Why God doth suffer straunge noyses, or extraordinarie I N that there happeneth certaine straunge things before the death of men, and also before notable alterations, and destructions of countries, as maruellous crackes, and terrible roaring, surely it turneth to good vnto the iust, and to further damnation to the wicked. For by these means God sheweth that nothing commeth to passe by chance, or by aduenture, but that the life and death, the prosperous or vnfortunate estate of al men, is in the power and hand of God. It is nothing so as the Epicures affirme, that God hath no regard whether any man liue, or be borne, or do well or euill, or otherwise, or whether commo wealths do florish, or be made waste. Christ himself teacheth vs, that not so much as a sparrow falleth vnto the grounde without the will of God. Salomon and Daniel say, that the hearts of kings are in Gods hands, and that he appointeth or deposeth kings at his pleasure. Wherfore if we happily do heare any noises or such like, they ought rather to put vs in good comfort, tha to make vs afraide. And againe, God hereby admonisheth vs, that we be not idle and secure, for he hath in all ages stirred vp his seruants, not only with word, but also with rare and straunge apparitions. The very Gentiles accounted these miraculous things, as the admonitions and warnings of their gods, and it may be sÉen euery where, in their histories. And albeit it be very likely, that most of these things happen by the diuels procurement, yet neuerthelesse, we herein perceiue Almightie God his fatherly care, loue, and preseruatio of vs against y? deuises of the diuel. For albeit the diuel take no rest, but is alwayes in readinesse to destroy |