nal">491 Anglican priests, manual of confessional for, 634 Anglican ritual, marriage service in, 476 Anglo-Irish church, disorders of, 298 Anglo-Saxon church, celibacy enforced, 162 disorders of, in 10th century, 147, 167 AngoulÊme, case occurring in, 269 Anjou, Council of, in 453, 79 in 1262, 1291, 1312, 332, 350 Ann of Cleves, her marriage, 470 Annates, increase of, by the Popes, 412 withdrawn by Henry VIII., 450 Anomalies, ethical, 269, 347, 627 Anse, Council of, in 990, 156 Anselm, St., on sacraments of sinful priests, 195 his reforms, 273 his death in 1109, 278 Anselmo di Badagio (see Alexander II.). Anselmo, St., of Lucca, his persecution, 222 Antealtaria, Abbot of, 308 Anthony, St., retires to the desert, 97 Anthony of Ephesus, crimes of, 85 Anthony of Prague enforces Tridentine canons, 534 heresy encouraged by corruption, 556 Antichrist, anticipation of, 394 Antidicomarianitarians, heresy of, 69 Antioch, Council of, 42 Antisacerdotalism of Vigilantius, 71 mediÆval, 370 sqq. Antoin, married canons of, 270 Antonelli, Cardinal, imprisons Panzini, 602 his daughter, 631 Antwerp, Synod of, in 1610, 557, 562 Apel, John, punished for marrying, 424 Apocalypsis GoliÆ, 284 Apollinaris of Rhodes, 118 Apollo, celibacy of priestess of, 50 Apology for Confession of Augsburg, 436 Apostle, Junia the, 60 Apostolical canons on digami, 37 permit priestly marriage, 39 marriage honored in, 48 Apostolical constitutions on digami, 37 permit priestly marriage, 39 order of widows in, 42 honors rendered to marriage, 48 Apostolical Letter, Multiplices inter, 602 Apostoloci, heresy of, 97 Apotactici, heresy of, 33, 44 Appeals discountenanced at Trent, 538 Appeals to Rome, immunity caused by, 80 persecution of celibacy in, 593 Availles, case occurring at, in 1817, 635 Avellano, monks of, 186 Avesbury, nunnery of, its morals, 282 d’Avesnes, case of the, 323 Avignon, residence of popes in, 342 Council of, in 1594, 560 in 1725 and 1849, 626 Avila, his casuistry, 578 Avis, order of, 365 Avranches, Council of, in 1172, 319 Ayenbite of Inwyt, 348 Azzo, Archbishop of Milan, 218 Babueus grants marriage in orders, 92 Babueus excommunicates Barsuma, 92 Bachelors ineligible to episcopate, 38 Badegisilus of Le Mans, 118 Baden, petitions for clerical marriage in 1828, 601 Bahia, Council of, in 1707, 626 Baithusin, hereditary priesthood of, 22 Bale, Bishop, his writings, 473, 480 BÂle, Council of, 395 reconciles the Hussites, 382 clerical marriage suggested in, 406 canons of, affirmed in Scotland, 1559, 505 revived in Germany, 528 Balsamon on legislation of Greek church, 87 Baltimore, Councils of, in 1829, 1843, 633 in 1840, 627 in 1866, 627, 633 Bamburg, troubles of, in 1431, 395 Synod of, in 1491, 196 morals of clergy in 1505, 431 Bandello, Bishop, his novels, 430 Bangor, morals of clergy of, 463, 494 Baptism by immoral priests invalid, 162 repetition of, refused, 163 Baptisma igneum, 438 Barbarians, the, and the Church, 117-25 superior morality of, 82 Bardsey, Culdees of, 301 Bari, military bishops of, 180 Barnabite college at Monza, case of, 621 Baronius on Gregory of Nazianzum, 58 Barrios, Bish. of SantafÉ, regulations of, 563 Barsuma of Nisibi, case of, 92 Barsumas, Abbot, at Ephesus, 107 Bartelot, John, case of, 457 Bartholomew of Bracara, his demand for reforms, 534 Basil, St., his strictness, 84 Basilica of Leo the Philosopher, 87 Basilides, heresy of, 579 CÆsarea, Synod of, about 360, 61 CÆsarius, St., of Arles, Rule of, 112 on marriage of nuns, 111 CÆsarius of Heisterbach on influence of priesthood, 346 Cain Patraic, the, 159 