EXPOSITION OF PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES.—THERMOMETER.—METHOD OF GRADUATING IT.—FREEZING AND BOILING POINTS.—LATENT HEAT OF WATER.—QUANTITY OF HEAT NECESSARY TO CONVERT ICE INTO WATER.—QUANTITY OF HEAT GIVEN OUT BY WATER IN BEING CONVERTED INTO ICE.—PROCESS OF BOILING.—OF RECONVERSION OF STEAM INTO WATER.—QUANTITY OF HEAT NECESSARY TO CONVERT WATER INTO STEAM.—BOILING POINT OF WATER.—DIFFERENT IN DIFFERENT PLACES.—DEPENDS ON THE BAROMETER.—VARIES WITH THE PRESSURE.—EXPERIMENTAL PROOF OF THIS.—BOILS AT LOWER TEMPERATURES THAN 212° UNDER PRESSURES LESS THAN THE ATMOSPHERE.—SUM OF LATENT AND SENSIBLE HEAT OF STEAM ALWAYS THE SAME.—THE FUEL NECESSARY TO EVAPORATE WATER THE SAME, WHATEVER BE THE TEMPERATURE OR PRESSURE AT WHICH IT IS EVAPORATED.—MECHANICAL FORCE OBTAINED BY EVAPORATION.—THIS FORCE NEARLY THE SAME UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. (51.)We shall pause here to put the reader in possession of the physical and mechanical principles connected with the evaporation of water and other liquids, which are necessary to enable him to understand the full extent of the value and the merit of the discoveries of Watt, and to comprehend theAs we shall frequently have occasion to refer to the indications of a thermometer, we shall first explain the principle of that instrument as it is commonly used in this country. The thermometer is an instrument used for the purpose of measuring and indicating the temperature or sensible heat of material substances. Heat, like all other physical agents, can only be measured by its effects. One of these effects best suited for this purpose, is the change of dimension which all bodies undergo in consequence of their change of temperature. In general, when heat is applied to a material substance, that substance undergoes an enlargement of bulk; and if heat be abstracted from it, it suffers a diminution of bulk. This variation of magnitude is not always in the same proportion as the increase or diminution of temperature; but it is so when applied to certain substances and between certain limits. One of the substances whose expansion and contraction through an extensive range of temperature has been found to be nearly uniform, and which is attended with other convenient qualities for a thermometer, is the liquid called mercury or quicksilver. A mercurial thermometer is constructed in the following way:— A glass tube is made with a small and uniform bore: upon the end of this tube, a bulb is blown, having a magnitude very great compared with the bore of the tube. Let us suppose this bulb and a part of the tube to be filled with mercury. If the mercury contained in the bulb be heated, it will expand, and being more susceptible of expansion than the glass which contains it, the bulb will be too small for its augmented volume: the mercury in the bulb can only, therefore, obtain room for its increased bulk by pressing the mercury in the tube upwards, which it will accordingly do. The increase of volume which the mercury in the bulb therefore undergoes, will be exhibited by the increased length of the column in the tube. Since the bore of the tube is made so exceedingly minute compared with the magnitude of the bulb, a very small quantity of mercury forced The tube and bulb being prepared and supplied with mercury, as already explained, let the instrument be plunged in a vessel of melting ice. It will be found that the mercury will stand in the tube at a certain point, from which it will not vary so long as any ice remains not completely melted in the vessel. Let a mark be made on the tube, or on a scale attached to the tube, at the point corresponding to the top of the column: the point thus marked is called the freezing point. Now let the instrument be immersed in a vessel of boiling water, the barometer at the time having the height of thirty inches. It will be found that so long as the water is kept boiling, the column of mercury in the tube will remain stationary. Let the point corresponding with the top of the column be marked on the tube, or on the scale attached to it. This is called the boiling point. Let the space on the scale between the freezing and boiling points be now divided into 180 equal parts: each of these parts is called a degree. Let the same divisions be continued upon the scale below the freezing point, until thirty-two divisions be taken; let the lowest division be then marked 0, and let the successive divisions upwards from that be numbered 1, 2, 3, &c. In like manner, let the same divisions be continued above the boiling point, as far as the tube will admit. It is evident that, under these circumstances, the freezing point will be marked by 32, and the boiling point by 212. It is usual to express the degrees of a thermometer in the same manner as the degrees of a circle, by placing a small ° above the number. Thus the freezing point is expressed by 32°, and the boiling point by 212°. The reason the degrees were commenced at 32° below the freezing point was, because, when the thermometer was invented, that temperature was supposed to be the lowest degree of