LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. RAILWAYS AND STONE ROADS COMPARED.—MR. GURNEY'S STEAM ENGINE.—CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY OF STEAM CARRIAGES.—HANCOCK'S STEAM ENGINE.—OGLE'S STEAM ENGINE.—TREVETHICK'S INVENTION.—DR. CHURCH'S STEAM ENGINE. (203.)We have hitherto confined our observations on steam-power, as a means of transport by land, to its application on railways. But modern speculation has not stopped there; various attempts have been made, and attended with more or less success, to work steam-carriages on common roads. The mere practicability of this project had long been regarded as very questionable; but enough has been done to show that the only doubt which can attend it, is as to whether it can be profitably resorted to, as a means of transport, and this questionBut besides the greater smoothness of railways compared with stone roads, the latter have another disadvantage, the effects of which have probably been exaggerated by those who are opposed to this application of steam-power. One of the The relative facility with which carriages are propelled on railroads and turnpike-roads equally affects any moving power, whether that of horses or steam engines; and whether loads be propelled by the one power or the other, the railroad, as compared with the turnpike-road, will always possess the same proportionate advantage; and a given amount of power, whether of the one kind or the other, will always perform a quantity of work less in the same proportion on a In the attempts which have been made to adapt locomotive engines to turnpike-roads, the projectors have aimed at the accomplishment of two objects: first, the construction of lighter and smaller engines; and, secondly, increased power. These ends, it is plain, can only be attained, with our present knowledge, by the production of steam of very high temperature and pressure, so that the smallest volume of steam shall produce the greatest possible mechanical effect. The methods of propelling the carriage have been in general similar to that used in the railroad engines, viz. either by cranks placed on the axles, the wheels being fixed upon the same axles, or by connecting the piston rods with the spokes of the wheels. In some carriages, the boiler and moving power, and the body of the carriage which bears the passengers, are placed on the same wheels. In others, the engine is placed on a separate carriage, and draws after it the carriage which transports the passengers, as is always the case on railways. The chief difference between the steam engines used on railways, and those adapted to propel carriages on turnpike roads, is in the structure of the boiler. In the latter it is essential that, while the power remains undiminished, the boiler should be lighter and smaller. The accomplishment of this has been attempted by various contrivances for so distributing the water as to expose a considerable quantity of surface in contact with it to the action of the fire: spreading it in thin layers on flat plates; inserting it between plates of iron placed at a small distance asunder, the fire being admitted between the intermediate plates; dividing it into small tubes, round which the fire has play; introducing it between the surfaces of cylinders placed one within another, the fire being admitted between the alternate cylinders,—have all been resorted to by different projectors. (204.)First and most prominent in the history of the application of steam to the propelling of carriages on turnpike roads stands the name of Mr. Goldsworthy Gurney, a medicalThe mistake which so long prevailed in the application of locomotives on railroads, and which, as we have shown, materially retarded the progress of that invention, was shared by Mr. Gurney. Without reducing the question to the test of experiment, he took for granted, in his first attempts, that the adhesion of the wheels with the road was too slight to propel the carriage. He was assured, he says, by eminent engineers, that this was a point settled by actual experiment. It is strange, however, that a person of his quickness and sagacity did not inquire after the particulars of these "actual experiments." So, however, it was; and, taking for granted the inability of the wheels to propel, he wasted much labour and skill in the contrivance of levers and propellers, which acted on the ground in a manner somewhat resembling the feet of horses, to drive the carriage forward. After various fruitless attempts of this kind, the experience acquired in the trials to which they gave rise at last forced the truth upon his notice, and he found that the adhesion of the wheels was not only sufficient to propel the carriage heavily laden on level roads, but was capable of causing it to ascend all the hills which occur on ordinary turnpike-roads. In this manner it ascended all the hills between London and Barnet, London and Stanmore, Stanmore Hill, Brockley Hill, and mounted Old Highgate Hill, the last at one point rising one foot in nine. Fig. 114. Fig. 115. The boiler of Mr. Gurney's engine is so constructed, that there is no part of it in which metal exposed to the action