two classes of bishops in, 295 Caisho, priest of, his case, 485 Calabria, celibacy enforced in, 76, 320 Calatrava, knights of, marriage permitted to, 364 Calini, Archbp., his reports from Trent, 534 Calixtins, the, 383 Calixtus I., his laxity, 37 Calixtus II., on ManichÆism, 208 he enforces celibacy in France, 267 his consequent unpopularity, 268 he declares marriage dissolved by orders, 313 on abuse of confessional, 567 Calixtus, his work on celibacy, 583 Calne, Council of, in 978, 170 Calvi, Donato, on religious orders, 96 Calvin, his confession of faith, 498 his marriage, 498 Calvinism, 498-513 its discipline, 498 clerical marriage a matter of course, 498, 510 Calvinist converts, marriage of, 499 Camaldoli, monks of, 183 their demoralization, 393 Cambrai, ManichÆism in 1025, 207 Hildebrandine doctrine punished, 236 Council of, in 1025, 208 in 1550, 528 in 1565 and 1567, 559 in 1631, 560 in 1661, 576 Camin, Synods of, in 1454 and 1492, 402 Campeggi, Card., persecutes married priests, 423 heresy justified by clerical immorality, 430 assists in suppression of English monasteries, 449 Canada, duration of vows in, 613 modern Councils of, 626-7, 633 Canonical age for resident women, 626 Canons, Apostolical (see Apostolical). Canons regular, institution of, 134 of FÉcamp, expulsion of, 155 discussion concerning their marriage, 263 Canons are forced to cloistered life, 265 marriage of, in 12th century, 270 hereditary in England, 272 replace Culdees in Scotland, 300 laxity of their rule, 519 he objects to its transfer to Bologna, 521 on the reforms of Paul III., 522 he seeks to reform the German church, 524 Charles VII. (France) fines concubinary priests, 396 Charles IX. (France) asks for clerical marriage, 533, 641 Charles de Valois intervenes in Flanders, 323 Charter-House, monks of, their fate, 450 Charter of Oswalde’s Law, 169 Charters of 1814 and 1830, 600 Chartier, Alain, on condition of church, 394 Chartreuse, strictness of rules of, 404 Chassidim, 24 Chastity, estimate of, by Cassianus, 102 feudal tenure by, 153, 311 gift of, to be obtained by seeking, 331, 530, 536 gift of, assured by Council of Trent, 624 sacrifice of, 21 vows of, their introduction, 41 their perversion, 127 required for holy orders, 179 in military orders, 362 maintained in the Six Articles, 468 papal dispensation for, 535, 642 never dispensed for, 611 prelates at Trent sworn to support, 533 ChÂtillon, Cardinal de, his marriage, 499 Chaucer on priest’s children, 338 on corrupting influence of priests, 351 Chavard, AbbÉ, case of, 601 on age of ordination, 624 Chelsea, Council of, in 787, 164 Chepstow, Abbess of, accuses Dr. London, 457 Cheregato, Legate, on priestly immunity, 424 Chertsey, monastery of, reformed, 169 Chester, see of, created, 460 Childebert, his laws on forcible marriage, 120 Child-bearing, importance of, among the Jews, 21 Child-bearing, St. Paul’s estimate of, 31 Children cause ineligibility to episcopate, 87 and to cardinalate, 550 Children of ecclesiastics (see Hereditary transmission). in tenth century, 145, 146, 148, 149 ordained by Adalbero of Metz, 154 disabilities of, in 11th century, 179 yet openly provided for, 181 ineligibility of, 184 refused preferment by Henry III., 562 Bishop of, defends his clergy, 340 Constance of
