I propose to give in the following pages an outline of the advance of science in the past twenty-five years. It is necessary to distinguish two main kinds of advancement, both of which are important. Francis Bacon gave the title ‘Advancement of Learning’ to that book in which he explained not merely the methods by which the increase of knowledge was possible, but advocated the promotion of knowledge to a new and influential position in the organization of human society. His purpose, says Dean Church, was ‘to make knowledge really and intelligently the interest, not of the school or the study or the laboratory only, but of society at large.’ So that in surveying the advancement of science in the past quarter of a century we should ask not only what are the new facts discovered, the new ideas and conceptions which have come into activity, but what progress has science made in becoming really and intelligently the interest of society at large. Is there evidence that there is an increase in the influence of science on the lives of our fellow-citizens and in the great affairs of the State? Is there an increased provision for securing the progress of scientific investigation in proportion to the urgency of its need or an increased disposition to secure the employment of really competent men trained in scientific investigation for the public service? 1. The Increase of Knowledge in the Several Branches of Science.The boundaries of my own understanding and the practical consideration of what is appropriate to a brief essay must limit my attempt to give to the general reader some presentation of what has been going on in the workshops of science in this last quarter of a century. My point of view is essentially that of the naturalist, and in my endeavour to speak of some of the new things and new properties of things discovered in recent years I find it is impossible to give any systematic or detailed account of what has been done in each division of science. All that I shall attempt is to mention some of the discoveries which have aroused my own interest and admiration. I feel, indeed, that it is necessary to ask forbearance for my presumption in daring to treat of so many subjects in which I cannot claim to speak as an authority, but only as a younger brother full of fraternal pride and sympathy in the glorious achievements of the great experimentalists and discoverers of our day. As one might expect, the progress of the Knowledge of Nature (for it is to that rather than to the historical, moral and mental sciences that English-speaking people refer when they use the word ‘science’) has consisted, in the last twenty-five years, in the amplification and fuller verification of principles and theories already accepted, and in the discovery of hitherto unknown things which either have fallen into place in the existing scheme of each science or have necessitated new views, some not very disturbing to existing general conceptions, others of a more startling and, at first sight, disconcerting character. Nevertheless I think I am justified in saying New Chemical Elements.—There can be no doubt that the past quarter of a century will stand out for Before saying more of radio-activity, which is apt to eclipse in interest every other topic of discourse, I must recall to you the discovery of the five inert gaseous elements by Rayleigh and Ramsay, which belongs to the period on which we are looking back. It was found that nitrogen obtained from the atmosphere invariably differed in weight from nitrogen obtained from one of its chemical combinations; and thus the conclusion was arrived at by Rayleigh that a distinct gas is present in the atmosphere, to the extent of 1 per cent., which had hitherto passed for nitrogen. This gas was separated, and to it the name argon (the lazy one) was given, on account of its incapacity to combine with any other element. Subsequently this argon was found by Ramsay to be itself impure, and from it he obtained three other gaseous elements equally inert: namely neon, krypton, and xenon. These were all distinguished But by helium we are led back to radium, for it has been found only two years ago by Ramsay and Soddy that helium is actually formed by a gaseous emanation from radium. Astounding as the statement seems, yet that is one of the many unprecedented facts which recent study has brought to light. The alchemist’s dream is, if not realised, at any rate justified. One element is actually under our eyes converted into another; the element radium decays into a gas which changes into another element, namely helium. Radium, this wonder of wonders, was discovered owing to the study of the remarkable phosphorescence, as it is called—the glowing without heat—of glass vacuum-tubes through which electric currents are made to pass. Crookes, Lenard, and RÖntgen each played an important part in this study, showing that peculiar rays or linear streams of at least three distinct kinds are set up in such tubes—rays which are themselves invisible, but have the property of making glass or other bodies which they strike glow with phosphorescent light. The celebrated RÖntgen rays make ordinary glass give out a bright green light; but they pass through it, and The rays discovered by RÖntgen were known as the X-rays, because their exact nature was unknown. Other rays studied in the electrified vacuum-tubes are known as cathode rays or radiant corpuscles, and others, again, as the Lenard rays. It occurred to M. Henri Becquerel, as he himself tells us, to inquire whether other phosphorescent bodies besides the glowing vacuum-tubes of the electricians’ laboratory can emit penetrating rays like the X-rays. I say ‘other phosphorescent bodies,’ for this power of glowing without heat—of giving out, so to speak, cold light—is known to be possessed by many mineral substances. It has become familiar to the public in the form of ‘phosphorescent paint,’ which contains sulphide of calcium, a Fig. 9.