Alp | A mountain pasture, usually with chalets tenanted only in summer. | ArÊte | A ridge. | Bergschrund | A crevasse between the snow adhering to the rocks and the lower portion of the glacier. | Col | A pass between two peaks. | Couloir | A gully, usually filled with snow or stones. | Crevasse | A crack in a glacier, caused by the movement of the ice over an uneven bed or round a corner. | Firn | The snow of the upper regions, which is slowly changing into glacier ice. | Grat | A ridge. | Joch | A pass between two peaks. | Kamm | A summit ridge. | Moraine | An accumulation of stones and sand which has fallen from bordering slopes on to a glacier. Medial moraines are formed by the junction of glaciers, their lateral moraines joining. | Moulin | A glacier mill, or shaft through the ice, formed by a stream which has met a crevasse in its course, and plunging into its depths has bored a hole right through the glacier and often into the rock beneath. | NÉvÉ | The French of Firn. (See Firn.) | RÜcksack | The bag type of canvas knapsack now invariably used by guides and climbers. | Schrund | A crevasse. (See Crevasse.) | SÊrac | A cube of ice, formed by transverse crevasses, and found where a glacier passes over steep rocks. This part of a glacier is called an ice-fall. |