cold possible, being that of a certain mixture of The temperature of a body is, then, that elevation to which the thermometer would rise when immersed in that body. Thus, if in plunging the thermometer in water we found the mercury to rise or fall to the division marked 100, we should then say, the temperature of the water was 100°. Let us suppose a spirit lamp, or other regular source of heat, applied to a bath of mercury, so as to maintain the mercury at a fixed temperature of 200°, and let another vessel, containing a quantity of ice at a temperature of 20° be immersed in the mercury. Let a thermometer be placed in the mercury, and another in the ice. The following effects will then ensue. The thermometer immersed in the ice will be observed gradually to rise from 20° upwards, until it indicates the temperature of 32°. It will then become stationary, and the ice which had hitherto remained in a solid state will begin to melt and be converted into water. This process of liquefaction will continue for a considerable time, during which the thermometer immersed in the ice will constantly be maintained at 32°. At the moment, however, when the last portion of ice is liquefied, the thermometer will begin again to rise. The coincidence of this ascent of the thermometer with the completion of the liquefaction of the ice, may be very easily observed, because the ice being lighter, bulk for bulk, than water, will float on the surface, and so long as a particle of it remains unmelted it will be distinctly seen. Now it cannot be doubted that, during the whole of this process, the mercury, supposed to be maintained at 200°, constantly imparts heat to the ice; yet, from the moment the liquefaction begins, until it is completed, no increased temperature is exhibited by the thermometer immersed in the melting ice. If during this part of the process no heat were received by the ice from the mercury, the consequence would be, that the application of the lamp would cause the temperature of the mercury to rise above 200°, which may be easily demonstrated by withdrawing the vessel of ice from the mercurial bath during the process of liquefaction. The moment The heat which thus enters ice in the process of liquefaction, and which is not indicated by the thermometer, is for this reason called latent heat. It will be perceived that this phrase is the name of a fact, and not of an hypothesis. That heat really enters the water, and is contained in it, has been established by the experiments; and to declare that it is present there, is to declare an established fact. To call it by the name latent heat, is to declare another established fact, viz., that it is not sensible to the thermometer. These facts show us that heat is capable of existing in bodies in two distinct states, in one of which it is sensible to the thermometer, and in the other not. Heat which is sensible to the thermometer is called, for distinction, sensible or free heat. It may be here observed, that heat which is sensible to the thermometer is also perceptible by the senses, and heat not sensible to the thermometer is not perceptible by the senses. Thus, ice at 32° and water at 32° feel equally cold, and yet we have seen that the latter contains considerably more heat than the former. Dr. Black, who first noticed the remarkable fact to which we have now alluded, inferred that ice is converted into water by communicating to it a certain quantity or dose of heat, which enters into combination with it in a manner analogous to that which takes place when bodies combine chemically. The heat, thus combined with the solid ice, loses its property of affecting the senses or the thermometer, and the effects therefore bear a resemblance to those cases of chemical combination in which the constituent elements change their sensible properties when they form the compound. The fact that the thermometer immersed in the ice remains stationary only as long as the process of liquefaction is going on, shows that this absorption of heat is necessarily connected with that process, and that, were it not for the conversion of Having ascertained the remarkable fact, that heat is absorbed in a large quantity in the conversion of ice into water, without rendering the body so absorbing it warmer, let us now inquire what the exact quantity of heat so absorbed is. We have already stated that, if the quantity communicated in equal times be the same, the heat necessary to liquefy a given weight of ice would be twenty-eight times as much as would be necessary to raise the same weight of water from 32° to 37°; or, if the heat necessary to raise water through every 5° be the same, that quantity of heat would be sufficient to raise water from 32° to 172°: and hence we infer, that as much heat is absorbed in the liquefaction of a given quantity of ice as would raise the same quantity of water through 140 degrees of the thermometric scale. (52.)Let us now examine the analogous effects produced by the continued application of heat to water in the liquid state.Let a small quantity of water be placed in a glass flask of considerable size, and then