of the fire is out of contact with water. If it be considered how rapidly the action of an intense furnace destroys metal when water is not present to prevent the heat from accumulating, the advantage of this circumstance will be appreciated. In the boiler of Mr. Gurney, the grate-bars Fig. 116. An end view of the boiler is exhibited in fig. 116., where the three cylinders are expressed by the same letters. Between the cylinders D and H there are two tubes of communication B, and two similar tubes between the cylinders H and I. From the nature of the section these appear only as a single tube in fig. 114. From the top of the cylinder I proceeds a tube N, by which steam is conducted to the engine. It will be perceived that the space F is enclosed on every side by a grating of tubes, which have free communication with the cylinders D and H, which cylinders have also a free communication with each other by the tubes B. It follows, As the water in the tubes C E K is heated, it becomes specifically lighter than water of a less temperature, and consequently acquires a tendency to ascend. It passes, therefore, rapidly into H. Meanwhile the colder portions descend, and the inclined positions of the tubes C and K give play to this tendency of the heated water, so that a prodigiously rapid circulation is produced, when the fire begins to act upon the tubes. When the water acquires such a temperature that steam is rapidly produced, steam-bubbles are constantly formed in the tubes surrounding the fire; and if these remained stationary in the tubes, the action of the fire would not only decompose the steam, but render the tubes red hot, the water not passing through them to carry off the heat. But the inclined position of the tubes, already noticed, effectually prevents this injurious consequence. A steam-bubble, which is formed either in the tubes C or K, having a tendency to ascend proportional to its lightness as compared with water, necessarily rushes upwards; if in C towards A, and if in K towards H. But this motion of the steam is also aided by the rapid circulation of the water which is continually maintained Every part of the boiler being cylindrical, it has the form which, mechanically considered, is most favourable to strength, and which, within given dimensions, contains the greatest quantity of water. It is also free from the defects arising from unequal expansion, which are found to be most injurious in tubular boilers. The tubes C and K can freely expand in the direction of their length, without being loosened at their joints, and without straining any part of the apparatus; the tubes E, being short, are subject to a very slight degree of expansion; and it is obvious that the long tubes, with which they are connected, will yield to this without suffering a strain, and without causing any part of the apparatus to be loosened. When water is converted into steam, any foreign matter which may be combined with it is disengaged, and is deposited on the bottom of the vessel in which the water is evaporated. All boilers, therefore, require occasional cleansing, to prevent the crust thus formed from accumulating; and this operation, for obvious reasons, is attended with peculiar difficulty in tubular boilers. In the case before us, the crust of deposited matter would gather and thicken in the tubes C and K, and if not removed, would at length choke them. But besides this, it would be attended with a still worse effect; for, being a bad conductor, it would intercept the heat in its transit from the fire to the water, and would cause the metal of the tube to become unduly heated. Mr. Gurney of course foresaw this inconvenience, and contrived an ingenious chemical method of removing it, by occasionally injecting In these engines the draught through the furnace was produced by projecting the waste steam up the chimneys as is practised in railway engines; a method so perfectly effectual, that it is unlikely to be superseded by any other. The objection which has been urged against it in locomotive engines, working on turnpike-roads, is, that the noise which it produces has a tendency to frighten horses. In the engines on the Liverpool road, the steam is allowed to pass directly from the eduction pipe of the cylinder to the chimney, and it there escapes in puffs corresponding with the alternate motion of the pistons, and produces a noise, which, although attended with no inconvenience on the railroad, would perhaps be objectionable on turnpike-roads. In the engine used in Mr. Gurney's steam-carriage, the steam which passes from the cylinders is conducted to a receptacle, which he calls a blowing box. This box serves the same purpose as the upper chamber of a smith's bellows. It receives the steam from the cylinders in alternate puffs, but lets it escape into the chimney in a continued stream by a number of small jets. Regular draught is by this means produced, and no noise is perceived. Another exit for the steam is also provided, by which the conductor is enabled to increase or diminish, or to suspend altogether, the draught Connected with this blowing box is another apparatus of considerable practical importance. The