AMERICAN STEAM NAVIGATION. STEAM NAVIGATION FIRST ESTABLISHED IN AMERICA.—CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH LED TO IT.—FITCH AND RUMSEY.—STEVENS OF HOBOKEN.—LIVINGSTONE AND FULTON.—EXPERIMENTS ON THE SEINE.—FULTON'S FIRST BOAT.—THE HUDSON NAVIGATED BY STEAM.—EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT OF RIVER NAVIGATION.—SPEED OF AMERICAN STEAMERS.—DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM AND EUROPEAN STEAMERS.—SEA-GOING AMERICAN STEAMERS.—AMERICAN PADDLE-WHEELS.—LAKE STEAMERS.—THE MISSISIPPI AND ITS TRIBUTARIES.—STEAMERS NAVIGATING IT.—THEIR STRUCTURE AND MACHINERY.—NEW ORLEANS HARBOUR.—STEAM TUGS. (228.)The credit of having afforded the first practical solution of the problem to apply the steam engine to the propulsion of ships, undoubtedly belongs to the people of the United States of America. The geographical character of their vast country, not less than the sanguine and enterprising spirit of the nation, contributed to this. A coast of four thousand miles in extent, stretching from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the embouchures of the Mississippi, indented andThe circumstances which rendered these extensive tracts of inland and coast navigation eminently suited to the application of steam power, formed so many obstructions and difficulties to the application of other more ordinary means of locomotion on water. The sheltered bays and sounds which offered a smooth and undisturbed surface to the action of the infant steamer argued the absence of that element which gave effect to the sails and rigging of the wind-propelled ship, and the rapid currents of the gigantic streams formed by the drainage of this great continent, though facilitating access to the coast, rendered the oar powerless in the ascent. (229.)The first great discovery of Watt had scarcely been realized in practice by the construction of the single-acting steam-engine, when the speculative and enterprising Americans conceived the project of applying it as a moving power in their inland navigation. So early as the year 1783At Paris, Livingstone met Fulton, who had been previously engaged in similar speculations, and being struck with his mechanical skill, and the soundness of his views, joined him in causing a series of experiments to be made, which were accordingly carried on at PlombiÈres, and subsequently on a still more extensive scale on the Seine, near Paris. Having by this course of experiments obtained proofs of the efficiency of Fulton's projects, sufficient to satisfy the mind of Livingstone, he agreed to obtain for Fulton the funds necessary to construct a steam boat on a large scale, to be worked upon the Hudson. It was decided, in order to give the project the best chance of success, to obtain the machinery from Bolton and Watt. In 1803, Fulton accordingly made drawings of the engines intended for this first steamer, which were sent to Soho, with an order for their construction. Fulton, meanwhile, repaired to America, to superintend the construction of the boat. The delays incidental to these proceedings retarded the completion of the boat and machinery until the year 1807, when all was completed, and the first successful experiment made at New York. The vessel was placed, for regular work, to ply between New York and Albany, in the beginning of 1808; and, from that time to the present, this river has been the theatre of the most (230.)The form and arrangement of this first marine engine was, in many respects, similar to that which is still generally used for marine purposes. The cold water cistern was abandoned, and an increased condensing power obtained by enlarging the condenser. It was usual to make the condenser half the diameter of the cylinder, and half its length, and therefore one eighth of its capacity. The condenser, however, was now made of the same diameter as the cylinder, being still half its length; its capacity therefore, instead of being only an eighth, was half of the cylinder; the condensing jet was admitted by a pipe passing through the bottom of the vessel. As in the present marine engines, two working beams were provided, one at either side of the cylinder; but in order to provide against the difficulties which might arise in the adaptation of machinery made at Birmingham to a vessel made at New York, beams were constructed in the form of an inverted ?, the working arms being twofold, one horizontal and the other vertical, so that the connecting rod might be carried from the crank, either downwards, to the end of the horizontal arm, or horizontally, to the end of the vertical arm. In fact there was a choice, to use either a straight beam, or a bell-crank. The latter was that which was adopted in this instance. The paddle-shaft, driven by the crank, passed across the vessel, and had the paddle-wheels keyed upon it as at present; and in order to equalise the effect of the engine spur wheels were also placed on the paddle-shaft, by which pinions were driven, placed upon an axle, which carried a fly-wheel.The speed attained by this steam boat, when it first began to ply upon the river, did not exceed four miles an hour, but by a series of improvements its rate of motion was soon increased to six miles an hour. In the steam boats subsequently constructed by Fulton a greater speed was attained; but in the latest vessels built by him he did not exceed a speed of nine miles an hour, which he considered to be the greatest that could be advantageously obtained. While Fulton was making his plans, and engaged in the Fulton did not long retain the monopoly of the steam navigation of the Hudson. Fortunately for the progress of steam navigation, the