—Henri Becquerel’s Discovery of Radio Activity. Photographic print or skiagraph of a copper Maltese Cross produced by uranium salt placed as a heap of powder on the surface of black paper wrapped round a sensitive plate. Between the paper and the uranium powder the flat copper cross was interposed. The rays from the uranium salt have penetrated the black paper, but have been intercepted to a large extent by the copper cross—so that the sensitive silver plate is darkened all about the cross—over an area corresponding to that of the heap of uranium salt, but is left pale where the copper figure blocked the path of the active rays given off by the uranium, partially but not wholly. It was thus proved that the rays from the uranium salt can pass through blackened paper and also though to a less extent through a plate of copper. From this discovery by Becquerel to the detection and separation of the new element radium is an easy step in thought, though one of enormous labour and difficulty in practice. Professor Pierre Curie (whose name I cannot mention without expressing the grief caused to all men of science by the sad accident by which his life was taken) and his wife, Madame Sklodowski Curie, incited by Becquerel’s discovery, examined the ore called pitch-blende which is worked in mines in Bohemia and is found also in Cornwall. It is the ore from which all commercial uranium is extracted. The Curies found that pitch-blende has a radio-activity four times more powerful than that of metallic uranium itself. They at once conceived the idea that the radio-activity of the uranium salts examined by Becquerel is due not to the uranium itself, but to another element present with it in variable quantities. This proved to be in part true. The refuse of the first processes by which in the manufacturer’s works the uranium is extracted from its ore, pitch-blende, was found to contain four times more of the radio-active matter than does the pure uranium. The amount of radium in pitch-blende is one ten-millionth per cent.; rarer than gold in sea-water. The marvel of this story and of all that follows consists largely in the skill and accuracy with which our chemists and physicists have learnt to deal with such infinitesimal quantities, and the gigantic theoretical results which are securely posed on this pin-point of substantial matter. The Curies at once determined that the minute quantity of colourless crystals they had obtained was the chloride of a new metallic element with the atomic weight 225, to which they gave the name radium. The proof that radium is an element is given by its ‘sign-manual’—the spectrum which it shows to the observer when in the incandescent state. It consists of six bright lines and three fainter lines in the visible part of the spectrum, and of three very intense lines in the ultra-violet (invisible) part (fig. 10). A very minute quantity is enough for this observation; the lines given by radium are caused by no other known element in heaven or earth. They prove its title to be entered on the roll-call of elements. Fig. 10. A diagram of the visible lines of the spectrum of the elements Radium and Helium—when rendered incandescent by electric ‘sparking’ in a glass tube: kindly prepared for this book by Mr. Frederick Soddy of the University of Glasgow. The position of the chief great lines of the solar spectrum are marked on the lowest horizontal line. On the upper line the wave-lengths of the rays occupying the position indicated, are given. The figure 72 means that the wave-length of the ray occupying this position when refracted by the prism of the spectroscope is, as measured from crest to crest of the undulation, seven hundred and twenty millionths of a millimetre. It is generally written 720·0 µµ. Lines exist at the ultra-violet end of the spectrum which can be photographed but do not affect the eye—that is to say are invisible. On the other hand the lines of the red end of the spectrum do not produce a photographic effect. Consequently a ‘photographed’ spectrum such as that given in the next figure (fig. 11) differs in the lines presented both at the red and the violet ends from the visible series of lines. The two (visible and photographed spectra) agree only from wave-length 587·6 µµ to wave-length 447·2 µµ. The two spectra given in fig. 10 show how great is the difference in the position and number of the bands of Radium and Helium—yet as shown in the next figure (fig. 11) the ‘emanation’ from Radium actually is transformed into Helium. The atomic weight was determined in the usual way by precipitating the chlorine in a solution of radium chloride by means of silver. None of the precious element was lost in the process, but the Curies never had enough of it to venture on any attempt to prepare pure metallic radium. This is a piece of extravagance no one has yet dared to undertake. Altogether the Curies did not have more than some four or five grains of chloride of radium to experiment with, and the total amount prepared and now in the hands of scientific men in various parts of the world probably does not amount to more than sixty grains at most. When Professor Curie lectured on radium four years ago at the Royal Institution in London he made use of a small tube an inch long and of one-eighth bore, containing nearly the whole of his precious store, wrenched