1. It was very hot, the sky was blue, and the air was full of the humming and buzzing of bees and flies. A white butterfly flitted by, but soon went away over the garden-wall. 2. Bee after bee, and fly after fly, settled on the sunflowers and hunted for honey. Dora and Harry watched for a long time. 3. 'The sunflower is like a little sun,' said Dora. 'And it loves the sun,' said her mother, who was snipping off dead roses close by; 'it always turns to look at it. See, its face is towards the sun now. And if you look again before sunset you will find the flower turned to it still.' 4. 'How strange!' said Dora. Sunflower. Sunflower. 'And it has such a strong stalk,' said Harry. 'You would not think that it could turn round. It must be alive!' 'Of course it is alive!' 'But, I mean, it must feel, or why 5. 'How ragged all the stalks and leaves are!' said Dora. 'I wish they would make themselves tidy instead of always staring at the sun. Why are there so many holes in the leaves?' 6. 'Grubs have been eating them. Our friend Mr Sparrow must have been away lately!' 7. Here mother stopped snipping at her rose-trees, and came up to one of the sunflowers. 8. 'There is something I want you to see,' she said. 'You think this is one big flower, but it is really a crowd of little flowers. Look! Can you think of another flower that is something like it?' 9. Harry and Dora shook their heads. 'It is very small,' mother went on, 'with a cushion in the middle like this, and rays standing out all round like these.' 10. 'Does it grow on a tree?' 'No.' 'In this garden?' 'No.' 'In the fields?' 'Yes.' 'Oh, I know!' cried Harry. 'It is the daisy.' |