act conferring upon him that privilege was declared unconstitutional; and the navigation of that noble river was thrown open to the spirit and enterprise of American genius. The number of passengers conveyed upon it became enormous beyond all precedent, and inducements of the strongest kind were accordingly held out to the improvement of its navigation. The distance between New York and Albany, ascertained by a late survey to be one hundred and twenty-five geographical miles by water, had been performed by Fulton's boats occasionally in fifteen or sixteen hours, being at the rate of about eight miles an hour, including stoppages. It became a great object to increase the speed of this trip, so that it might at all times of the year be performed between sunrise and sunset. Robert L. Stevens, the son of the person of that name already mentioned, immediately after the abolition of Fulton's monopoly, placed on the river a vessel which had been built for the Delaware, which easily performed the passage in twelve hours, being at the rate of nearly ten and a half geographical miles an hour. By this increase of speed the improved boats so entirely monopolised the day work upon the river, that the former steamers were either converted into steam tugs to draw barges laden with goods, or used for night trips between New York and Albany. In the night trips the saving of one or two hours was immaterial, it being sufficient that the vessel which left the one port at night should reach the other in the morning. The river Hudson rises near Lake Champlain, the easternmost of the great chain of lakes or inland seas which extend from east to west across the northern boundary of the United States. The river follows nearly a straight course southwards for two hundred and fifty miles, and empties itself into the sea at New York. The influence of the tide is felt as far as Albany, above which the stream begins to contract. Although this river in magnitude and extent is by no means equal to several others which intersect the States, it is nevertheless rendered an object of great interest by reason of the importance and extent of its trade. The produce of the state of New York and that of the banks of the great Lakes Ontario and Erie are transported by it to the capital; and one of the most extensive and populous districts of the United States is supplied with the necessary imports by its waters. A large fleet of vessels is constantly engaged in its navigation; nor is the tardy but picturesque sailing vessel as yet excluded by the more rapid steamers. The current of the Hudson is said to average nearly three miles an hour; but as the ebb and flow of the tide are felt as far as Albany, the passage of the steamers between that place and New York may be regarded as equally affected by currents in both directions, or nearly so. The passage therefore, whether in ascending or descending the river, is made nearly in the same time. (231.)The prevalence of smooth water navigation, whether on the surfaces of rivers or in sheltered bays and sounds, has invested the problem of steam navigation in America with conditions so entirely distinct and different from those under which the same problem presents itself to the European engineer, that any comparison of the performance of vessels, whether with regard to speed or the absorption of power in the two cases, must be utterly fallacious. In Europe a steamer is almost invariably a vessel designed to encounter the agitated surface of an open sea, and is accordingly constructed upon principles of suitable strength and stability. It is likewise supplied with rigging and with sails, to be used in aid of the mechanical power, and manned and commanded by experienced seamen; in fact, it is a combination of a nautical and mechanical structure. In America, on the other hand,The position and form of the machinery is likewise affected by these conditions. Without the necessity of being protected from a rough sea, it is placed on the deck in an elevated position. The cylinders of large diameter and short stroke invariably used in Europe are unknown in America, and the proportions are reversed, a small diameter and stroke of great length being invariably adopted. It is rarely that two engines are used. A single engine, placed in the centre of the deck, with a cylinder from forty to sixty inches' diameter, and from eight to ten foot stroke, drives paddle-wheels from twenty-one to twenty-five feet in diameter, producing from twenty-five to thirty revolutions per minute. The great magnitude of the paddle-wheels and the velocity imparted to them enable them to perform the office of fly-wheels, and to carry the engine round its centres, not however without a perceptible inequality of motion, which gives to the American steamer an effect like that of a row boat advancing by starts with each stroke of the piston. The length of stroke adopted in these engines enables them to apply with great effect the expansive principle, which is almost universally used, the steam being generally cut off at half stroke. The steamers which navigate the Hudson are vessels of considerable magnitude, splendidly fitted up for the accommodation of passengers; they vary from one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty feet in length, and from twenty to thirty feet in width of beam. In the following table is given the particulars of nine steamers plying on this river, taken from