1176@61176-h@61176-h-43.htm.html#Page_611" class="pginternal">611 in favor of priests’ children, 505, 516, 549 Divorces of married priests in England, 470, 478 Dogma, celibacy, a matter of, 641 DÖllinger and the Old Catholic movement, 604 Dominicans, influence of, 375 admitted to France in 1840, 614 Donati, Girolamo, attempts to murder St. Charles, 551 Donatist heresy condemned, 107 revived by Theodore of Canterbury, 162 by Nicholas II., 194 by Gregory VII., 227 by Innocent II., 246 condemned by Lucius III., 195 and by St. Anselm, 288 revived by the heretics, 368, 374, 379, 383 DÖringk on sale of indulgences, 397 Dorothea of Denmark, marriage of, 434 Dortmund, Council of, in 1005, 155 Down, St. Malachi’s episcopate of, 296 Dracontius, case of, 58 Dress, clerical, regulated at Constance, 391 Drogo of Terouane persecutes Watten, 260 Droit de marquette, 354 Dualism in ManichÆism, 43 of the Albigenses, 208, 367 Dublin, Councils of, in 1186 and 1217, 298 Du Fail, NoËl, on clerical corruption, 561 Dumonteil, case of, 600, 641 Dunbar, Bishop, his immorality, 503 Dunstan, St., takes the vows, 166 his miraculous preservation, 171 Dupanloup, Bishop, on the Syllabus, 642 Du Pin, Louis Ellies, on clerical marriage, 581 Duprat, Cardinal, his efforts at reform, 515 Durand, William, advocates clerical marriage, 405 Durham, Council of, in 1220, 288 Eadmer on results of celibacy, 278 East Anglia, defence of monasteries in, 170 Eastern church, divergence of, 83 its rules as to celibacy, 86 its monachism, 106 Easter, different computations of, 161, 163 Ebionim, or Poor Men, 27 accused of immorality, 34 Ebrard, his history of Watten, 260 Ecclesiastical procedure, immunity caused by, 270, 318, 319, 320 efforts of Maurice de Sully, 322 results of celibacy, 331 demoralization in 15th cent., 394, 399 heresy of Jean Laillier, 408 Concordat of 1516, 428 the Sorbonne refuses a conference with Melanchthon, 440 condition of church in 16th cent., 515 clerical marriage asked of Council of Trent, 533, 641 reception of Council of Trent refused, 546 character of post-Tridentine church, 559 abuse of confessional, 570, 576 case of la CadiÈre, 579 question of marriage reopened in 18th century, 581 corruption in 18th century, 585 the church during the Revolution, 588-95 National Council in 1797, 595 clerical marriage under the Concordat, 596-8 varying policy as to clerical marriage, 599-601 monachism in modern times, 613-6 education by monachism, 617-20 reaction against monachism, 621-3 morality of clergy in, 625 modern councils held in, 626, 633 prosecution of clerical offenders, 635-6 position of clergy in, 637 Francis, St., of Assisi, on obedience, 103 his annual visits to Purgatory, 335 his exaltation of poverty, 376 Francis de Sales, St., on choice of confessor, 578 Francis I. favors League of Schmalkalden, 438 Melanchthon submits Articles to him, 440 Franciscans, their corruption, 350, 352, 353, 376 their influence, 375 reformed by Ximenes, 402 their resistance to Henry VIII., 451 of Bavaria on abuse of confessional, 570 Fraticelli, the, 376 Frederic of Lorraine created pope, 192 Frederic I. on sons of clergy, 326 his visit to Fulda, 404 Frederic II. on Milanese heresies, 211 on children of ecclesiastics, 335 Frederic of Saxony protects married priests, 419 acts as sponsor to child of priest, 422 still considers himself a Catholic, 423 FrÈres de la Sainte-Croix, <
