1. 'Here comes the coal,' said Harry, looking out of the window. 'Mother, may we help Jim to get it in? I can have the big shovel, and Dora the little one. I should like to see the cart upset! What fun it will be!' 2. Crash came the coal on the ground. Then the coal-man drew his horse and cart away, and set to work with a spade to fill the little coal-place. 3. The dog jumped, and got in every one's way. He wanted to help, too, but did not know how. Dora tumbled over the heap and bumped her head, so she thought she would be content with watching Jim and Harry. But Harry was soon tired, and Jim was left to go on alone. 4. 'Where does coal come from, Jim?' he asked. 'Out of the ground, my lad.' 'Does it? Do you dig for it?' 'I don't. But I know somebody who does.' 5. 'If I were to dig for it, should I find any, Jim?' 'Not you! Why, you have to go down ever such a long way before you can even begin to dig.' 6. 'How do you get down?' 'You go down in a thing they call a cage. You can't walk down, you know. It is like going down a deep pit. They call it a mine.' 7. 'Oh, I have heard of coal-mines!' Dora was taking up one little lump of coal after another, and wondering why 8. Harry went on. 'How do they let the cage down? Have you ever been down?' Coal-miners going down to work. Coal-miners going down to work. 'I have been down once,' said Jim, stopping in his work and stretching himself. 'This is the way. There is an engine at the top of the shaft'—— 'What is the shaft?' 9. 'The pit I told you about. The 'It must be very strong.' 10. 'Yes, it is, and it has strong chains to hold it. It goes up and down all day long, bringing up the coal.' |