None of these vessels have either masts or rigging, and consequently never derive any propelling power except from the engines: they are neither manned nor commanded by persons having any knowledge of navigation: the works that are visible above their decks are the beam and framing of the engine, and the chimneys. The engines used for steamers on the Hudson, and other great rivers and bays on the eastern coast of America, are most commonly condensing engines, but they nevertheless work with steam of very high pressure, being seldom less than twenty-five pounds per square inch, and sometimes as much as fifty. By reference to the preceding table it will be seen, that the velocity of the piston greatly exceeds the limit generally observed in Europe. It is customary in European marine engines to limit the speed of the piston to about two hundred and twenty feet per minute. Even the piston of a locomotive engine does not much exceed the rate of three hundred feet per minute. In the American steamers, however, the pistons commonly move at the rate of from five to six hundred feet per minute, while the circumference of the paddle-wheels are driven at the rate of from twenty to twenty-two miles an hour. Fig. 135. The hulls of these boats are formed with a perfectly flat bottom and perpendicular sides, rounded at the angles, as represented in fig. 135. At the bow, or cutwater, they are made very sharp, and the deck projects to a great distance over the sides. The weight of the machinery is distributed over an extensive surface of the bottom of this feeble structure, by means of a frame-work of substantial carpentry to which it is attached. At the height of from four to six feet above the water-line is placed the deck, which is a platform, having the shape of a very elongated ellipse. The extremities of its longer axis are supported by the sternpost and the cutwater, and its sides expand in gentle curves on either hand to a considerable distance beyond the limits of the hull; those parts of the deck thus overhanging the water are called the wheel guards. Beneath the first deck is the saloon, or dining-room, which also, as is usual in European steamers, forms the gentlemen's sleeping-room. It usually extends from end to end of the vessel. The middle of the first deck is occupied by the engine, boilers, furnaces, and chimneys, of which latter there are generally two. Between the chimneys and the stern, above the first deck, is constructed the ladies' cabin, which is covered by the second deck, called the promenade deck. The great length of these boats and the elevation of the cabins render it impossible for a steersman at the stern to see ahead, and they are, consequently, steered from the bow; the wheel placed there communicating with the helm at the stern, by chains or rods carried along the sides of the boat. Until a recent period, the wheel was connected with the stern by ropes, but some fatal accidents, produced by fire, (232.)The paddle-wheels universally used in American steam-boats are formed, as if by the combination of two or more common paddle-wheels, placed one outside the other, on the same axle, but so that the paddle boards of each may have an intermediate position between those of the adjacent one, as represented in fig. 136.Fig. 136. The spokes, which are bolted to cast-iron flanges, are of wood. These flanges, to which they are so bolted, are keyed upon the paddle shaft. The outer extremities of the spokes are attached to circular bands or hoops of iron, surrounding the wheel; and the paddle boards, which are formed of hard wood, are bolted to the spokes. The wheels thus constructed, sometimes consist of three, and not unfrequently four, independent circles of paddle boards, placed one beside the other, and so adjusted in their position, that the boards of no two divisions shall correspond. The great magnitude of the paddle-wheels, and the circumstance of the navigation being carried on, for the most part, in smooth water, have rendered unnecessary, in America, the adoption of any of those expedients for neutralising the effects of the oblique action of the paddles, which have been tried, but hitherto with so little success, in Europe. (233.)Sea-going steamers are not numerous in America, the chief of them being those which ply between New York and Providence, and between New York and Charleston. These vessels, however, do not resemble the sea-going steamers of Europe as closely as might be expected; and to those who are accustomed to the latter, the sea-goingIn the following Table is given the dimensions of five of these vessels, all plying between New York and Providence:—
The Narragansett, the finest of these vessels, is built of oak, strengthened by diagonal straps or ties of iron, by which her timbers are connected; she is driven by a condensing engine, and has two boilers, exposing about three thousand square feet of surface to the fire. The steam is maintained at a pressure of from twenty to twenty-five lbs. per square inch: the cylinder is horizontal. The cabins of these sea-boats are of great magnitude, and afford excellent accommodation for passengers, containing generally four hundred berths. In the Massachusetts the chief cabin is one hundred and sixty feet long, twenty-two feet wide, and twelve feet in height, its vast extent being uninterrupted by pillars or any other obstruction. "I have dined," says Mr. Stevenson, "with one hundred and seventy-five persons in this cabin, and, notwithstanding this numerous assembly, the tables, which were arranged in two parallel rows, extending from one end of the cabin to the other, were far from being fully occupied, the attendance was good, and every thing was conducted with perfect regularity and order. There are one hundred and twelve fixed berths ranged round this cabin, and one hundred temporary berths can be erected in the middle of the floor: besides these there are