
Living in and about


[ A. ]


Abbot, Bow-Churchyard.
Ackworth, Burchin-Lane.
Edward Addams, Great St. Bartholomews.
John Addis, Bednal-Green or at the Sun in Lumbard-Street.
Elias Adrian and Company in Broad-street.
Thomas Allcock, in Grubstreet.
Richard Aley, Mincin-Lane.
Richard Aley Devonshire-house.
Cornelius Alderwerldt, Freemans-yard, Cornhill.
Mr. Allen, Cateaton-street Blackwell Hall Factor.
Edward Allen, Towerhill.
Daniel Allen, Fanchurch-street.
William Allen, Princes-street.
Edward Allen Queen-street, removed into Tower-street.
Mr. Allen, Mugwell-street.
Mr. Allen Spittle-fields.
Mr. Almand Clement’s Lane, Church-Alley.
Samuel Alstone, Basinghall-street, Blackwelhall Factor.
Russel Alsope, Lau. Pount. Lane.
Isaac Alvarez, in St. Mary Ax.
Jacob Jesrum Alvarez, in St. Mary Ax neer Bury-street.
Herbert Allwyn Shipyard Woodstreet.
Thom. }
&} Andrews, Crutchet-Fryars.
Peter }
Alderm. Andrews, Walbrook.
William Andrews, Fanchurch-Street.
Mr. Andrado Leadenhall-street.
John Archer Mark-lane.
George Archer Cheapside.
Iohn Archer Gravel-lane Houndsditch.
Jeremiah Armiger Houndsditch.
Capt. Armstrong, Newington-Butts.
John Arthur Austin-Fryars.
Daniel Arthur Broadstreet.
Henry Ashurst Senior, Watling street.
Henry Ashurst Junior, St. Johns-Street.
Mr. Ashur Aldermanberry.
Mr. Ashlier Newington Town.
John Ashby Friday-street.
Alderm. Aske Love-lane Aldermanberry.
Francis Ashty, Minories.
Thom. }
&} Atterberry, Angel-Court Throgmorton-Street.
John }
William Attwood Queen-Street.
William Attwood Newington Town.
Daniel Axtell to be spoken withal at the Sign of the Purse in Loathbury.
Sir Benj. Ayloffe Fanchurch-street.

[ B. ]

Joseph }

Bateman Martins lane.
Edw. Baker New Court Throgmorton Street.
Richard Baker Poultrey.
John Baker Aldermary Churchyard.
Mr. Ballard St. Dunstans-hill.
Jacob Baldwyn Still-yard Thames-Street.
Peter Baldwyn Mark-lane.
Mr. Balts Crown-court Spittle-Fields.
John Banks, Fanchurch-street.
Rich. Banks Gravel-lane Houndsditch.
Mr. Banishford Hatton-garden.
Peter Barr Austin-fryars.
Will. Barron Throgmorton-street.
Edw. }
&} Barkley Throgmorton-street.
Hen. }
Edw. Barton Angel-Court Throgmorton-street.
Rich. Barker New-Court Throgmorton-street.
Sir Sam. Barnadiston Bishopsgate within.
Arthur Barnadiston Hogsdon, to be spoken with at Mr. Hedges in Broadstreet.
Pallatia Barnadiston Hummerton in Hackney.
Natha. Barnadiston Hackney.
Thom. Barnadiston Hackney-Town.
Mr. Barnadiston, Well-Street Hackney.
Arthur Barron Coleman-street.
George Barron Garlick-hill.
Mr. Barrot Budge-row.
John Barrot Pickle-Herring.
John Barrot Execution Dock.
George Barnes Love-lane.
Gerard Berens Mincin-lane.
Mr. Bard Old Bethelem.
John Barcklet Fanchurch-street.
Thom. Barker Seething-lane.
Mr. Bassford Kings-Arms-yard Coleman-street.
Mr. Basset Bankside.
Richard Basse Trinity-lane.
William Battalie Mark-lane.
Mr. Battle Broadstreet.
John Batthurst Cornhill.
Benjam. Batthurst St. Mary Ax.
Cap. Th. Battson Stepney near the Church.
Ezeck. Batchelor without Aldgate.
Thom. Bawdes Berry-street.
William Baxter Fanchurch-street.
Simon Baxter Highgate, to be spoken withal in Bush-lane at a Packers.
Richard Baxter Vine-Court Spittle-fields.
William Bayly, Shadwel.
William Beard, Lawrence Pountney’s Lane.
Simon Berringer, Threadneedle street.
Phillip Beaumont, Dukes-place.
Charl. Beavor Michael-lane.
Edw. Beaker, Ironmonger-lane.
Mr. Beavor, Crooked-lane.
Will. Beakon, Cateaton-street.
Edw. Beakon, George-yard Lombard-street.
Mr. Beavor, Goodman’s-fields.
John Beare, Crutchet-fryars.
Hump. Beane, Turkey-walk Excha.
Mr. Bearns, Mincin-lane.
Isaac Bean, Bow-lane.
Thom. Beacon, Minories Haiden-Yard.
Rich. Beavoir, Pelmell.
Will. Beck, Crutchet-fryars.
Thom. Beckford, Thames-street.
Abrah. Beak, St. Dunstans-hill.
Richard Beckford Tower-street.
Samuel Beak, Buttolph-lane.
Mr. Bedkins, Bank-side.
Edward Bell Crutchet-fryars.
Thom. Bell, Tower-hill.
Mr. Bellows, Philpot-lane.
William Bellamy, St. Dunstans-hill.
Francis Bellows, White-chappel.
Adam Bellamy, Dice-key.
John Bedell, Blosoms-Inne.
William Benson, Winchester-street at Mr. Holride.
William Bennet, Borough Southwark.
John Benes, Beaver-marks.
Sir John Bendish, York Buildings in the Strand.
Mr. Berry, St. Antholings.
Moses Berrew, Dukes-place.
John Berry, Philpot-lane.
Charles Best, Bloomsberry.
Arthur Betsworth, Bow-lane.
Mr. Byfield, Hackney.
Mr. Byfield, Ditto.
Thom. Boyer, Laurence Pount. lane.
Mr. Bible, Colchester-street.
Edward Bickley, Basinghall-street.
Sir Theo. Biddolph, Austin-fryars.
Mr. Biddolph, Aldermanberry.
Mr. Bidford, Newington Town.
Edward Bilton, Creedchurch-lane.
William Bird, Broadstreet at a Packers.
Mr. Bird, Fishstreet-hill.
John Bird, Martins-lane.
Mr. Blackman, Ironmonger Lane.
Thom. Blackmore, Kings-street.
Robert Blackmore, at a Barbers Ironmonger-lane.
Thom. Blackmore, Bartholomew Close.
Mr. Blacklesly, Tower-street.
Thom. Blashfield, Bartholomew Close.
Mr. Blackstone, Bishopsgate-Street.
Mr. Bland, Hogsden.
John Blewitt, Great St. Hellens.
Mr. Bleatingston, Distaff-lane.
John Blowfield, Threadneedle Street.
Sir Tho. Bloodworth, Maiden-lane.
Fred. Blunkard, Sice-lane.
Mr. Bloonkard, Sice-lane.
Robert Bloone, Crutchetfryars.
Benj. Blundell, at the house of Mr. John Sheldon in Cannon-street.
Thom. Bodley, Houndsditch, Gun Yard.
George Boddington, Great Saint Hellens.
Rene. Bodvin, Kingstreet.
Thom. Boghes, Loathberry.
Richard Bogon, little St. Hellens.
Mr. Boliford, Bush-lane.
Mr. Boldt, Buttolph-lane.
Mr. Boldens, Bush-lane.
Andrew Bonneel, Mark-lane.
John Bonneel, St. Mary Ax.
Mr. Bonset, Islington.
Jerim. Bonneel, and Compan. Old Jury.
John Bon, New Court Throgmorton-street.
Mr. Booby, St. Mary Ax.
Thom. Boon, Ditto.
Rich. Booth, Princes-street.
Mr. Booby, Broadstreet.
Edw. Bovey, Mark-lane.
Edw. Bovery, St. Mary Ax.
Joseph Bowles, Laurence Pountneys Hill.
Thom. Bowhey, Tokenhouse-yard.
John Bowden, Bush-lane.
John Bowles, Mark-lane.
William Bowles, Mincin-lane.
Mr. Bowles, St. Mary Ax.
Franc. Boynton, Broadstreet.
Adrian Beyer, Lauren. Pountney Lane.
James Brace, Fanchurch-street.
Mr. Bragg, Broadstreet.
Franc. Branetti, York buildings in the Strand.
Mr. Bradley, Execution Dock.
Leona. Bray, Shoreditch.
John Brand, Cheapside.
Tho. }
&} Brailsford, Tokenhouse-yard.
John }
Mr. Bradford Harp-lane.
Roger Bradley, Bishopsgate Street over against the Post-house.
Mr. Bray, Execution Dock.
Mr. Brewest, Great St. Hellens.
John Brittin, St. Mary Ax.
Robert Brittin, Bury-street.
Mr. Brittin, Gray-fryars.
John Brinckley, Princes-street.
John Bryant, and Company Cateaton street.
Rich. Bryant, Shad. Thames.
John Bridges, Queen street.
Mr. Bridges, Goodman’s fields.
Nath. }
Will. } Bridges, Austin-fryars.
Rob. }
Will. Brishead, Bankside.
Mr. Brown, Crutchet-fryars.
Tho. Brown, Bury street.
Edw. Brown, and Comp. with Mr. Adrian, Broadstreet.
Mr. Brown, Nicholas lane.
Will. Brown, Cannon street.
Mr. Brown, Mile-end Town.
Benja. Brownsmith, Pudding-Lane.
Edw. Brown, Fanchurch street.
Arnold Brown, Mincin lane.
James Brown, Swithings lane.
Mr. Brown, Coleman street.
Mr. Brooks, Bush Lane.
Mr. Brooks, Bucklersberry.
Gerrard Bruce, Mincin Lane.
John Buckworth, Crutchet Fryars.
John Bucher, Bankside.
Edw. Buckridge, Crown Court Broadstreet.
Mr. Buinet, Laurence Poult. hill.
Mr. Bulock, Armitage.
Sam. Bultell, Austin-fryars.
John Bull, St. Martins lane.
Capt. Bonfoy, Little Tower hill.
James Burkin, Mincin lane.
John Burton, Abchurch lane.
Franc. Burnell, Bush lane.
John Bonner, Petty France.
Mr. Burin, Spittle Fields.
Robert Burdit, Gravel lane Hounsditch.
Mr. Burden, Colemans Alley.
Will. Burd, Hackney Town to be spoken withal at Mr. Sherwoods, Broadstreet.
Edw. Burket, Bankside.
Edw. Burrish, Gracechurch street.
J. Bapt. Burnell, near the New Exchange in the Strand.
John Burnell, St. Mary hill.
Abrah. Bush, Mark lane.
John Bush, Fanchurch street.
James Bush, Mincin lane.
Edw. Bushel, Little St. Hellens.
John Bush, Ditto.
Mr. Burden, Vine-Court, Spittle Fields.
Mr. Buston, Rosemary Lane.
Mr. Butts, St. Mary Ax.
Sir Wil. Butler, Pauls Wharf.
Will. Butler, Nicholas Lane Foxes Ordinary.
Rich. }
&} Butler, Clements Lane.
Tho. }
Mr. Butler, Goodmans Fields.
Mr. Butthard, Broadstreet.
Mr. Butington, Mun Yard Black Fryars.