by such determined labour and consummate skill from tons of black shapeless pitch-blende. On his return to Paris he was one day demonstrating in his lecture room with this precious tube the properties of radium when it slipped from his hands, broke, and scattered far and wide the most precious and magical powder ever dreamed of by alchemist or artist of romance. Every scrap of dust was immediately and carefully collected, dissolved, and re-crystallized, and the disaster averted with a loss of but a minute fraction of the invaluable product. Thus, then, we have arrived at the discovery of radium—the new element endowed in an intense form with the new property ‘radio-activity’ discovered by Becquerel. The wonder of this powder, incessantly and Wonderful as the story is, so far it is really simple and commonplace compared with what yet remains to be told. I will only barely and abruptly state the fact that radio-activity has been discovered in other elements, some very rare, such as actinium and polonium; others more abundant and already known, such as thorium and uranium, though their radio-activity was not known until Becquerel’s pioneer-discovery. It is a little strange and no doubt significant that, after all, pure uranium is found to have a radio-activity of its own and not to have been altogether usurping the rights of its infinitesimal associate. The wonders connected with radium really begin when the experimental examination of the properties of a few grains is made. What I am saying here is not a systematic, technical account of radium; so I shall venture to relate some of the story as it impresses me. Leaving aside for a moment what has been done in regard to the more precise examination of the rays emitted by radium, the following astonishing facts have been found out in regard to it: (1) If a glass tube containing radium is much handled or kept in the waistcoat This is a tremendous fact, upsetting all the calculations of physicists as to the duration in past and future of the sun’s heat and the temperature of the earth’s And now I have to mention the strangest of all the proceedings of radium—a proceeding in which the other radio-active bodies, actinium and thorium, resemble it. This proceeding has been entirely Rutherford’s discovery in Canada, and his name must be always associated with it. Radium (he discovered) is continually giving off, apart from and in addition to the rectilinear darting rays of Becquerel—an ‘emanation’—a gaseous ‘emanation.’ This ‘emanation’ is radio-active—that is, gives off Becquerel rays—and deposits ‘something’ upon bodies brought near the radium so that they become radio-active, and remain so for a time after the radium is itself removed. This emanation is always being formed by a radium salt, and may be most easily collected by Fig. 11.
Photographs of the “spark” spectra of A, Helium as extracted from the mineral Clevelandite of B, the Radium “emanation” after a year’s enclosure in the tube used and of C of Hydrogen gas: copied from the paper by Mr. F. Giesel in the Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, vol. xxxix, part 10. The three photographs are accurately super-imposed so as to show the coincident lines. The spectrum B of the tube containing radium emanation is the one which we are comparing with the other two. When the radium emanation was first enclosed there was only a small quantity of helium developed in it, but after keeping for a year the quantity has greatly increased. After five minutes “sparking” (passage of the electric spark through the tube) the chief lines of helium become evident but faint in intensity. The present photograph B was obtained after forty minutes sparking, and one result of that longer “sparking” has been that a minute quantity of water vapour in the tube has been broken up—so as to yield the hydrogen spectrum, which is accordingly seen accompanying the now strong and brightly developed helium spectrum. The lines of the spectrum B which correspond with those of hydrogen are at once recognised by the juxtaposition (below) of the pure Hydrogen spectrum from another tube—C: the lines in B belonging to and indicating helium are also recognised by comparison with the pure helium spectrum of the tube A juxta-posed above. A very few of the lines in B must be due to other minimal impurities as they are not present either in A or C. Thirteen lines of the helium spectrum are thus photographed and recognised in the radium emanation. The following lines are present in the photographic but invisible spectrum of radium (not given in fig. 10), viz. at 381·47 µµ (the strongest line in the radium spectrum) and at 364·96 (a strong line). In the photographic but invisible spectrum of helium there are three very faint lines between wave-length 447·2 and 443·7 (appearing as two only in our photograph); a moderately strong one at 438·8; others at 414·4, at 412·1, at 402·6, and 396·5; a very strong one is present at 388·9, and a very faint one at 381·9. All these are seen in the photograph A and also in B. Special treatment and spectroscopes reveal four other very faint lines in the helium spectrum—the one furthest in the invisible direction (that is of highest refrangibility and lowest wave-length) being placed at 318·6 (Soddy). It must be obvious from all the foregoing that radium is very slowly, but none the less surely, destroying itself. There is a definite loss of particles which, in the course of time, must lead to the destruction of the radium, and it would seem that the large new credit on the bank of time given to biologists in consequence of its discovery has a definite, if remote, limit. With