PROGRESS OF THE ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE.—SMEATON'S IMPROVEMENTS.—BRINDLEY, ENGINEER OF THE BRIDGEWATER CANAL.—INVENTS THE SELF-REGULATING FEEDER.—JAMES WATT.—HIS DESCENT AND PARENTAGE.—ANECDOTES OF HIS BOYHOOD.—HIS EARLY ACQUIREMENTS.—GOES TO LONDON.—RETURNS TO GLASGOW.—IS APPOINTED INSTRUMENT-MAKER TO THE UNIVERSITY.—OPENS A SHOP IN GLASGOW.—HIS FRIENDS AND PATRONS.—ADAM SMITH.—DR. BLACK.—ROBERT SIMSON.—PROFESSOR ROBISON.—WATT'S PERSONAL CHARACTER.—INDUSTRIOUS AND STUDIOUS HABITS.—HIS ATTENTION FIRST DIRECTED TO STEAM.—EXPERIMENTS ON HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM.—REPAIRS AN ATMOSPHERIC MODEL.—EXPERIMENTAL INQUIRY CONSEQUENT ON THIS.—ITS RESULTS.—DISCOVERS THE GREAT DEFECTS OF THE ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE.—DISCOVERY BY EXPERIMENT OF THE EXPANSION WHICH WATER UNDERGOES IN EVAPORATION.—DISCOVERS THE LATENT HEAT OF STEAM.—IS INFORMED BY DR. BLACK OF THE THEORY OF LATENT HEAT. (44.)The atmospheric engine was brought to a state of considerable efficiency and improvement by Mr. Beighton, in 1718. From that time it continued in use without any change in itsIn 1759, Mr. James Brindley, whose name is so celebrated as the engineer of the Duke of Bridgewater's canal, obtained a patent for some improvements in the atmospheric engine. He proposed that the boiler should be made of wood and stone, with a stove or fire-place of cast iron within it, so that the fire should be surrounded on every side by water. The chimney was to be an iron pipe or tube, conducted through the boiler; so that the heated air, in passing from the fire, should impart a portion of its heat to the water. He also proposed a method of feeding the boiler, which, by self-acting machinery, would keep the water in the boiler at a fixed level, independently of any attention on the part of the engine-man. This was to be accomplished by a buoy or float upon the surface of the water in the boiler, which should communicate with a valve in the feed-pipe, so that when the level of the water in the boiler fell, the float or buoy, falling with it, would open the valve and supply the feed. It is stated, in the Biographia Britannica, that Mr. Brindley, in 1756, undertook to erect an engine at Newcastle-under-Lyne; but he is said to have been discouraged by the obstacles which were thrown in his way, and to have abandoned the steam engine. The interval between the invention of the atmospheric engine, and the amelioration it received at the hands of Smeaton, has been rendered memorable by the advent of one who was destined to work a mighty change in the condition (45.)James Watt was born at Greenock, in Scotland, on the nineteenth day of January, in the year 1736.The great-grandfather of Watt, a farmer in Aberdeenshire, was killed in one of the battles of Montrose. The victorious party, not thinking death a sufficient expiation for the political opinions in support of which he had fought and bled, punished him in the person of his son, by confiscating his little property. Thomas Watt, the son, thus deprived of support, was received by distant relations, and, for a time, applied himself to study, by which he was enabled, after the restoration of tranquillity, to establish himself at Greenock as a teacher of practical mathematics and navigation. He resided in the burgh or barony of Crawford's Dyke, and attained a position of sufficient respectability to be elected to the office of baron-baillie, or chief magistrate, and died in 1734, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. Thomas Watt had two sons. The elder, John, adopted the profession of his father, and was a teacher of mathematics and navigation at Glasgow: he died in 1737, at the age of fifty years. The second son, James, the father of the celebrated engineer, was, during a quarter of a century, treasurer of the town council of Greenock, and a local magistrate. He was remarked for the ardent zeal and enlightened spirit with which he discharged his public duties. His business was that of a ship-chandler, builder, and general merchant; but, unhappily, notwithstanding his active industry, he lost, in the decline of his life, by unsuccessful commercial speculations, a part of the property which he had so honourably acquired. He died in 1782, at the age of eighty-four years. James Watt, to whom the world is so largely indebted for the extension and improvement of steam power, had from his birth an extremely delicate constitution. From his mother, A friend of his father found the boy one day stretched upon the hearth tracing with chalk various lines and angles. "Why do you permit this child," said he, "to waste his time so; why not send him to school?" Mr. Watt replied, "You judge him hastily; before you condemn us, ascertain how he is employed." On examining the boy, then six years of age, it was found that he was engaged in the solution of a problem of Euclid! Having observed the tendency of his son's mind, Mr. Watt placed at his disposal a collection of tools. These he soon learned to use with