Callender, in Tower Street.
Calwell in Colemans Alley.
Mr. Camfield in Great Saint Bartholomews.
John Canham little Saint Hellens.
Thom. Canham Leadenhall street.
Roger Capple Bishopsgate without.
Matth. Carleton Fanchurch street.
Abra. Caris, Mincin Lane.
Tho. Carew Dukes place.
Tho. Carew Tower hill.
Tho. Cary Ditto.
John Carlock Throgmorton street.
Will. Cartell ditto.
John Carter little Tower street.
Rich. Carrel, Aldermanberry.
Mr. Carrel Austin-fryars.
Joseph Carrel in Throgmorton-street, or Warwick-Court.
Joseph Carpenter Budgerow.
Mr. Carpenter Leaden-hall-Street.
William Carbonneel Mark-lane.
Sir Fra. Chaplin Berry street.
Rob. Chaplin, Saint Swithins Lane.
John Chapman Great St. Hellens.
John Chapman Broad street.
Mr. Chapman Bishopsgate without.
Mr. Chapman Bassinghall-street, Blackwelhall Factor.
Mr. Chadwick Fanchurch-street.
Jam. Chadwick Kings Street.
Mr. Chalwel Tower Royal.
Fra. Chamberlin La. Poun. lane.
Cha. Chamberlin Great Saint.
Mr. Chang Pauls wharf.
Rich. }
&} Chandler Aldermanberry.
John }
Isaac Chatwood Hogsden.
Freder. Chevecox Broadstreet.
Tho. Cheuely Oxford Court Canon street.
Hen. }
&} Chitty Bishopsgate street within.
Mat. }
John }
&} Chomble Philpot lane.
Rob. }
Sir Fra. Clark little St. Hellens.
Samuel Clark Throgmorton-street.
Mr. Clark Pudding lane.
Henr. Clark Poultrey.
Mr. Clark Law. Poun. lane.
John Clark Hogsden, at his Warehouse in Olive-tree Court Leadenhall-street.
Mr. Clark Kingsland.
Mr. Clark by the Horse-ferry Westminster.
Edw. Clark and Compa. Cheapside.
Will. Clark Barthol. Close.
Sam. Clark Barthol. Close.
Tho. Clark Love-lane.
Tho. Claxton Bishopsgate within neer Thredneedle street.
Edward Claxton Queen street.
Sam. Clay, Law. Poun. lane.
James Cleapole Bush lane Scot yard.
John Clemon Jewen street.
Mr. Clenues Bednal Green.
Mr. Clenes Waping.
Mich. Clipsham Saint Dunstans hill.
Mr. Cliff Bankside.
Alen Cliff Algate.
Sir Tho. Clouterbock at Mr. Clouterbock’s house in Threadneedle Street.
Jasper Clouterbock in ditto Street.
Mr. Coats Pudding-lane.
Mr. Cosing Lime-street.
Will. Cockram St. Swithins-lane.
Mr. Cole at Mr. Pilkington’s, Bush-lane, Scot-yard.
George Cole, Bartholomew-lane, Ship-yard.
Will. Cole, Thames-street.
Mr. Cole, Bush-lane, Scot-yard.
Mr. Cole, near the new Postern.
Hen. Collier Nicholas-lane.
Mr. Collier Borough of Southwark.
Peter Collier Little Moor-fields near the Gun-Tavern.
Jam. Collins Philpot-lane.
Tho. Collet Thames-street.
John Coleman Saint-Swithins-lane near Lombard Street.
Mr. Collier Aldermanbury, Blackwelhall Factor.
Thom. Compere Fishstreet hill.
David Conyard Fanchurch-street.
Will. Conen Laur. Pount. Lane.
John Cooker Crutchet-fryars.
Thom. Cooper Well-Court Soaper-lane.
Hen. Cornish Cateaton-street near Blackwelhall-gate Factor.
Mr. Corn Newington Green.
Mr. Cook Chain Alley.
Will. Cook Mark-lane.
Mr. Cook Fanchurch-street.
John Cook Austin-fryars.
Ralph Cook Laur. Pount. hill.
Tho. }
&} Cook, Basinghall-street.
Joh. }
Mr. Cook Goodmans-fields.
Thom. Cook Hackney.
George Cock Greenwich.
Edw. Cooth Basinghall-street.
Peter Coston Sherbon-lane.
Edw. Coston St. Dunstan’s hill.
Dan. Coston Hackney Town.
Mr. Cordial Bankside.
Rich. Cotton Redriff.
Adam Cottrill Bush-lane Scot-yard.
Tho. Coulson Tower Royal.
Mr. Coventrey Threadneele-str. [sic.]
Walter Coventrey Gr. St. Hellens.
George Cowart in Basinghall Street.
Mr. Cox Newington Town.
Joseph Cox Berry Street.
Benja. }
&} Cox, St. Martins Lane.
Jam. }
Mr. Craker, London-wall.
Eben. Craker Barnaby Street Southwark.
Tho. Crawley Mincin-lane.
John Cranenbergh St. Martins lane.
Mr. Christopher Ironmonger lane.
Abrah. Christian Threadneedle Street.
Edw. Crisp Towerhill.
John Crisp Breadstreet.
Elias Crisp }
& } in Cheapside at the Angel
Mr. Lounes } near Bread-street.
Will. Crisp Cheapside at the Hen and Chickens.
James Cropp Fanchurch Street.
Jacq. Crosse Philpot lane.
John Crosse at the Three Pigeons in Cornhill.
John Crose Lymestreet.
Mr. Crosborn Lovelane.
Rich. Crosman Lovelane.
John Croger Armitage, East-country Walk Exchange.
Tho. Croom Nicholas lane.
Twi. Crowder Lymestreet.
Tho. Crowdell Colemanstreet Bell Alley.
Mr. Crow Queenstreet.
Will. Crouch Berrystreet.
Mat. Cadwell Broadstreet Excise Office.
Mr. Cumporter Barnabystreet.
Mr. Cumporter Berrystreet.
Mr. Cutler Basinghall-street, Blackwelhall Factor.
Tho. Cutler Austinfryars.
Tho. Cutler Broadstreet.
Mr. Cutteris Berrystreet.
Mr. Cuttalis ditto.
John Curtis Little Trinity-lane.

[ D. ]


Dade Suffolk-lane.
Daffing St. Mary Ax.
Mr. Dakers Clarkenwell Green.
Mr. Dallington Roodlane.
Henry Dandy Beerlane.
Peter Daniel the Bridge.
Robert Daniel neer Alhallows Thames-street.
Mr. Daniers Peters-hill.
Mat. Datheler St. Mary Ax.
Tho. Dashwood Copthall Court Throgmortonstreet.
Fran. }
&} Dashwood without Bishopsgate.
Edw. Davenport Little St. Hellens.
Mr. Davenport Ironmonger-lane.
John Davalwid St. Martins-lane.
Tho. Davall Kings-Arms-Yard Colemanstreet.
Jacob David Little Tower-street.
John Davis Aldermanbury Love lane.
Tho. Davits Moorfields near the Postern by Petty France.
Tho. Davis Broadstreet.
Mr. Dawson Lovelane.
Mr. Dawes Horse Ferry West.
Nich. Dawes Little Towerstreet.
Mr. Dawes Roodlane.
Tho. Death }
& } Marklane.
Mr. Death }
Edm. Deathick Copthall Court Throgmortonstreet.
Tho. Dean Pancrast-lane.
Rich. Dean Old Gravel-lane.
David Debarri at Mr. Dorvills Walbrook.
Peter Debarr Broadstreet.
Mr. Debarr ditto.
John Debart St. Martins-lane.
John Deboys Aldermanberry. Love-lane.
Thom. Decraw Colchesterstreet.
Jacq. Decocque Threadneedle-street.
Ignat. Decoque Lymestreet.
Mr. Decluse Islington.
Alvaro Decosta Budgerow.
Mr. Decostus Dukes-place.
Peter Decoker Cullam Street.
Rowl. Dee Senior, Poultry.
Rowl. Dee Junior, Bowlane.
Sir Ba. Degomaz Berrystreet.
John Degrave Bishopsgate without Half-moon Alley or Angel Alley.
John Degrave Old Fishstreet.
Abrah Degelder }
& }White Chappel, Adam and Eve Court.
Corn Degelder }
John Delachambre Fanchurch-str.
Isaac Delleliers Leadenhall street.
Mr. Deliens Roodlane.
Mr. Delorey Berry Street.
Franc. Deliz ditto.
Gabr. Delaport Abchurch lane.
Robert Deluna Great Saint Hellens.
Jos. Delliviers Throgmort. street.
Lyon Delliviers ditto.
Peter Delmey Lymestreet.
Peter Delmay Barnabystreet.
John Delmey Pancras lane.
Mr. Delebarr Hackney Town.
Wil. Delawood Nicholas lane.
John Delowry Gracechurchstreet. near Fanchurchstreet at an Ironmongers.
Mr. Delane Hogsden.
Mr. Delacy Berrystreet.
Fra. Delate at the hand and Glove in Cannon-street.
Mr. Delate Cullam-street.
Mr. Demingo Mugwell street.
Mr. Demancing Harp lane.
John Demanel ditto.
Dan. Demetrius Berrystreet.
Dan. Demetrius Three Crown Court Southwark.
Solo. Demodina Great St. Hellens.
Nath. }
&} Denew, Marklane.
James }
Benj. Denew Shadwell.
Nath. Denham Lymestreet.
Edw. Denham Garlick-hill.
Rich. Dent Austin-fryars.
Mr. Denon the Postern.
Mr. Depostus Dukes Place.
Abrah. Deporta St. Mary Ax.
Anth. Depremont Austin Fryars.
Franc. Depary Fanchurch-Street
Mr. Dermedo St. Mary Ax.
Mr. Defkin Pancras-lane.
Peter Devitt Leadenhall-street.
Will. Dewitt Bush-lane Scotch-yard.
Mich. Dewing Princess Street.
Will. Deworth Lauren. Pountney Lane.
Mr. Dewker Cullam Street.
John Deway Leadenhall Street.
Mr. Dewell ditto.
Mr. Devester Broadstreet.
Chris. Deynot Cullam Street.
Mart. Deynens at Mr. Webs Throgmorton-Street.
Mr. Dickson Crown-Court Fish-street Hill.
John Dickinson Throgmorton street.
Benj. Diens St. Dunstan’s hill.
Will. Disher Walbrook.
Mr. Dison Bankside.
Lewis Doe Aldermary Churchyard.
Mr. Dodsworth Hummerton in Hackney.
Chris. Dodsworth Poultrey.
John Doggett Lawrence Pount. Hill.
David Dooley Swithin-lane.
Mr. Doolenson Kingsland.
James Donalson Roodlane.
John Dorvill Walbrook.
Mr. Dorasalis Copthal Court, Throgmorton Street.
Mr. Dormon Bell Alley Coleman-street.
John Drake at Mr. Colemans in Swithin lane near Lombard Street.
Tim. Drake Bunhill.
Sam. Draper Tokenhouse-yard.
John Dregue Angel Court without Bishopsgate.
Phil. Duboys Great Trinity lane.
Thom. Ducke Suffolk-lane.
Paul Dockminique Vine Court Spittlefields.
Pall. Dockminique Junior, Colemanstreet.
Peter }
&} Ducaine Pancras-lane.
Jam. }
Benja. }
&} Ducane, Queenstreet.
Sam. }
Peter }
&} Dugua, Covent-garden Henrietta Street.
Ant. }
And. Duff Lodger Bishopsgate-street next an Upholsters.
Henry Dunster Mincinlane.
Henry Dunster Roodlane.
Mich Dunwell Colemanstreet.
Rich Dunidge and Comp Devonshire house.
Thom. Duncombe Colemanstreet Blackwelhall Factor.
Dan. Duprie Artillary-lane.
John Durdan Bankside.
Dan. Duthais Aldermary Church, at Mr. Lewis Doe.
Mr. Dikes Colemanstreet.

