
30 juin, 1911,


Non-seulement j’accepte avec plaisir la dÉdicace dont vous voulez bien m’honorer, mais je vous remercie des termes beaucoup trop bienveillants dont vous vous servez À mon Égard. Je vous remercie aussi de l’envoi de votre livre, que je me ferai lire, et dans lequel, je suis sÛr, je trouverai beaucoup d’intÉrÊt.

Agreez, Monsieur, mes sentiments les plus cordialement sympathiques.

Émile Ollivier.


June 30, 1911.


Not only do I accept with pleasure the dedication with which you are good enough to honour me, but I thank you for the much too kind terms in which you refer to me.

I thank you also for sending me your book, which I shall have read to me, and in which I am sure I shall find much that is interesting.

Accept my most cordially-sympathetic sentiments.

Émile Ollivier.

[The book referred to is “The Empress EugÉnie: 1870-1910.” London: Harper and Brothers. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1910. Owing to M. Olliver’s somewhat impaired vision, books and documents are read to him.]



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