CHAPTER XV. SPERMAPHYTES. Class II. Angiosperms. |
  The angiosperms include an enormous assemblage of plants, all those ordinarily called “flowering plants” belonging here. There is almost infinite variety shown in the form and structure of the tissues and organs, this being particularly the case with the flowers. As already stated, the ovules, instead of being borne on open carpels, are enclosed in a cavity formed by a single closed carpel or several united carpels. To the organ so formed the name “pistil” is usually applied, and this is known as “simple” or “compound,” as it is composed of one or of two or more carpels. The leaves bearing the pollen spores are also much modified, and form the so-called “stamens.” In addition to the spore-bearing leaves there are usually other modified leaves surrounding them, these being often brilliantly colored and rendering the flower very conspicuous. To these leaves surrounding the sporophylls, the general name of “perianth” or “perigone” is given. The perigone has a twofold purpose, serving both to protect the sporophylls, and, at least in bright-colored flowers, to attract insects which, as we shall see, are important agents in transferring pollen from one flower to another. When we compare the embryo sac (macrospore) of the angiosperms with that of the gymnosperms a great difference is noticed, there being much more difference than between the latter and the higher pteridophytes. Unfortunately there are very few plants where the structure of the embryo sac can be readily seen without very skilful manipulation. Fig.79. Fig.79.—A, ripe ovule of Monotropa uniflora, in optical section, ×100. m, micropyle. e, embryo sac. B, the embryo sac, ×300. At the top is the egg apparatus, consisting of the two synergidÆ (s), and the egg cell (o). In the centre is the “endosperm nucleus” (k). At the bottom, the “antipodal cells” (g). There are, however, a few plants in which the ovules are very small and transparent, so that they may be mounted whole and examined alive. The best plant for this purpose is probably the “Indian pipe” or “ghost flower,” a curious plant growing in rich woods, blossoming in late summer. It is a parasite or saprophyte, and entirely destitute of chlorophyll, being pure white throughout. It bears a single nodding flower at the summit of the stem. (Another species much like it, but having several brownish flowers, is shown in Figure115, L.) If this plant can be had, the structure of the ovule and embryo sac may be easily studied, by simply stripping away the tissue bearing the numerous minute ovules, and mounting a few of them in water, or water to which a little sugar has been added. The ovules are attached to a stalk, and each consists of about two layers of colorless cells enclosing a central, large, oblong cell (Fig.79, A, E), the embryo sac or macrospore. If the ovule is from a flower that has been open for some time, we shall find in the centre of the embryo sac a large nucleus (k) (or possibly two which afterward unite into one), and at each end three cells. Those at the base (g) probably represent the prothallium, and those at the upper end a very rudimentary archegonium, here generally called the “egg apparatus.” Of the three cells of the “egg apparatus” the lower (o) one is the egg cell; the others are called “synergidÆ.” The structure of the embryo sac and ovules is quite constant among the angiosperms, the differences being mainly in the shape of the ovules, and the degree to which its coverings or integuments are developed. The pollen spores of many angiosperms will germinate very easily in a solution of common sugar in water: about fifteen percent of sugar is the best. A very good plant for this purpose is the sweet pea, whose pollen germinates very rapidly, especially in warm weather. The spores may be sown in a little of the sugar solution in any convenient vessel, or in a hanging drop suspended in a moist chamber, as described for germinating the spores of the slime moulds. The tube begins to develop within a few minutes after the spores are placed in the solution, and within an hour or so will have reached a considerable length. Each spore has two nuclei, but they are less evident here than in some other forms (Fig.79). Fig.80. Fig.80.—Germinating pollen spores of the sweet pea, ×200. The upper part of the pistil is variously modified, having either little papillÆ which hold the pollen spores, or are viscid. In either case the spores germinate when placed upon this receptive part (stigma) of the pistil, and send their tubes down through the tissues of the pistil until they reach the ovules, which are fertilized much as in the gymnosperms. The effect of fertilization extends beyond the ovule, the ovary and often other parts of the flower being affected, enlarging and often becoming bright-colored and juicy, forming the various fruits of the angiosperms. These fruits when ripe may be either dry, as in the case of grains of various kinds, beans, peas, etc.; or the ripe fruit may be juicy, serving in this way to attract animals of many kinds which feed on the juicy pulp, and leave the hard seeds uninjured, thus helping to distribute them. Common examples of these fleshy fruits are offered by the berries of many plants; apples, melons, cherries, etc., are also familiar examples. The seeds differ a good deal both in regard to size and the degree to which the embryo is developed at the time the seed ripens. Classification of the Angiosperms. The angiosperms are divided into two sub-classes: I.Monocotyledons and II.Dicotyledons. The monocotyledons comprise many familiar plants, both ornamental and useful. They have for the most part elongated, smooth-edged leaves with parallel veins, and the parts of the flower are in threes in the majority of them. As their name indicates, there is but one cotyledon or seed leaf, and the leaves from the first are alternate. As a rule the embryo is very small and surrounded by abundant endosperm. The most thoroughly typical members of the sub-class are the lilies and their relatives. The one