- Abracadabra, 126.
- Amulets, 5, 6, 14, 60-62, 138.
- Ancient Irish physicians, 12, 13, 40.
- Ancient medical prescriptions, 155-164.
- Angel of gold, 83, 85.
- Animal magnetism, 143-154.
- Animals, effect of music upon, 176, 177, 180.
- Atharva-Veda, 133.
- Auto-suggestion, 217, 231.
- Blue-glass mania, 93-96.
- Chaldean medical amulets, 112.
- Charlatans, 201-238.
- Charms, 6, 9, 122-123, 125.
- Christian Science, 53-55.
- Correspondence between Christ and King Abgar, 35-37.
- Curative spells, 41, 42, 45.
- Demonology, the doctrine of, 209, 210.
- Demons of disease, 206.
- Devil, the, 205-211.
- Divination, 117.
- Dreams, the interpretation of, 98.
- Druids, the, 12, 13, 75, 129.
- Edible letters, 50.
- Edible prescriptions, 51.
- Egyptian medicine, 117-120.
- Ephesian letters, 128-129.
- Fairy-women, 13, 109.
- Grigris, 45.
- Healing by manual stroking, 76.
- Healing-spells, 111-134, 138.
- Hydro-therapy, 97, 101.
- Hypnotism, 153, 154.
- Imagination, the curative power of, 53-72, 145, 151.
- Incantations, 9, 39, 47, 109, 113, 114, 134, 205.
- Incubation, 101-104.
- Intermittent fever, remarkable cure for, 131, 132.
- King's Evil, 73-92.
- Kneipp cure, 53.
- Laying on of hands, 73-92.
- Magical healing formulas, 10, 11, 13, 26.
- Mantras, 37, 60.
- Medical amulets, 3, 9, 15, 17.
- Medicine, irregular practitioners of, 243-272.
- Medieval physicians, 14.
- Mesmerism, 146-151.
- Metallic tractors, 139.
- Metallo-therapy, 139-142.
- Music, as a cure for tarantism, 197-200;
- as a medicine, 189;
- at banquets, 180-184;
- at hospitals, 193;
- distasteful to some persons, 186;
- healing influence of, 172-200.
- New York City, quackery in, 237.
- Oracles, 98-99.
- Pentacle, the, 20, 21.
- Phylacteries, 24-29.
- Power of words, the, 30-52.
- Protective charms, 46-48.
- Psychological methods in Medicine, 56-59.
- Psycho-therapy in ancient times, 114-115.
- Quacks and Quackery, 201-238.
- Quack, derivation of the word, 202.
- Quack remedies, 220.
- Quake-doctors, 203.
- ?, medical symbol, 156, 157.
- Relics, healing qualities attributed to, 165-171.
- Royal touch, the, 73-92.
- Runic Inscriptions, 135-138, 214.
- Saphies, 45, 49.
- Snail as an article of diet, 39.
- Spell against gout, 130-131.
- Spirit-cheering pills, 159.
- Styptic charms, 105-110.
- Suggestion, 16, 63, 86, 140, 151, 231.
- Sympathetic powder, 145.
- Talismans, 19-23.
- Temples of Esculapius, 97-104.
- Toothache charms, 64-66.
- Touch-pieces, 79, 80, 86.
- Unicorn's horn, 161-164.
- Vis medicatrix naturÆ, 66, 69-72, 105.
- Weapon-salve, 143-144.
- Words, the power of, 30-52, 111, 126.