berg@html@files@61176@61176-h@61176-h-13.htm.html#Page_111" class="pginternal">111 Godsons of bishops, wer-gild for, 162 Godstow, the last of English abbeys, 459 Golias Episcopus, 279 Gomorrhianus Liber, 188 Gonsalvo, Reginaldo, on solicitation, 569 Goodacre, Anne, case of, 512 Goslar, ManichÆism at, in 1052, 207 Gotefrido of Tuscany installs Victor II., 191 Gotefrido, Archbishop of Milan, 218 Gotfrid of Wurtzburg, his will, 337 Goths, Spanish, their immorality, 120 Grace, the Pilgrimage of, 455 Gran, Synod of, in 1099, 249 in 1382, 1450, 1480, 401 in 1858, 627 Grandchildren cause ineligibility to episcopate, 87 Grandier, Urban, case of, 581 Gratian on origin of celibacy, 28 on dissolution of priestly marriage, 317 on nature of anathema, 640 Gratian of Rouen on clerical marriage, 594 Great Malvern, prior of, his offer, 454 Greece, influence of, on the Jews, 25 Greek church, its divergence from Rome, 83 its rules as to celibacy, 86 its present customs, 91 tolerated by Rome, 327, 328, 640 abuse of confessional in, 577 of Bohemia, 244 GrÉgoire of Blois, 598 Gregory I. on marriage, 47 his monastic reforms, 113 his enforcement of celibacy, 122 forged epistle of, 137 his conversion of England, 161 on indissolubility of marriage, 314 legend related by him, 349 Gregory II. forbids marriage of nuns, 127 his advice to Boniface, 128 on sacraments of sinful priests, 195 Gregory VI. purchases the papacy, 184 miracle at his obsequies, 187 Gregory VII. condemns the story of Paphnutius, 56 condemns the epistle of St. Ulric, 150 adopts the heresy condemned at Gangra, 61 accompanies Leo IX. to Rome, 187 his increasing influence, 191 his character and aims, 193 his activity under Nicholas II., 196 he refuses ordination to illegitimates, 205 his mission to Milan, 213 his excommunication, 32 Illegitimates ineligible to priesthood in Coptic church, 93 in Latin church, 205 Illegitimacy of children of ecclesiastics, 86 of Anglican clergy, 494, 496 Immorality arising from vows of celibacy, 41 less reprehensible than marriage, 145, 201, 627 favors shown to, 320 Immorality of church (see Morals). Immunity caused by appellate power of Rome, 139 by forms of ecclesiastical procedure, 140 for adultery by priests, 447 Impostures of relics and miracles, 458 Ina, King, Dooms of, 162 Incest caused by celibacy, 138, 278, 331, 555, 628 common in Ireland, 297, 298 price of absolution for, 428 diminished by marriage, 182 clerical marriage held to be, 628 Indelibility of priesthood, 314 India, influence of, on the Jews, 23 Indians, relations of priests with, 563 their hatred of Christianity, 564 Indulgences in ManichÆism, 44 marketable value of, 356 sale of, 397 opposition to, 417 Infallibility decreed by Vatican Council, 608 Infanticide resulting from vows of continence, 42, 100, 137 tradition as to, 124 Infessura, his character of Sixtus IV., 344 Influence of celibacy on civilization, 225, 357 political, of modern monachism, 617-18 Injunctions of Queen Elizabeth, 489 Innocent of Rhodez, 118 Innocent I. on priestly marriage of widows, 39 makes no reference to Nicene canon, 55 condemns the Bonosiacs, 68 condemns Vigilantius, 72 enforces celibacy in Calabria, 76 on marriage of nuns, 104 Innocent II. dissolves marriage of priests, 315 his enforcement of celibacy, 246 Innocent III. enforces celibacy 251, 252, 286, 327, 150 ejects canons of Winchester, 168 John XXII. and the Fraticelli, 377 his taxes of the penitentiary, 428 John XXIII., his crimes and deposition, 343 convokes Council of Constance, 390 his sale of dispensations, 398 John, King (Eng.), speculates on priests’ wives, 283 John of Alexandria, his strictness, 123 John the Baptist, Essenism of, 25 John of Crema, his misadventure, 279 his Scottish reforms, 300 John the Evangelist condemns the Nicolites, 34 John of Frankfort, independence of, 397 John of Jerusalem, rule of, 101 John of Leyden permits polygamy, 438 John of LiÉge, his murder, 336 John of Lisieux fails in his reforms, 265 John Merlaw of Fulda relaxes the rules, 404 John