pipe through which the feeding water is conducted from the tank is carried through this blowing box, within which it is coiled in a spiral form, so that an extensive thread of the water is exposed to the heat of the waste steam which has escaped from the cylinders, and which is enclosed in this blowing box. In passing through this pipe the feeding water is raised from the ordinary temperature of about 60° to the temperature of 212°. Fuel is thus economised and weight diminished; but there is another still greater advantage attending this process. The feeding water in the worm just mentioned, while it takes up the heat from the surrounding steam in the blowing box, condenses a part of the waste steam, which is thence conducted to the tank, from which the feeding water is pumped. When steam is generated so rapidly as is necessarily the case in locomotive boilers, it rises with great violence in numerous bubbles from the bottom of the boiler to the surface of the water, and puts the liquid into a state of foaming turbulence not unlike the sea in a storm. As the steam rushes from the surface into the upper part of the boiler, under these circumstances, it carries with it a spray by which water is scattered in minute subdivision among the steam, and floats there like the spray which rises from the base of a cascade. If the steam be conducted immediately to the cylinder from the boiler in this state, it will carry with it the water which is thus suspended in it, which will pass through the cylinder, and finally be driven into the atmosphere upon the returning stroke of the piston. The hot water thus carried off possesses none of the mechanical properties of steam, and is wholly inefficient as a moving power, and is therefore an extensive source of the waste of heat. In every boiler, some means should be provided for the separation of the water thus suspended in the steam, before the steam is conducted to the cylinder. In ordinary boilers, the large space which The pistons of the engine work on the axles of the hind wheels of the carriage which bears the engine, by cranks, as in the locomotives on the Manchester railway, so that the axle is kept in a constant state of rotation while the engine is at work. The wheels placed on this axle are not permanently fixed or keyed upon it, as in the Manchester locomotives; but they are capable of turning upon it in the same manner as ordinary carriage wheels. Immediately within The force of traction necessary to propel a carriage upon common roads must vary with the variable quality of the road, and consequently the propelling power, or the pressure upon the pistons of the engine, must be susceptible of a corresponding variation; but a still greater variation becomes necessary from the undulations and hills which are upon all ordinary roads. This necessary change in the intensity of the impelling power is obtained by restraining the steam in the boiler by the throttle-valve, as already described in the locomotive engines on the railroad. This principle, however, is carried much further in the present case. The steam in the boiler maybe at a pressure of from 100 to 200 lbs. on the square inch; while the steam on the working piston may not exceed 30 or 40 lbs. on the inch. Thus an immense increase of power is always at the command of the conductor; so that when a hill is encountered, or a rough piece of road, The two difficulties which have been always apprehended in the practical working of steam-carriages upon common roads are, first, the command of sufficient power for hills and rough pieces of road; and, secondly, the apprehended insufficiency of the adhesion of the wheels with the road to propel the carriage. The former of these difficulties has been met by allowing steam of very great pressure to be constantly maintained in the boiler with perfect safety. As to the second, all experiments tend to show that there is no ground for the supposition that the adhesion of the wheels is in any case insufficient for the purposes of propulsion. Mr. Gurney states, that he has succeeded in driving carriages thus propelled, up considerable hills on the turnpike roads about London. He made a journey to Barnet with only one wheel attached to the axle, which was found sufficient to propel the carriage up all hills upon that road. The same carriage, with only one propelling wheel, also went to Bath, and surmounted all the hills between Cranford Bridge and Bath, going and returning. A double stroke of the piston produces one revolution of the propelling wheels, and causes the carriage to move through a space equal to the circumference of those wheels. It will therefore be obvious, that the greater the diameter of the wheels, the better adapted the carriage is for speed; and, on the other hand, wheels of smaller diameter are better adapted for power. In fact, the propelling power of an engine on the wheels will be in the inverse proportion of their diameter. In carriages designed to carry great weights at a moderate speed, smaller wheels will be used; while in those intended for the transport of passengers at considerable velocities, wheels of at least 5 feet diameter are most