closed so as to prevent the escape In fact, the liquid has, by the process of boiling, been converted into vapour, or steam, which is a body similar in its leading properties to common air, and, like it, is invisible. It will hereafter appear that it likewise possesses the property of elasticity, and other mechanical qualities enjoyed by gases in general. (53.)Again, let an open vessel be filled with water at 60°, and placed in a mercurial bath, which is maintained, by a fire or lamp applied to it, at the temperature of 230°. Place a thermometer in the water, and it will be observed gradually toNow, it will be asked, what has become of the water? It cannot be imagined that it has been annihilated. We shall be able to answer this by adopting means to prevent the escape of any particle of matter from the vessel containing the water, into the atmosphere or elsewhere. Let us suppose that the top of the vessel containing the water is closed, with the exception of a neck communicating with a tube, and let that tube be carried into another close vessel removed from the cistern of heated mercury, and plunged in another cistern of cold water. Such an apparatus is represented in fig. 15. Fig. 15. A is a cistern of heated mercury, in which the glass vessel B, containing water, is immersed. From the top of the vessel B proceeds a glass tube C, inclining downwards, and entering a glass vessel D, which is immersed in a cistern E of cold water. If the process already described be continued until the water by constant ebullition has disappeared, as already mentioned, (54.)These effects are easily explained. The water in the vessel B is incapable of receiving any higher temperature than 212°, consistently with its retaining the liquid form. Small portions, therefore, are constantly converted into steam by the heat received from the surrounding mercury, and bubbles of steam are formed on the bottom and sides of the vessel B. These bubbles, being very much lighter, bulk for bulk, than water, rise rapidly through the water, just in the same manner as bubbles of air would, and produce that peculiar agitation at its surface which has been taken as the external indication of boiling. They escape from the surface, and collect in the upper part of the vessel. The steam thus collected, when it first enters the tube C, is cooled below the temperature of 212° by the surface of the tube; and consequently, being incapable of remaining in the state of vapour at any lower temperature than 212°, it is reconverted into water, and forms the dewy moisture which is observed in the commencement of the process on the interior of the tube C. At length, however, the whole of the tube C is heated to the temperature of 212°, and the moisture which was previously collected upon its inner(55.)The demonstration is, therefore, perfect, that the gradual diminution of the boiling water in the vessel B is produced by the conversion of that water into steam by the heat. In the process first described, when the top of the vessel B was supposed to be open, this steam made its escape into the air, where it was first dispersed, and subsequently cooled in separate particles, and was deposited in minute globules of moisture on the ground and on surrounding objects.(56.)In reviewing this process, we are struck by the fact, that the continued application of heat to the vessel B is incapable of raising the temperature of the water contained in it above 212°. This presents an obvious analogy to the process of liquefaction, and leads to inquiries of a similar nature, which are attended with a like result. We must either infer, that the water, having arrived at 212°, received no more heat from the mercury; or that such heat, if received, is incapable of affecting the thermometer; or, finally, that the steam which passes off carries this heat with it. That the water receive heat from the mercury, will be proved by the fact, that, if the vessel B be removed from the mercury, other things remaining as before, the temperature of the mercury will rapidly rise, and if the fire be continued, it will even boil; but so long as theFig. 16. If a thermometer be immersed in the steam which collects in the upper part of the vessel B, it will show the same temperature (of 212°) as the water from which it is raised. The heat, therefore, received from the mercury, is clearly not imparted in a sensible form to the steam, which has the same temperature in the form of steam as it had in the form of water. What has been already explained respecting liquefaction would lead us, by analogy, to suspect that the heat imparted by the mercury to the water has become latent in the steam, and is instrumental to the conversion of water into steam, in the same manner as heat has been shown to be instrumental to the conversion of ice into water. As the fact was in that case detected by mixing ice with water, so we shall, in the present instance, try it by a like test, viz. by mixing water with steam. Let about five ounces and a half of water, at the temperature of 32°, be placed in a vessel A (fig. 16.), and let another vessel B, in which water