The Carpenter Woodpecker When goods are bought or work is done, a bill is to be made out and delivered. In some cases the bill may be made out before the work is done, L The Red-tape Snipe I AM INTERESTED.Dear Sir, my faith in you is great, Your honour long I've tested; You are my customer, good Sir, And I am interested. To give you credit is my joy, A joy sincerely breasted, For twelve months, ay, for any date; You see I'm interested. And may you thrive, and in due time Retire in comfort nested; This is my fervent prayer, my friend, For I am interested. And may you have a plum or two, In stock well sunk and vested, To leave your worthy family— I speak as interested. What, "rather queer!" this fellow now Must quickly be molested; Write to him, Priggings, for you know That I am interested. Well, take his bill. Three months—no two; Let it be well attested; Now is the time to turn the screw, For I am interested. What, "no effects!" give him, no time, But get the bill protested; Such rascals must be quickly met, When we are interested. No cash!—well, write to Sniggs at once, And let him be arrested; To Banco Regis let him go, For I am interested. A DECIMAL FIGURE. |