sixty fixed berths in the ladies' cabin, and several temporary sleeping (234.)Nothing has excited more surprise among engineers and others interested in steam navigation in Europe, than the statements which have been so generally and so confidently made of the speed attained by American steamers. This astonishment is due to several causes, the chief of which is the omission of all notice of the great difference between the structure and operation of the American steamers and the nature of the navigation in which they are engaged, compared with the structure and operation of, and the navigation in which European steamers are employed: as well might the performance of a Thames wherry, or one of the fly-boats on the northern canals, be compared with that of the Great Western, or the British Queen. The statements alluded to all have reference to steamers navigating the Hudson between New York and Albany, the form and structure of which we have already described; and doubtless the greatest speed ever attained on the surface of water has been exhibited in the passages of these vessels.Mr. Stevenson states, that exclusive of the time lost in stoppages, the voyage between New York and Albany is usually made in ten hours. Dr. Renwick, however, who has probably more extensive opportunities of observation, states, that the average time, exclusive of stoppages, is ten hours and a half. The distance being 125·18 geographical miles, the average rate would therefore be 119/10 miles per hour. If it be observed that the average rate of some of the best sea-going steamers in Europe obtained from experiments Dr. Renwick states that he made, in a boat called the "New Philadelphia," one of the most remarkable passages ever performed. He left New York at five in the afternoon, with the first of the flood, and landed at Catskill, distant 95·8 geographical miles from New York, at a quarter before twelve. Passengers were landed and taken in at seven intermediate points: the rate, including stoppages, was therefore 14·2 miles per hour; and if half an hour be allowed for stoppages, the actual average rate of motion would be fifteen miles and three quarters an hour. As the current, which in this case was with the course of the vessel, did not exceed three miles and a half an hour, the absolute velocity through the water would have been somewhat under twelve miles an hour. This speed is nearly the same as the speed obtained from taking the average time of the voyages between New York and Albany at ten hours and a half; it would therefore appear that the great speed attained in this trip must have been chiefly, if not altogether, owing to the effect of the current. (235.)The steamers which navigate the great northern lakes differ so little in their construction and appearance from the European steam-boats, that it will not be necessary here to devote any considerable space to an account of them. These vessels were introduced on the lakes at about the same time that steamers were first introduced on the Clyde. These steamers are strongly built vessels, supplied with sails and rigging, and propelled by powerful engines. The largest in 1837, when Mr. Stevenson visited the States, was the James Madison. This vessel was one hundred and eighty-one feet in length on the deck, thirty feet in breadth of beam, and twelve feet six inches in depth of hold: her draught of water was ten feet, and her measured capacity seven hundredThe severe storms and formidable sea encountered on the lakes render necessary for the navigation, vessels in all respects as strong and powerful as those which navigate the open ocean. (236.)By far the most remarkable and important of all the American rivers is the Mississippi and its tributaries. That part of the American continent which extends from the southern shores of the great northern lakes to the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico, is watered by these great streams. The main stream of the Mississippi has its fountains in the tract of country lying north of the Illinois and east of Lake Michigan, in latitude forty-three degrees. At about latitude thirty-nine degrees, a little north of St. Louis, it receives the waters of the Missouri, and further south, at the latitude of thirty-seven degrees, the Ohio flows into it, after traversing five degrees of longitude and four of latitude, and winding its way from the Alleghany range through several of the states, and forming a navigable communication with numerous important towns of the Union, among which may be mentioned Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Frankfort, Lexington, and Louisville. The main stream of the Mississippi, after receiving the waters of the Arkansas, and numerous other minor tributaries, flows into the Gulf of Mexico by four mouths. The main stream of the Mississippi, independently of its tributaries, forms an unbroken course of inland navigation for a distance of nearly two thousand three hundred miles. Its width, through a distance of one thousand one hundred miles from its mouth, is not less than half a mile, and its average depth a hundred feet. The Ohio, its chief eastern tributary, flowing into it at a distance of about a thousand miles from its mouth, traverses also about the same extent of country, and is navigable throughout the whole of that extent. This river also has several navigable tributaries of considerable extent, among which may be mentioned the Muskingum, navigable for one hundred and twenty miles; the Miami, navigable for seventy-five miles; the Scioto, navigable for one hundred and twenty(237.)Steam-boats were introduced on the Mississippi about the year 1812, the period of their first introduction in Europe; and their increase has been rapid beyond all precedent. In the year 1831 there were one hundred and ninety-eight steamers plying on its waters; and the number in 1837 amounted to nearly four hundred. These vessels are built chiefly on the banks of the Ohio, at the towns of Pittsburg and Cincinnati, at distances of about two thousand miles from the mouth of the river they are intended to navigate.