is kept constantly boiling at the temperature of 212°, communicate with A by a pipe C proceeding from the top, so that the steam may be conducted from B, and escape from the mouth of the pipe at some depth below the surface of the water in A. As the steam issues from the pipe, it will be immediately reconverted into water by the cold water which it encounters; and, by continuing this process, the water in A will be gradually heated by the steam combined with it and received through the pipe C. If this process be continued until the water in A is raised to the temperature of 212°, it will boil. Let it then be weighed, and it will be found to weigh six ounces and a half: from whence we infer, that one ounce of water has been received from the vessel B in the form of steam, and has been reconverted into water by the inferior temperature of the water in A. Now, this ounce of water received in the form of steam into the vessel A had, when in that form, the temperature of 212°. It is now If water be boiled in an open vessel, with a thermometer immersed, on different days, it will be observed that the fixed temperature which it assumes in boiling will be subject to a variation within certain small limits. Thus, at one time, it will be found to boil at the temperature of 210°; while, at others, the thermometer immersed in it will rise to 213°; and, on different occasions, it will fix itself at different points within these limits. It will also be found, if the same experiment be performed at the same time in distant places, that the boiling points will be subject to a like variation. Now, it is natural to inquire what cause produces this variation; and we shall be led to the discovery of the cause, by examining what other physical effects undergo a simultaneous change. If we observe the height of the barometer at the time of making each experiment, we shall find a very remarkable correspondence between it and the boiling temperature. Invariably, whenever the barometer stands at the same height, the boiling temperature will be the same. Thus, if the barometer stands at 30 inches, the boiling temperature will be 212°. If the barometer fall to 291/2 inches, the thermometer stands at a small fraction above 211°. If the barometer rise to 301/2 inches, the boiling temperature rises to nearly 213°. The variation in the boiling temperature is, then, accompanied by a variation in the pressure of the atmosphere indicated by the barometer; and it is constantly found that the boiling point will remain unchanged, so long as the atmospheric pressure remains unchanged, and that every increase in the one causes a corresponding increase in the other. (58.)From these facts it must be inferred, that the pressure excited on the surface of the water has a tendency to resist its ebullition, and to make it necessary, before it can boil, that it should receive a higher temperature; and, on the contrary, that every diminution of pressure on the surface of the water will give an increased facility to the process of ebullition, or will cause that process to take place at a lower temperature. As these facts are of the utmost importance in the theory of heat, it may be useful to verify them by direct experiment.If the variable pressure excited on the surface of the water by the atmosphere be the cause of the change in the boiling temperature, it must happen, that any change of pressure produced by artificial means on the surface of the water must likewise change the boiling point, according to the same law. Thus, if a pressure considerably greater than the atmospheric pressure be excited on a liquid, the boiling point may be expected to rise considerably above 212°; and, on the other hand, if the surface of the water be relieved from the pressure of the atmosphere, and be submitted to a considerably diminished pressure, the water would boil below 212°. Fig. 17. Let B (fig. 17.) be a strong spherical vessel of brass, supported on a stand S, under which is placed a large spirit lamp L, or other means of heating it. In the top of this vessel are three apertures, in two of which are screwed a During the whole of this process, the surface of the water being submitted to a constantly increasing pressure, its ebullition is prevented, and it continues to receive heat without boiling. That it is the increased pressure which resists its ebullition, and causes it to receive a temperature above 212°, may be easily shown. Let the stop-cock C be opened; immediately the steam in B, having a pressure considerably greater than that of the atmosphere, will rush out, and will continue to issue from C, until its pressure is balanced by the atmosphere. At the same time the column of mercury in A will be observed rapidly to fall, and to sink below the orifice by which it is inserted in the vessel B. The thermometer T will also fall until it attains the temperature of 212°. At that point, however, it will remain stationary; and the water will now be distinctly heard to be in a state of rapid ebullition. If the stop-cock C be once more closed, the thermometer will begin to rise, and the column of mercury ascending