Academists, 70, 78; leave Tobolsk, 81.
Academy of Science, Russian, 57.
Addington, cape, 189.
Admiralty Bay, 145.
Admiralty, Russian, dissatisfaction with Bering, 95.
Afgonak, island, 156.
AÏno, 124.
Akischis, strait, 124.
Alaska, 178.
Aldan, river, 23.
Aleutian Islands, 134, 140;
discovery of, 167, 187.
Aleutians, Nearer, 168.
Aliaska, 161.
Amassoff, 18.
Amchitka, 167.
America Pars, 14.
Anadyr, fort, 42.
Anadyr, river, Cossacks at, 16;
the Gabriel at, 30.
Anadyrsk, 46.
Anian, strait, 13, 15.
Anjou, 110.
Anna Ivanovna, 63.
Apraxin, 9.
Archangel Michael, ship, 100.
Arctic Coast, charting of, 62, 83.
Arctic expeditions, 107.
Arctic explorations, work of Russia and England in, 3.
Arctic foxes, 181.
Arii Kamen, 175.
Asia and America, boundary between,
Atka, island, 165.
Atna, estuary, 148.
Attu, island, 168.
Avacha, 127, 134, 170, 190.
Baikal, lake, 91.
Balshaya, river, 26.
Bancroft, H. H., note on, 64;
note from, 73, 140;
note on identity of Kayak and St. Elias, 149;
note on, 188.
Baranoff Cliff, 109.
Barents, map of, 14.
Bartholomew, cape, 189.
Bear Islands, 18, 67.
Bellini, map by, 20, 118.
Berch, V., authority, 41;
opinion of Bering, 52, 61.
Bering Bay, 144;
incorrect location of, 146.
Bering Island, 51;
discovery of, 169;
description of, 174.
Bering Haven, 149.
Bering Peninsula, 67.
Bering, RiviÈre de, 145.
Bering Strait, discovery of, 32;
Gvosdjeff in, 130.
Bering, Vitus, first expedition, 2;
nativity, 6;
in Baltic fleet, 9;
in Sea of Azov and Black Sea, 10;
promotions, 10;
in Archangel, 10;
home of, 11;
discharge and re-appointment of, 11;
plans for first expedition, 12;
knowledge of Siberian geography, 19;
starts on first expedition, 21;
at Irkutsk, 22;
at Yakutsk, 22;
in relation to Serdze Kamen, 40;
return to St. Petersburg, 42, 52;
winters at the Fort, 50;
recognition in West Europe, 57;
map by, 57;
plans for Great Northern Expedition, 61;
recommendations to Senate, 65;
instructions to, 66;
chief of Great Northern Expedition, 72;
estimate of, 76, 94;
Russian name of, 77;
report to Admiralty, 89, 195;
accusations against, 94;
wife of, 94;
at Okhotsk, 99;
at Avacha, 128;
plans for expedition to America, 129;
orders from Senate, 131, 134;
taken ill, 140;
discovers American coast, 140;
stay off Kayak Island, 150;
defense of, 152;
determinations of lat., 158;
removed from the St. Peter, 182;
sickness of, 183;
death of, 186;
monument of, 187, 192;
results, 187, 190;
reports of, 190.
Betge, surgeon, 135.
Billings, map by, 45, 145, 148.
Biron, 64, 189.
Blanco, cape, 14, 37.
Blizhni Islands, 168.
Bolsheretsk, 26, 52, 119.
Borkhaya Bay, 92.
Boussale Channel, 120.
Brandt, 180.
Bredal, Peter, 9.
Broughton, Capt., at Kuriles, 120, 123.
Buache, 191.
Byistraya, river, 26.
Bykoff, river, 92.
California, 37.
Campbell, Dr., opinion of Bering, 29, 47, 57.
Chamisso, 137.
Chaplin, Peter, 21.
Charitonoff, 167.
Charlesvoix, Peter, Histoire du Japan, 20.
Chegatchoff, 135.
Chekin, 81.
Chelyuskin, 81, 109, 114, 116.
Chelyuskin, cape, 114.
Chirikoff, A., in first expedition, 21;
instructions to, 66, 75, 77, 81, 95, 96, 103, 129, 131, 134, 135;
on Pacific expedition, 139;
results, 188;
at Okhotsk, 190.
Chirikoff Island, 158.
Chi-Shima Islands, 119.
Chukotskoi, cape, doubled by Bering, 32, 44.
Chuckchee Peninsula, 40, 44, 133.
Chukli, island, 145.
Clerke, Capt., 187.
Commander Islands, 169;
description of, 175;
seals on, 179.
Controller Bay, 146.
Cook, Capt., 30;
in Bering Strait, 36;
opinion of Bering, 38, 39, 47, 48, 53, 57, 67, 112, 125, 137;
Bering's place of landing, 144, 147, 156, 158, 191.
Copper, estuary, 148.
Copper Island, discovery of, 169;
description of, 175;
sea-otters on, 178.
Corea, 126.
Cossacks, 16.
Coxe, W., 125.
Cruys, C., made vice-admiral, 8.
Dall, W. H., opinion of Bering, 151.
Dalrymple, A., 39.
D'Anville, atlas of, 57.
Deception Islands, 168.
De l'Isle, G., 53 et seq.;
sketch of, 130.
De l'Isle, J. N., 18, 53, 56;
sketch of, 130, 191.
De LÖwenÖrn, Danish admiral, 39.
Deshneff, 16, 20, 110, 111.
Diomede Island, discovery of, 33;
latitude of, 41.
Dixon, 144.