CHAP. XV. (2)


That sometimes, yea and for the most part, euill Angels
do appeare.

COntrariwise, euill angels are hurtfull and enemies vnto men, they followe them euery where, to the ende they may withdrawe them from true worshipping of God, and from faith in his onely sonne Iesu Christ, vnto sundry other things. These appeare in diuers Paule. shapes: for in the diuell (as Paule doth witnesse) transformeth himselfe into an Angell of light, no lesse may he take the shape of a Prophet, an Apostle, Euangelist, Bishop, and Martyr, and appeare in their likenesse: or to bewitch vs, that we verily suppose we heare or sÉe them in very dÉede. He taketh on him to tell of thinges to come, whether hÉe hit them right or wrong. HÉe affirmeth that hÉe is this or that soule, that he may bee deliuered by this or that meanes, that by these meanes he may purchase credite and authoritie, vnto those things which haue no ground of scripture.

By meanes of false myracles, he decreeth new Hollydayes, Pilgrimages, Chappels, and Aultars: by Coniurations, blessings, enchauntments, he attempteth to cure the sicke, to make his doings haue authoritie.

You shall reade maruellous straunge things in Arnobius, Lactantius, and other holie Fathers, who wrote against the Gentiles and their superstition, after what sorte Diuels haue deluded the miserable Gentiles, and haue entrapped them in many errors. He ioyned and hid himselfe in their Idolles, he spake through them from one place to an other, he made them to moue, and did such straunge myracles, that verie lame men leauing their stilts whereon they leaned in the Temples of their Idols, returned home to their houses, without any helpe or stay of them, but especially in the temple of Æsculapius (who was counted the Patron of Phisicke) many of these kinde of miracles are reported to haue happened. Wherefore there is no cause, why the Papistes at this day, shoulde so insolently glorie of the like myracles, by the which they goe about to proue their intercession of Saints, and such lyke trumperie.



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