charter to TreviÑo, 202, 424 restricts the duel, 214 his regulation of torture, 462 Alfonso XI. allows accused to see testimony, 468 duel ordered by, 215 his regulations of the duel, 216 Aliprandus of Milan on punishment of conjurators, 64 Alltud, 39 Alphonse of Poitiers, his charter to Riom, 203 to Auzon, 490 Alsace, cold-water ordeal for slaves, 322 Altars, oaths on, 28 Alternative numbers of conjurators, 43 Altoviti and Gaddi, duel of, 236 Althing, or Icelandic assembly, 18 Ambassadors, champions necessary to, 129 America, appeal of death in, 246 compurgation in, 88 bier-right in, 366 torture in, 569 peine forte et dure in, 575 Amiens, bailli of, compurgation prescribed for, 77 duel restricted in, 201 nobles of, claim the duel, 227 torture of clerics in, 491 Amsterdam deprived of its headsman, 536 exile for retracted confession, 549 use of torture in 1803, 578 Amula of Modena, story of, 293 Andernach, battle of, 400 AndrÉ de Trahent, case of, 397 Andreas of Lunden regulates fees for ordeal, 416 Andres, founding of abbey of, 316 Andrew, St., his lance tested by ordeal, 308 Angelo da Chiavasco describes compurgation, 92 his allusion to ordeals, 425 Angli & Werini, laws of— judicial duel in, 114 limit of duel, 147 kinsmen as champions, 180 ordeal of red-hot iron, 291 Anglican Church, compurgation in, 93 Anglo-Saxons, compurgation for injuries, 17 classification of oaths, 24 reduplicated oaths, 28 rules for compurgation, 46, 48 juramentum supermortuum, 55 oath of compurgators, 58 overcythed, 61 forath, 95 judicial duel not used, 114 ordeals in suits with Welsh, 276 use of hot-water ordeal, 283 568 Bacon, Roger, admits virtue in ordeals, 424 Baden, torture abolished, 581 Baglioni, lord of Spello, grants the duel, 236 Bahr-recht, 359 Bail required of combatants, 173 liability of, 174 Baioarian law— admission of compurgation, 53 witnesses and conjurators, 62 accusatorial conjurators, 94 challenge of witness, 103 judicial duel, 113, 119 minimum limit for duel, 147 champions always used, 181 use of ordeal, 274 torture of slaves, 452 Bajazet, his method of investigation, 576 Balance, ordeal of, 334 used in witchcraft cases, 335 BalbÁs, Fuero of, compurgation in, 34, 49 BÂle, council of, denounces abuse of oaths, 23 Baldus de Periglis, his work on torture, 525 Baldwin VII. (Flanders) his charter to Ypres, 48, 201 Bands of iron used as an ordeal, 377 Banishment after success in ordeal, 401 Bankruptcy cases, torture used in, 530 Baptista de Saulis describes compurgation, 93 his allusion to ordeals, 425 Barbarian laws, personal not territorial, 131, 275, 453 rest on negative proofs, 73 accusatorial conjurators, 94 judicial duel, 112 use of champions, 180 ordeal of the lot, 353 no trace of bier-right, 359 use of torture, 449 corporal punishment unknown, 451 torture of slaves, 451 Barbarians, the, their jurisprudence, 16 lack of confidence in oaths, 24 universal use of compurgation, 34 general use of ordeal, 275 cold-water ordeal not used, 320 Barberousse punished for suspicion, 521 Barcelona, council of 599, prescribes the lot, 355 Bari exempted from duel and ordeal, 201 Barker, Janet, case of, 571 Barriller and Carrington, duel of, 231 Bastards, their right to the duel, 140 Battle, Wager of, 101 Battoon, the, for duels, 195 duel restricted, 214 bier-right, 366 ordeals prohibited, 424 use of torture in, 462 Catalonia, limitation on duels, 146 Truce of God enforced by the ordeal, 323 Cathari, ordeal used to convict, 411 Catherine II. restricts torture, 581 Catholics tortured under Elizabeth, 568 Cats, use of, in torture, 554 Caussade, Raymond de, challenged by Thomas Felton, 229 Caussois, Gervaise, case of, 501 Cautinus of Auvergne uses ordeal of Eucharist, 348 Celestin III. on perjury of compurgators, 64 forbids clerical duels, 158, 207 Celtiberians, judicial duel among, 108 Celts, solidarity of the family among, 15 judicial duel among, 