selected for special study here, the yellow adder-tongue, is very common in the spring; but if not accessible, almost any liliaceous plant will answer. Of garden flowers, the tulip, hyacinth, narcissus, or one of the common lilies may be used; of wild flowers, the various species of Trillium (Fig.83, A) are common and easily studied forms, but the leaves are not of the type common to most monocotyledons. The yellow adder-tongue (Erythronium americanum) (Fig.81) is one of the commonest and widespread of wild flowers, blossoming in the northern states from about the middle of April till the middle of May. Most of the plants found will not be in flower, and these send up but a single, oblong, pointed leaf. The flowering plant has two similar leaves, one of which is usually larger than the other. They seem to come directly from the ground, but closer examination shows that they are attached to a stem of considerable length entirely buried in the ground. This arises from a small bulb (B) to whose base numerous roots (r) are attached. Rising from between the leaves is a slender, leafless stalk bearing a single, nodding flower at the top. The leaves are perfectly smooth, dull purplish red on the lower side, and pale green with purplish blotches above. The epidermis may be very easily removed, and is perfectly colorless. Examined closely, longitudinal rows of whitish spots may be detected: these are the breathing pores. Fig.81.—A, plant of the yellow adder-tongue (Erythronium americanum), ×. B, the bulb of the same, ×½. r, roots. C, section of B. st. the base of the stem bearing the bulb for next year (b) at its base. D, a single petal and stamen, ×½. f, the filament. an. anther. E, the gynoecium (pistil), ×1. o, ovary. st. style. z, stigma. F, a full-grown fruit, ×½. G, section of a full-grown macrosporangium (ovule), ×25: i, ii, the two integuments. sp. macrospore (embryo sac). H, cross-section of the ripe anther, ×12. I, a single pollen spore, ×150, showing the two nuclei (n, nʹ). J, a ripe seed, ×2. K, the same, in longitudinal section. em. the embryo. L, cross-section of the stem, ×12. fb. fibro-vascular bundle. M, diagram of the flower. A cross-section of the stem shows numerous whitish areas scattered through it. These are the fibro-vascular bundles which in the monocotyledons are of a simple type. The bulb is composed of thick scales, which are modified leaves, and on cutting it lengthwise, we shall probably find the young bulb of next year (Fig.C, b) already forming inside it, the young bulb arising as a bud at the base of the stem of the present year. The flower is made up of five circles of very much modified leaves, three leaves in each set. The two outer circles are much alike, but the three outermost leaves are slightly narrower and strongly tinged with red on the back, completely concealing the three inner ones before the flower expands. The latter are pure yellow, except for a ridge along the back, and a few red specks near the base inside. These six leaves constitute the perigone of the flower; the three outer are called sepals, the inner ones petals. The next two circles are composed of the sporophylls bearing the pollen spores.[12] These are the stamens, and taken collectively are known as the “Androecium.” Each leaf or stamen consists of two distinct portions, a delicate stalk or “filament” (D, f), and the upper spore-bearing part, the “anther” (an.). The anther in the freshly opened flower has a smooth, red surface; but shortly after, the flower opens, splits along each side, and discharges the pollen spores. A section across the anther shows it to be composed of four sporangia or pollen sacs attached to a common central axis (“connective”) (Fig.H). The central circle of leaves, the carpels (collectively the “gynoecium”) are completely united to form a compound pistil (Fig.81, E). This shows three distinct portions, the ovule-bearing portion below (o), the “ovary,” a stalk above (st.), the “style,” and the receptive portion (z) at the top, the “stigma.” Both stigma and ovary show plainly their compound nature, the former being divided into three lobes, the latter completely divided into three chambers, as well as being flattened at the sides with a more or less decided seam at the three angles. The ovules, which are quite large, are arranged in two rows in each chamber of the ovary, attached to the central column (“placenta”). The flowers open for several days in succession, but only when the sun is shining. They are visited by numerous insects which carry the pollen from one flower to another and deposit it upon the stigma, where it germinates, and the tube, growing down through the long style, finally reaches the ovules and fertilizes them. Usually only a comparatively small number of the seeds mature, there being almost always a number of imperfect ones in each pod. The pod or fruit (F) is full-grown about a month after the flower opens, and finally separates into three parts, and discharges the seeds. These are quite large (Fig.81, J) and covered with a yellowish brown outer coat, and provided with a peculiar, whitish, spongy appendage attaching it to the placenta. A longitudinal section of a ripe seed (K) shows the very small, nearly triangular embryo (em.), while the rest of the cavity of the seed is filled with a white, starch-bearing tissue, the endosperm. Fig.82. Fig.82.