[ E. ]


East Oxford Court Cannon Street.
East Horsey-down.
Isaac Eastwick, Hackney Town.
John Eaton, Buttolph-lane.
Nich. Eaton ditto.
Theod. Ecckelston, Gracechurch Street Crown-Court.
Sir Jam. Edwards Islington.
John Edwards Philpot-lane.
Will. Edwards Coleman-street.
Dan. Edwards, Walbrook.
Palati Edwards, Mary Old-stairs Southwark.
Mr. Edwards, Ropemakers Alley.
Hump. Edwin Great St. Hellens.
Mr. Edworth Hogsden.
Mr. Eggleston, Bankside.
John Eglesfield at the Pewter-platter Cannon-street, Lodger.
Johnmartin Elkins, Law. Poun. lane.
Mr. Elkins Bishopsgate without.
Matth. Elison, Cannon-street near London-stone.
John Elison Berry-street.
Franc. Elison Mark-lane.
Jerem. Elwise Tokenhouse-yard.
Ald. Ellis Saint Pauls Churchyard.
Mr. Elson at the Postern Blackwelhall Factor.
Rich. Emes Fanchurch-street.
Mr. Emson, Warwick Court in Warwick-lane.
Rich. Ely, Bishopsgate-street over against the Posthouse.
John Evans at Mr. Sparows a Packers in Swan Alley Coleman-street.
John Evans Michael-lane.
John Eyles Great St. Hellens.
Derick Eyles, Leadenhall-Street.
John Eldreed at Mr. Folio in Dove-Court.
Mr. Ahearns. Law. Pou. hill.



Fade Bowlane.
Feak Grace-church-street Nagshead-Court: (and Comp.)
Sam. Feak Bow-lane.
Edw. Fane, Philpot-lane.
Mr. Fanne, Broadstreet.
Prosper Fenton, Seething-lane.
Rob. Fendall, Nich. lane.
Rob. Fellowes, Aldersgate-street.
John Fellowes, Throgmorton-street.
George Finch Great St. Hellens.
Tho. Finch, Ditto.
Mr. Finch, Petty France by Moorfields.
Edw. Fincham, Budge-row.
Mr. Fincham, Kingsland.
John Flavill, Law. Pount. hill.
Mr. Fleming, St. Mary Ax.
Mr. Fletcher, Thomas Apostle.
Mr. Fletcher, Spittle-fields.
Mr. Fleet, Mark-lane.
John Farfax, Bunhill.
Tho. Farington, his Warehouse, Mincin-lane, at a Packers.
Tho. Firming, Three Kings Court Lombard-street.
George Fisher, ditto.
Franc. Flide, Bankside.
Mr. Flide, Milkstreet.
Mr. Folio, Berrystreet.
Rich. Folio, Broadstreet.
John Folio, ditto.
Rob. Folkner, Lymestreet.
Jef. Foldes, Loathburry.
James Foules, Clements-lane at a Milliners.
Rich. Foot, Roodlane.
Sir Ri. Ford, Tower-hill.
Mr. Ford, Kings-Arms-yard. Colemanstreet.
Mr. Ford, Shadwell.
Jer. Forman, Law. Pount. hill.
Mr. Fortley, Execution Dock.
Anth. Foster, Berrystreet.
Rich. Foster, Law. Pount. hill.
Will. Foster, Three Kings Court Lombard-street.
Mr. Foster, Queenstreet.
Mr. Foster, at the Ball in Lombard-street.
Peter Fountain, Watling street.
Mr. Founds Pickle-herring.
Sam. Foxley, Nagshead-Court Gracechurch street and Comp.
Sam. Fulwood Throgmorton-street.
Matth. Fuller, Cateaton street.
John Furley, at Mr. Peter Langley Gracechurch-street.
John Forley St. Dunstans hill.
Tho. Framton, Milkstreet near the Red Cow.
Jos. Frances, Camomile street.
Mr. Frances Clarkenwell.
Simon Francia, Leaden hall street.
Dom. Francia, ditto.
Sir Jo. Frederick, Old Jury.
Will. Freeman, Fanchurchstreet.
John Freeman, ditto.
Ald. Freeman, Deadmans-place.
Mr. Frencham, Leadenhall Street.
Phil. French, Bushlane Scot-yard.
Basil Fyerbraste, Mark-lane.

[ G. ]


Gall, Great St. Hellens.
Gardner, Fanchurch-street.
Franc. Gardner, Bow Churchyard.
Will. Garfoot, Nicholas lane.
Mr. Gaseronne, St. Mary Ax.
John Gasp, Tokenhouse-yard.
Dan. Gates, Artichoak-lane Wapping.
Franc. Gay, Basinghall-street.
Mr. Gay, Hogsden.
John Genopen, Castleyard Westminster.
Hen. Gennen, at Mr. Dukes Suffolk lane.
Mr. Gener, Milkstreet.
Mr. Gewan Drans Yard Westminster Street.
Mr. Gibson, Waterlane.
[I]John Gibson, at Mr. Preston’s Brewhouse in St. Katharines.
Mr. Gibness, Blackfryars.
Hen. Gibes, Clarkenwell.
Will. Gibes, Southwark.
Thom. Glover, Clements lane.
Thom. Glover, Nich. lane.
Mr. Goyer, Princes street.
Mr. Goldens, Austin-fryars.
Will. Golstone, Nich. lane.
Hen. Gold, Brigendine Court, Basinghall-street.
Sir Th. Gold Aldermanberry.
John Gold, Crutchet-fryars in Gold Court.
Nich. Gold, Lymestreet.
John Gold, Turkey Walk in the Exchange, or at Clapham.
Jam. Gold, Islington, Turkey Walk.
Mr. Gold, Newington.
Cha. Goldstone, ditto.
Mr. Goldney, Bloomsbury.
Sam. Godfrey, Poultrey.
Benj. Godfrey, Tokenhouse yard.
Mr. Godard, Mugwell Street.
Mich. Godfrey, Bush-lane.
Tho. Goddard, Coleman street.
Mr. Goddard, Little Britain.
George Goderis, Laurence Pountney lane.
Edw. Godwin, Soaper lane.
Mr. Gooding Bishopsgate without.
Hen. Goodhew, Buttolph lane.
Anto. Gommeswares, Creedchurch lane.
Anth. Gomeserd, Berry street.
John Gunston, at Blackwelhall.
Jacq. Gonsaldus, Dukes Place.
Ja. Gonsalus, Leadenhall Street.
Christ. Goore, Coleman street.
George Gospright, Tokenhouse Yard.
Will. Goslin, Pancras lane.
Thom. Gurden, Turkey Walk at the Exchange.
John Gurden, Mark-lane.
Mr. Gouff, Armitage.
Mr. Gandiat at a Packers, Loathbury.
Cha. Gravener in Watling-street at the Black-Swan.
Roger Gray Crutchet-fryars.
Nich. Gray Barge yard Crutchet Fryars.
Roger Gray, Garlick Hill.
Mr. Granenta, Lymestreet.
Mr. Grayso, Moorfields.
John Grace Half-Moon Alley Bishopsgate without.
Phil. Graves Martins lane.
Anth. Green, Bishopsgate without.
Mr. Grindall, Dukes place.
Richard Griffeth, Bishopsgate street.
Thom. Griffeth ditto.
Edw. Griffeth Barge Yard Bucklersberry.
Tho. Griffeth at a Packers in Eastcheap.
Rich. Griffeth, Bucklersberry.
Mr. Grinwell Colemanstreet, Blackwelhall Factor.
Mr. Groves Dukes-place.
Phil. Grover Martins-lane.
John Grove, Princes street.
Antho. }
Adam } Gronen Devonshire house.
Fred. }
Rich. Gronden, Old Fish-street.
Mr. Gumper Bunhill.
Will. Gun Billingsgate.