108 ordeals used by, 272, 273 Cemeteries, duels forbidden in, 209 Centulla I., his charter to Lourdes, 202 Centulla IV., employs the ordeal, 295 Ceremonial of compurgation, 60 Calchuth, council of, condemns the lot, 353 Chaldea, use of imprecations in, 260 Challenging of witnesses, 103, 120 of judges, 123 Champagne, nobles of, claim the duel, 227 cold-water ordeal for witchcraft, 330 resistance to torture, 496 Champion of England, the, 134 Champions, 179 put forward as warrantors, 121 denied to witnesses, 121 of ambassadors, 129 allowed to Dukes of Austria, 134 used to convict thieves, 135 oath of, 139 in duels of different ranks, 150 supplied by the State, 152 allowed to clerics, 157 defeated, penalties of, 168, 184 as witnesses, 182 disabilities incurred by, 187 restrictions on their employment, 189 hiring of, 190, 193 equalization of, 194 of towns, 196 of churches, 197 in ordeals, 295, 47 compurgators for, 51 369 on severity of torture, 532 approves deceit in witch-trials, 559 Demoniacal possession caused by perjury, 372 Denmark, levying of wer-gild in, 18 kinsmen as compurgators, 41 selection of compurgators, 49 prolonged use of compurgation, 82 early use of duel, 110 duel abolished in, 200 converted by the ordeal, 295 bier-right in, 364 ordeals prohibited, 422 torture introduced, 562 Deposition of priests engaged in duels, 156 Des Guerres and Fendilles, duel of, 234 Deuterius of Constantinople, case of, 379 Dharma and Adharma, 352 Diabolic illusions in ordeal, 408 Die, priory of, its relics, 373 Difference of rank prevents duel, 141, 149 Dinteville and du Plessis, duel of, 233 Diocletian, his torture of Christians, 437 forbids torture of soldiers, 438 allows torture of slaves in will cases, 442 masters not to offer slaves to torture, 444 his restrictions on torture, 446 Diodorus Siculus, his account of Egyptian courts, 430 Disabilities of women, 122 inflicted on champions, 187 Disability, bodily, averts duel, 144 Disbelief in ordeal, 400 Discretion of judge, everything left to, 533, 538, 541, 544 its abuse, 545 Disease as exemption from torture, 528 Dislocations generally result from torture, 532 Disowning of children in Wales, 55 Dispensations for clerical duellists, 160 for duellists, 207 for use of torture, 485 Divination condemned, 354 employed to justify torture, 539 Diviners tortured in Rome, 439 Divining-rod, the, 427 Divorce, compurgation in cases of, 93 Doctors exempted from torture in Spain, 463, 466 their exemption limited in Germany, 525 Dog of Montargis, story of, 228 Dolum bonum and malum, 559 Domenico da Pescia, his ordeal of fire, 168, 169 lex talionis, 171 penalty for default in duel, 174 expenses defrayed by the crown, 175 approvers, 175, 243 equality of weapons, 176, 177 champions as witnesses, 182, 183 defeated, their punishment, 184 hiring of, forbidden, 190 salaried, 192 required in civil cases, 192 charters exempting from duel, 201 persistence of the duel, 241 duel of chivalry, 242 abrogation of duel, 246 red-hot iron an aristocratic ordeal, 292 use of cold-water ordeal, 322 for witchcraft, 330, 333 witch weighed against Bible, 336 ordeal of Bible and key, 357 of sieve-driving, 358 for all suspects, 388 for accuser or accused, 389 result of ordeal inconclusive, 400 ordeals forbidden in 1219, 421 torture used under Stephen, 476 of Templars, 511 unknown to common law, 563 used under royal prerogative, 566 in witch-trials, 570 peine forte et dure, 574 English and Normans, duels between, 115 English influence on duel in France, 231 Enguerrand de Marigny, his trial, 494 Epicharis, her endurance, 437 Epileptics, torture of, 528 Epilepsy caused by false oaths, 373 Episcopal courts, duel in, 162 unlimited torture in, 511 Equality of combatants, 144 of weapons, 177 Equalization of champions, 194 Equestrian duel among Goths, 117 Equity of redemption not subject to duel, 141 Erembors, ballad of, 68 Erfurt, citizens