| PAGE | Explanation of Terms | 1 | Terms descriptive of differences in the way of physical conformation | 2 | Typical, sub-typical, transitional, quasi-transitional | 7 | Terms descriptive of differences in the way of language | 9 | Terms descriptive of differences in social civilization | 12 | The primary varieties of the human race | 13 | PART I. | MONGOLIDÆ | 15-462 | A. | Altaic MongolidÆ | 15-106 | Seriform Altaic MongolidÆ | 15-60 | Chinese | 16 | Tibetans | 18 | Anamese | 20 | Siamese | 21 | Kambojians | 22 | Burmese | 23 | MÔn | 23 | Si-Fan | 24 | Miaou-tse | 25 | Lolos, &c. | 25-34 | Garo | 34 | Brown's Tables | 36 | DhimÁl and Bodo | 37-53 | Tribes of Sikkim and Nepaul | 53 | Antiquity of the Chinese civilization—how far indisputable | 55-60 | Turanian Altaic MongolidÆ | 61-106 | Mongolians | 63-73 | TungÚs | 74 | Turks | 75-95 | Ugrians | 95-106 | Voguls | 96 | Permians | 97 | Tcheremiss | 99 | Finlanders | 99 | Esthonians | 101 | Laplanders | 101 | Hungarians | 101 | B. | Dioscurian MongolidÆ | 107-128 | Georgians | 112 | Lesgians, Mizjeji, IrÔn | 115 | Ossetic grammar | Texian tribes | 349-351 | The unity or non-unity of the American populations | 352-380 | Opinions | 352 | Vater's remark | 354 | Polysynthetic.—Philological paradox | 356 | Grounds for disconnecting the Eskimo | 357 | ———————————————— Peruvians | ibid. | ArchÆology of the Valley of the Mississippi | 359-362 | American characteristics | 363 | ————— languages | 365-380 | Tables for simple comparison | 366 | ————— indirect | 371 | Paucity of general terms | 375 | Numerals | 376 | Verb-substantive | 378 | Negative points of agreement | ibid. | Positive | 379 | The Californias | 380-395 | Description of a Casa Grande | 388 | Pimos Indians | 390 | Coco-Maricopas | 394 | New Mexico | 395-398 | Tarahumara | 398 | Casa Grande | 399 | Tepeguana, &c. | 400 | Otomi | 403-408 | Supposed monosyllabic character of the language | 404 | Tables | 405 | Mexico | 408 | The Maya | 410 | Indians of the Isthmus | 411 | ——————— Andes (western) | 412-414 | MoluchÉ, PuelchÉ, HuillichÉ | 415 | Conventional ethnological centre | 418 | Charruas | 420 | Indians of Moxos | 424 | ————— Chiquitos | 425 | ————— Chaco | 428 | ————— Brazil (not Guarani) | 429 | Warows | 438 | Tarumas | 439 | Wapityan, &c. NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN.
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