[No reference is made in this Index to the wives of the Prime Ministers in the chapters specially devoted to them.] - Abercromby, Lady Mary, 87.
- Aberdeen, Lord, 59, 86, 186.
- — Lady, 206.
- Acland, Sir Henry, 192.
- Ada Reis, 41.
- Adelaide, Queen, 166.
- Ainslie, General, 45.
- Albert, Prince Consort, 57, 170.
- Alderson, Lord, 218.
- Almack’s, 102.
- Althorp, 3.
- Amberley, Lord, 96.
- — Lady, 92.
- Ashley, Lord, 106, 183.
- — Wilfrid W., 124.
- Bedford, Duke of, 113.
- Belmont Castle, 246.
- Berry, Miss, 66.
- Bessborough, Lord, 1, 5.
- Bismarck, 66.
- Brabazon, Lady, 163.
- Bradenham, 132, 133, 148.
- Braybrooke, Lord, 156.
- Breadalbane House, 128.
- Broadlands, 111.
- Brocket Hall, 17, 22, 32, 40, 101, 129.
- Brooke, Sir Richard, 163.
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 201.
- Bruce, Sir Charles, 234.
- Brydone, Patrick, 63.
- Buccleuch, Duke of, 71.
- — Duchess of, 66.
- Bulwer, E. G. L., 29, 31 etc., 104, 140.
- — Rosina, 35, 131, 136.
- Bunsen, 170.
- — Baroness, 78.
- Byron, Lord, 8 etc., 26, 40.
- — Lady, 7, 16.
- Cambridge, Duke of, 159, 166, 167, 236.
- — Duchess of, 166.
- — House, 120.
- Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 235, 237, 238, 241, 243.
- Carnarvon, Lord, 225.
- Castlereagh, Lady, 103.
- Cavendish, Lady Frederick, 209.
- Cavour, 87, 88.
- Cecil, Lord Edward, 232.
- Chalon, A. E., 155.
- “Chapel of Ease,” The, 212.
- Chartist demonstration, 81.
- Charleville, Lady, 35.
- Chatham, Earl of, 156.
- Chorley Wood, 75.
- Cobden, 122.
- Cork, Lady, 35.
- Cowper, fifth Earl, 101, 107.
- — Lady, 3, 7, 102, 105, 107.
- — Lady Emily, 106.
- — Lady Frances, 106.
- Crimean War, 85.
- Davy, Sir Humphry, 52.
- Dawson, Geo., 155.
- Deepdene, 141.
- Derby (Lord Stanley), Lord, 170, 174, 221.
- de Rothschild, Lady, 144.
- — Sir A., 144, 145.
- — Baroness J., 146.
- de Tabley, Lord, 173.
- Devonshire, Duke of, 7.
- — Georgiana, Duchess of, 1.
- Dickens, 80, 142.
- — David Copperfield, 81.
- Disraeli, 39, 97, 109, 111, 134, 135, 141, 142, 149.
- — Coningsby, 147, 155.
- — Sybil, 104, 121, 144.
- Disraeli, Tancred, 145, 147.
- D’Orsay, Count, 132.
- Doyle, Sir F., 162.
- Drayton, 55, 56 etc.
- Duncannon, Lord, 123.
- Ecclesiastical Titles Act, 117.
- Edward VII., H.M. King, 177, 210, 244.
- Emsdorf, Battle of, 45.
- Erroll, Earl of, 76.
- Esterhazy, Princess, 103.
- EugÉnie, Empress, 90, 140.
- Evans, John, 131.
- Fasque, 165, 183.
- Fatal Passion, The, 39.
- Fleming, Wilmington, 37.
- Floyd, Anna, Lady, 51.
- — Henry, 47, 49.
- — Gen. Sir J., 44, 47 etc.
- — Rebecca, Lady, 47.
- Foster, Lady Elizabeth, 6.
- Franco-German War, 91.
- Frederick William IV., 170.
- — Empress, 177.
- Fry, Elizabeth, 170, 201.
- Fuller, Miranda, Lady, 52.
- Garbarino, Marchese, 90.
- Garibaldi, 89.
- Gaskell, Milnes, 161.
- George V., H.M. King, 210.
- Gladstone, W. E., 97, 120, 152, 153, 160, 161, 179, 182, 192, 208.
- — Budget (1853), 85.
- — Golden Wedding, 207.
- — Agnes, 177, 178, 179.
- — Catherine, 185, 187.
- — H. N., 188.
- — Helen, 187.
- — Jessie, 178.
- — Lord, 188.
- — Mary, 187.
- — Stephen, 178, 184.
- — Wm., 177, 178, 181.
- — W. G. C., 193.
- — W. H., 193.
- Glenarvon, 19, 38.
- Glynne, Sir John, 157.
- — Sir Stephen (eighth Bart.), 156, 158.
- — Sir Stephen (ninth Bart.), 160–1, 192.
- — Lady, 156.
- Goddard, Dr., 35.
- Godwin, W., 22, 25.
- Gower, Lord R., 153.
- Graham Hamilton, 40.
- Grenville, George, 156.
- — Lord, 156.
- — T., 169.
- Greville, Charles, 119.
- Grote, Mrs., 166.
- Guizot, 123, 166, 185.
- Harcourt, Sir Wm., 153.
- Hardinge, Lord, 139.
- Harrison, Frederic, 95.
- Hawarden Castle, 157–8, 193, 199.
- Hawtrey, Dr., 168.
- Hayward, Abraham, 128.
- Heathcote, Lady, 12.
- Herbert, Lord, 46.
- Herkomer, Sir H., 207.
- Hobhouse, J. C., 36.
- Holl, F., 207.
- Holland, Lady, 74, 115, 123.
- — House, 66, 74.
- House of Charity, the, Woolbeding, 141.
- Wyndham, Lewis, 131, 132.