c@vhost@g@html@files@31789@31789-h@31789-h-8.htm.html#Page_225" class="pginternal">225, 231. Dewey, George, - at Manila Bay, 134;
- prepared to arrest German action against Venezuela, 253, 254.
Diaz, Porfirio, president of Mexico, joint mediator with President Roosevelt in Central American affairs, 280-282. Dominican Republic, under financial supervision of United States, 276-280. Drago, L. M., Argentine minister, on war between Germany and United States, 314, 315. Drago Doctrine, 257-260. Du Bois, J. T., minister to Colombia, efforts to settle differences arising out of Panama Revolution, 270-274. Evarts, W. M., report on obligations of United States with respect to Isthmus of Panama, 169. Ferdinand VII, of Spain, - dethroned by Napoleon, 27;
- restoration of, 29;
- attempts to recover American colonies, 40.
Filibusters, Cuban, 92-96. Financial supervision, - over Dominican Republic, 276-280;
- over Nicaragua, 283;
- over Haiti, 289.
Fish, Hamilton, secretary of state, - Cuban policy of, 108-124;
- on British infringement of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 167;
- acts as mediator in war between Spain and republics on West coast of South America, 298, 299.
Florida treaty, 52, 85, 261. Fonseca Bay, naval base on, - offered to United States by Honduras, 153;
- leased from Nicaragua, 286.
Forsyth, John, - secretary of state, 90;
- minister to Mexico, 194.
France, - interest in Cuba, 87, 88, 97;
- claims against Mexico, 197;
- severs diplomatic relations with Juarez government, 199;
- decides on joint intervention in Mexico, 203;
- supports Maximilian on Mexican throne, 220-234.
Frelinghuysen, F. T., - correspondence with Lord Granville on Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 175, 176;
- signs canal treaty with Nicaragua, 177.
Frye, W. P., commissioner to negotiate peace with Spain, 135. Garfield, J. A., canal policy of, 169. Germany, Goethals, G. W., in charge of construction of Panama Canal, 191. Gomez, Maximo, leader of Cuban insurrection, 125. Grace-Eyre-Cragin Syndicate, secures concession for canal through Nicaragua, 183. Grant, Ulysses S., - Cuban policy of, 108-124;
- favors driving French from Mexico, 227;
- proposes annexation of Santo Domingo, 265;
- on Monroe Doctrine, 324.
Gray, George, commissioner to negotiate peace with Spain, 135. Great Britain, - secures monopoly of slave trade, 134.
- Miranda, Francisco de,
- plans for revolutionizing Spanish America, 15-19;
- organizes expedition in New York, 20;
- attempts to land in Venezuela, 21, 22;
- takes part in Venezuelan revolution, 38;
- imprisonment and death, 39.
- Monroe, James,
- attitude toward South American struggle for independence, 52, 53;
- letter to Jefferson on Canning's proposals, 67, 68;
- message of December 2, 1823, 76, 77.
- Monroe Doctrine,
- text of message of December 2, 1823, 76-77;
- and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 157, 159, 175, 176;
- and French intervention in Mexico, 222, 223;
- asserted by President Cleveland in Venezuelan boundary dispute, 238-249;
- tested by Germany, 249-255;
- imperialistic tendencies of, 290, 291, 329;
- President Wilson's statement of, before Pan American Scientific Conference, 306-307;
- an executive policy, 320;
- relation to European balance of power, 321, 322;
- attitude of England toward, 322;
- consistently interpreted, 323;
- does not permit transfer of American colonies from one European power to another, 323, 324;
- reservation of, at Hague Conference, 325, 326;
- as applied by President Roosevelt, 326, 327;
- proposals to Pan Americanize, 330;
- probable effects of Great War on, 331, 332;
- distinct from policy of isolation, 332, 333;
- recognized in covenant of League of Nations, 333;
- Lodge reservation, 333;
- definition of, demanded by Salvador, 334.
- Moore, John Bassett,
- secretary of commission to negotiate peace with Spain, 135;
- on Monroe Doctrine, 323.
- Morgan, J. T., advocates Nicaragua canal route, 184.
- Mosquito Coast,
- Motley, J. L., minister to Austria, 232, 233.
- NaÓn, R. S., Argentine ambassador to the United States, on "European War and Pan Americanism," 316-318.
- Napoleon. See Bonaparte.
- New Granada. See Colombia.
- Nicaragua,