Absence of "leader" in trial, 32
Accident cases, "tender of damages" in, 122
Admiralty, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty
Division of High Court, 93
Trial, 104
Advocates, solicitors as, 174
"Agency business" of solicitors, 169
American law books in Middle Temple library, 14
Members of English Bar, 12
Appeal, Courts of, 107
to Judicial Committee of Privy Council, 113
to House of Lords, 111
in criminal cases, 163
of colonial cases, 114
Appellation of judges, 173
Appointment of judges, 96
Aromatic herbs in criminal courts, 133
Assizes, 170
"Associate" or clerk of court, 3
Attorney or solicitor, 49
Bags of barristers, 47
of solicitors, 55
Bailey, Old, 131
"Bands" of K. C.'s dress, 40
Bar, American members of English, 12
Calling to, 26
Discipline of, 67
English, size of, 37
English, division of, 39
Make up of, 12
Parliamentary, 40
Women not eligible to, 26
Barnard's Inn (Chancery), 23
Barrister, "Associate," 3
"Blue and red" bags of, 47
Begins by becoming "devil," 30
Chambers of, 14
Chancery, 40
Common law, 40
Desks of, 3
Dress of, 44
Fees of, 58
Formerly lived in Inns, 18
Joining circuit, 171
"Juniors," 31
"Leader," 4
"Locals," 172
Master, 117
Member of Inns of Court, 24
Partnerships forbidden, 61
Practice of, 57
Selection of, 50
Serjeants-at-law, 23
Training of, 25
"Twelve Dinners" of, 25
Upon becoming K. C., invited to join Benchers, 21
Voices of, 6
Wig of, 5, 45
Benchers govern Inns, 21
Black Cap, 156
Briefs, 50
Briefs, endorsed with fees, 62
Butler's livery at Old Bailey, 135
Calling to bar, 26
Cambridge students exempted, 25
Censors, 68
Chambers of barristers, 18
Chancery Bar, "Specials," 41
Barrister of, 40
Division of High Court, 93
Inns, 16
Inns formerly connected with Inns of Court, 22
Inns, history of, 22
Lane, 15
Lane, Serjeants' Inn, 23
"Leaders," 34
Chief Justice, salary of, 95
Circuits of High Court, 171
Clement's Inn (Chancery), 23
Clerk of Court or "associate," 3
Clifford's Inn (Chancery), 23
Colonial appeals, 114
Colors of bags, "blue and red" for barristers, 47
Common juries, 92
Serjeant criminal judge, 132
Law barrister, 39
"Consolidated regulations," 22
Contingent fees not permitted, 59
Corridors of the court, 1
Costs, 97
Council of Bar, general, 67
of legal education prescribes course of studies for
barrister, 25
Counsel in a cause, 4
County courts, jurisdiction of, 94
procedure, 173
judges of, 173
salaries of judges of, 173
Court Appeal, 107
Central Criminal (Old Bailey), 131
Civil, 87
Common Pleas, practice formerly limited to Serjeants-at-law, 23
County, 94-142
Criminal, 131
Divisional, 113
Enumerated, 188
High, 88
Police, 125
Registrar's, 95
Room described, 2
Room, Criminal Court, described, 132
Vacation of, 73
Criminal Law, 39
Trials, 136
Trials, appeals in, 163
Trials, comparison with American, 164
Criminal Court, Aromatic herbs in, 133
Central (Old Bailey), 131
Customs in, 133
Dock of, 133
Judges of, 132
Police, 125
Recorder, 132
Room described, 132
Devil may conduct trial, 32
"Devilling," 30
Dhingra's Trial, 145
Disbarment, 67
Discipline of bar, 67
of solicitors, 67
Divisional Court, 113
Divorce, Probate and Admiralty Division of High Court, 93
Dock, in Criminal Court, 133
Dress of Barristers, 44
of Butlers at Old Bailey, 134
in Criminal Court, 134
of Footmen at Old Bailey, 135
Judges, 3
Judges (Chancery), 93
King's Counsel, 44
Solicitors, 3-46