of Nicklaushausen, his heresy, 405 John of Oberwesel, 407 John of Pirna, 378 John of Rouen enforces celibacy, 256 John of Salisbury reforms his canons, 265 John of Saxony, his treatment of monasteries, 435 John of Schweidnitz, his death, 378 John of Utrecht reforms the nunneries, 340 Jonas, Justus, on Luther’s marriage, 425 Joseph II. (Emp.), his reforms, 583 Jovian on marriage of nuns, 100 Jovinian on ManichÆism, 46 his resistance to celibacy, 69 Judah and Tamar, 21 JudhaËl of Dol, his marriage, 259 Julian (Emp.) on Syrian asceticism, 50 Julian, Cardinal, legate to Ireland, 298 Julius II. approves of Savonarola, 386 Julius III. defends Savonarola, 386 grants powers to Cardinal Pole, 478 his bull of indulgence to England, 482 he reconvokes the Council of Trent, 521 on treatment of Lutherans at Trent, 521 Julius of Wurzburg argues against clerical marriage, 535 Junia the apostle, 60 Junqua, AbbÉ, case of, 601 Jurisdiction, appellate, effects of, 140 temporarily surrendered, 334 Jus primÆ noctis 354 Jus spolii enforced by Robert the Frisian, 260 Justification by works, doctrine of, 115 in Calvinism, 498 in Scotland, 506 Justin Martyr on morals of Christians, his ninety-five propositions, 417 his gradual progress, 89 common in Gothic Spain, 121 common in Italy in 6th and 8th centuries, 122, 127 in Merovingian France, 119-20 prohibited in 8th century, 133-5 reappears in 9th century, 142 common in 10th century, 148, 150, 152, 155, 158 in British church, 159 in Saxon England, 167, 169, 172 in Wales, 171 universal in 11th century, 181 in southern Italy, 197 in Tuscany, 199 creates a political party in 1061, 200 becomes a heresy, 201 struggle over, in Lombardy, 210-21 persecution of, 234 penalties inflicted on, 242 in Bohemia, 245 in Germany, 247 in Hungary, 248-9 in Dalmatia, 250 in Poland, 251 in Sweden, 252 in Denmark, 253 in Friesland, 254 in France, 255, 270 in Normandy, 256 in Britanny, 259 in Flanders, 260 in England, 272-91 in Wales, 294 in Ireland, in 16th century, 299 in Scotland, 299 in Spain, 303 delay in abrogating it, 305 forbidden by Alfonso the Wise, 308 irregular, continued, 311 St. Bernard on, 316 Gratian on, 317 advocated by Alexander III., 325 condemned by Wickliffe, 379 allowed by Lollards, 381 condemned by Hussites, 384 allowed by Brethren of the Cross, 385 and by Orthodox Brethren, 385 advocated in 15th century, 405 commencement of, in Reformation, 419 demanded by Zwingli, 421 accepted by Luther, 422 favored by the people, 608 in Italy, 609 in South America, 609 Monastic habit, salvation ensured by, 335 Monks, persecuted by the Iconoclasts, 90 number of, in Coptic church, 93 subjected to military service, 99 wandering, described by Augustin, 102 and by St. Benedict, 110 and by Smaragdus, 115 political influence of, 106 confined to their convents, 107 their wives must become nuns, 114 punishment of unchastity, 103, 131 custom of letting blood, 138 secular life of, in 10th century, 152 as priests in Anglo-Saxon England, 174 married priests replaced with, 275 residence of, with nuns, in Spain, 305 ordered to sleep singly, 332 ridiculed by Von Hutten, 416 fate of English, 460 ejected, held to chastity, in England, 469 unfit to be confessors, 432, 569, 572, 577, 587 marriage of (see Marriage). Monluc of Valence, his marriage, 499 his description of French clergy, 515 Montanists denounce second marriages, 36 Montariol, Abbey of, and droit de marquette, 354 Monte Casino, foundation of, 111 Carloman becomes a monk there, 133 Abbey of, in 10th century, 153 preservation of, in 1866, 609 Monza, clerical marriage in 1152, 221 Barnabite college at, case of, 621 Morales, Ambrosio, case of, 40 Morality, reformed by early Christians, 32 of Puritanism, 357 of Scottish Reformers, 509 artificial standard of, 269, 347, 349, 627 Morals, clerical, described by Cyprian, 41 by Tertullian, 42 reforms at Council of NicÆa, 54 how affected by introduction of celibacy, 78 as described by Salvianus, 81 by Council of Elvira, 99 by St. Jerome, 100 of monks, described by St. Augustin, 102 by St. Benedict, 110 by St. Isidor of Seville
