No one can sing properly without first preparing for it, mentally and physically, with all the organs concerned in the production of the voice. We have in this to perform three functions, simultaneously:— First, to draw breath quietly, not too deeply; to force the breath against the chest and hold it there firmly till the upward and outward streaming—that is, singing—begins. (See plate, The Path of the Breath.) Second, to raise the soft palate at the same time toward the nose, so that the breath remains stationary until the singing begins. Third, to jerk the tongue backward at the same time, its back being thus raised, and When these three functions have been performed, all is ready. Now the pitch of the tone is to be considered, as the singing begins. The consummation (HÖhepunkt) of the tone, above the palate, gives the point of attack itself, under the palate. Now further care must be given that the point of attack on the palate—that is, the focal point of the breath—be not subjected to pressure, and that the entire supply of breath be not expended upon the palatal resonance. For this the palate must remain elastic, for it has a twofold duty to perform. It must not only furnish resistance for the focal |