Hacker, Gun yard Houndsditch.
Hacker at Paul Darby, Leadenhall street.
Mr. Hackwell, Hackney Town.
Jasp. Haines, Thames street.
Rob. Hagshaw, White-hart Court.
John Hagshaw and Turner, Suffolk Lane.
Will. Hage, George Yard Lombard Street.
Mr. Hall at the Postern, Blackwelhall Factor.
Edw. Hall Gravel lane Houndsditch.
Mr. Hall, Chequer Yard Dowgate.
Hen. Hall, Islington.
John Hall, ditto.
Mr. Hall, Stepney.
Mr. Hall, Berry-street.
John Hall, Fanchurch street at Mr. Baxter.
Nath. Hallride, Winchester street.
Roger Haley, Scot Yard, Bush Lane.
John Halworthy, Swithins-lane near Lombard Street.
Sir Mat. Halworthy, Hackney, Spanish Walk Exchange.
Edw. Halford, Bun Hill.
Edw. Halford, Clarkenwell Green.
William Hamley, Thames Street.
Mr. Hamond, Fanchurch street.
John Hamford, Buttolph lane.
Chris. Hambleton, Bush lane, Scot yard.
Stephen Hames, Bull and Mouth Street.
Hen. Hamson, ditto.
Walter Hampton, Gravel lane Houndsditch.
Mr. Hamle Tooly street.
Mr. Hancock, St. Laurence lane.
John Hanceouse, Berry street.
Mr. Hantbotow Broadstreet.
Mr. Hanwock, Budge-row.
Rob. Hanson, Sice-lane.
Rich. Hanson, ditto.
Mr. Hanes Coleman Street Blackwelhall Factor. [sic.]
Mr. Hartley, Fanchurch-Street.
Thom. Hartley, Throgmorton street.
Nath. Hartley, Swithin’s lane.
Ralph Hardwick, Grace-church Street.
Thom. Hardwick Hackney, Spanish Walks.
Tho. Hardwick London Wall near Broadstreet.
Mr. Harwick Loathberry.
William Harwell Colchester street.
Hen. Harbin Mark-lane.
John Harbin Great Saint Hellens.
Edw. Harrison Roodlane.
John }
&} Harrison Clements-lane.
Will. }
Hen. Harris Saint Dunstans Hill.
Mr. Hart Throgmorton Street.
Tho. Hartops Lymestreet.
Mr. Harrow Winchester street.
John Harwood Mich. lane.
Mr. Harwood St. Antlins.
John Harwood Mile-end Green.
Mr. Harwood Mile-end Town.
Mr. Harvey Swithin’s lane.
Jo. Harvey Beerbinder lane.
Mr. Harvey St. Mary Hill.
Ralph Hanwock Waping.
Will. Harlman at Mr. Cha. Corcelus in Waping.
Mr. Hanly at Fresh-Wharf.
Anth. Harrispe, Coleman-street, King’s-Arms-Yard.
Tho. Harrington Mark-lane.
Hen. Haswell Bush-lane.
John Haselwood, Goodmans-fields.
Mr. Hasell at the Spread Eagle in Gracechurch Street.
John Hatner Winchester Street.
Joseph Hayward }
and } in Butolf-Lane.
Daniel Wagfield }
Mr. Hawes, Clement’s lane.
Mr. Hawkins Colledge Hill.
Chris. Hawkins Walbrook at Mr. Dishers.
Mr. Hawkes Clapton Hackney.
Claud. Hayes Fanchurch Street.
John Hayes Little St. Hellens.
James }
and } Hayes, Gracechurch-street.
Joseph }
Rob. Hubold Great St. Hellens.
Sir Nat. Herne Loathbury.
Jos. Herne at Sir ]ohn Fredericks [sic.] in Old Jury.
Sam. Heron African house.
Will. Hedges Basinghall Street.
Mr. Hedges Broadstreet.
Mr. Hemmings Basinghall Street Blackwelhall Factor.
Isaac Hemming St. Mary hill.
Thom. Heming Tokenhouse Yard.
John Hency, St. Martins lane.
Rich. Hamden at Daniel Mercer in Bartholomew Lane.
Mr. Henman Bankside.
Peter }
& } Henrique Walbrook.
Pierce }
Cha. Herle Aldermanberry.
Peter Herringhook Budge-row.
Mr. Hermond Bishopsgate without.
Charles Herle Junior and Comp. in Aldermanberry.
Will. Hester Borough Southwark.
Mr. Hester Bow Churchyard.
Benj. Hewling Coleman street.
Rob. Hews Kingsland.
William Hibert in Bell-Alley, Coleman-street.
Matth. }
& } Heybert, Nags-head Court, ditto.
Will. }
& } Hide, Milkstreet, at the Rose.
Jos. }
Bedingfield Higham Seething-lane.
John Hill Crutchet-fryars.
Mr. Hill Broadstreet.
John Hill Leadenhall-street.
Franc. Hill Bucklersberry.
Edw. Hill the Postern.
John Hill Minories.
Mr. Hill Bishopsgate without.
Mr. Hill Shadwell.
Mr. Hill Redriff.
Edw. Hill Basinghall-street Factor.
Mr. Hillet St. Antlins in Watlin-street.
Nath. Hilton at Newington, his Warehouse near the Bear and
Fountain in Loathbury
Joseph Hincham Pudding-lane.
Thom. Hinchman Aldersgate Street.
Nich. Hinde Abchurch lane.
James Hinde Bush-lane.
Mr. Hinton ditto.
Mr. Hockton Grubstreet.
John }
& } Hoet Lymestreet.
Peter }
Mr. Holfsted, at a Packer’s in Nicholas’s-lane.
John Holmes in Coleman-street.
Andr. Holmes in Nags-head-Court in Clements-lane.
Nich. Hollaway, in Nicholas’s Lane. And Mr. Collet in Company.
Tho. Holder, at the African-House.
Edw. Holford, the Hambrough-Walk.
Will. Hodges Basinghall Street.
Rich. Holt, Bishopsgate street.
Mr. Holt Ironmonger lane.
Mr. Holmes Nicholas-lane.
Tho. Holmes Walbrook.
John Holeman Bell Alley Colemanstreet.
Will. Holgate Alderman-berry.
James Holland Woodstreet.
Mr. Holsam, Jewen street.
Mr. Holcomb Hatton garden.
Rich. Holder, Roodlane.
Sir Wil. Hooker Crown Court Grace-Churchstreet.
Will. Hooker Lymestreet.
Caleb Hooke Pye-Alley Fanchurch Street.
Mr. Hooper Wapping.
Chris. Hopkins Fanchurch street.
Edw. Hopegood Loathbury.
Mr. Hoste Hummerton in Hackney.
Mr. Howard Bow Churchyard.
Mr. Howson, Aldermanbury.
Rich. How at Billingsgate every Morning.
Henry Hovener Swithins Lane.
Abrah. Hovener Islington.
Abr. Isaac } Houblon, Winchester-Street.
and Jam. }
John Hoblon Threadneedle Street.
Peter Houblon Burbinder Lane.
Peter Houblon Sice Lane, Senior and Junior.
Maj. Pet. Houblon, Budgerow.
Nich. Hudson Towerhill.
Abra. Hudson Colchester-street.
James Hutton in Durham Yard.
Mr. Hulford Lambeth.
Henr. Hunter Crutchet-fryars.
Hen. Hunter Mincin-lane.
Tho. Hunt Fanchurch-Street.
Tho. Hunt Bow-lane.
Tho. Houghton,}
and Bereclif } Abchurch Lane.
in Company }
David Hutchingson St. Mary hill.
George Hockenhull, Hackney.
John Hough Gravel lane Hounsditch.
Ald. Joh. Hough Clarkenwell Green.
Steph. Houssan, Thredneedle-street.
John Housan, ditto.
Alexand. Hosea in Momford Court in Milk-street.


Jarret Lime-street.
Jackson Broadstreet.
John Jackson Clements-lane.
Stephen }
Joseph } Jackson, Pye-Alley Fanchurchstreet.
Jems }
Robert }
John Jackson Tokenhouse Yard.
Phillip Jackson Lymestreet.
Mr. Jackson Fleet-Bridge.
Stephen Jackson St. Mary hill.
James Jacob Lymestreet.
Will. Jacom, Aldermary Churchyard.
Abraham Jacob Hatton garden.
Theod. Jacobson, Still-yard Thames-street.
Samuel James Threadneedlestreet.
Peter James, St. Mary Hill.
Samuel James Tokenhouse Yard.
Abraham } Jaggard neer Billingsgate.
Francis }
John Japoney Bush-lane.
Mark Jarvis Colemanstreet.
Mr. Ibrook Dukes-place.
Mr. Jerman Bankside.
Sir Rob. Jeffereys Lymestreet.
John Jeffery Saint Mary Ax.
Mr. Jekell Wine-Office-Court Fleetstreet.
Rich. Jelley Michael-lane.
Durr. Jenkinson, Broadstreet.
Rich. Jenkinson Coleman-street.
Widd. Jennings Towerstreet.
John Jennings Shadwell.
John Jenkins Hogsden.
Ald. Ireton Finsbury.
Sir Arth. Ingram Hatton-garden.
Will. Ingram Winchester-street.
John Johnson Buttolph-lane at a Coopers.
Will. Johnson Old Gravel Lane.
Capt. Johnson Mile-end-Green.
Will. Jones, Bankside neer the Wind-mill.
William Jones, St. Mary Ax.
Peter Jones, ditto.
Roger Jones, ditto.
Henry Jones Abchurch lane.
Leek Jones Queen-street.
John Jones Bush-lane.
John Jones Basinghall-street.
John Jones Mincin-lane.
William Jordan, Basinghall street.
Thomas Jorden Billeter-lane.
Anthony Jorden Thames Street Cole harbor.
Thomas Jorden Swedeland Court Tower hill.
John Jorden Pettycoat lane.
Merel Jorden Clements lane.
Peter Joy St. Dunstan’s hill.
Mr. Joyle Armitage.
John Joliff Threadneedle-street.
John Israel Armitage.
John Ive Colchester street Tower hill.
Ald. Jurin Throgmorton-street.
Will. Joliff in the Strand.
William Johnson at a Cheesemongers in Thames-street neer Buttolph-lane.
John Jurin St. Dunstans hill.
Isaac Jurin Great St. Hellens.
Mr. Jurin Sice Lane.
William Justice Rosemary Lane.



Kate Angel Court Bishopsgate without.
Kem in Laurence lane.
Mr. Kelling Clements lane.
Franc. Kemp Sice Lane.
John Kent Basinghall street.
Thomas Kent Bankside.
James Kenier Michael Lane.
Henry Kendall Bishopsgate Street.
John Kendall Strand.
Henry Kendall Basinghall Street, Blackwelhall Factor.
John Kenuty Horsley-Down Southwark.
Peter Kesterman Laurence Poun. lane.
Thomas Kett Gravel Lane.
Mr. Keys Islington.
William Kiffin little Morefields.
Rich. Kickerbart in Whitechappel near the Barrs.
Mr. Kickerine Watling street.
Mr. Kitle Throgmorton street.
Mr. Kimball Laurence Pount. hill.
Lem. Kingdom Cornhill.
Edw. King Lymestreet.
Mr. King, Peters Alley.
Mr. King Waping.
Mr. King Hogsden.
Mr. King Bednall Green.
Isaac Kingsland in Thames street near the Customhouse.
John Knape, Basinghall street.
Sir Rob. Knightly Seething Lane.
Mr. Knightly Thames street.
Luce Knightly Basinghall Street.
Mr. Knightly Hackney.
Rand. Knipe Fanchurch street.
Jasper Kawes Thames street near Alhallows.
John Kouse Pauls Wharf.
John Kroger Waping, Execution-Dock, in the East-walk Exchange.