rch, 191 Nicholas de Clemanges (see Clemanges). Nicholas I. enforces the rule of celibacy, 139 his relaxation of the rules, 141 on sacraments of sinful priests, 194 Nicholas II., his election, 192 his reforms, 194, 197, 199 he intervenes in Milanese troubles, 213 his canons on celibacy renewed, 227 he enforces celibacy in France, 255 his death, 200 Nicholas III., his efforts with Greek church, 328 Nicholas V., regulations of, 397 Nicholas the deacon, 34 Nicolites, heresy of, 34 priestly marriage ascribed to, 191, 201 married priests stigmatized as, 211 abjuration of, in Milan, 214 condemnation by C. of Piacenza, 221 in Germany, in 12th century, 318 Nigel of Ely, his revolt, 281 Niklaushausen, Hans of, 405 Nimptschen, escape of nuns from, 425 Nismes, residence of relatives forbidden, 332 Noailles, Cardinal, on absolution by guilty confessor, 576 Nobla Leyczon, La, 373, 374 Nomocanon of Photius, 87 Norbert, St., reforms effected by, 265 Nordhausen, Council of, in 1105, 244 Norfolk, married priests ejected in, 480 Norfolk, Duke of, suppresses the Pilgrimage of Grace, 456 introduces the Six Articles, 467 Normandy, condition of church in 10th century, 155 enforcement of celibacy in 12th century, 268, 319 North, Sir Edward, obtains the Charter-House, 451 Northmen, effect of their incursions, 139 Northumberland, Earl of, his insurrection in 1569, 496 Northumbrian priests, rules for, 168 Norway, rights of illegitimates in, 197 Nowell, Dean, on Council of Trent, 537 Nucius, Nicander, on English monasteries, 452, 458, 469 Nullity of marriage in orders introduced in 1123, 313 at Council of Trent, 536 Nunneries, disorders of, under Carlovingians, 137 in 10th century, 152 in 12th century, 264, 282, 318 in 13th century, 134 PÈres de la Foi, 485 their position, in French Revolution, 590-2 obliged to join in wolf-hunts, 303 purgation of, in Saxon England, 174 punishment of, for unchastity, 131 responsible for parish property, 123 their position in modern France, 637 sinful, their ministrations, 194, 368, 374, 379, 383 their influence, 346 mutually absolve each other, 428 adulterous wives of, to be put away, 39 their wives in Italy, in 8th century, 127 disorders caused by, 147, 175 stigmatized as concubines, 196 reduced to slavery, 242 assumed to be women in service, 489 their resistance to celibacy, 202, 212, 222, 228, 231 their power and privileges, 355 they corrupt the laity, 265, 346, 350, 429, 430, 518, 530, 533, 586, 629 Priesthood, hereditary (see Hereditary). becomes indelible, in 12th century, 314 is incompatible with medicine, 227 Priestly caste, danger of creating, 225 Primitive church, asceticism in, 31 marriage permitted in, 28 Privileges accorded to priests’ concubines, 339 Procedure, ecclesiastical, gives practical immunity, 140 Procopius, St., his marriage, 181 Procopius the Hussite, 384 Prodicus, heresy of, 33 Promotion dependent on celibacy, 75, 76 Property, church, threatened by priestly marriage, 123 dilapidation, in 10th cent., 145, 147 in France before 1789, 589 Property, monastic, in