Improved with Lea & Perrins' Sauce In pickling, we think first of Grandmother and the delicious catsups, pickles and chutneys which she served with Sunday-night suppers and wonder why we see these delicious relishes so seldom these days. But we need not forego our home-made catsups, pickles and chow-chows, nor even find them less relishing because we have no herb garden, for in Lea & Perrins' Sauce we have the most complete—the most ideal and perfect relish seasoning. Lea & Perrins' Original Worcestershire is in itself a secret blending of spices which will give to any home-made relish the keen edge—the snap—the zest it requires. Use Lea & Perrins' Sauce in seasoning catsups, chow-chows, pickles, vinegars, chutneys, piccalilli and chilli sauce relishes—it is the unequalled spice for them all. AN UNCOOKED TOMATO CATSUP Improved with Lea & Perrins' Sauce - 4 tablespoonfuls of Lea & Perrins' Sauce.
- 2 quarts of red ripe tomatoes.
- 1 cupful of onions.
- 1/4 cupful of salt.
- 1 cupful of sugar.
- 3 cupfuls of vinegar.
Dip the tomatoes quickly into rapidly boiling water, dip in and out of cold water and peel. Put into large preserving kettle and add the onions well chopped. Mash these two together and add the salt, sugar, vinegar and last, the Lea & Perrins' Sauce. Thoroughly sterilize catsup bottles by boiling and fill with the cold catsup. Cork loosely. Place bottles on a wire rack, stand in a pan which allows rapidly boiling water to come to the neck of the bottle, and boil or sterilize for thirty minutes. Some experts claim this final "water bath" to be unnecessary, but the inexperienced preserver will have better success if the last cooking is performed. For perfect keeping and especially if the catsups are made up to sell, the corks should be driven in tightly and the bottles sealed with sealing wax or melted paraffin as soon as they are removed from the water bath. Stamping the soft wax or paraffin with a special sealing stamp also helps to give an identifying and distinguishing mark to the product. MUSHROOM CATSUP Improved with Lea & Perrins' Sauce - 3 tablespoonfuls of Lea & Perrins' Sauce.
- 2 quarts of mushrooms.
- 1 cupful of vinegar.
- 1 tablespoonful of salt.
- 1 tablespoonful of mustard.
Peel the mushrooms, cut into small pieces, cover with 1/2 cupful of boiling water and cook until quite tender and soft. Mash through a fine purÉe strainer or sieve and add the vinegar, salt, and last the Lea & Perrins' Sauce. Cook from half to three-quarters of an hour or until of the consistency of catsup and pour into sterilized bottles and seal at once. Label and store. TOMATO CHUTNEY Improved with Lea & Perrins' Sauce - 4 tablespoonfuls of Lea & Perrins' Sauce.
- 4 quarts of tomatoes.
- 1 quart of onions.
- 1 quart of apples.
- 1 pound of raisins.
- 1-1/2 cupfuls of brown sugar.
- 1 tablespoonful of salt.
- 1 quart of vinegar.
Peel the tomatoes and cut fine. Peel and chop the onions, and skin and chop the apples, and place all of these ingredients in a heavy iron kettle. Add the brown sugar and salt. Cook for half an hour, add the vinegar, boil ten minutes longer, add the Lea & Perrins' Sauce. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. APPLE CHUTNEY Improved with Lea & Perrins' Sauce - 2 tablespoonfuls of Lea & Perrins' Sauce.
- 12 tart apples.
- 1 onion.
- 2 green peppers.
- 1 red pepper.
- 2 cupfuls of sweet vinegar.
- 1/2 cupful of tart currant jelly.
- 4 lemons.
- 2 cupfuls of sugar.
- 1 tablespoonful of salt.
- 1 cupful of ground raisins.
