CHAP. XI. (2)


Whether the holy Apostles thought they sawe a mans
soule, when Christ sodeinly appeared vnto them after
his Resurrection.

Luke 24.

WE reade in the 24. Chapter of Saint Lukes Gospell, that two Disciples whiche returned from Emaus to Hierusalem, told the Apostles, that they had sÉene Christ aliue againe, and whiles they yet spake, the Lorde stood in the midst of them, and saide vnto them, Peace be vnto you: but they being amazed & afraid, thought they sawe a spirit. &c.

Christs Disciples supposed they sawe a ghost.

Out of this some go about to proue, that the Apostles belÉeued that spirits or soules did walke and appeare vnto men, and that they themselues did thinke they sawe the spirit of Christ (as certaine of the old Writers do expound it) or else some other mans spirit.

Many kindes of spirites.

This argument may be answered two wayes. First if they thought they sawe a soule, they thought a misse. But they were no lesse deceiued with the common sorte now, that when they thought Christ would raise vp an outward and earthly kingdome, in which they should be chiefe. Secondly, it may be, that they supposed they sawe an euill or good Angell, for there are more kindes of spirites than one. There is a spirit that created all things, to wit, God the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost. Againe there be spirits that be created, as good and euil Angels, as also the soules of men, which either are in the bodie, or by death seuered from the bodie, and abide either in euerlasting life, or in eternall damnation. As touching the state of soules in Purgatorie, where they are prepared to the heauenly iourney, and of Limbus puerorum, there is nothing extant in holy scripture.

It is manifest in scripture, that God appeared vnto the holy Patriarches, to the Prophets, to Kings and others, in diuers visions and formes, and that he shewed himself vnto them and spake with them. Iacob sawe a ladder reache from the earth vp to heauen, and God leaning on it. Isaias sawe the Lord sitting vpon an high throne. Daniel sawe an olde man sitting, and his sonne comming vnto him and receiuing all power of him.

Tertullian and other holy Fathers do teach, that the son of God, which at the appointed time should take vpon him humaine flesh, did appear vnto the Patriarches in an angelicall shape.

When Iohn Baptist did baptise our Sauiour in Iordan, the holy Ghost was sÉene in the shape of a Doue. The holy scriptures in many places do testifie, that good Angels haue oftentimes appeared to Gods Ministers.

That euill spirits are often sÉene, and that at this day they shewe themselues in diuers formes, to Inchaunters and Coniurers, and to other men also, as wel godly as wicked, both histories and daily experience doth witnesse.

Truly we reade not, that soules haue appeared on this fashion. By these we may easily gather, that the Apostles, when they thought they sawe a spirit, did not belÉeue they sawe a soule. Could they not thinke I pray you, they sawe an euill spirit? Or rather that they sawe a good spirit, or a good Angel? For it may be shewed by many examples, that euen the faithfull haue bene troubled, and feared at the appearing of good Angels.


In the eight and tenth Chapter of Daniel, we read that the Prophet fel into a sicknesse at the sight of Angels. The Virgin Mary her selfe was afraide when she sawe the Angell Gabriel. So was Zachary the Priest, & many others.

Acts 12.

In the 12. of y? Acts, we reade, that Herode killed Iames the Apostle with the sword, and when he sawe that it pleased the Iewes, hÉe caught Peter also, and when hÉe had put him in prison, hÉe deliuered him to .16. Souldioures to be kepte, entending after the feast of Passeouer to kill him. But the Angell of the Lorde led S. Peter out of the prison by night through the Souldiours watch, and sette him in the right way to the house of Mary, the mother of Iohn, whose surname was Marke (where many were gathered togither and prayed.) And when he had knocked at y? entrie doore, a maid came forth to harken, named Rhode. But when she knew Peters voice, she opened not the entrie doore for gladness, but ran in and tolde howe Peter stood before the entrie, but they said vnto hir thou art mad: yet she affirmed constantly that it was so. Then said they it is his Angell, but Peter continued knocking, and when they had opened and saw him they were astonied. In like maner, now also when the Apostles saw Christ, peraduenture they thought they sawe a good Angel. For there are Mat.18. Psal.19. Angels giuen of God vnto men to kÉepe them. Of this matter there is somwhat red in the .18. of S. Matthew, & in the 19. Psal. & we will note somwhat more of it hereafter.

The Gentiles also belÉeued (as may bee gathered by their writings) that euery man had a good & an euil Angel, and that the good Angel did stir men vp to vertue, & defend them, but that the euil Angell did hurt men wheresoeuer he could, and did prouoke them to wickednesse.

If our Elders, when they haue sÉene or heard any thing of one that hath bene trauelling or dead, did say it is his spirit, it may be, they ment not his soule, but his Angel: for if when as spirits were sÉene now in this place, and by and by in an other place, they did thinke them to be soules (as in these latter times all men haue belÉeued:) in this they were deceiued, as they haue bene in many other things also, for soules are by and by receiued, eyther into euerlasting ioy, or into eternall damnation.

If the Preachers and Teachers had done their duties, and had in this and other pointes of Christian Doctrine, rightly instructed the people committed to their charge, or at the least, if they had not forbidden them to reade the holy scriptures, they would haue thought aright both of this, and other things which at this day are in controuersie.



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