tortured by Lothair II., 475 Dr. Bobenzan tortured, 526 Eric VII. on levying of wer-gild, 18 Erik Hakonsen abolishes duel, 199 Erkenbald de Burban, case of, 346 Erwig, King, on abuse of torture, 461 Escape in ordeal, explanation of, 113 use of ordeal, 274 punish sorcery with drowning, 325 compounding for ordeals, 384 torture of slaves, 453 torture of freemen, 470 Fratricide punished with iron bands, 377 Fraud, torture in cases of, 530 use of, in witch-trials, 558 Fredegonda, her compurgation, 39 her use of torture, 455 Frederic I. (Emperor) overthrows Henry the Lion, 133 his charter to Austria, 134 exempts traders from the duel, 204 prescribes iron ordeal for slaves, 292 ordeal at discretion of accused, 387 master’s oath clears a slave, 390 prescribes torture for theft, 475 Frederic II. (Emperor) on compurgation, 41 rules for compurgation, 54, 56 ignores compurgation, 75 prohibits clerics as judges, 73 compels clerics to duel, 159 allows defendant choice of weapons, 177 on cowardice of champions, 185 provides champions at public expense, 190 his charters to Ratisbon and Vienna, 204 denounces the duel, 212 prohibits the ordeal, 422 prescribes torture for treason, 475 is use of torture, 482 Frederic of Mainz takes ordeal of Eucharist, 348 Frederic the Great limits use of torture, 579 Fredum, 16 Freeman not liable to personal punishment, 65 and serf, combat between, 122 cannot be challenged by serf, 140 red-hot iron ordeal for, 291 not tortured in Greece, 432 not subject to torture in Rome, 434 exceptions, 435, 437, 439 is a Roman citizen, 440 not tortured among Ostrogoths, 457 limitation on torture of, under Wisigoths, 459, 460 subject to torture in Castile, 464 inviolability obsolete, 470 presence required at the mallum, 472 Freedman not tortured in Greece, 433 not tortured against his patron in Rome, 442 among Ostrogoths, 457 against patron in Spain, 464 Fre
ml@files@58750@58750-h@58750-h-11.htm.html#Page_108" class="pginternal">108 ordeals in, 270 oath of the gods, 371 use of torture in, 432 varieties of torture, 434 Greeks, duels with Franks, 151 Gregory I. on oaths on relics, 372 extorted confessions invalid, 478 Gregory II. prescribes oaths for clerics, 36 Gregory III., penitential of, on oaths, 30 Gregory VII., his war on simony, 62 introduces Roman ritual in Spain, 132 tries cold-water ordeal, 324 takes ordeal of Eucharist, 349 his improvised ordeal, 350 Gregory IX., his Decretals, 419 on purgation of heresy, 484 prohibits counsel to accused, 487 Gregory XI. condemns the Sachsenspiegel, 210, 420 Gregory of Tours, his purgatorial oaths, 28 accused by Leudastes, 454 Grenoble, accused refused a hearing, 518 Grillandus on compurgation, 93 on torture of sleeplessness, 535 his five degrees of torture, 543 on charms against torture, 557 Grimkel, Bishop, tests relic with fire, 316 Grimoald, King, restricts judicial duel, 114 restricts right of slaves to duel, 148 Grossolano, Archbishop, convicted by ordeal, 306 Gualberto, St. Giovanni, urges the ordeal, 305 Guarantees required for oaths, 25 of compurgatorial oath withdrawn, 72 Guardians, required to provide champions, 153 Guardianship cases, slave torture in, 442 Gudrun, Queen, cleared by the ordeal, 385 Guelf, Bavarian house of, founded, 133 Guibert of Nogent uses ordeal for heretics, 410 Guido, Abbot, of Pescara, 157 Guy (Emp.) on duels of clerics, 155 Guilds to furnish conjurators, 82 Guillot de FerriÈres, case of, 492 Guilt before God but not before man, 136 Guisbert, Ladislas, case of, 588 Gulathingenses Leges, partition of wer-gild, 18 selection of compurgators, 50 oath of compurgators, 59 Gundeberga, Queen, case of, 113 Gundobald, King, use of duel ascribed to, 112 the duel as remedy for perjury, 118 Gunner’s case, 86 Gushtasp converted by the ordeal, 295 Gustavus Adolphus, compurgation in his laws, 89 on failure in duel, 137 forbids clerics to fight, 156, 158 his