the greatest skill. He took to pieces and put together, again and again, all the children's toys which he could procure; and he was constantly employed in making new ones. Subsequently he used his tools in constructing a little electrical machine, the sparks proceeding from which became a great subject of amusement to all the playfellows of the poor invalid. Though endowed with great retentive powers, Watt would probably never have figured among the prodigies of a common school: he would have been slow to commit his lessons to memory, from the repugnance which he would feel to repeat like a parrot anything which he did not perfectly Mrs. Muirhead was little aware that this was the first experiment in the splendid career of discovery which was subsequently to immortalise her little nephew. She did not see, as we now can, in the little boy playing with the tea-pot, the great engineer preluding to those discoveries which were destined to confer on mankind benefits so inestimable. One of the social qualities of mind which was remarkable throughout his life, was the singular felicity and grace with which he related anecdotes. This power was manifested even in his earliest childhood. The following is an extract from a letter written by Mrs. Marion Campbell, his cousin, and the playfellow of his childhood:— "He was not fourteen when his mother brought him to Glasgow to visit a friend of hers; his brother John accompanied him. On Mrs. Watt's return to Glasgow, some weeks after, her friend said, 'You must take your son James home; I cannot stand the degree of excitement he keeps me in; I am worn out for want of sleep. Every evening before ten o'clock, our usual hour of retiring to rest, he contrives to engage me in conversation, then begins some striking tale, and, whether humorous or pathetic, the interest is so overpowering that the family all listen to him with breathless attention, and hour after hour strikes unheeded.'" Watt had a younger brother, John, who was subsequently lost by shipwreck, in a voyage from Scotland to the United States. This lad, having determined on following the business of his father, left James more completely at liberty to choose his own occupation. But such a choice was difficult for a student who commanded equal success in every thing to which he directed his attention. The excursions which he was in the habit of making on the Scottish mountains surrounding Loch Lomond, naturally directed his attention to botany and mineralogy, in each of which he attained considerable knowledge. His love of anecdote and romance was likewise gratified by the scenery which he enjoyed in these walks; and the traditions and popular songs with which they made him acquainted. When from ill-health, as constantly happened, he was confined to the house, he devoted himself to chemistry, natural philosophy, and even to medicine and surgery. In chemistry he acquired some experimental skill, and studied with eager zeal the elements of natural philosophy by S'. Gravesande. His own unhappy maladies prompted him to read works on surgery and medicine; and to such an extent did the activity of his mind impel him on these subjects, that he was found one day dissecting, in his room, the head of a child, who had died of some unknown disease, with a view to ascertain the cause of its death. In 1775, at the age of nineteen, at the recommendation of Dr. Dick, professor of natural philosophy in the university of Glasgow, he went to London, where he employed himself in the house of Mr. John Morgan, a mathematical instrument maker, in Finch Lane, Cornhill, to whom he apprenticed himself for three years. He remained, however, only a year, at the expiration of which (probably owing to his delicate state of health) he was released from his apprenticeship, and returned to Glasgow, with the intention of establishing himself in business as an optician and mathematical instrument maker. In the fulfilment of this intention, however, he was obstructed by the interposition of the Corporation of Trades in that town, who regarded him as an intruder, not qualified by the necessary apprenticeship to carry on business. All means of conciliation being After the celebrity at which he has arrived, it will be easily believed that every trace of his earlier connection with Glasgow college is carefully cherished. There are accordingly preserved at that place little instruments and pieces of apparatus of exquisite workmanship, which were executed entirely by the hand of Watt, at a time when he was not in a condition to command the aid of workmen under him. At the time of obtaining this appointment in the University, Watt was in his twenty-first year. His natural talents and winning manners were speedily the means of gaining for him the esteem and friendship of all those eminent persons connected at the time with that university whose regard was most valued. Among these the earliest of his friends and patrons were—Adam Smith, the author of "The Wealth of Nations;" Black, afterwards celebrated for his chemical discoveries, and