(238.)These steamers, which are decidedly inferior to those which navigate the eastern waters, are generally of a heavy build, fitted to carry goods as well as passengers, and vary from one hundred to seven hundred tons burthen. Their draught of water is also greater than that of the eastern river steamers—varying from six to eight feet. The hull, at about five feet from the water line, is covered with a deck, under which is the hold, in which the heavy part of the cargo is stowed. About the middle of this deck the engines are placed, the boilers and furnaces occupying a space nearer to the bow, near which two chimneys are placed. The fire-doors of the furnaces are presented towards the bow, and exposed so as to increase the draught. That part of the first deck which extends from the machinery to the stern is the place allotted to the crew and the deck passengers, and is described as being filthy and inconvenient in the extreme. A second deck is constructed, which extends from the chimneys near the bow to the stern of the vessel. On this is formed the great cabin or saloon, which extends from the chimneys to within about thirty feet of the stern, where it is divided by a partition from the ladies' cabin, which occupies the remaining space. These principal cabins are surrounded by a gallery about three feet in width, from which, at convenient(239.)The engines by which these boats are propelled are totally different from the machinery already described as used in the eastern steamers. They are invariably non-condensing engines, worked by steam of extremely high pressure; the boilers are therefore tubular, and the cylinders small in diameter, but generally having a long stroke.The pressure of steam used in these machines is such as is never used in European engines, even when worked on railways. A pressure of one hundred pounds per inch is here considered extremely moderate. The captain of one of these boats, plying between Pittsburg and St. Louis, told Mr. Stevenson that "under ordinary circumstances his safety valves were loaded with a pressure equal to one hundred and thirty-eight pounds per square inch, but that the steam was occasionally raised as high as one hundred and fifty pounds to enable the vessel to pass parts of the river in which there is a strong current;" and he added, by way of consolation, that "this pressure was never exceeded except on extraordinary occasions!" The dimensions and power of the Mississippi steamers may be collected from those of the St. Louis, a boat which was plying on that river in 1837. That vessel measured two hundred and fifty feet on deck, and had twenty-eight feet breadth of beam. Her draught of water was eight feet, and her measured capacity one thousand tons. She was propelled by two engines with thirty-inch cylinders, and ten feet stroke; the safety valve being loaded at one hundred pounds per square inch. The paddle wheels of these vessels are attached to the paddle shaft, in such a manner as to be thrown into and out of gear, at discretion, by the engineer, so that the paddle shaft may revolve without driving the wheels: by this expedient the power of the engine is used to feed the boilers while the vessel stops at the several stations. The vessel is therefore stopped, not, as is usually the case, by stopping the engines, but by throwing the wheels out of connection with the paddle shaft. The engines continue to work, but their The stoppages to take in goods and passengers, and for relays of fuel, are frequent. "The liberty which they take with their vessels on these occasions," says Mr. Stevenson, "is somewhat amusing: I had a good example of this on board a large vessel, called the Ontario. She was steered close in shore amongst stones and stumps of trees, where she lay for some hours to take in goods: the additional weight increased her draught of water, and caused her to heel a good deal; and when her engines were put in motion, she actually crawled into the deep water on her paddle wheels: the steam had been got up to an enormous pressure to enable her to get off, and the volume of steam discharged from the escapement pipe at every half stroke of the piston made a sharp sound almost like the discharge of fire-arms, while every timber in the vessel seemed to tremble, and the whole structure actually groaned under the shocks." Besides the steamers used for the navigation of the Mississippi, innumerable steam tugs are constantly employed in towing vessels between the port of New Orleans and the open sea of the Gulf of Mexico. Before the invention of steam navigation, this southern capital of the United States laboured under the disadvantage of possessing almost the only bad and inconvenient harbour in the vast range of coast by which the country is bounded. New Orleans lies at a distance of about one hundred miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The force of the stream, the frequency of shoals, and the winding course of the channel rendered it scarcely possible for a sailing vessel to pass between the port and the sea with the same wind. The anchorage was every where bad, and great difficulty and risk attended the mooring of large vessels to the banks. The steam engine has, however, overcome all GREAT WESTERN OFF NEW YORK. |