- A
- Aberdeen, 351
- Abjuration of the Realm, 35, 363
- Admiralty, Court of, 62
- Agisters, 68
- Alehouse Act, The, 222
- Alien Act, The, 175
- Alfred the Great, 3, 10, 13
- Alverstone, Lord, 365
- Amercements, 19
- America, 208, 209, 364, 371
- Anderson, Dr Robert, 362
- Anglesey, 305
- Anglo-Saxon Police, 8, 14, 232, 401
- Anthropometry, 359, 361
- Appeal, 91
- Assize of Arms, the, 26, 27, 28
- Australia, 210, 341, 342
- Aylesbury, 72
- B
- Bacon, Lord, 17, 84, 113
- Bail, 50, 324
- Barbadoes, 129, 208
- Barkstead, Colonel, 128, 130
- Bath, 269
- Basket Justices, 115
- Beccaria, 219
- Bedel, 75
- Bedfordshire, 45, 126, 304
- Benefit of Clergy, 89, 222
- Bentham, J., xiii., 6, 94, 204, 205, 217, 218, 219, 223, 247, 347, 404
- Berkshire, 45, 105, 126, 305
- Bermuda, 209
- Bertillon, M. A
- Curfew Bell, 16, 31
- D
- Dartmoor, 343
- Decennary Police, 9, 18, 24, 75
- Decennier, 121
- De Goncourt Case, 368, 371
- Denbigh, 305
- Denville, Sir Gosselin, 39
- Derbyshire, 126, 305
- Detective Police, 311, 366
- Devonshire, 126, 305
- Dickens, Charles, 207
- Dictum de Kenilworth, 24
- Director of Public Prosecutions, 364
- —— Criminal Investigation, 370
- Dorsetshire, 126, 305
- Drawlatches, 29
- Dublin Police Act, 169
- Duelling, 202
- Durham, 126, 304
- E
- Edgar, 1, 6
- Edward I., 24, 30, 31, 36, 44, 60
- —— II., 39
- —— III., 26, 43, 46, 47, 60, 74
- —— IV., 51
- —— VI., 2, 46, 94, 96
- —— VII., 57
- Essex, 45, 104, 126, 301, 303, 304
- Expeditation, 66
- Extradition Acts, 364
- F
- Fielding, Henry, 141, 155, 158, 191, 207, 218, 220, 404
- Fielding, Sir John, 234, 275, 274
- Oxfordshire, 45, 126, 305
@46812-h@46812-h-0.htm.html#Page_30" class="pginternal">30, 126, TURNBULL AND SPEARS, PRINTERS, EDINBURGH.