England, 459 confiscated in Germany, 434, 437, 439 in France, 589 in Italy, 609 Prosecution of clerical offenders in France, 154 Abbey of, its disorders, 264 St. Esprit, Society of, 613 St. Fara, monastery of, its disorders, 264 St. Gildas de Ruys, Abbey of, 264 St. Iago of Compostella, church of, 306 St. James of the Sword, Order of, 363 St. John, Knights of, 362, 366, 458 St. Louis, Council of, in 1858, 627 St. Marco, preservation of, in 1866, 609 St. Martin of Tours, Abbey of, 404 St. Mary of Argenteuil, Convent of, 264 St. Michael, Order of, 365 St. Omer, Synod of, in 1099, 261 in 1583, 560 in 1640, 562 St. Peter of Sens, Abbey of, 153 St. Riquier, Abbey of, its strictness, 404 St. Sabina, Cardinal of, enforces celibacy in Sweden, 253 St. Stephen, church of, in Aretino, 147 St. Ursmar, married canons of, 270 St. Vitus, monks of, reformed by Gregory I., 114 Saintes, monastic school at, case of, 619 Saints in Benedictine Order, 113 Salamanca, Council of, in 1335, 310 Salerno, Council of, in 1596, 553 Salona, Archbishop of, degraded, 188 Salvianus on condition of morals, 81 Salzburg, disorders in 12th century, 247 Archbishop of, demands suppression of clerical marriage, 530 asks for clerical marriage, 539 impossibility of reform, 16th century, 548, 554 XXXth Council of, 350 in 1537, 518 in 1549, 527 in 1562, 531 Sampson, Thos., on position of married clergy, 496 Samson, Nazirate of, 22 Samuel, Nazirate of, 22 Sanadon of OlÉron on clerical marriage, 594 Sanders on Cranmer, 470, 474 on delay in authorizing priestly marriage, 488 on Elizabethan clergy, 494 Sandys, Bishop, on delay of priestly marriage, 488 his quarrel with Sir J. Bourne, 496 Sanghadisesa rules, in Buddhism, 95 Sangharamas, Buddhist, 94 Sangreal, the, 35 Sankhya school, 23 Sannazaro on Innocent VIII. and Alexander VI., 345 Sannyasis, class of, 41 Slave children of priests emancipated, 563 Slavery for wives of priests, 189, 242, 389 for their sons, 155 Slaves, female, their union with priests, 249 Slavonic church, its connection with the Greek, 244 adherence to priestly marriage, 251 Sleidan on organized concubinage, 353 Sleswick, clerical morals in 15th cent., 402 Smaragdus on monastic impostors, 115 Smith, Dr. Richard, on clerical matrimony, 474 Smith, Sir Thomas, on celibacy, 497 Socrates on the story of Paphnutius, 56 on observance of celibacy, 86 Soissons, Synod of, in 744, 132 ManichÆism in 1114, 207 Solicitation (see Confessional). Somerset the Protector encourages the reformers, 472 Sons of priests (see Children). Sorbonne, the, condemns Hildebrandine doctrine, 382 condemns Jean Lallier, 408 refuses conference with Melanchthon, 440 Sormitz, escape of nuns from, 425 Sousa, Ant. de, on solicitation, 571 Sozomen relates the story of Paphnutius, 56 Spain, celibacy first enforced in, 50, 66 disregarded in 375, 65 legislation in 400, 75 continued efforts required, 80 morals of, in 4th century, 81 monasticism in 7th century, 115 celibacy in Arian church, 120 reforms attempted by Catholicism, 121 church property guarded, 123 concubines, position of, 196, 197 enforcement of celibacy in, 302 priestly marriage universal, 303 delay in abrogating priestly marriage, 305 immorality of clergy, 311 military orders, 363 demoralization in 15th century, 400 Ximenes and the Franciscans, 402 morals in 16th century, 517 priestly marriage demanded, 556 concubinage of ecclesiastics, 557 the Colonial church, 563 abuse of confessional, 568-74 case of Father Mena, 579 census of the church in 1764, 588 civil marriage agitated, 605 Spalatin, his record of