more especially for his theory of latent heat; and Robert Simson, rendered illustrious by his works on ancient geometry. In releasing Watt from the persecution of the Glasgow corporation, these distinguished persons first imagined that they were conferring a benefit merely on an industrious and clever artisan, whose engaging manners won their regard; but a short acquaintance with him was sufficient to convince them how superior his mind was to his position, and they conceived towards him the most lively friendship. His shop became the common rendezvous, the afternoon lounge, of all who were most distinguished for literary and scientific attainments among the professors and students. There they met to discuss the topics of the day in art, science, and literature. Among these students, the name which afterwards attained the highest distinctions, and among these distinctions, not the least, the lasting personal friendship and esteem of Watt himself, was Robison, The following extract from an unpublished manuscript by Robison himself will show at once the estimation in which Watt was held, and will illustrate one of the most interesting traits of his personal character:— "I had always, from my earliest youth, a great relish for the natural sciences, and particularly for mathematical and mechanical philosophy, when I was introduced by Drs. Simson, Dick, and Moor, gentlemen eminent for their mathematical abilities, to Mr. Watt. I saw a workman, and expected no more; but was surprised to find a philosopher as young as myself, and always ready to instruct me. I had the vanity to think myself a pretty good proficient in my favourite study, and was rather mortified at finding Mr. Watt so much my superior.. .. Whenever any puzzle came in the way of any of the young students, we went to Mr. Watt. He needed only to be prompted, for every thing became to him the beginning of a new and serious study, and we knew that he would not quit it till he had either discovered its insignificancy, or had made something of it. He learnt the German language in order to peruse Leupold's 'Theatrum Machinarum;' so did I, to know what he was about. Similar reasons made us both learn the Italian language. *** When to his superiority of knowledge is added the naÏve simplicity and candour of Mr. Watt's character, it is no wonder that the attachment of his acquaintances was strong. I have seen something of the world, and am obliged to say I never saw such another instance of general and cordial attachment to a person whom all acknowledged to be their superior. But that superiority was concealed under the most amiable candour, and a liberal allowance of merit to every man. Mr. Watt was the first to ascribe to the ingenuity of a friend things which were nothing but his own surmises, followed out and embodied by another. I am the more entitled to say this, as I have often experienced it in my own case." Watt never permitted the inquiries which arose out of these reunions to interfere with the discharge of the duties of his workshop. There he passed the day, devoting the The earliest occasion on which the attention of Watt is said to have been called to the agency of steam, was in the year 1759, when his friend Robison entertained some speculations for applying that agent as a means of propelling wheel carriages; and he consulted Watt on the subject. No record, however, has been preserved of any experiments which were tried on this occasion; nor does it appear that the inquiry was carried farther than a verbal discussion, such as habitually took place on other subjects of science between Watt and his friends. (46.)In 1762, Watt tried some experiments on the force of steam at a high pressure, confined in a close digester; and he then constructed a small model to show how motion could be obtained from that power. The practicability of what has since been called the High Pressure Engine, was demonstrated by him on this occasion; but he did not pursue the inquiry, on account of the supposed danger of working with such compressed steam as was required.It is usual to provide, in the cabinets of experimental apparatus for the instruction of the students of universities, This simple discharge of his duty, however, did not satisfy the artisan; and his wonted activity of mind rendered this model a subject of profound meditation, and led him into a course of practical inquiry respecting it, which formed the commencement of a most brilliant career of mechanical discovery. The improvement—we might almost say the creation—of the steam engine, by this great man, must not therefore be regarded, as so often happens with mechanical discoveries, as the result of fortuitous observation, or even of a felicitous momentary inspiration. Watt, on the other hand, conducted his investigation by a course of deep thought, and of experiments marked by the last refinement of delicacy and address. If he had received a more extended and liberal education, one would have thought that he had adopted for his guide the celebrated maxim of Bacon:— "To