relation to the duel, 208 suppresses the ordeal, 418 Innocent IV. forbids clerical duels in France, 159 orders torture to discover heresy, 484 Innocent VIII. on torture of clerics in England, 566 Inquest of Fame, 71 Inquests, torture not used in, 499, 512 Inquisition, its use of compurgation, 89 its use of torture, 483 extortion of confession, 485 its influence on use of torture, 486, 512 restricted by Council of Vienne, 511 torture to discover accomplices, 516 Inquisition of State in Venice, 507 Inquisitorial Process, the, 512 becomes general, 499 not used in Poland, 509 retained in Germany, 581 Inquisitors dispensed for use of torture, 484 Insane, the, exempt from torture, 528 Inscription of accuser in Rome, 440, 446 under Wisigoths, 459 Intervention of God expected in the duel, 135 Inundation of 1219 caused by ordeals, 422 Inverness exempted from duel, 201 Involuntary perjury, penance for, 31 Ipswich, selection of conjurators in, 49 Ireland, solidarity of the family in, 15 levying of fines, 18 tribal responsibility, 42 judicial duel among the Feini, 109 duel in 1583, 243 inspiration of judges, 272 hot-water ordeal in, 273 hot-iron ordeal for women, 292 ordeal of the lot, 354 of the oath, 374 use of the Clog Oir, 397 Irregular ordeals, 377 Irregularity of clerics, 484 Iron bands used as an ordeal, 377 Iron ordeal (see Red-hot iron). Isaac, assassin of Charles the Good, 474 Isidor of Seville on perjury, 31 Islam, reduplicated oaths, 29 accusations of adultery, 46 oaths as ordeals in, 263 Italy (see also Lombard Law, Sicilian Constitutions). conjurators to confirm witnesses, 56 challenging of witnesses, 22 Jusiers, church of, its exemption, 158 Justice, tardy recognition of, 13 Justinian orders torture for adultery, 439 enforces the talio, 440 orders torture of witnesses, 441 Kai Kaoos orders fire ordeal, 266 Kalabarese ordeals, 254 Katrington, his duel, 179 Kayser-Recht, duel limited in, 205 denounces the duel, 212 no allusion to torture, 480 Keller, Fried., opposes torture, 576 Keure de Bruges, 203 Keyser Retenn, 563 Khandogya Upanishad, its explanation of the ordeal, 267 Khonds, ordeals among the, 258 Kilty on duel in Maryland, 247 Kincaid, a witch-pricker, 571 King vs. Williams, case of, 86 Kinship a bar to duel, 141 Kinsmen, responsibility of, 14, 18, 19 their evidence, 38 not admitted in Castile, 465 as compurgators, 38, 40, 45, 48, 50 as champions, 180 witness not tortured against, 542 Knighthood, oath of, 186 Knipschild on torture of nobles, 526 Knox, John, on Bothwell’s challenge, 240 Koran, accusation of adultery in, 46 Kraku Hreidar, 111 Kshatriya caste, oaths required of, 25 La Chastaigneraye, his duel with Jarnac, 106 Lactantius, his account of persecution, 437 Ladislas, St., prevents collusion in ordeal, 405 regulates fees for ordeals, 416 Lafon, Mary, on affaire Calas, 585 Lag feste men, 41 Lambert of Redenberg, case of, 401 Lambert of Tuscany, his duel, 128 Lamoignon on counsel for accused, 517 Lance of St. Andrew, case of, 308 Lancelotti prescribes compurgation, 93 Land, communal holding of, 14 acquired by duel, 111, 211 Land-titles decided by ordeal of cross, 339 Lang, J.?P., on cold-water ordeal for witches, 330 Languedoc, use of torture in, 495 Laon, th
.htm.html#Page_442" class="pginternal">442 except in treason, 443 other exceptions, 444 under Ostrogoths, 457 under Wisigoths, 459 in Spain, 464 repaid for damage to tortured slave in Rome, 445 among Barbarians, 452 under Wisigoths, 458 in Castile, 468 Maternal kindred as compurgators, 45 Mathieu le Voyer sues Louis IX., 219 Matthias Corvinus restricts the duel, 237 Maubourguet exempted from duel, 203 Maumarel, Guillaume, 157 Maur, St., perjury on his relics, 273 Maximilian I. restricts compurgation, 81 Maximus on crimes involving torture of slave against master, 444 Mazdeism, ordeals in, 265, 295 torture not prescribed in, 431 Mecklenburg, ordeal introduced