in A will be again visible. If, instead of a stop-cock being at C, the aperture were made to communicate with a valve, like the safety-valve of a steam engine, loaded with a certain weight,—say at the rate of 15 lbs. on the square inch,—then the thermometer T, and the mercury in the tube A, would not rise indefinitely as before. The thermometer would continue to rise till it attained the temperature of 251°; and the mercury in the tube A would rise to the height of 30 inches. At this limit the resistance of the valve would be balanced by the pressure of the steam; and as fast as the water would have a tendency to produce steam of a higher pressure, the valve would be raised and the steam suffered to escape; the thermometer T and the column of mercury in A remaining stationary during this process. If the valve were loaded more heavily, the phenomena would be (59.)These experiments show that every increase of pressure above the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere causes an increase in the temperature at which water boils. We shall now inquire whether a diminution of pressure will produce a corresponding effect on the boiling point.This may be easily accomplished by the aid of an air pump. Let water at the temperature of 200° be placed in a glass vessel under the receiver of an air pump, and let the air be gradually withdrawn. After a few strokes of the pump, the water will boil; and if the mercurial gauge of the pump be observed, it will be found that its altitude will be about 231/2 inches. Thus the pressure to which the water is submitted has been reduced from the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere expressed by the column of 30 inches of mercury, to a diminished pressure expressed by 231/2 inches; and we find that the temperature at which the water boils has been lowered from 212° to 200°. Let the same experiment be repeated with water at the temperature of 180°, and it will be found that a further rarefaction of the air is necessary, but the water will at length boil. If the gauge of the pump be now observed, it will be found to stand at about fifteen inches, showing, that at the temperature of 180° water will boil under half the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere. These experiments may be varied and repeated; and it will be always found, that, as the pressure is diminished or increased, the temperature at which the water will boil will be also diminished or increased. (60.)The same effects may be exhibited in a striking manner without an air pump, by producing a vacuum by the condensation of steam. Let a small quantity of water be placed in a thin glass flask, and let it be boiled by holding it over a spirit lamp. When the steam is observed to issue abundantly from the mouth of the flask, let it be quickly corked and removed from the lamp. The process of boiling will then cease, and the water will become quiescent; but if the flask be plunged(61.)There is no limit to the temperature to which water may be raised, if it be submitted to a sufficient pressure to resist its tendency to take the vaporous form. If a strong metallic vessel be nearly filled with water, so as to prevent the liquid from escaping by any force which it can exert, the water thus inclosed may be heated to any temperature whatever without boiling; in fact, it may be made red-hot; and the temperature to which it may be raised will have no limit, except the strength of the vessel containing it, or the point at which the metal of which it is formed may begin to soften or to be fused.(62.)The following table will show the temperature at which water will boil under different pressures of the atmosphere corresponding to the altitudes of the barometer between 26 and 31 inches.
From this table it appears, that, for every tenth of an inch which the barometric column varies between these limits, the boiling temperature changes by the fraction of a degree expressed by the decimal ·176, or nearly by the vulgar fraction 1/6. (63.)In the experiment already described, by which the latentLet us suppose a given weight of water at the temperature of 32° to be exposed to any regular source by which heat may be supplied to it. If it be under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, the first 180° of heat which it receives will raise it to the boiling point, and the next 1000° will convert it into steam. Thus, in addition to the heat which it contains at 32°, the steam at 212° contains 1180° of heat. But if the same water be submitted to a pressure equal to half the atmospheric pressure, then the first 148° of heat which it receives will cause it to boil, and the next 1032° will convert it into vapour. Thus, steam at the temperature of 180° contains a quantity of heat more than the same quantity of water at 32°, by 1032° added to 148°, which gives a sum of 1180°. Steam, therefore, raised under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere at 212°, and steam raised under half that pressure at 180°, contain the same quantity of heat,—with this difference From this fact, that the sum of the latent and sensible heats of