| Page | The turkey industry of the United States | 1 | Varieties | 2 | The Bronze | 3 | The White Holland | 4 | The Bourbon Red | 4 | The Narragansett | 4 | The Black | 5 | The Slate | 6 | Standard weights of turkeys | 6 | Selecting breeding stock | 6 | Managing breeding stock | 8 | Breeding pens or enclosures | 8 | Mating | 9 | Egg production | 10 | Care of hatching eggs | 11 | Feeding | 12 | Combating diseases and pests | 14 | Incubating turkey eggs | 16 | Natural incubation | 17 | Artificial incubation | 17 | Raising poults | 18 | Brooding | 19 | Sanitation | 21 | Litter | 22 | Early development | 23 | Marking | 23 | Feeding growing turkeys | 23 | Feed consumption and cost of growing | 28 | Equipment for raising turkeys | 30 | Containers for feed and water | 30 | Houses and fences | 33 | Protection against dogs | 36 | Devices that prevent tail-feather picking | 36 | Range management of growing turkeys | 37 | Fattening turkeys for market | 38 | Marketing turkeys | 39 | When to market | 39 | Selecting birds for market | 40 | Withholding feed before slaughter | 40 | Killing and picking | 40 | Cooling | 42 | Packing | 43 | Dressed-turkey grades | 43 |