In compliance with an order of the Commander-in-Chief of the German Imperial Army, the Governor-General of East Anglia decrees as follows:— (1) Every inhabitant of the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Northampton, Rutland, Huntingdon, and Hertford, who gives asylum to or lodges one or more ill or wounded British soldier, is obliged to make a declaration to the mayor of the town or to the local police within 24 hours, stating name, grade, place of birth, and nature of illness or injury. Every change of domicile of the wounded is also to be notified within 24 hours. In absence of masters, servants are ordered to make the necessary declarations. The same order applies to the directors of hospitals, surgeries, or ambulance stations, who receive the British wounded within our jurisdiction. (2) All mayors are ordered to prepare lists of the British wounded, showing the number, with their names, grade, and place of birth in each district. (3) The mayor, or the superintendent of police, must send on the 1st and 15th of each month a copy of his lists to the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief. The first list must be sent on the 15th September. (4) Any person failing to comply with this order will, in addition to being placed under arrest for harbouring British troops, be fined a sum not exceeding £20. (5) This decree is to be published in all towns and villages in the Province of East Anglia. Count VON SCHONBURG-WALDENBURG, Lieutenant-General, Governor of German East Anglia. Ipswich, September 6, 1910. COPY OF ONE OF THE ENEMY'S PROCLAMATIONS. COPY OF ONE OF THE ENEMY'S PROCLAMATIONS. |