advantageous. (205.)Among the numerous popular prejudices to which this new invention has given rise, one of the most mischievous in its effects and most glaring in its falsehood, is the notion that carriages thus propelled are more injurious to roads than carriages drawn by horses. This error has been successfully exposed in the evidence taken before the committee of theThe weight of machinery necessary for steam carriages is sometimes urged as an objection to their practical utility. Mr. Gurney states, that, by successive improvements in the details of the machinery, the weight of his carriages, without losing any of the propelling power, may be reduced to 35 cwt., exclusive of the load, and fuel and water: but thinks that it is possible to reduce the weight still further. A steam carriage constructed by Mr. Gurney, weighing 35 cwt., working for 8 hours, is found, according to his statement, to do the work of about 30 horses. He calculates that the weight of his propelling carriage, which would be capable of drawing 18 persons, would be equal to the weight of 4 horses; and the carriage in which these persons would be drawn would have the same weight as a common stage coach capable of carrying the same number of persons. Thus the weight of the whole—the propelling carriage and the carriage for passengers taken together—would be the same There are two methods of applying locomotives upon common roads to the transport of passengers or goods; the one is by causing the locomotive to carry, and the other to draw the load; and different projectors have adopted the one and the other method. Each is attended with its advantages and disadvantages. If the same carriage transport the engine and the load, the weight of the whole will be less in proportion to the load carried; also a greater pressure may be produced on the wheels by which the load is propelled. It is also thought that a greater facility in turning and guiding the vehicle, greater safety in descending the hills, and a saving in the original cost, will be obtained. On the other hand, when the passengers are placed in the same carriage with the engine, they are necessarily more exposed to the noise of the machinery and to the heat of the boiler and furnace. The danger of explosion is so slight, that, perhaps, it scarcely deserves to be mentioned; but still the apprehension of danger on the part of the passengers, even though groundless, should not be disregarded. This apprehension will be obviously removed or diminished by transferring the passengers into a carriage separate from the engine; but the greatest advantage of keeping the engine separate from the passengers is the facility which it affords of changing one engine for another in case of accident or derangement on the road, in the same manner as horses are changed at the different stages: or, if such an accident occur in a place where a new engine cannot be procured, the load of passengers may be carried forward by horses, until it is brought to some station where a locomotive may be obtained. There is also an advantage arising from the circumstance, that when the engines are under repair, or in process of cleaning, the carriages for passengers are not necessarily idle. Thus the same number of carriages for passengers will not be required when the engine is used to draw as when it is used to carry. In case of a very powerful engine being used to carry great loads, it would be quite impracticable to place the engine In the comparison of carriages propelled by steam with carriages drawn by horses, there is no respect in which the advantage of the former is so apparent as the safety afforded to the passenger. Steam power is under the most perfect control, and a carriage thus propelled is capable of being guided with the most admirable precision. It is also capable of being stopped almost suddenly, whatever be its speed: it is capable of being turned within a space considerably less than that which would be necessary for four-horse coaches. In turning sharp corners, there is no danger, with the most ordinary care on the part of the conductor. On the other hand, horse power, as is well known, is under very imperfect control, especially when horses are used adapted to that speed which at present is generally considered necessary for the purposes of travelling. "The danger of being run away with and overturned," says Mr. Farey, in his evidence before the House of Commons, "is greatly diminished in a steam coach. It is very difficult to control four such horses as can draw a heavy stage coach ten miles an hour, in case they are frightened or choose to run away; and, for such quick travelling, they must be kept in that state of courage that they are always inclined to run away, particularly down hill, and at sharp turns in the road. Steam power has very little corresponding danger, being perfectly controllable, and capable of having its power reversed, to retard in going down hill. It must be carelessness that would occasion the overturning of a steam carriage. The chance of breaking down has been hitherto considerable, but it will not be more than in stage coaches when the work is truly proportioned and properly