the vapour of water is constant, it follows that the same quantity of heat is necessary to convert a given weight of water into steam, at whatever temperature, or under whatever pressure, the water may be boiled. It follows, also, that, in the steam engine, equal weights of high-pressure and low-pressure steam are produced by the same consumption of fuel; and that, in general, the consumption of fuel is proportional to the quantity of water vaporised, whatever the pressure of the steam may be. (64.)Having explained the conditions under which, by supplying heat to water, it is converted into steam, and, by abstracting heat from steam, it may be reconverted into water, let us now consider the mechanical force which is developed in these phenomena.Fig. 18. Let A B (fig. 18.) be a tube, or cylinder, the base of which is equal to a square inch, and let a piston P move in it so as to be steam-tight. Let it be supposed, that under this piston there is, in the bottom of the cylinder, a cubic inch of water between the bottom of the piston and the bottom of the tube; let the piston be counterbalanced by a weight W acting over a pulley, which will be just sufficient to counterpoise the weight of the piston, so as leave no force tending to keep the piston down, except the force of the atmosphere acting above it. Under the circumstances here supposed, the piston being in contact with the water, and all air being excluded, it will be pressed down by the weight of the atmosphere, which we will suppose to be fifteen pounds, the magnitude of the piston being a square inch. Now let the flame of a lamp be applied at the bottom of the tube; the water under the piston having its temperature thereby gradually raised, and being submitted to no pressure save that of the atmosphere above the piston, it will begin to be converted into steam when it has attained the temperature of 212°. According as it is converted into steam, it will cause the piston to ascend in the tube until all the water has been evaporated. If the tube were constructed of sufficient length, the piston then would be found to have risen to the height of about seventeen hundred inches, or one hundred and forty-two feet; since, as has been already explained, water passing into steam under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere undergoes an increase of bulk in the proportion of about seventeen hundred to one. Now in this process, the air above the piston, which presses on it with a force equal to fifteen pounds, has been raised one hundred and forty-two feet. It appears, therefore, that, by the evaporation of a cubic inch of water under a pressure equal to fifteen pounds per square inch, a mechanical force of this amount is developed. It is evident that fifteen pounds raised one hundred and forty-two feet successively, is equivalent to one hundred and forty-two times fifteen pounds raised one foot. Now, one hundred and forty-two times fifteen is two thousand one hundred and thirty, and therefore the force thus obtained is equal to two thousand one hundred and thirty pounds raised one foot high. This being within about 110 pounds of a ton, it may be stated, in round numbers, that, by the evaporation of a cubic inch of water under these circumstances, a force is obtained equal to that which would raise a ton weight a foot high. The augmentation of volume which water undergoes in passing into steam under the pressure here supposed, may be easily retained in the memory, from the accidental circumstance that a cubic inch of water is converted into a cubic foot of steam, very nearly. A cubic foot contains one thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight cubic inches,—which is little different from the proportion which steam bears to water, when raised under the atmospheric pressure. (65.)It will, therefore, be an advantage to retain in memory the following general facts:—1. A cubic inch of water evaporated under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, is converted into a cubic foot of steam. 2. A cubic inch of water evaporated under the atmospheric pressure, gives a mechanical force equal to what would raise about a ton weight a foot high. ( Let us, again, suppose the piston P (fig. 23.) to be restored to its original position, with the liquid water beneath it; and, in addition to the weight of the atmosphere which before pressed it down, let us suppose another weight of fifteen pounds laid upon it, so that the water below shall be pressed by double the weight of the atmosphere. If the lamp were now applied, and at the same time a thermometer were immersed in the water, it would be found that the water would not begin to be converted into steam until it attained the temperature of about 250°. The piston would then begin, as before, to ascend, and the water to be gradually converted into vapour. The water being completely evaporated, it would be found that the piston would be raised to a height little more than half its former height, or 72 feet. The mechanical effect, therefore, thus obtained, will be equivalent to double the former weight raised half the former height. |