into, 277 Medina del Pomar exempted from duel, 202 ordeals prohibited, 424 Melanesians, judicial duel among, 108 Men, hot-iron or water ordeal for, 292 Menelaus and Paris, their duel, 108 Mennonites, use of the lot by, 355 Mental torture efficacious, 543 Mercantile law, duel not recognized in, 165 adverse to use of torture, 483 torture used in, 530 Merchants, multiple oaths by, 28 exempted from the duel, 204 Merida, council of, 666, on torture by priests, 554 Merovingian laws, accusatorial conjurators, 94 ordeal for slaves, 453 of the lot prescribed, 353 in absence of evidence, 386 precautions against collusion in ordeals, 405 Merovingians, torture used by, 454 Merseburg, thieves convicted by the duel, 135 Messalina, her torture of patricians, 439 Metz, Bishop of, has jurisdiction over duel, 164 Mexico, ordeal of oath in, 259 Michael PalÆologus condemned to ordeal, 299 Milan, disappearance of duel in, 236 fire ordeal in, 306 restrictions on torture in, 506 Miles the Stammerer, his duel, 138 Milhaud, torture used in, 499 Minimum limit of value for duel, 147 for ordeals, 391 for ordeal in India, 290
gutenberg@html@files@58750@58750-h@58750-h-17.htm.html#Page_199" class="pginternal">199 ordeals prohibited, 422 NÔtre Dame de Paris, its liability to duel, 159 chapter of, adjudges the duel, 163 Nouveaux indices survenus, 518 Novara, Bishop of, claims jurisdiction of duel, 163 Nucius, Nicander, on torture in England, 568 Nullity of marriage, compurgation in, 93 Number of compurgators, 39 for clerics, 36 Nuns, torture of, 560 NÜrnberg exempted from the duel, 204 Oaths, 21 in Roman law, 21 their purgatorial power, 22 guarantees required for, 25 reduplicated, 28 relics necessary for, 29 simplicity of, in Spain, 32 of clerics, 36, 414 of denial, in Wales, 55 of conjurators, 58 value of conjuratorial, 62 of conjurators modified, 71 disculpatory, in Suabia, 98 preliminary, in duels, 139, 166 not required in China, 252 as ordeals, 32, 371 among the Khonds, 258 among Aztecs, 259 among Ostiaks, 259 among Samoiedes, 259 in Islam, 263 in Greece, 269 in Rome, 270 Oath and ordeal alternative, 391 of master clears a slave, 390 convicts not admitted to, 392 of discharged prisoner, 550 O’Connors, duel of the, 243 Odin, his torture by GeirrÖd, 454 Odum wood, ordeal of, 255 Oelsner, his explanation of bier-right, 369 Officials exempt from torture in Spain, 463 of cities, their exemption, 495 Oil, boiling, ordeal of, 283 in Ethiopia, 256 among the Khonds, 258 Olaf, St., his ordeal, 296 his relics tested with fire, 316 saves a convict from hanging, 381 his use of the ordeal, 404 Olaf Trygvesson, his duel with Alfin, 115 574 Plebeian ordeals, 292 Ploughshares, red-hot, ordeal of, 287, 289 Plouvier and Mahuot, duel of, 232 Poison ordeals in Africa, 254 in Madagascar, 256 among the Khonds, 258 Bitter Water among Hebrews, 262 in Greece, 270, 375 in India, 375 Poisoning, duel necessary in cases of, 144 red-hot iron ordeal for, 291 use of torture for, in Rome, 439 Poitiers, council of, 1100, on simony, 66 Poland, wer-gild in, 16 prolonged use of compurgation, 83 duel abolished, 239 torture introduced, 509 modern use of torture, 588 Polus, Philippe, case of, 555 Pons of Andaone, his improvised ordeal, 285 Popes, their opposition to the duel, 207 to the ordeal, 409, 414 they prohibit the ordeal, 417 Poppo, Bishop, converts the Danes by the ordeal, 295 PrÆjuramentum, 95 Prauda jeliezo, 274 Prayer before duel efficacious, 138 preliminary to ordeal, 280 escape from ordeal by, 298 in fire-test of relics, 315 Pre-Aryan races of India, ordeals of, 258, 291, 344 Precautions before duel, 138 against magic arts in ordeal, 407 Prelates as temporal seigneurs, 161 assert jurisdiction over the duel, 162 their interest in ordeals, 415 liable to ordeal, 417 Prerogative, royal, torture under, 567 Presles, Raoul de, his torture, 494 Pressing to death, 574 Previous offences, torture