CHAP. VI. (3)


It behoueth them which are vexed with spirites, to pray
especially, and to giue themselues to fasting, sobrietie,
watching, and vpright and godly liuing.

N Ow because good Angelles appeare vnto vs more sildome in this oure time (for there is a verie greate difference of men liuing vnder the newe Testament, from them that liue vnder the olde, vnto whom God many and oftentimes sent his Angels) and that euill angels very often appeare, we ought the rather to commit our selues more diligently to the tuition of almightie God, both when we go to bed, and also when we arise againe.

Our Sauiour amongst all other things, taught vs to pray to this purpose: Deliuer vs from euill. And moreouer he saith in the 17. Chapter of Matthew, that some kinde of diuels are not driuen away by any other kinde of meanes than fasting and praying. As touching those which suppose that diuels ought to be cast out with coniurations, and execrable cursings, I will intreat in the end of this my booke. Watch and pray, least ye fall into temptation. Matthew 26. And in the 22. of Luke, Christ saith vnto Peter, Sathan hath desired to sift you euen as corne, but I haue praied that thy faith faile not. And euen at this present also he maketh intercession for vs sitting at the right hand of his heauenly father.

The auncient Fathers in olde time, call vppon God in all their daungers and troubles, whereof it were a nÉedlesse matter to auouch many examples. It is also very profitable and good to craue the prayers of the whole congregation, whensoeuer we are vexed with euill spirites and vaine fantasies. For we know right well that the prayers of the Church haue bene very profitable and effectuall vnto others, and that the godly in their distresses haue euermore desired them.

It is Gods pleasure, that the faithfull should succour one an other with their good prayers. Howbeit that the Saintes after their departure from hence, should pray for vs, that we should in any wise desire their prayers, surely there is no commandement of God, or any example thereof in the holy scriptures.

1. Pet.5.

Moreouer, the Apostles teach vs to withstand the craft and subtiltie of the diuell by this meanes. Saint Paule to the Ephesians the 6. Chapter, and Peter on his first Epistle and fifth Chapter saith: Be ye sober and watche, for your aduersary the diuel, as a roaring lyon walketh about, sÉeking whom he may deuoure: whome resist stedfast in faith, &c.

We must fight against the diuel with good life.

When men are secure and negligent, wholly giuen vnto pleasures and as it were drowned in surfetting, couetousnesse, adulterie, and such other wickednesse, then hath the diuel place to shewe himselfe. Wherefore we ought to giue our selues to watching, praying, fasting, and godly liuing: we must heare the word of God often and gladly, we must desire to reade and talke of him continually, that we may thereby put from vs those diuellishe illusions and sightes.

If thou haue any publike office or charge, do it faithfully: restore thy goods euil gotten, either vnto their true owners, or else imploy them to some good and godly ende. If men care neither for God, nor his word, it is no maruell if vaine sightes appeare vnto them. For God suffereth such things to happen vnto them, to humble them and to make them know themselues.

It is an horrible thing, that there are some which giue ouer themselues to the diuel, because he should not torment them: they ought rather to weigh with themselues, that if they so do, they shall be perpetually tormented of euil spirits, except they truly repent and turne againe to God.



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