Education, Council on Legal, governs training of barristers, 25
Employers' Liability Acts, 179
English Bar, size of, 37
Entrances to court room, 1
Equity Trials in Chancery Division High Court, 93
Ethics of profession, 68
Etiquette of dress enforced, 40
Fees of Barrister, 58
of Sir Charles Russell, 60
of Sir Frank Lockwood, 60
Must not be contingent, 59
Paid by law students, 26
of solicitors, 64
of solicitors, sometimes divided, 170
First impressions, 1
Fleet Street—"Old Bailey," 131
Footman's livery—"Old Bailey," 135
Furnival's Inn (Chancery), 23
General Council of Bar, 67
Observations, 177
"Gentleman," defined by Sir Thomas Smith, 10
Gray's Inn, 13-15
Hearings in Police Courts, 125
Herbs used in Criminal Court, 133
High Court, of Justice, 88
Circuits of, 139
Division of, 88
House of Lords, Appeals, 111
Impressions on entering Law Courts' Building, 1
Incorporated Law Society, 27-67
Inns of Chancery, 13
Formerly connected with Inns of Court, 22
History of, 22
"Staple's," "Barnard's," "Clifford's," "Clement's," "Lyon's,"
"Furnival's," "Thavie's," "New Inn," "Strand," 23
Inns of Court, 13
Date of origin, 21
Government of, 21
Origin of, 21
Position of, 20
Uniformity of, 21
Inns, Gray's Inn, 13
Inner Temple, 13
Lincoln's Inn, 13
Middle Temple, 13
Serjeants', 23
Interior of barristers' chambers, 18
Journals, law, reports of, 72
Judges, 3
Actively conduct trials, 102
Appellation of, 142
Appointment of, 96
Chancery Division, robes of, 93
Formerly in holy orders, 19
Of County Courts, 173
Of County Courts, salaries of, 173
Of Criminal Courts, 132
Robes of, 3
Salaries of, 63-95
Judicial Appointments, 96
Committee Privy Council, 113
"Junior" barrister "opens pleadings," 31
tries case, 32
Jury, Common and Special, 91
Only in King's Bench, 88
Qualifications of, 92
Situation and arrangement of, 3
Trials, 100
King's Bench, 88
Counsel, 4, 31
Counsel, robes of, 44
Counsel, routine of, 36
Counsel, "Taking Silk," 33-34
Law Courts Building on Strand, 1
Journals, 72
Society, Solicitors' Incorporated, 28
Lawyer's training, 9
"Leader," 4
King's Counsel, 31
List of, 42
Absence of, 32
Leading questions, 140-160
Lincoln's Inn, 13-15
Livery of Footman, Criminal Court, 135
Local Barristers, 172
Solicitors, 169
Lockwood, Sir Frank, fees of, 60
London Times, law reports of, 72
Long vacation, 73
Lord Chancellor, appointments by, 173
Salary of, 95
Lord Chief Justice, 132
Lyon's Inn (Chancery), 23
Magna Charta fixed position of courts, 20
Masters, 117
Trinity, 94
"Mess" of Circuits, 171
Middle Temple, described, 13
American law books in, 13
Models much used, 104
Murder Trial of Madar Lal Dhingra, 145
Newgate Prison, 131
New Inn (Chancery), 23
Newspapers, Law reporting in, 72
Trial of cases in, 73
Nisi Prius, sittings frequent, 105
Offices of barristers in Inns, 18
Old age pensions, 181
Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court), 131
Oxford students, exemptions of, 25
Parliamentary Bar, 40
Partnerships of barristers forbidden, 61
Pensions, old age, 181
Police courts, 125
Porter's Horn, 17
Practice of barristers, 58
before masters, 117
Rules of, 89
PTranscriber's Notes:
The spelling "Sergeant" appears once in this text on page 134, otherwise the word is spelled and indexed as "Serjeant."
There is a separate Transcriber's Note at the end of the List of Counsel that appears in Chapter IV.
Missing page numbers are blank or unnumbered in the original text.