to discover, 501 in Germany, 546 Pricking for witches, 571 Priest, hand of, oath taken on, 30 Priests (see also Clerics). disculpatory oaths of, 28 number of conjurators for, 36, 43 their oaths, 36 penance for engaging in duel, 156 administration of ordeals by, 276, 314 Remy of Dorchester cleared by the ordeal, 295 RÉnÉ of Lorraine grants the duel, 233 Reparation of insults to champions, 188 Repentance secures escape in ordeal, 297, 310, 402 Repeated accusations, 45 Repetition of torture illegal in Castile, 466 three times in Britanny, 504 forbidden in France, 513, 517 practised in France, 515 authorized, 529 unlimited, 500 for retracted confession, 463, 548 Report, common, justifies torture, 537 Representation in succession, 129 Repute, liability to ordeal depends upon, 384, 388, 392 Reserving the evidence, 519 Responsibility of accuser, 384, 385, 386, 440, 445, 446, 449, 458, 460 of conjurators, 64 of judge, 458, 460, 465, 467, 507, 515, 523, 533, 565 of the kindred, 14, 18, 19 Restoration, torture under, in Spain, 583 Restrictions on the duel, 140 on use of champions, 189 on torture eluded, 529 Results of ordeal in doubt, 405 Retraction of confession in Sicilian Constitutions, 482 under torture, 463 questions concerning, 548 torture for, 522 absolves accused, 550 of evidence, witnesses tortured for, 550 Retribution for perjury, 31 Revenues derived from ordeals, 415 Reversal of judgment, penalty of, 124, 126 Rhine, ordeal of the, 273 Rhodians, use of torture by, 433 Rice, swallowing, as an ordeal,
al process, 496, 513, 546 Secta, 84, 96 Secular law, exemption from, for clerics, 414 jurisdiction of prelates, 161 legislation against ordeals, 421 Security required of combatants, 173 Seguidors, 51 Seigneur, his power over the villein, 490 Sejanus, plot of, 435 Selection of compurgators, 38 of mode of compurgation, 383 Selingenstadt, council of, 1023, prescribes the ordeal, 410 Semites, ordeals among, 260 torture among, 430 Semperfri, 150 Senan, St., his golden bell, 397 Senchus Mor, duel prescribed in, 109 Senckenberg reprints Zanger’s treatise, 578 Senlis, case of torture in, 491 Sens, Archbishop of, compelled to duel, 159 Sentence of torture, appeals from, in Castile, 465, 467 consultation over, in France, 507, 513 appeal from, in Germany, 545 deliberation required for, 547 its revision in Saxony, 580 Sepulture denied to duellists, 207, 210 Serfs allowed to bear testimony, 122 cannot challenge freemen, 140 and master, no duel between, 146 duels between, 149 cold-water ordeal for, 322 Servia, survival of the duel, 239 Servitude must be proved before torture, 438 Severity of ordeal, 394 of torture, limitations eluded, 532 of the strappado, 543 Severus, Sept., on evidence of slaves against masters, 444 Sexhendeman, 47 Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego, their ordeal, 304 Shakespeare, his description of bier-right, 360 Shaving of witches to neutralize charms, 556 Shaving, sin of, in laymen, 403 Shells used in ordeal, 257 Sheriff selects compurgators, 48 his presence required at ordeal, 406 Shower-bath, punishment of, 510 Shrewsbury, Countess of, her case, 570 Shrift of combatant, 242 Shrines of saints, oaths on, Speculum Suevicum (see Schwabenspiegel). Sperimento di fuoco of Savonarola, 311 Spies, use of in witch-trials, 558 Spiritual courts, duel in, 155 ordeal in, 409 torture in, 510 Spoon, ordeal of the, 264 Spot, insensible, of witches, 571 Sprenger admits lawfulness of duel, 213 objects to ordeal in witchcraft, 300 no allusion to cold-water ordeal, 326 his explanation of bier-right, 369 recommends deceit, 559 Sringa, 375 Staff, ordeal of, 397 Stalla hringr, 95 Stansfield, Philip, case of, 361 Stapfsaken, 274 Stare ad crucem, 336 Stars, duel to end when they appear, 178 Starvation and cold employed as torture, 530 State questions decided by duel, 130 Statute of Gloucester, 242 Staundford, Sir Wm., on