[ L. ]


Lackstone Leadenhall Street.
Lagley Threadneedle Street.
Mr. Lambeth Creed Church Lane.
John Lamb Cullam Street.
Mr. Lamb Bell-Alley Coleman-street.
Ezek. Lampaine Dove-Court Swithins Lane.
John Langham Leadenhall Street.
John Langley Great Saint Hellens.
Mr. Lang Lymestreet.
Mr. Langford ditto.
Mr. Langton Bankside.
Mr. Lanvey Dukes Place.
John Langworth Basinghall str. Blackwelhall Factor.
Sam. Lamott Wheatsheaf-Alley Thames Street.
George Lawrence Mark lane.
Sir John Lawrence Great Saint Hellens.
John }
&} Lawrence Queenstreet.
Pet. }
Jam. Lawrey Crooked lane.
Gawyn Lawrey Three Kings Court Lombard street.
Steph. Lawes Beerbinder lane.
Mr. Laweswood Tower street.
John Law Bankside.
John Lavero Lymestreet.
Mr. Lasher Little Tower hill.
Mr. Layta Aldermanbury.
Mr. Leigh in Cullam street, in Comp. with Thomas.
Mr. Leekins Newington Town.
Jos. Lee Throgmorton street.
Ralph Lee Threadneedle street.
Mr. Lee George Yard Lombard Street.
Godfrey Lee Coleman Street.
Ald. John Lane, in St. Lawrence-lane.
Gerard Langerman, Burchin-lane.
John Legendre Nags-head Court Gracechurch street at Mr. Heybert.
John Legg London Wall.
Mr. Legg Coleman street.
Mr. Legole Basinghall street.
Isaac Legay Finsbury.
David Legrill Beerbinder lane.
John Lemkuell Crooked lane.
Benj. Lenud, Bucklersbury.
Hertag. Lenton Broadstreet near London-wall.
Mr. Lepiner Southwark.
Sir Jo. Lethulier Mark lane.
Samuel }
Will & } Lethulier, Broadstreet.
Abra. }
Chisto. Lethulier Turn-wheel-lane.
Mr. Leuthalier Bush lane.
Nath. Letton Fanchurch-street.
John Letton Turn-wheel-lane.
Steph. Lewis, Fan-Church-street.
Thomas Lewis, little St. Hellens.
John Lewis, St. Mary Hill.
John Lewis, Poultrey.
Sam. Lewin Barnaby-street.
Charles Lequein, Crown Court in Spittle-fields.
George Leygo, the Bridge.
Robert Liddell, Cornhill.
Mr. Lightfoot, Abchurch-lane.
James Lile, St. Mary Hill.
Mr. Lille, Dowgate.
Roger Lillington, Ironmonger-lane.
Humph. Linton, Broadstreet.
James Littleton, Berry-street.
Thomas Little, Thames-street.
Mr. Littlepage Clements-lane.
Mr. Littlepage, Abchurch-lane.
Mr. Lock St. Bartholmew Close.
Samuel Lock, Rood-lane.
Mr. Lock, Tower-street.
Mr. Lock, Goodmans-fields.
Mr. Lodwick, Fan-Church-street.
Henry Lombery, Cheapside at the Kings Arms.
Mr. Longbottom, Basinghall-street, Blackwell-hall-Factor.
Timothy Lemotuux, in Bow lane.
Henry Loo, London-wall.
William Lob, Tower-street.
Mr. Lose, Bank-side.
Henry Loads St. Mary-hill.
Sir Will. Loder, Mark-lane.
Jacob Luce, Fan-Church-street.
Michael Luce, Dukes-Place.
Mr. Ludlow, Bow-lane.
Nath. Lodington, Aldermanbury.
James Lordell Fish-street-hill by the Monument.
John Lorimore, Rood-lane.
John Lord, Austin-Fryers, at Mr. Gar Vanvythusten.
Mr. Lorcaine Queen-street.
John Longent Fan-Church-str.
Ald. Love, St. Mary Ax.
Mose Lowman, Fan-Church-street.
John Lloyd, Martins-lane.

[ M. ]


Mace, Lyme-street.
Malvin St. Dunstans hill.
Mr. Man, Lyme-street.
Mr. Mansfield, Queen-street.
Samuel Mansfield, Gravelane. Hounds-ditch.
John Maning, Loathburry.
Ralph Maning and Hide, Coleman-street.
Joseph Martin, Rood-lane.
Jasper Martin, Mark-lane.
John Martin, Garlick-hill.
Mr. Martin, Hatton-Garden.
John Martin, Broad-street.
Mr. Mart, Hatton-Garden.
Mr. Marandew, Berry-street.
Mead. Marvill, Threadneedle-street.
Samuel Marvill, Seething-lane.
Mr. Marriot, Threadneedle-street.
Mr. Marsh, St. Mary-Ax.
Mr. Marsh, Trinity-lane.
Mr. Marsh, Finsbury.
Rich. Marsh, Shore-ditch.
Mr. Marsh, Lambeth.
George Marwood, Lawr. Pount. lane.
Briant Marshall at a Packer’s in Mincin-lane.
John Marshall, Barnaby-street.
Mr. Marshall, Montague-Close Southwark.
Widd. Marke, Fan-Church-street.
Mr. Markum, Wine-Office-Court, Fleet-street.
John Marvin, Crutchet-fryars.
The Widdow of Lawr. Martell in Fanchurch street.
James Marthwaite, Leaden-hall-street.
Robert Masters, Crutchet-Fryers.
Robert Masters, Leaden-hall-str.
John Mascal, Throgmorton-street.
Robert Mason, Nicholas-lane.
Nath. Mason, Bell-Alley Coleman-street.
Mr. Mason, Iron-monger-lane, Blackwel-hall Factor.
John Matthews, St. Mary-hill.
Sir John Matthews, in Fan-Church-street, at a Packers near Cullam-street.
George Matson, lodger at an Upholsterer’s, Cornhill.
Mr. Matthews, Bow-lane.
William Matthews, Scotyard in Bushlane.
Richard Matthews, Basing-hall-street, Blackwell-hall-Factor.
John Mead, Great St. Hellens.
William Mead Fan-Church-street.
Robert Matthews, in Crutchet-Fryers.
Nicholas Mead, at a Confectioners, in Leadenhall street, near Lyme street.
John Mead, Tower-hill.
John Mear, Tower Royal.
Henry Meas, Berry-street.
William Metcalf, at the Cross-keys, Camomile-street.
Robert Melish, Philpot-lane.
Mr. Mepot, Throgmorton-street.
John Morden, Bishopsgate-street.
Mr. Merreday, Cateaton-street.
Mr. Mereton, King-street.
Thomas Merry and Comp. Garlick hill.
Daniel Mercer, Bartholomew-lane.
Samuel Merrel, Seething-lane.
John Merlin, Broad-street.
Mr. Mevill near Fishmongers Hall, Thames-street.
Mr. Merat, Grace-Church-str.
Mr. Megoll, Gravel-lane, Houndsditch.
Mark Maubart, Throgmorton-street, New Court.
Samuel }
and } Michael, Poultrey.
Charles }
Mr. Michael, the Bridge.
Bernard Michael, Clements-lane, Nags-head Court.
Richard Middleton, Crutchet-fryers.
Mr. Middleton, Coleman-street.
Francis Miller, Throgmorton-street.
Mr. Miller, Lyme-street.
William Miles, Lombard-street at Tho. White’s.
Edward Miles, Bush-lane.
Francis Millington, Lawr. Pount. lane.
Mr. Mitton, in Aldermanbury.
John Mitford, Fan-Church-str.
Robert Mitford, Tenter-Alley, More-fields.
Anthony Mingay, Swithins-lane, near Lombard-street.
John Miggot, Threadneedle-str.
Mark Mortimore, Tower-hill.
Mr. Moria, great St. Hellens.
John Morgan, Lodger, at Mr. Hopegoods, Throgmorton-street.
Peter Moreman, at a Packers in Mincin-lane.
Samuel Morse, Austin-Fryers.
Edward Morse, Token-house-yard at Mr. Drapers.
William Morse ditto.
John Moris, Austin-Fryers.
Humph. Moris, Broad-street.
Richard Moris, Cateaten-street.
Mr. Morto, Ropemakers-Alley.
Thomas Morgan, Aldermanbury.
Simon Morse, Cheapside.
Nicholas Moysie, Pancras-lane.
Moses Mocate, Camomile-street.
Mr. Montey, great St. Hellens.
Mr. Montey, Jewen-street.
Richard Monniel, Princess-street.
Peter Montage, Austin-Fryers.
Stephen Montage, Winchester-street.
Mr. Monuty, Leaden-hall-str.
Robert Monteth, at a Packers Lawr. Pount.-lane.
Sir John Moore, Mincin-lane.
George Moore, Minories.
Henry Moody, Colchester-street.
Abra. Moone, Great St. Hellens, Comp. with Chamberlain.
Fred. Mooles, Angel-Court Throgmorton-street.
Peter Mody, Walbrook, the sign of the Golden-key.
Charles Muddeford, Fan-Church street.
Abra. Mumma, Crutchet-Fryers.
Mr. Muson, Barnaby-street.
Mr. Muce, Fan-Church-street.
Sam. Moyer, Walbrook.
Mr. Moyer, Rope-makers-Alley.

[ N. ]


Neal, Poultrey.
Godard Nelthorpe, Clarkenwell.
James Nelthorpe, Charterhouse Yard.
John Nelson, Cannon-street.
Captain Needum, Aldermanbury.
Mr. Nunsan, Rosemary-lane.
Benj. Newland, Mark-lane.
Samuel Newton, Crown-Court, Grace-Church-street.
John Newton, Crutchet-Fryers.
John Newton, Mile-end-Town.
August. Newball, Grub-street.
John Nichols, Tower-hill.
Phil. Nichols, ditto.
John Nichols, Mincin-lane.
Daniel Nichols, Ironmonger-lane.
Richard Nichols, Rosemary-lane.
Edward Nichols, Broad-street.
Humph. Nicholson, Mile-end-green.
Jeff. Nightingall, Clements-lane.
Lawr. Nigi, Walbrook, Bonds Court.
Henry Norton, ditto.
Mr. Norton, Cateaten-street.
Daniel Norton, Cornhill.
Heneage Norton, at Mr. Willoughby Throgmorton-street.
Mr. Norington, Grace-Church-street.
Mr. Norder, the Horse-Ferry, Westminster.
James Nunns, near Dukes-Place.
William Nutt, Gun-yard Hounds-ditch.
Mr. Nuport, Cateaten-street, Blackwell-hall, Factor.

