A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- achondrites, 126, 163, 178
- Adelie Land stone, 78
- Adrar iron, 38, 40
- aerolites, 178, 179
- see also, stones, meteoritic
- age of meteorites and/or craters, 50, 52
- Aggie Creek iron, 76
- Ahnighito iron, 36, 128
- Algoma meteorite, 75
- “Alley Oop’s shillelagh,” 126
- altitude, 88, 90, 105, 106
- American Meteor Society, 116
- American Museum of Natural History, 37
- Anderson Township meteorites, 76
- AndhÂra stone, 147-8
- Andromeda, Great Spiral Nebula in, 2
- Andromedid shower, 153
- anthills, meteorites in, 128
- anti-matter, 58-60
- Aouelloul crater, 65
- appearance and disappearance of meteors, 86, 94, 106
- applied science, 166
- archeologists, 76, 150
- areas of fall, 13-4, 24, 26, 32, 89, 94, 159
- armor plate, 167
- asteroid belt and orbits, 160-1
- astronautics, 110, 168, 170-6
- ataxites, 120
- Athens, multiple fireball over, 149
- australites, 134, 140
- azimuth, astronomical, 88
- B
- Bacubirito iron, 128
- Bald Eagle iron, 76
- ballistic potential, 171
- Baxter stone, 73
- Bear Lodge iron, 76
- Beddgelert stone, 69-70, 73, 168
- bediasites, 136, 137
- Belly River stone, 131
- Benares meteorite, 156
- Bendego iron, 128
- Benld stone, 73
- Benson, O. O., 179
- Bethlehem stone, 73
- betyls, 148, 150
- Bible, meteorite mentioned in, 147
- Bielid shower, 116
- “blackfellows’ buttons,” 134
- Black Stone of the Kaaba, 147
- Boisse, A., 160, 163
- bolides, 102, 151
- Braunau iron, 73
- Brenham craters and meteorites, 52, 65, 66, 78
- Box Hole Station crater, 65
- Bridgewater meteorite, 75
- British Museum, 136, 158
- Buddhue, J. D., 179
- C
- Campo del Cielo craters, 50, 65
- Canyon Diablo crater, 44-52, 65, 66, 75, 96, 161, 162, 165, 174
- Cape of Good Hope iron, 150
- Cape York iron, 36, 37
- Carlton meteorite, 75
- Casas Grandes iron, 76
- charms, meteorites used as, 134, 136
- see also sacred meteorites; superstitions
- Chesterfield meteorite, 75
- Chladni, E. F. F., 155-7
- chondrules and chondrites, 124-6, 163
- Chubb crater, 52-4
- coins depicting meteorites, 148, 150
- collection of meteorites in institutions, 20, 32, 34, 37, 38, 40-1, 90, 136, 158
- comets, 114, 140, 164
- composition of meteor-forming particles, 160-7
- composition of meteorites, 118-26, 163, 179
- composition of tektites, 136-8
- Constantia stone, 74
- contraterrene matter, 56, 58-60
- convection-current hypothesis, 63-4
- cosmic metal mine, 162, 174-6
- cosmic rays, 168-71
- craters, 17, 18, 20, 42-65, 66, 96, 143, 178, 179
- D
- Dalgaranga crater, 65
- daubreelite, 124
- destruction by meteorites, 11, 15, 16-19, 54-7, 68-70, 73-4, 178
- diamond-bearing meteorite, 82
- direction measures, 23, 24, 86-9, 110
- distribution of meteorites, 66-68, 72, 140-3, 159
- dog and meteorite, 73
- doubters of meteorites, 154-7
- “dumbbells,” 135, 136
- “dust balls,” 106
- dust, meteoritic, 102, 116-7, 179
- E
- “earth-rings,” 142
- earth-trace, 92
- eating a meteorite, 82
- Einstein, A., 166
- elements in meteorites, 118-24
- elements in meteor-forming particles, 107
- elevation, apparent, 88, 90
- see also altitude
- “end-point,” 16, 86-91
- Enrico Fermi Institute, 168
- Ensisheim stone, 152, 154
- Eta-Aquarid shower, 114
- etching meteorites, 119-123
- evaporation, see vaporization
- “explosions” of meteors and/or meteorites, 18, 23, 25, 55, 56-60, 63, 86, 92
- F
- fall, determining area of, 13-14, 24, 26
- see also oval-shaped areas of fall
- falls, witnessed, 11-22, 23-34, 67, 68-72, 82, 84-95
- Farrington, O. C., 178
- farmers as meteorite finders, 28, 30, 75-6
- Fermi (Enrico) Institute, 168
- fireballs, 2, 10, 11-13, 23-5, 54, 69, 84-92, 102, 106, 149, 151
- fishermen net meteorite, 78
- fixes, 84-90
- “flanged buttons,” 135, 136
- flight-path, see trajectory
- Flows meteorite, 82
- footwarmer, meteorite used as, 78
- “fossil” meteorites, 144-6
- funnels, impact and penetration, 20, 29, 32, 33, 42, 44
- Furnas County stone, 29, 31, 32-4, 128, 178
- see also Norton County fall
- fusion crust, 20, 21, 130, 132, 140, 148, 172
- G
- Galle, J. G., 92
- gamma-ray spectroscopy, 171
- Geminid shower, 114
- Giacobinid shower, 103, 114, 115
- Giacobini-Zinner comet, 114
- glass, 138, 145
- see also silica-glass; tektites
- Glorieta iron, 126
- great-circle distributions, 140-3
- H
- Harvard meteor-photographs, 110-1
- Haviland craters, 50, 52, 65, 66
- Hayden Planetarium, 129
- height, 88, 90, 105, 106
- Henbury craters, 50, 65
- Hey, M. H., 178
- hexahedrites, 119, 120
- Holbrook stone shower, 128
- Howard, E., 155-7
- hunting meteorites, methods of, 84-100
- I
- “ices,” 106
- Illinois Gulch iron, 76
- impactites, 143-5
- India, Museum of the Geological Survey of, 41
- Indians
ic@vhost@g@html@files@52848@52848-h@52848-h-3.htm.html#Page_150" class="pginternal">150
- Sylacauga stone, 71-2, 74, 179
- T
- taenite, 124
- tektite-obsidian test, 138-9
- tektites, 134-146, 160
- tests for true meteorites, 130-3
- “thumb-prints,” 131, 132
- trajectory, 90, 92, 173
- tritium, 170
- Tucson iron, 128
- Tungus, see Podkamennaya Tunguska
- twice-found meteorites, 76
- Tycho, lunar ray-crater, 61
- U
- University of California Radiation Laboratory, 58
- University of Chicago, 168
- University of New Mexico, 24, 30
- see also Institute of Meteoritics
- University of Nebraska, 30, 80
- U. S. National Museum, 40, 158
- Ussuri fall, 10, 11-34, 42, 50, 54, 65, 130
- V
- vaporization, 102, 107, 116, 126, 128, 143, 145, 162, 172, 174
- velocity, 107, 108, 109, 171, 179
- Venus, 102, 162
- Verbeek, R. D. M., 140
- Vienna, National History Museum of, 41, 158
- volcanic theories, 138, 155, 156, 164
- W
- Wabar craters, 50, 65, 143, 162
- Wasiutynski, J., 63-4, 179
- water, meteorites under, 78
- waves, air and water,