priestly marriages, 422 Spalatro, Council of, in 925, 149 in 1185, 406 Turin, Council of, in 401, 75 Turner, John, penance of, 481 Turquoing, suppression of unauthorized orders in, 622 Tuscany, priestly marriage defended in, 199 clerical morals in 18th century, 586 Tyndale advocates priestly marriage, 462 Ulric, St., of Augsburg on priestly marriage, 149 Ulric of Bohemia founds Abbey of Zagow, 181 Ulric of Tegernsee on bigamy, 181 Umbilicani, 24 Umiliati, their struggle with St. Charles Borromeo, 551 Unchastity, forgiveness for, in False Decretals, 136 punished as homicide, 169 United States, priestly marriage in, 607 morality of clergy in, 625 recent Councils of, 626-7, 633 University Fellows, celibacy of, 492 Urban II. on sacraments of sinful priests, 195 creates Conrad King of Lombardy, 220 reconciles the Milanese clergy, 220 holds Council of Piacenza, 221 enforcement of celibacy attributed to, 225 not recognized in Germany, 241 his enforcement of celibacy, 242 protects Flemish priests, 261 declares marriage incompatible with Orders, 313 Urban III. enforces celibacy in Dalmatia, 250 Urban VIII. on abuse of confessional, 573 Urbicus of Clermont, case of, 73 Urbino, Council of, in 1569, 553 in 1859, 627 Urraca, Queen, 306 Useria, supposed wife of Eriberto of Milan, 209 Utopia, Sir Thomas More’s, 446 Utraquists, the, 384 Utrecht, condition of nunneries, 14th century, 340 reception of Council of Trent in, 553 Synods of, in 1561 and 1565, 554 in 1865, 627, 633 Vagabond monks, 102, 109, 115 Vagabondage, Tudor laws on, 455, 460 Valence, Council of, in 374, 100, 103 Valencia, Council of, in 1255, 309 in 1565, 562 Valens, his restrictions on monachism, 99 Valentinian on clerical morals, 63 Valentinus, heresy of, 33 Valesians, sect of, 298 Whitby, Synod of, in 664, 161 Wiburn, Percival, on marriage of Anglican clergy, 495 Wicelius, George, on clerical marriage, 542 Wickliffe on sacraments of sinful priests, 196 his reforms, 378 Widowhood, vows of, license caused by, 127 Widows, priests not to marry, 39 order of, in early church, 42, 96 comparison of, with virgins, 46, 96, 347 professed, marriage of, 110 Wied, Hermann von, his attempts at reform, 518 Wiesbaden, clerical marriage in 1821, 601 Wilfreda, St., 167 William of Bavaria on church corruption, 527 William of Cantilupe enforces celibacy, 288 William of Cologne forbids marriage of monks, 340 William the Conqueror enforces celibacy in Normandy, 257 permits marriage in Britanny, 259 neglects reform in England, 271 William of Hilderniss, 385 William the Lion on concubines, 197 persecutes the clergy, 301 William of Malmesbury on Anglo-Saxon church, 176 William of Paderborn, his failure to reform, 340 William of Sabina, legate to Spain, 310 William of Strassburg excommunicates married priests, 424 Willibrod, St., his labors, 126 Wills, ecclesiastical, providing for children, 337 Winchester, reform of monastery of, 168, 169 Council of, in 1070, 272 in 1076, 273 in 1139, 371 hereditary transmission in, 286 Windsor, Synod of, in 1070, 272 Wine of Eucharist in early church, 44 abstinence from, not recommended, 48 Wishart, George, his trial, 510 Wisigothic laws on clerical celibacy, 121 on church property, 123 Wisigoths of Spain, state of church under, 120 Witgar of Mendlesham, 282 Witiza, his licentious laws, 121 Witnesses, use of ordeal for, 140 married priests not admitted as, 294 four required to prove solicitation, 571 Wittenberg, books of canon law burned at, 418 Synod of, in 1522, 420 Wives, demerit of, 46 adulterous, to be put away, 39 of Huguenot pastors,