write, speak, meditate, or act, when we are not provided with facts to direct our thoughts, is to navigate a coast full of dangers without a pilot, and to launch into the immensity of the ocean without either rudder or compass." The model which he had repaired, had a cylinder of only two inches diameter, and six inches stroke. After he had put it in complete order, he found, that although the boiler was much larger in proportion to the cylinder than those of real engines, yet, that it was incapable of supplying the cylinder with steam in sufficient quantity to keep it at work. To enable it to continue to move, he found it necessary to lessen the quantity of water raised by its pump, so as to He ascribed the great inferiority in the performance of the model, compared with the performance of the large engines, to the small size of the cylinder, and to its material. The cylinder of the model was brass, while those of large engines were of cast iron; and brass being a better conductor of heat than iron, he concluded that more heat in proportion was lost from this cause in the model, than in the larger engines. He observed that the small cylinder was so heated when the steam was admitted into it, that it could not be touched by the hand; but, nevertheless, that this heat contributed nothing to its performance, inasmuch as before the piston descended, the cylinder required to be cooled. (47.)His first attempt to improve the engine, was by using a wooden cylinder instead of an iron one. He accordingly made a model with a cylinder of wood, soaked in linseed oil, and baked to dryness. With this he made numerous experiments, and found that it required a less quantity of water to be thrown into the cylinder to condense the steam, and that it was worked with a less supply of steam from the boiler than was necessary with the metallic cylinder.Still he found that the force with which the piston descended was considerably less than that which the atmospheric pressure ought to supply, supposing a tolerably perfect vacuum to be produced under the piston. This led him to suspect that the water injected into the cylinder was not perfectly effectual in condensing the steam. The experiments which he had previously made on the increased temperature at which water boils under pressures greater than that of the atmosphere, led him by analogy to the conclusion that it would boil at lower temperatures if it were submitted to a pressure less than the atmosphere, and he was aware that Dr. Cullen and others had then recently discovered that in vacuo, water would boil at so low a temperature as 100°. These notions suggested the probability that the water injected into the cylinder being heated by the condensed steam, might produce vapour of a low temperature No means occurred to him by which he could ascertain, by direct experiment, the temperatures at which water would boil under pressures less than that of the atmosphere. He sought, however, to determine it by the following method. Having ascertained, by repeating and multiplying the experiments which he had tried in 1762, on high-pressure steam, he obtained a table of the temperatures at which water boils at various pressures greater than that of the atmosphere. These results he laid down in a series forming a curve, of which the abscissa represented the temperatures, and the ordinates the pressures. He then continued this curve, backwards as it were, and obtained, by analogy, an approximation to the boiling temperatures, corresponding to pressures less than that of the atmosphere. In other words, having obtained by his experiments a notion, however imperfect, of the law or rule observed by the temperatures at which water boils at different pressures greater than that of the atmosphere, he calculated by the same law or rule what the pressures would be at different pressures less than that of the atmosphere. Applying these results to the interior of the cylinder of the atmospheric engine, he obtained an approximation to the pressure of the vapour which would be produced from the warm water formed by the cold water injected into the cylinder, and the steam condensed by it; and he accordingly found that vapour, having a pressure seriously injurious to the power of the engine would be produced in the cylinder, unless considerably more water of injection was thrown in than was customary. It was apparent that the actual quantity of steam usefully employed in the cylinder at each stroke, was only the quantity which filled the cylinder; and therefore, in order to ascertain the quantity of steam lost by the imperfections of the machine, it was necessary to compare the actual quantity of steam transmitted by the boiler to the cylinder at each stroke, with the quantity which would just fill the cylinder. The difference would of course be wasted. But to determine Let us suppose the piston at the top of the cylinder, and the space in the cylinder below it, filled with steam so as to balance the pressure of the atmosphere above the piston. Under such circumstances the steam, as will