—Erythronium. A, a portion of the wall of the anther, ×150. B, a single epidermal cell from the petal, ×150. C, cross-section of a fibro-vascular bundle of the stem, ×150. tr. vessels. D, E, longitudinal section of the same, showing the markings of the vessels, ×150. F, a bit of the epidermis from the lower surface of a leaf, showing the breathing pores, ×50. G, a single breathing pore, ×200. H, cross-section of a leaf, ×50. st. a breathing pore. m, the mesophyll. fb. a vein. I, cross-section of a breathing pore, ×200. J, young embryo, ×150. A microscopical examination of the tissues of the plant shows them to be comparatively simple, this being especially the case with the fibro-vascular system. The epidermis of the leaf is readily removed, and examination shows it to be made up of oblong cells with large breathing pores in rows. The breathing pores are much larger than any we have yet seen, and are of the type common to most angiosperms. The ordinary epidermal cells are quite destitute of chlorophyll, but the two cells (guard cells) enclosing the breathing pore contain numerous chloroplasts, and the oblong nuclei of these cells are usually conspicuous (Fig.82, G). By placing a piece of the leaf between pieces of pith, and making a number of thin cross-sections at right angles to the longer axis of the leaf, some of the breathing pores will probably be cut across, and their structure may be then better understood. Such a section is shown in Figure82, I. The body of the leaf is made up of chlorophyll-bearing cells of irregular shape and with large air spaces between (H, m). The veins traversing this tissue are fibro-vascular bundles of a type structure similar to that of the stem, which will be described presently. The stem is made up principally of large cells with thin walls, which in cross-section show numerous small, triangular, intercellular spaces (i) at the angles. These cells contain, usually, more or less starch. The fibro-vascular bundles (C) are nearly triangular in section, and resemble considerably those of the field horse-tail, but they are not penetrated by the air channel, found in the latter. The xylem, as in the pine, is toward the outside of the stem, but the boundary between xylem and phloem is not well defined, there being no cambium present. In the xylem are a number of vessels (C, tr.) at once distinguishable from the other cells by their definite form, firm walls, and empty cavity. The vessels in longitudinal sections show spiral and ringed thickenings. The rest of the xylem cells, as well as those of the phloem, are not noticeably different from the cells of the ground tissue, except for their much smaller size, and absence of intercellular spaces. The structure of the leaves of the perigone is much like that of the green leaves, but the tissues are somewhat reduced. The epidermis of the outer side of the sepals has breathing pores, but these are absent from their inner surface, and from both sides of the petals. The walls of the epidermal cells of the petals are peculiarly thickened by apparent infoldings of the wall (B), and these cells, as well as those below them, contain small, yellow bodies (chromoplasts) to which the bright color of the flower is due. The red specks on the base of the perigone leaves, as well as the red color of the back of the sepals, the stalk, and leaves are due to a purplish red cell sap filling the cells at these points. The filaments or stalks of the stamens are made up of very delicate colorless cells, and the centre is traversed by a single fibro-vascular bundle, which is continued up through the centre of the anther. To study the latter, thin cross-sections should be made and mounted in water. Each of the four sporangia, or pollen sacs, is surrounded on the outside by a wall, consisting of two layers of cells, becoming thicker in the middle of the section where the single fibro-vascular bundle is seen (Fig.81, H). On opening, the cavities of the adjacent sporangia are thrown together. The inner cells of the wall are marked by thickened bars, much as we saw in the pine (Fig.82, A), and which, like these, are formed shortly before the pollen sacs open. The pollen spores (Fig.81, I) are large, oval cells, having a double wall, the outer one somewhat heavier than the inner one, but sufficiently transparent to allow a clear view of the interior, which is filled with very dense, granular protoplasm in which may be dimly seen two nuclei (n, ni.), showing that here also there is a division of the spore contents, although no wall is present. The spores do not germinate very readily, and are less favorable for this purpose than those of some other monocotyledons. Among the best for this purpose are the spiderwort (Tradescantia) and Scilla. Owing to the large size and consequent opacity of the ovules, as well as to the difficulty of getting the early stages, the development and finer structure of the ovule will not be discussed here. The full-grown ovule may be readily sectioned, and a general idea of its structure obtained. A little potash may be used to advantage in this study, carefully washing it away when the section is sufficiently cleared. We find now that the ovule is attached to a stalk (funiculus) (Fig.81, G, f), the body of the ovule being bent up so as to lie against the stalk. Such an inverted ovule is called technically, “anatropous.” The ovule is much enlarged where the stalk bends. The upper part of the ovule is on the whole like that of the pine, but there are two integuments (i, ii) instead of the single one found in the pine. As the seed develops, the embryo sac (G, sp.) enlarges so as to occupy pretty much the whole space of the seed. At first it is nearly filled with a fluid, but a layer of cells is formed, lining the walls, and this thickens until the whole space, except what is occupied by the small embryo, is filled with them. These are called the “endosperm cells,” but differ from the endosperm cells of the gymnosperms, in the fact that they are not developed until after fertilization, and can hardly, therefore, be regarded as representing the prothallium of the gymnosperms and pteridophytes. These cells finally form a firm tissue, whose cells are filled with starch that forms a reserve supply of food for the embryo plant when the seed germinates. The embryo (Fig.81, K, em., Fig.82, J), even when the seed is ripe, remains very small, and shows scarcely any differentiation. It is a small, pear-shaped mass of cells, the smaller end directed toward the upper end of the embryo sac. The integuments grow with the embryo sac, and become brown and hard, forming the shell of the seed. The stalk of the ovule also enlarges, and finally forms the peculiar, spongy appendage of the seeds already noticed (Fig.81, J, K).