[ O. ]


Oadick, Austin-Fryers.
Oleverez, Dukes-Place.
Hermin Olmius, Bishopsgate without Angel-Alley.
Robert Oldworth, Copt-hall-court, Throgmorton-street.
Richard Onslow, Hatton-Garden.
Thomas Ondby, Aldermanbury.
Peter Otgar, St. Mary-hill.
Justin }
and } Otgat at Ald. Dogget, Lawrence Pount. hill.
Abra. }
William Otwood, Lyme-street.
Peter Orgueld, Peter-hill.
Mr. Orey, Pudding-lane.
Egbert Outvarst, Great St. Hellens.
John Osgood, White-Hart Court, Grace-Church-street.
Cornel. Oswald, Berry-street.
Richard Owens, Swan-Alley, Coleman street.
Peter Oversheld, St. Mary-Ax.
Richard Overman, Oxford Court Cannon-street.
Mr. Oyles, Basing-hall-street, Blackwell-hall, Factor.
Richard Oakley, in Coleman-street, Blackwell-hall, Factor.

[ P. ]


Page, Bishopsgate-street.
Pagetor, Hogsdan.
William Paggen, St. Dunstan Hill.
William Pain, ditto.
Mr. Painer, Camomile Street.
Abra. Palmentier, in Goldsmith Street.
Edward Palmer, Nicholas Lane.
William Palmer, Bishopsgate without Angel Alley.
Thomas Papillion, Fan-Church-Str.
Mr. Patts, Fan-Church Street.
Mr. Panier, St. Mary-Ax.
Mr. Panton, Chiswell Street.
Peter Paravicin, Fanchurch str.
Mr. Parker, Buttolph-Lane.
Robert Parker, Fish-street Hill.
Mr. Parker, Throgmorton Street.
Andrew Pancier, in New Court Throgmorton street.
Francis Pargetor, Mon-Yard Black Fryers.
Lewis Paran, Bell Alley, Coleman Street.
Mr. Parret, Stepney.
Daniel Parret, Lawrence Pount. Hill.
Mr. Parr, little Moore Fields.
Mr. Parsons, Ironmonger Lane.
Edward Parr, Koxis Key.
John Peatorson; at a Packers in Basinghall Street.
Sir John Peak Grace-Church Street.
William Peak, Leadenhall Street.
Benj. Peak, Winchester Street.
William Pocock, Basinghall Street.
Richard Peele, Bankside.
William Pennington St. Mary-Ax.
Isaac Pennington, Well-Court, Queen Street.
William Pendarvis, Lyme Street.
Richard Pendarvis, Swithins Lane.
Samuel Pen, Without Algate.
David Persore, Dukes-Place.
Movill }
and } Perrera, Dukes-Place.
Lopes }
William Petters, Throgmorton Str.
Mr. Pethouse, Love Lane.
Mr. Peps, Threadneedle Street.
Thomas Phillips, Martins Lane.
Mr. Phillips, Bankside.
Mr. Phillips, Com. with Browne Lombard Street.
Sir Rich. Pickett, Loathbury.
Mr. Pickett, Berry Street.
Mr. Pickett, Colledge Hill.
Mr. Pickett, Fishstreet Hill at an Apothecary’s.
James Pickering, and Comp. Nicholas Lane for Ordnary.
Thomas Pilkington Bush Lane Scot Yard.
William Pistorius, at Mr. Whitehead Packer in Broad-Street.
Mr. Pinchback in Ironmonger Lane.
Phillip Pim, Mincin Lane.
Stephen Pitts, St. Dunstan Hill.
Mr. Pitts, the Bridge.
William Plymton London Wall Cross-keys Court.
Mr. Playfoot, Old Jury Blackwelhall Factor.
Mr. Polixfield, Walbrook.
Thomas Polter, Dukes-Place.
Henry Polstead, Bednal-Green.
Mr. Ponia, New Court Throgmorton Street.
Mr. Pompillion, Newsmans Yard Cornhill.
Mr. Ponder, Tower Street.
James Pope, Abchurch Lane.
Alexand. Pope, Broadstreet.
Joseph Pope, Redriff.
Daniel Portaine, Berry Street.
William Portington, Swithins lane.
Mr. Pordage, Lawr. Pountney Lane.
John Pordage, Cheapside, at the Swan and Harp.
Josia Potter, Loathbury.
Mr. Potter, Old Jury.
George Potts, Tower Street.
Henry Pottinger, Bankside.
William Powell, Abchurch Lane.
Mr. Powell, the Bridge.
William Poulden, Gravill Lane, Hounds-ditch.
William Poynes, Throgmorton Str.
Thomas Poynes, Broad Street.
Mr. Prawing, Oxford Court, Cannon Street.
Mr. Predox, Michael Lane.
John Prestwood, Coleman Street.
Captain Preston, Mile-end-Green.
Paul Priaulx, Finsberry.
Jos. Prickman, Fanchurch Str.
Mr. Prickmez, St. Mary-Ax.
John Price, Three King Court, Lombard Street.
William Priscott, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street.
Edward Puckridge, Broad Street.
Robert Puckell, Thames Street near Gally-key.
Thomas Puckle, Austin-Fryers.
Samuel Putt Beerbinder Lane.
Mr. Putick, Berry Street.
John Pym, Winchester Street.
David Prole, Basinghall Street, Blackwell Hall Factor.
Sir Will. Prayward, at Carpenters Hall London-wall.

[ R. ]


Rainsford, Bow lane.
Raimez, Mincin lane.
James Ralphson, Chequer Yard, Dowgate.
Matthew Randall, Chain Alley.
Mr. Randall, Fanchurch Street.
Matthew Randall, Throgmorton Str.
Edward Randall, Queen Street.
Mr. Randsosse, great S. Hellens.
Mr. Ranalson, Martins lane.
Francis Rape, at a Confectioners in Walbrook.
Mr. Ratliff, Fishstreet Hill.
George Ravencroft, Westminster, Turkey Walk Exchange.
John Rawlins, Cloapton Hackney.
John Rayner, Leadenhall street.
John Rayner, Clements lane.
Mr. Rayledge, Devonshire-House.
Mr. Reanals, Basinghall street, Blackwel Hall Factor.
Thomas Rea, Princess Street.
Mr. Reeves, Great St. Hellens.
Jos. Reeves, Barnarby Street.
John Reede, Aldermanbury.
Stephen Reade, Leadenhall Street.
Thomas Reeve, Cornhill, lodger at an Upholsterers.
William Regoat, Gravil lane, Hounds-ditch.
Arthur Remington, Broad Street.
Peter Renew, Philpot lane.
Theoph. Revell, Thames Street near Billingsgate.
John Richardson, Water lane.
Rand. Richardson, near Fishmongers Hall.
Edward Richbell, Berry Street.
Mr. Richmond, Harp lane.
John Riches, Lawr. Pount. lane.
Captain Rich, Bankside.
Henry Ricardus, at Ald. Jeffery’s Berry Street.
Mr. Richards, without Newgate.
Mr. Ridley, Grubstreet.
William Robards, Leadenhall street.
Richard Robards, without Bishopsgate.
Gab. Robards, London-Wall, Carpenters Hall.
Gar. Robards, White Hart Court, Grace Church str.
Thomas Robards, George Yard, Lombard Street.
Mr. Robards, Crooked lane.
Mr. Robards, Berry Street.
Lenc. Robinson, and Comp. Nicholas’s lane.
Andrew Robinson, Three Kings Court: Lombard Street.
William Robinson, Mark lane.
Mr. Robinson, Crooked lane.
George Robins, ditto.
Mr. Robulus, Berry Street.
Gomez Rodrigues, ditto.
Nicholas Roo, Leadenhall Street.
Richard Roo, White Hart Court Grace Church Street.
Mr. Roo, Corbit Court Grace Church Street.
Rand. Roper, near the Armitage.
Jos. Rooksby, Mincin lane.
Mr. Rooksby }
Mr. Rooksby } Stepney.
John Rowland, Winchester street.
Nicholas Rowles, Threadneedle str.
Timothy Royly, Dowgate.
John Royly, Soper lane.
Samuel Royston, Bucklers Berry.
Jeremy Royston, Poultrey.
Edward Rudge, St. Mary-Ax.
Mr. Rudge, Redriff.
Richard Russell, Bush lane, Scot yard.
Mr. Russell by the Bridge.
Mr. Rucket, Minories.