presently be explained, must have the temperature of boiling water. But that the steam should have, and should maintain, this temperature, it was evidently necessary that the inner surface of the cylinder in contact with it should have the same temperature: for if it had a lower temperature, it would take heat from the steam, and reduce the temperature of the latter. Now the cylinder being a mass of metal, has a quality in virtue of which heat passes freely through its dimensions, so that its inner surface could not be maintained at a temperature more elevated than that of its dimensions extending from the inner surface to the outer surface. Therefore, to maintain the steam contained in the cylinder at the proper temperature, it was essential that the whole of the solid metal composing the cylinder should be itself at that temperature. Things being in this state, it was required that a vacuum should be produced under the piston to give effect to the atmospheric pressure above it, by relieving it from the pressure below. This, indeed, would appear to have been attained by introducing as much cold water within the cylinder as would be sufficient to reconvert the steam contained in it into water; but Watt found, in his experiments on the atmospheric model, that the piston would not descend with the proper force, unless a vastly greater quantity of water were introduced into the cylinder than the quantity which he had ascertained to be If we suppose as much, and no more, cold water introduced into the cylinder as would reconvert the steam contained in it into water, then we should have in the bottom of the cylinder a quantity of warm water with a vacuum above it: but the entire mass of metal composing the cylinder itself, which was previously at the temperature of boiling water, would still be at the same temperature. The warm water, resting in contact with this metal in the bottom of the cylinder, would be immediately heated by it, and would rise in its temperature, while the metal of the cylinder itself would be somewhat lowered in temperature by the heat which it would thus impart to the warm water contained in it. Under these circumstances, as we shall presently explain, steam would be produced from the water, which would fill the cylinder; and although such steam would not have a mechanical pressure equal in amount to the atmosphere, and therefore would not altogether prevent the piston from descending if it had no load to move, yet it would deprive the engine of so great a portion of its legitimate power as to render it altogether inefficient. But this defect would be removed by throwing into the cylinder a sufficient quantity of cold water, not only to destroy the steam contained in it, but also to cool the entire mass of metal composing the cylinder itself, until it would be reduced to such a temperature that the vapour proceeding from the water contained in it would have so small a pressure that it would not seriously or injuriously obstruct the descent of the piston. The piston being made to descend with such force as to render the machine practically efficient, it would then be necessary again to make it ascend; and to accomplish this, Watt found that the boiler should supply a quantity of steam many times greater than was necessary to fill the cylinder. Mature reflection on the circumstances which have been just explained, enabled him to discover how this undue quantity of steam was rendered necessary. Let it be recollected, that when the piston has reached the bottom of the cylinder, the whole mass of the cylinder, and Such were the circumstances which forced themselves upon the attention of Watt, in the course of repairing, and subsequently trying, the model of the atmospheric engine, at Glasgow. Being informed generally of the uses of the engine in the drainage of mines, and of the vast expense attending its operation, by reason of the quantity of fuel which it consumed, he saw how important any improvement would be by which the extensive sources of waste which had thus presented themselves could be removed. He saw also, that all that portion of steam which was expended, not in filling the cylinder under the piston, but in heating the great mass of metal composing the cylinder and piston, from a low temperature to that of boiling water, upon each stroke of the piston, was so much heat lost, and that the proportion of the fuel expended in evaporating the steam thus wasted would be saved, if by any (49.)The first question to which he directed his experiments, was the determination of the extent to which water enlarged its volume, or magnitude, when it passed into steam. To ascertain this, he filled a thin Florence flask with steam, of a pressure equal to the atmosphere, and weighed it accurately. The same flask was then filled with water, and weighed again. Finally, the weight of the flask itself was ascertained. It is evident, that by such means, the exact weight of the steam which filled the flask, and of the same bulk of water, would be obtained. He found that the water weighed