese, 57—Vegetable | |
Mary, Queen, accession, 92—President of Marches,—92 armorial bearings | |
Mary’s, Saint, Church, 62—collegiate buildings, 17—Royal Peculiar, 63—patronage, 63—extent of parish, 64—architecture of, 64—dimensions, 65—tower and spire, 65—porches, 66—nave, 66—organ screen, 67—carved wooden ceiling, 67—ancient choir, 70—stone pulpit, 70—triple lancet window, 74—transept, 70—stained glass in, 69, 71, 74, 76, 77, 79, 82, 89—font, 76—monuments, 71, 77, 79, 80, 82—chancel, 73—chantry chapels, 73 | |
Mary’s, St., Almshouses, 83—Turnstile | |
Mayor | |
Mechanics’ Institute | |
Mercer’s Company | |
Mercers’ Hall | |
Merivale | |
Methodists’, Wesleyan, Meeting-house, 57 | |
— Calvinist, Meeting-house | |
Michael’s, St., Chapel in the Castle | |
Michael’s, St., Church, 54—stained glass in | |
— schools | |
Millington’s Hospital | |
Monk’s Dormitory | |
— Infirmary | |
Montgomery, Roger de, statue of | |
— founder of the castle | |
— St. Julian’s church, 103—St. Chad’s church |
— St. Alkmund’s church, 98—Abbey church