executed. The risk from explosion of the boiler is the only new cause of danger, and that I consider not equivalent to the danger from horses." That the risk of accident from explosion is extremely slight, may be proved by the fact that the railway between Liverpool and Manchester has now been in operation for about ten In fact, a number of thin plates of water are exposed on both sides to the most intense action of flame and heated air; so that steam of a high pressure is produced in great abundance and with considerable rapidity. The plates forming the boiler are bolted together by strong iron ties, extending across the boiler, at right angles to the plates, as represented in the figure. The distance between the plates is two inches. There are ten flat chambers of this kind for water, and intermediately between them ten flues. Under the flues is the fire-place, or grate, containing six square feet of fuel in vivid combustion. The chambers are all filled to about two thirds of their depth with water, and the other third is left for steam. The water chambers, throughout the whole series, communicate with each other both at top and bottom, and are held together by two large bolts. By releasing these bolts, at any time, the chambers fall asunder; and by screwing them up they may be all made tight again. The water is supplied to the boiler by a forcing-pump, and the steam issues from the centre of one of the flues at the top. These boilers are constructed to bear a pressure of 400 or 500 lbs. on the square inch; but the average pressure of the steam on the safety valve is from 60 to 100. There are 100 square feet of surface in contact with the water exposed to the fire. The stages which such an engine performs are eight miles, at the end of which a fresh supply of fuel and water are taken in. It requires about two bushels of coke for each stage. The steam carriage of Mr. Hancock differs from that of Mr. Gurney in this—that in the former the passengers and engine are all placed on the same carriage. The boiler is placed behind the carriage; and there is an engine-house between the boiler and the passengers, the latter being placed in the fore part of the vehicle; so that all the machinery is behind them. The carriages are adapted to carry 14 (207.)Mr. Nathaniel Ogle of Southampton obtained a patent for a locomotive carriage, and worked it for some time experimentally; but as his operations do not appear to have been continued, I suppose he was unsuccessful in fulfilling those conditions, without which the machine could not be worked with economy and profit. In his evidence before a committee of the House of Commons, he has thus described his contrivance:—"The base of the boiler and the summit are composed of cross pieces, cylindrical within and square without; there are holes bored through these cross pieces, and inserted through the whole is an air tube. The inner hole of the lower surface, and the under hole of the upper surface, are rather larger than the other ones. Round the air tube is placed a small cylinder, the collar of which fits round the larger aperture on the inner surface of the lower frame, and the under surface of the upper frame-work. These are both drawn together by screws from the top; these cross pieces are united by connecting pieces, the whole strongly bolted together; so that we obtain, in one tenth of the space, and with one tenth of the weight, the same heating surface and power as is now obtained in other and low-pressure boilers, with incalculably "The cylinders of which the boiler is composed are so small as to bear a greater pressure than could be produced by the quantity of fire beneath the boiler; and if any one of these cylinders should be injured by violence, or any other way, it would become merely a safety valve to the rest. We never, with the greatest pressure, burst, rent, or injured our boiler; and it has not once required cleaning, after having been in use twelve months." Dr. Church of Birmingham has obtained a succession of patents for contrivances connected with a locomotive engine for stone roads; and a company, consisting of a considerable number of individuals, possessing sufficient capital, has been formed in Birmingham, for carrying into effect his designs, and working carriages on his principle. The present boiler of Dr. Church is formed of copper. The water is contained between two sheets of copper, united together by copper nails, in a manner resembling the way in which the cloth forming the top of a mattress or cushion is united with the cloth which forms the bottom of it, except that the nails or pins, which bind the sheets of copper, are much closer together. The water, in fact, seems to be "quilted" or "padded" in between two sheets of thin copper. This double sheet of copper is formed into an oblong rectangular box, the interior of which is the fire-place and ash-pit, and over the end of which is the steam-chest. The great extent of surface exposed to the immediate action of the fire causes steam to be produced with great rapidity. Various other projects for the application of steam engines on common roads were in a state of progressive improvement, |