about eighteen hundred times more than the steam; from whence he inferred that the steam which filled the flask contained about eighteen hundred times less water than the flask would contain.The next question to which he directed his experiments, was to ascertain the quantity of cold water necessary to be injected into the cylinder, in order to condense the steam contained in it. To ascertain this, he attached a pipe to a boiler, by which he was enabled to conduct the steam from the boiler into a glass jar containing cold water at fifty-two degrees of temperature. The steam, as it passed from the boiler through the pipe, was condensed by the cold water, and continued to be so condensed, until, by the heat which it imparted to the water, the latter began to boil, and would then condense no more steam. On comparing the water in the glass jar, when boiling, with the water originally contained in it at fifty-two He was further led to the conclusion, that steam contains a vast quantity of heat, by the following experiment. He heated, in a close digester, a quantity of water several degrees above the common boiling point. When thus heated, by opening a stop-cock, he allowed the compressed steam to escape into a cold vessel; in three or four seconds, he found that the heat of the water in the digester was reduced from a very high temperature to the common boiling point; yet, that all the steam which escaped from it, and which carried off with it the superabundant heat, formed only a few drops of water when condensed; from which he inferred, that this small quantity of water, in the form of steam, contained as much heat as was sufficient to raise all the water in the digester from the boiling point to the temperature at which it was before the steam was allowed to escape. Having thus ascertained the exact quantity of cold water which ought to be injected into the cylinder in order to condense the steam which filled the cylinder, he found, on comparing the quantity necessary to be injected in order to enable the piston to descend, that this quantity was about four times as great as that which was necessary to condense the steam. This led him to the conclusion, that about four times as much heat was destroyed in the cylinder as needed to be destroyed, if the object were the mere condensation of the steam. This result fully corroborated the other conclusion, deduced, from the proportion which he found between the quantity of steam supplied by the boiler and the actual contents of the cylinder. (50.)Watt was forcibly struck with these circumstances, not only on account of their importance in an economical point of view, when their relation to steam power was considered, but still more so, as indicating phenomena in the physics of heat altogether novel to him.He, therefore, eagerly sought his friend Dr. Black, to whom he communicated these results. Then, for the first time, he Some passages in the works of Dr. Robison produced an erroneous impression, that a large share of the merit of the discoveries of Watt which have been just explained was due to Dr. Black, to whose instructions on the subject of latent heat Watt was represented to have owed the knowledge of those facts which led to his principal inventions and improvements. We shall here give, in the words of Watt himself, his explanation of the circumstances which led to this error. This explanation is given in a letter addressed by Watt to Dr. Brewster, in May 1814, and prefixed to the third volume of Brewster's edition of Robison's Mechanical Philosophy:— "The representations of friends whose opinions I highly value induce me to avail myself of this opportunity of noticing an error into which not only Dr. Robison, but apparently also Dr. Black, has fallen, in relation to the origin of my improvements upon the steam engine, and which not having been publicly controverted by me, has, I am informed, been adopted by almost every subsequent writer upon the subject of latent heat. "Dr. Robison, in the article Steam Engine, after passing an encomium upon me, dictated by the partiality of friendship, qualifies me as the 'pupil and intimate friend of Dr. Black,'—a description which not being there accompanied with any inference, did not particularly strike me at the time of its first perusal. He afterwards, in the dedication to me of his edition of Dr. Black's lectures upon chemistry, goes the length of supposing me to have professed to owe my improvements upon the steam engine to the instructions and information I had received from that gentleman, which certainly was a misapprehension; as, though I have always felt and acknowledged my obligations to him for the information I had received from his conversation, and particularly for the knowledge of the doctrine of latent heat, I never did nor could consider my improvements as originating in those communications. He is also mistaken in his assertion (p. 8. of the preface to the above work), that 'I had attended two courses "And were that otherwise doubtful, it would, I think, be evident from the