Skin and cut the apples fine. Peel and cut the onion; remove seeds and pulp from the peppers and chop fine. Put all these ingredients into a heavy iron kettle, add the jelly, the juice of the lemons, the sugar, salt and vinegar and simmer slowly for one hour. Add the raisins last. Cook an hour longer, stirring to prevent sticking. Then add the Lea & Perrins' Sauce. Pour into sterilized pint or quart preserving jars, seal, label and store with your other preserves. RED PEPPER RELISH Improved with Lea & Perrins' Sauce - 2 tablespoonfuls of Lea & Perrins' Sauce.
- 4 quarts of red peppers.
- 2 green peppers.
- 4 pounds of brown sugar.
- 1 teaspoonful of salt.
- 1 quart of vinegar.
Remove seeds and pulp from peppers and cut into long, thin strips with scissors. Cover with boiling water, and simmer, but do not boil, for ten minutes. Drain and plunge into ice water. Remove. Pack in hot sterilized jars. Add the sugar, salt and Lea & Perrins' Sauce to the vinegar. Boil until all are well blended and pour over the peppers. Seal the jars. Label and store in a cool place. CHOW-CHOW Improved with Lea & Perrins' Sauce - 4 tablespoonfuls of Lea & Perrins' Sauce.
- 2 cupfuls green tomatoes.
- 4 cupfuls tiny green cucumbers.
- 6 cupfuls white button onions.
- 1 head cabbage.
- 2 heads cauliflower.
- 2 stalks celery.
- 2 red peppers.
- 2 green peppers.
- 8 cupfuls vinegar.
- 2 cupfuls brown sugar.
- 1 cupful flour.
- 6 tablespoonfuls mustard.
- 1 teaspoonful curry powder.
Cut tomatoes into quarters; cut cucumbers into small pieces; cut cabbage, but do not chop it fine; separate cauliflower head into small flowerettes; cut onions; also cut peppers and celery into small strips. Soak this vegetable chow in salt and water to cover over-night. In the morning bring them to the boiling point in the same brine and drain. Mix the mustard and flour in a large kettle and add enough vinegar to make a smooth paste. Add the curry powder, brown sugar and the rest of the vinegar. Heat until the mixture is thick and add the drained vegetable chow. Cook for five minutes. Add Lea & Perrins' Sauce. Carefully pack into sterilized jars and seal. MUSTARD RELISH Improved with Lea & Perrins' Sauce - 2 tablespoonfuls of Lea & Perrins' Sauce.
- 1 pint cucumbers.
- 1 pint onions.
- 1 cupful string beans.
- 3 green peppers.
- 3 red peppers.
- 1 pint tomatoes.
Dressing. - 2 cupfuls vinegar.
- 4 tablespoonfuls flour.
- 1 cupful sugar.
- 3 tablespoonfuls mustard.
- 1/2 tablespoonful turmeric.
Cut the vegetables before measuring, halve the tomatoes, cut cucumbers into slices, string beans in half and chop peppers after removing seeds and pulp. Soak the vegetables in a brine of salt and water over-night, drain and stand in clear water for two hours. Drain and scald in one-half of the quantity of vinegar used in the dressing and the same amount of water. To make the dressing, mix the mustard, turmeric, flour and sugar together. Add the vinegar slowly, stirring to make a smooth paste. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Add the Lea & Perrins' Sauce. Drain the vegetables and pour the mustard dressing over them while it is hot. Mix well and pack in sterilized jars. Seal, but not too tightly, and simmer in hot water for twenty minutes. Remove, tighten jar lids and label. REMEMBER:—Lea & Perrins' is the Only Original Worcestershire Sauce. None of the so-called "Worcestershires" can be used in these recipes with good results. Telephone Directory Fill in Address and Phone No. of the nearest | Station | No. | Physician | | | Druggist | | | Hospital | | | Police Station | | | Fire Department | | | Grocer | | | Butcher | | | Baker | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | For additional copies of this book, write Lea & Perrins 241 WEST STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. Montclair, N. J.—The Globe Press, Inc. New York, N. Y. Transcriber's Notes: Printer's errors have been silently corrected. |