Sadler, Mugwell Street.
Sadler, Walbrook. Samuel Sale, in Lymestreet Comp. with Scopin. Henry Salter, Fanchurch street. Mr. Salter, in Princes street. Richard Sallaway, Oxford Court in Cannon street. John Sallaway, at Mr. Cockrams Swithins lane. Samuel Sambrook, Tower street. William Sambrook, Queen street. Mr. Samuel, Dukes-Place. Edward Sanders, Thomas Apostles. John Sanders, Throgmorton str. Philip Sanderson, in St. Lowrence lane. Edward Sanders, Buttolf lane. Mr. Sanders, Thames street. Edward Sanders, Newington Green. Henry Sanders, Broadstreet. Mr. Sanders, Bucklers Berry. John Sanford, Basinghall street. Mr. Sands, Beerbinder lane. Mr. Saneeis, Talbot Court Grace Church street. Clem. Sawyer, little Trinity lane. John Sawyer, Ivy-lane. Abra. Sayon at Mr. Stubbs in Swithins lane. Lucas Scantes, Lyme-street. Mr. Scanly, the Bridge. William Scarlet, Tower street at a Drapers. Mr. Scarlet, Newington Green. Edward Scuyt, Loathybury at the Bear and Fountain. John Scopen and Comp. Lyme-street. William Scoing, Lawr. Pount. lane. Richard Scot Basinghall street. Mr. Scot, London-wall Blackwel Hall Factor. John Serape, Loathbury. Daniel Scoken, Threadneedle str. Mr. Scowell, Buttolph lane. Edward Seaman, Thames street. Michael Sederis, Mark lane. Peter Sedgwick, in Martins lane. Obad. Sedgwick, Fanchurch str. Mr. Sedgwick, Beerbinder lane. Mr. Sedgwick, Swithins lane. Mr. Seneris, little Eastchip. Joseph Serjeant, St. John street, Irish-Walk Exchange. Arnold Sertillion, Fanchurch street. Arth. Sexagomes, Minories. Mr. Shaw, St. Dunstans Hill. John Shelden, Cannon street. John Shelden in Dukes-Place near the Church. William Shelden, the Bridge. Basal} and } Sherman, Tower Hill. Edmond} William Sherrington, Bishopsgate street. Henry Sheeth, Aldermanbury. Samuel Shepherd, Michaels lane. Mr. Shepherd, Bucklersbury. John Shepherd, White Hart Court Grace Church str. Thomas Shepherd, Abchurch lane. Mr. Sherbrook, Company, with Mr. Clark in Cheapside. William Sherbrook, St. Hellens. Sir John Shorter, Bankside. James Sherlock, at Queen Hive. Charles Shorter, ditto. William Short, Ditto. Mr. Shieres, Crutchet Fryers. Mr. Shieres, Ratliff Cross. Mr. Shilgrove, Buttolph lane. William Shipman Tower Hill. Mr. Sigues, Goodmans Fields. William Sikes, lodger at a Packers in Swithins lane. Edward Silvester Thames street. Mr. Silvester Camomile street. Mr. Silgrove, Love lane. Mr. Silver, Minories. Mr. Silver Camomile-street. George } and } Sitwell, Leadenhall str. Robert } Thomas Symons, Cateaton street. Edward Symons, Masons Alley in Cornhill. Michael Sivex, Mark lane. Daniel Skinner, Crutchet Fryers. Benj. Skutt, Great St. Hellens. John Skinner, Austin Fryers. Daniel Skinner, Barthol. lane. Mr. Skinner, Camberry House at Islington. Mr. Skinner, Ironmonger lane. Nath. Skinner, Kings Arms Yard Coleman street. Mr. Skinner in Cateaton sttreet. [sic.] Richard Slinger, Philpot lane. Par. Slater, Basinghall street Blackwelhall-Factor. Benj. Smart, Broad street. Mr. Smith in Grubstreet. Sir Jam. Smith, Kings Arms Yard Coleman street. John Smith Camomile street. Nicholas} and } Smith, Little St. Hellens. John } Nath. Smith, Woodstreet, at an Apothecary’s. John Smith Cheapside. John Smith Walbrook. Ald. Smith Clarkenwell Green. Mr. Smith ditto. Mr. Smith ditto. Mr. Smith Grubstreet. Mr. Smith Water side near Billingsgate. Thomas Smith backside the Exchange at a Packer’s. Ald. Smith, Bankside. Thomas Smith Bankside at a Pack. William Smith Bunhill. Mr. Smith, Peter’s Alley Cornh. James Smith Clink street. John Smith Mark lane. George Snell Lawr. Pount. Hill. John Snelling Tuly street. Mr. Snow Shadwell. William Somers Aldermary Church Yard. Mr. Southwell Crutchet Fryers. Samuel Southton Broad street. John South George Yard, Lombard street. Mr. Southerby Hackney. Peter Southwick Coleman street. Mr. Spicer Abchurch lane. Mr. Spicer Goodmans Fields. Mr. Spencer Minories. Mr. Spencer Newington Green. Peter Split Armitage Wapping. Henry Spencer Mark lane. Sir Tho. Stamp Basinghall street. George Stanpel a Stationer near the Exchange. Mr. Standley, St. Dunstans hill. Will. Stavendish Thames street. Mr. Stacy Pickle Herring. Mr. Stacy Thames street near Billingsgate. Isa. Stackman Broad street. Roger Stackhard Coleman street. Mr. Stenenis Berry street. Mr. Steneque Threadneedle str. Farly Stephenson at Billingsgate every morning. Mr. Stevenson Threadn. street. Mr. Stevenson Bishopsgate str. Thomas Stevenson Old Fish-street. Richard Steele Nags-head Court in Grace Church Street. Mr. Stenenis Hogsdon. Mr. Steres Tuly street. William Stiles Shadwell. Mr. Stipkins Pauls Wharf. Samuel Storey Sice lane. John Storey Bow Church Yard. John Story Leadenhall street at a Packer’s. Roger Stockhard Coleman street. Mr. Stonnier Durham Yard. Jer. Stone Nich. lane. George Strinyard Crutchet Fryers. Mr. Streete Mark lane. Mr. Strood Lawr. Pount. lane. Hugh Strood Pudding lane. William Strude at Mr. Atterberry Throgmorton street. Nath. Strange Swithins lane at a Packer’s. Mr. Stronge Queen street. Mr. Stracey Grace Church str. Henry Stroud Lawr. Pount. lane. Anthony Sturt Minories. Mr. Sturt Throgmorton street. John Stubbs St. Swithins lane. Thomas Stubbings Cloak lane. Isaac } &} Swares Dukes-Place. Jacob } Mr. Swanham St. Katherines. Samuel Swinock, Fanchurch street. Pye Alley. John Swinton Water-lane. Richard Swithins Lawr. Pount. Hill. Mr. Swift Welstreet Hackney. Mr. Squib Palace Yard Westminster. Bar. Scirps at Mr. Nelmes Packer in Beerbinder lane.

[ T. ]


Tawden St. Martins lane.
Tanner Berry street.
Mr. Tares Dukes-Place.
John Taylor Basinghall street Blackwelhall Factor.
John Taylor Talbot Court Grace Church street.
John Taylor Budg Row.
Mr. Taylor Throgmorton str.
Mr. Taylor Newington Butts.
Mr. Taylor Wildstreet.
John Taylor Mile-end Green.
James Taylor Fleetstreet Peterborough Court.
Mr. Tedway Distaff lane.
James Therey Fanchurch street.
Mr. Terrenis, Watling street.
Mr. Terick Kingsland.
Isaac Tellis Berry street.
Ald. Tinch Fanchurch street.
Walter Thimbleton Bednal Green Irish Walk.
Mr. Thinn Lawr. Pount. lane.
Isaac Testard Throgmorton str.
William Throgmorton Trinity lane.
Sir Will. Thompson Lyme street.
Major Thompson Newington.
Francis Thompson Tower Hill.
Kategen Thomas Bankside.
William Thomas Cullam street.
William Thomas Basinghall street Blackwelhall Factor.
Christ. Tomlinson Martins Lane.
Coll. Thornborow Mincin lane.
Mr. Thornwell Lyme street.
Robert Thornton ditto.
Benj. Thorowgood Cornhill.
Robert Thorner at Mr. Leigh Finsbury.
Mr. Thursby, Bishopsg. without.
William Tichburn Lawr. Pount. lane.
Edward Tidcombe Coleman street.
Richard Tilden Tower street.
Richard Tilden White Chappel.
Mr. Tilfoard Chiswell street.
Abra. Tilard Finsbury.
Jos. Tillingson Kings Arms Yard, Coleman street.
Mr. Tyson Coleman street Blackwelhall Factor.
Mr. Tinch Newington Green.
Mr. Tinch St. Mary-Ax.
Walt. Tindall Bunhill.
Francis Tierrens St. Swithins lane.
Mr. Tolson Cateaton street.
Mr. Tomliz Bow Church Yard.
George Toriano Nicholas lane.
Ald. Fran. Townely Mincin lane.
John Townsend Broadstreet.
Robert Townsend Lawr. Pount. lane.
Mr. Townsend Fishstreet Hill.
Edward Towes Great St. Hellens.
Benj. Took Loathbury.
Mr. Trannell Tower Hill.
Charles Trinquand Mark lane.
George Trinchard Billiter lane.
Mr. Trenacker Clopton Hackney.
Theod. Trotle near Fishmongers Hall Thames street.
Mr. Tronantle Bankside.
Anthony Tretheuie Portugal Row.
Pier. Trott Vine Court Bishopsgate without.
Mr. Treres St. Olives street Southwark.
Mr. Tut Berry street.
Rignal Tucker Rood lane.
Sam. Tucker Martins lane.
John Tudman Throgmorton str.
Sir Hen. Tulce Loathbury.
Mr. Turpin Throgmorton street.
Mr. Turnel Billiter lane.
John Turner Suffolk lane.
Thomas Tuson in Swithins lane.
Thomas Twisden Throgmorton str.
Thomas Twisden little Morefields.
Francis Tyson Philpot lane.
Richard Torner lodger at Mr. Edw. Wats in Mark lane.

[ V. ]


Vallentine Basinghall str. Blackwelhall Factor.
Vanderbrusten Thames str.
Jo. Bapt. Vanderhoeven Seething lane.
Mr. Vanderhou ditto.
Phil. }
and } Vanbrewsigham Philpot lane.
Christians Vanbreda Samuel, Fan-Church street.
Mr. Vandamlyt Camomile str.
George }
and } Vanham great S. Hellens.
William }
Ger. Vanuythuyson Austin Fr.
Mr. Van Morris ditto.
Daniel Van Milder Throgmorton street.
Peter Vanden Anchor Lyme str.
Widd. Vandermarsh ditto.
Peter Vandermarsh Martins lane.
Peter Vandebob Lawr. Pount. lane.
William Vandenbergh ditto.
Peter Vanderbusten Alhallows Thames street.
John Vannerson Kings Arms Yard Coleman street.
Peter Vandeput Basinghall str.
John Vanhack Abchurch lane.
Mr. Vannet Bucklers Berry.
Mr. Van Diuer Lawr. Pount. lane.
Mr. Van Blisse Wapping.
Nicholas Van Milder ditto.
Daniel Van Pray Clink street Mary-gold stairs Southw.
John Van Wachtendonek Leadenhall street.
Law. Vanham St. Katherines.
Corn. Vandures S. Swithins lane.
Constan. Vanetti Seething lane.
Peter Van Cittert at Mr. John Martin Elkins Lawrence Pount. lane.
Francis Van Acker Abchurch lane.
John Van Laere Paul’s Church Yard near the School.
Mr. Vbetter St. Mary Ax.
and } Varnon Gravil lane Hounds-ditch.
John }
Mr. Varnon Hartichoak lane [sic.] Wapping.
John Varnon Cherry-tree Alley little Morefields.
John Varnon Coleman street.
Thomas Verbeck Broad street.
Calib Veren Pickled Herring.
William Veager Bishopsg. without in White Hart Yard.
Mr. Vine Armitage.
Isaac Vink Austin Fryers.
Peter Vertirini Mark lane.
Mr. Villeway Montague Court Southwork.
Mr. Visher St. Mary Hill.
Mr. Vespreet and Vandenbrook Lyme street.
Cornel. Van Beselor Walter in Crooked lane.

[ U. ]


Upton Dukes-Place.
Upton ditto.
Mr. Upton Newington Town.
Gilb. Upton Cloak lane.
Mr. Unis Dukes-Place.
Thomas Vernon in Coleman street.