following quotation from a letter of his to me, dated 13th February 1783, where, speaking of an intended publication by a friend of mine, on subjects connected with the history of steam, he says, 'I think it is very proper for you to give him a short account of your discoveries and speculations; and particularly to assert clearly and fully your sole right to the honour of the improvements of the steam engine.' And in a written testimonial which he very kindly gave me, on the occasion of a trial at law against a piracy of my invention in 1796-7, after giving a short account of the invention, he adds, 'Mr. Watt was the sole inventor of the capital improvement and contrivance above mentioned.' "Under this conviction of his candour and friendship, it is very painful to me to controvert any assertion or opinion of my revered friend; yet, in the present case I find it necessary to say, that he appears to me to have fallen into an error; and I hope, in addition to my assertion, to make that appear by the short history I have given of my invention, in my "It was known very long before my time, that steam was condensed by coming into contact with cold bodies, and that it communicated heat to them; witness the common still, &c. &c. "It was known, by some experiments of Dr. Cullen and others, that water and other liquids boiled in vacuo at very low heats; water below 100°. "It was known to some philosophers that the capacity or equilibrium of heat, as we then called it, was much smaller in mercury and tin than in water. "It was also known that evaporation caused the cooling of the evaporating liquid, and bodies in contact with it. "I had myself made experiments to determine the following facts:— "First, the capacities of heat for iron, copper, and some sorts of wood, comparatively with water. "Second, the bulk of steam compared with that of water. "Third, the quantity of water evaporated in a certain boiler by a pound of coals. "Fourth, the elasticities of steam at various temperatures greater than that of boiling water, and an approximation to the law which it followed at other temperatures. "Fifth, how much water in the form of steam was required every stroke by a small Newcomen's engine, with a wooden cylinder six inches diameter, and twelve inches stroke. "Sixth, the quantity of cold water required in every stroke to condense the steam in that cylinder, so as to give it a working power of about 7 lb. on the inch. "Here I was at a loss to understand how so much cold water could be heated so much by so small a quantity of water in the form of steam; and I accordingly applied to Dr. Black, and then first understood what was called latent heat. "But this theory, though useful in determining the quantity of injection necessary where the quantity of water LOCH LOMOND. FOOTNOTES:"It being evident that there was a great error in Dr. Desagulier's calculations of Mr. Beighton's experiments on the bulk of steam, a Florence flask, capable of containing about a pound of water, had about one ounce of distilled water put into it; a glass tube was fitted into its mouth, and the joining made tight by lapping that part of the tube with packthread covered with glazier's putty. When the flask was set upright, the tube reached down near to the surface of the water, and in that position the whole was placed in a tin reflecting oven before a fire until the water was wholly evaporated, which happened in about an hour, and might have been done sooner, had I not wished the heat not much to exceed that of boiling water. As the air in the flask was heavier than the steam, the latter ascended to the top, and expelled the air through the tube. When the water was all evaporated, the oven and flask were removed from the fire, and a blast of cold air was directed against one side of the flask, to collect the condensed steam in one place. When all was cold, the tube was removed, the flask and its contents were weighed with care; and the flask being made hot, it was dried by blowing into it by bellows, and when weighed again was found to have lost rather more than four grains, estimated at 41/3 grains. When the flask was filled with water, it was found to contain about 171/8 ounces avoirdupois of that fluid which gave about 1800 for the expansion of water converted into steam of the heat of boiling water. "This experiment was repeated with nearly the same result, and in order to ascertain whether the flask had been wholly filled with steam, a similar quantity of water was for the third time evaporated; and, while the flask was still cold, it was placed inverted with its mouth (contracted by the tube) immersed in a vessel of water, which it sucked in as it cooled, until in the temperature of the atmosphere it was filled to within half an ounce measure of water. "In repetitions of this experiment at a later date, I simplified the apparatus by omitting the tube, and laying the flask upon its side in the oven, partly closing its mouth by a cork, having a notch on one side, and otherwise proceeding as has been mentioned. GLASGOW. |