1. 'Let us go over to that log where we sat when we saw the rabbits,' said Dora to Harry. 2. 'All right! We can play at ship, and the grass shall be the sea.' 'Or we can have see-saw, if we can find some wood to lay across the log.' 3. They were soon at the log, and on it they sat down, and looked about them. The log was the trunk of an old oak, and a little way off stood the stump, with many new shoots and leaves coming out all round it. 4. Dora went and stood on it, and called out that she was on a hill. She jumped off and on a few times, and then said it would make a good table, and they might have tea on it. 5. Harry found that the stump had roots that spread out all round for a long way. 'How thick and hard they are!' he said; 'come and feel this one!' It is all marked in rings. It is all marked in rings. 'It is not like the roots we saw on the ivy,' she said. 'Now look at the top of the stump. It is all marked in rings.' 6. 'In the very middle there is a little light spot, and then come dark rings, and then more rings outside. Father once told me these rings showed how old the trees were. And do you see lines coming away from the middle?' 7. 'They look like the rays of the sun, which I draw on my slate,' said Dora. 'What a rough coat this tree had! Come and feel the outside of the log.' 'That is the bark! I have heard father talk about bark.' 8. 'Well, I shall call it the coat. It is the tree's overcoat to keep him warm and dry. But trees do not all seem to have rough coats. Look at that one!' and she ran over to a little birch, and pulled off some of its thin bark. 9. 'I have found a fine tree!' cried Harry; and Dora came running to look at it. Leaves of the Beech and the Oak. Leaves of the Beech and the Oak. 10. It was a beech, with a great round smooth trunk and long strong branches. Harry jumped up and caught at a leaf |