[ W. ]


Wade Sheerbon lane.
Wade Tower Hill.
Henry Wade Mincin lane comp. with Burkin.
Matthew Walker Throgmorton str.
James Wallis Fanchurch street.
Ald. Waldow Cheapside.
Mr. Waldo Spittle-fields.
Anthony Wallinger Oxford Court Cannon street.
Abra. }
and } Walwin Lawr. Pount. hill.
John }
Sir Pat. Ward Lawr. Pount. Hill.
Mr. Ward little Moor fields.
Mr. Ward Ironmonger lane.
James Ward Kings Arms Yard Coleman street.
James Ward Oxford Court Cannon street.
Sir Will. Warren Wapping.
William Warren Fanchurch street.
Nicholas Warren Lyme street.
Mr. Warren Gun Yard.
Henry Warren Old Jury.
Mr. Warren Old Jury Blackwelhall Factor.
William Warr Seething lane.
Mr. Wardner Leaden Hall street.
William Warle Fishstreet Hill.
Edmond Warner Throgmorton str.
Mr. Warner Angel Court S. Martins le Grand.
Henry Warner Colledge Hill.
William Warner Mincin lane.
Samuel Wastall Vine Court Spittle fields.
Sir Geor. Waterman Thames street.
Ed. Watts Mark lane.
George Watts Aldersgate street.
John Watts at Mr. Smarts in Broad street.
Mich. Watts Old Jury.
Mr. Watkins Lymestreet.
Peter Watson Aldermanbury Love lane.
Mr. Watter Colledge Hill.
William Webb Throgmorton street.
Thomas Webb ditto.
Mr. Webb London wall.
James Welden Princess street.
Mr. Wells little Moorefields.
George Willington and Comp. with Alcock Coleman street.
Mat. Wentworth, Ironmonger lane Blackwelhall Fact.
Mr. Wentworth Aldersgate str.
Phil. }
and } Werts Crutchet Fryers.
John }
Ger. Westcomb great S. Hellens.
Richard Westcomb Lyme street.
Mr. Westbrook Aldermanbury.
Mr. Westhorne Ironmonger lane.
Oliver Westland Bishopsgate str. lodger at an Upholsterers.
Nath. Westland Bankside.
Mr. West Petty France Morefields.
Abra. Wesset Bishopsgate street without Whitegate Alley.
Ger. Weymans Thames street.
Mr. Weymansset Bankside.
Mr. Winise Philpot lane.
Mr. Winbart Mincin lane.
Mr. Whistler Sheerbon lane.
Mr. Wilson Old Jury Blackwelhall Factor.
Mr. Whatton and Wilcox Cheapside.
Thomas Whitebread Mark lane.
John Whithall Philpot lane.
Sir Steph.}
and } White Kingsland Spanish Walk Exchange.
Mr. }
William White Fanchurch street.
Thomas White Minories Goodmans Yard.
Mr. Whitefield Dukes-Place.
John Whitehead Aldermanbury.
William Whitehead Petty France.
John Whithead Broad street.
Mr. Whiting Coleman street Blackwelhall Factor.
Mr. Woolkins in Basinghall str. Blackwelhall Factor.
George Woodford Basinghall str. Blackwel hall Factor.
Mr. Woodward Thames street.
Jonath. Woodhouse ditto.
William Wood Wapping.
Mr. Wood in Basinghall str. Blackwelhall Factor.
Mr. Wood Berry street.
Mr. Woodman Wapping.
Mr. Woolhouse St. Mary-Ax.
Adam Wooley Bucklers Berry.
Robert Wooley Mincin lane.
Mr. Woots Cateaton street.
John Wolf Little Moore fields.
Mr. Woodroft Little St. Bartholomews.
Mr. Wordner St. Mary-Ax.
Mr. Wosham Broad street.
Mr. Wildy Basinghall street Blackwell-hall Factor.
Henry Wild near the Old Swan Thames street.
and } Wild Billiter lane.
Ralph }
George Willoughby Throgmorton street.
Robert Wilson Little More-fields.
Thomas Wilson Bishopsgate without.
Mr. Wilson Broad street.
Robert Williamson Turn-wheel lane.
James Williamson Lawr. Pount. lane.
John Wilmor Jewen street.
Humph. Willet Swithins lane.
William Willis and Gore Swan Alley Coleman street.
Mr. Willoughby Mark lane.
William Window Tower Hill.
Mr. Winhack Aldermanbury.
Mr. Wise Fanchurch street.
Thomas Wise and Lumbes Threadneedle street.
Mr. Winefield Buttolph lane.
Mr. Winch Shadwell.
Mr. Winash Armitage.
Benj. Wetcomb Coleman street.
Mr. Wilcox Basinghall street Blackwelhall Factor.
Mr. Wright Water-lane.
Mr. Wright Bankside.
Jos. Wright Aldersgate street.
Mr. Wright near St. Thomas Apostles.

[ Y. ]


Yates the Bridge.
Young Mincin lane.
Richard Young Leadenhall street.
James Young Dukes-Place.
Nath. Young at the African House.
Thomas Yoakly Tower street in a Court near Mark lane.
Thomas Yoaksly in Cannon street near the Blew Bell.

Hereunto is added an Addition of all the Goldsmiths that keep Runing Cashes.



Addis and Company at the Sun in Lumbard street.



Bolitho and Mr. Wilson at the Golden Lion
in Lumbard street
John Ballard at the Unicorn Lumbard street.
Job Bolton at the Bolt and Tun in Lumbard Street.
Richard Blanchard }
and } at the Mary-gold in Fleet-street.
Child }



Cook }
} at the Griffin in Exchange
Nicholas Cary } Alley.
Mr. Cutbert in Cheapside.
Mr. Coggs in the Strand at the Kings-head.
Mr. Churchill at the in the Strand.



Duncomb }
} at the Grashopper in
Richard Kent } Lumbard street.



} at the Angell and Crown
Benj. Norington} in Lumbard str.
Mr. East at the in the Strand.



Fowles at the Black Lion in Fleetstreet.



Hornboy at the Star in Lumbard
John Hind } over against the
Thomas Carwood } Exchange in Cornhill.
Benj. Hinton at the Flower de Luce in Lumbard street.
James Herriot at the Naked Boy in Fleetstreet.
James Hore at the Golden Bottle in Cheapside.



Johnson at the Three Flower de Luces
in Cheapside.



Kilborne }
and } at the Kings Head
Capill } in Lumbard street.
Mr. Kenton at the Kings-Arms in Fleetstreet.
Mr. Ketch at the Black-Horse in the Strand.


Lamb at the Grapes in Lumbard street.
James Lapley at the Three Cocks Cheapside.



Mawson and Comp. at the Golden Hind
in Fleet str.



Nelthorpe at the Rose in Lumbard street.



Price at the Goat in Lumbard street.
Peter Percefull }
and } at the Black Boy in Lumbard
Stephen Evans } street.
Thomas Pardo at the Golden Anchor in Lumbard street.



Rowe } at the George in Lumbard
} street.
Thomas Green }



Stocks at the Black-Horse in
Lumbard str.
John Sweetaple at the Black-Moors-Head in Lumbard street.
John Snell at the Fox in Lum-street.
Michael Schrimpshaw at the Golden Lion in Fleetstreet.
Richard Stayley in Covent Garden.



Temple } at the Three Tunns in
} Lumbard str.
John Seale }
John Thursby at the Ball in Lumbard street.
Bar. Turner } at the Fleece in Lumbard
and } street.
Samuel Tookie }



Wallis at the Angell in Lumbard
Peter Wade at the Mearmaid in Lumbard street.
Peter White} at the Plough in Lumbard
and } street.
Churchill }
Thomas White at the Blew Anchor in Lumbard street.
Thomas Williams at the Crown in Lumbard street.
Robert Ward } at the Ram in Lumbard
and } str.
John Towneley }


Flowerdew at Rowl. Dee in the Poultrey.
Benj. Bathurst St. Mary-Ax.
Benj. Rigfath Nicholas lane.
Jasp. Chapman Basinghall str.
Peter Vergrew in New Court in Throgmorton street.
John Conine in Salisbury Court.
August Allard in Kings street.
Will. Fasset Dutch Walk Exch.
Ja. Caepell at the Bee-hive in Watlin street.
George Cokp near St. Dunstan’s lodger at a Widdows.
Hougo and John Lent at a Packers St. Dunstan’s Hill.
John Burrow in Bush lane.
Cap. Nunssan at the Insur. Office.
Edw. Blake Tower street.
Nich. Lock Batholomew Close.
John Blake St. Swithins lane at a Packer’s.
Will. Depestor Broad street at the Surgeons Arms.
John Edmonds in Philpot lane.
Edw. Wards Basinghall street.
James Eyton Fish-street Hill.
Warw. Yard African-House.
Samuel Burlingham and Comp. in Angel Court in Lumbard street.
Ralph Far at Mile-end Green.
Paul Alestry in St. Martins lane.
John Bruse Fanchurch street.
Mr. Brabant in St. Swithins lane at a Packer’s.
Samuel Braborne at his Brother Mr. Braborne in the Poultry.
Simon Clark in Love lane Aldermanbury.
Adrian Van Schipcroot in Muddiford Court Fanchurch str.
John Morris at Mr. Baker’s Almary Church Yard.
Stat. Ahearns Lawr. Poult. Hill.

Publisher colophon


Back cover


Many entries are out of alphabetical order. No change has been made.

The 1863 Introduction has page numbering (v to xxii) but the Catalogue itself reproduced in the following 129 pages has no numbering.

The letter ? (long-form s) was used extensively but sometimes inconsistently in the book and has been replaced by the normal s in all cases in the etext.

Some errors from the 1677 Catalogue were carried forward in the 1863 reproduction and marked with [sic.] in the text. These have been left unchanged in the etext.

The printer’s catchwords at the bottom of every page on the 1677 Catalogue were carried forward in the 1863 text. These have all been removed in the etext.

The capital letter of a name was italicized in over two hundred instances and was perhaps a printer’s artifact and not the 1677 compiler’s choice. These have been left unchanged in the etext.

A few instances of a clearly incorrect punctuation mark have been silently changed, for example ‘Mr,’ was changed to ‘Mr.’ Many instances of a missing comma, for example after the surname, have not been altered.

All addresses were italicized and all names were not. A half dozen instances of italic inconsistency were silently changed.

The ‘Goldsmiths’ section had two small lists under the letter ‘H’ heading. These have been combined into one list.

In the Introduction:
Page xviii, ‘ia a good suggestion’ replaced by ‘is a good suggestion’.
In the Catalogue entry with surname ‘xxxxx;’:
Bultell; ‘Anstin-fryars’ replaced by ‘Austin-fryars’.
Burdit; ‘Bobert’ replaced by ‘Robert’.
Deluna; ‘Great Saint Hel-’ replaced by ‘Great Saint Hellens.’.
Demodina; ‘Great St. Hel-’ replaced by ‘Great St. Hellens.’.
Doggett; ‘Pouut. Hill’ replaced by ‘Pount. Hill’.
Hill; ‘Rredriff’ replaced by ‘Redriff’.
Vergrew; ‘Throgmortou street’ replaced by ‘Throgmorton street’.



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