ordeals, 426 Steil, historic duel at, 129 Stephen, St., supplies champions for abbey, 157 ordeals not in his laws, 277 Stephen V. condemns the ordeal as a torture, 395 Stephen VII. condemns Formosus, 382 Stercorarian heresy proved by ordeal, 411 Stockneffn, 49 Stonyng’s case, torture in, 568 Strangers, fire ordeal for, 306 subject to torture in Greece, 433 Strappado, the, 466, 467 description of, 516 five degrees of, 543 Strassburg, heretics convicted by ordeal, 297, 419 Stream of water, torture of, 510 Style’s “Practical Register,” 86 Styria, duel restricted in, 212 Styx, oath of the gods on its water, 371 Suabia, use of oaths in, 32, 24 accusatorial conjurators, 98 Subico of Speyer takes ordeal of Eucharist, 348 Substitutes in the ordeal, 295, 337, 390, 398, 400 for torture, 578, 580, 582, 583 Succession, law of, decided by duel,
sub2">in Castile, 465, 467 in England, 476 in Russia, 509 in France, 514, 516 in Scotland, 573 in Roumania, 588 Vasistha, ordeals unknown to, 268 Vassal and lord, no duel between, 146 Vaughan and Parker, duel of, 242 Vedas, ordeals in the, 267 Vehm-Gericht, accusatorial conjurators in, 99 Venezuela, use of torture, 583 Vengeance, legal recognition of, 13 Venice, rules for compurgation, 57 bier-right in, 365 use of torture, 507 Vercelli, Bishops of, their jurisdiction over duels, 164 Verdiersville, bier-right in, 368 Vermandois, appeals in, 125 nobles of, claim the duel, 227 Verona, council of, 983, on the duel, 131 limitation on duels, 146 penalty for defeat in duel, 169 champions appointed by the city, 189 regulations for champions, 195 ordeal of cross, 337 torture used in 1228, 481 Vestal virgins, exempt from taking oaths, 36 ordeals of, 271 Vezelai, heretics tried by ordeal, 411 Vicarious ordeals, 281, 295, 390, 398, 400 in Africa, 256 poison ordeal, 376 Vich, council of, 1068, orders the ordeal, 323 Vidames, 198 Vienna exempted from duel, 204 case of bier-right in, 364 Vienne, council of, 1311, case of Boniface VIII., 226 restricts torture in Inquisition, 511 Viescher, his treatise on the duel, 103 Viga Glum’s saga, 27 Vigils of Marsigli, torture of, 535, 552 insanity caused by, 588 severity of, in England, 570 severity of, in Scotland, 572 of Florence, 552 of Spain, 552 Villadiego, his description of torture,466 Village communities, 14 Villein not allowed to challenge judge, 124
les@58750@58750-h@58750-h-42.htm.html#Page_509" class="pginternal">509 Witnesses, are not conjurators, 38, 51 compurgation in default of, 52 confirmed by conjurators, 56 outweigh conjurators, 62 challenging of, 103, 120, 121 penalty of defeated, 120 come armed to court, 120 must be capable of fighting, 122 champions not allowed to, 121 champions for, 194 their protection in France, 123 seven necessary to avoid duel, 142 must offer battle, 143 defeated, lose a hand, 167 become champions, 182 champions debarred as, 187 women admitted, 228 allowed to give false evidence, 268 must be of the same race, 275 subjected to ordeal, 389 names of, given to accused in Castile, 469 examined in presence of accused, 504 contradictory, tortured together, 542 confrontation of, with accused, 517 necessary to justify torture, 523 their uselessness in witch-trials, 555 torture of, in Rome, 440 unknown to Barbarians, 453 practised in Castile, 464 in Milan, 506 not tortured in Piacenza, 507 tortured in Germany, 530 in modern times, 541 in advance, 542 for retracted evidence, 550 in monasteries, 560 slave, tortured in Greece, 433 restrictions on torture in Rome, 445, 446 their torture under Ostrogoths, 457 under Wisigoths, 459 Women incompetent as prosecutors, 18 admitted as compurgators, 50, 92 not received as witnesses, 122 admitted as witnesses, 228 allowed champions in duel, 152 liable to duel, 153 ordeals for, in Spain, 154 hot-water or iron ordeal for, 292 buried or burned alive in capital cases, 503 buried alive for defeat in duel, 153, |