the quantities of radium at present available for experiment, the amount of loss of particles is so small, and the rate so slow, that it cannot be weighed by the most delicate balance. Nevertheless it has been calculated that radium will transform half of itself in about fifteen hundred years, and unless it were being produced in some way all of the radium now in existence would disappear much too soon to make it an important geological factor in the maintenance of the earth’s temperature. As a reply to The delicate electric test for radio-activity has been largely applied in the last few years to all sorts and conditions of matter. As a result it appears that the radium emanation is always present in our atmosphere; that the air in caves is especially rich in it, as are underground waters. Tin-foil, glass, silver, zinc, lead, copper, platinum and aluminium are, all of them, slightly radio-active. The question has been raised whether this widespread radio-activity is due to the wide dissemination of infinitesimal quantities of strong radio-active elements, or whether it is the natural intrinsic property of all matter to emit Becquerel rays. This is the immediate subject of research. Over and above the more simply appreciable facts which I have thus narrated, there comes the necessary and difficult inquiry, What does it all mean? What are the Becquerel rays of radio-activity? What must we conceive to be the structure and mechanism of the atoms of radium and allied elements, which can not only pour forth ceaseless streams of intrinsic energy from their own isolated substance, but are perpetually, though in infinitesimal proportions, changing their elemental nature spontaneously, so as to give I cannot venture as an expositor into this field. It belongs to that wonderful group of men, the modern physicists, who with an almost weird power of visual imagination combine the great instrument of exact statement and mental manipulation called mathematics, and possess an ingenuity and delicacy in appropriate experiment which must fill all who even partially follow their triumphant handling of Nature with reverence and admiration. Such men now or recently among us are Kelvin, Clerk Maxwell, Crookes, Rayleigh, and J. J. Thomson. Becquerel showed early in his study of the rays emitted by radium that some of them could be bent out of their straight path by making them pass between the poles of a powerful electro-magnet. In this way have finally been distinguished three classes of rays given off by radium: (1) the alpha rays, which are only slightly bent, and have little penetrative power; (2) the beta rays, easily bent in a direction opposite to that in which the alpha rays bend, and of considerable penetrative power; (3) the gamma rays, which are absolutely unbendable by the strongest magnetic force, and have an extraordinary penetrative power, producing a photographic effect through a foot thickness of solid iron. The alpha rays are shown to be streams of tiny bodies positively electrified, such as are given off by gas flames and red-hot metals. The particles have about twice the mass of a hydrogen atom, and they fly off with a velocity of 20,000 miles a second; that is, 40,000 times greater than that of a rifle bullet. The heat produced by radium is ascribed to the impact of these particles of the alpha rays. The beta rays are streams of corpuscles similar to those given off by the cathode in a vacuum tube. They are charged with negative electricity and travel at the velocity of 100,000 miles a second. They are far more minute than the alpha particles. Their mass is equal to the one-thousandth of a hydrogen atom. They produce the major part of the photographic and phosphorescent effects of the radium rays. The gamma rays are apparently the same, or nearly the same, thing as the X-rays of RÖntgen. They are probably not particles at all, but pulses or waves in the ether set up during the ejection of the corpuscles which constitute the beta rays. They produce the same effects in a much smaller degree as do the beta rays, but are more penetrating. The kind of conceptions to which these and like discoveries have led the modern physicist in regard to the character of that supposed unbreakable body—the chemical atom—the simple and unaffected friend of our youth—are truly astounding. Nevertheless, they are not destructive of our previous conceptions, but rather elaborations and developments of the simpler views, introducing the notion of structure and mechanism, agitated and whirling with tremendous force, into what we formerly conceived of as homogeneous or simply built-up particles, the earlier conception being not so much a positive assertion of simplicity as a non-committal expectant formula awaiting the progress of knowledge and the revelations which are now in our hands. As I have already stated, the attempt to show in detail how the marvellous properties of radium and radio-activity in general are thus capable of a pictorial or structural representation is beyond the limits of the present essay; but the fact that such speculations Intimately connected with all the work which has been done in the past twenty-five years in the nature and possible transformations of atoms is the great series of investigations and speculations on astral chemistry and the development of the chemical elements which we owe to the unremitting labour during this period of Sir Norman Lockyer. Wireless telegraphy.—Of great importance has been the whole progress in the theory and practical handling of electrical phenomena of late years. The discovery of the Hertzian waves and their application to wireless telegraphy is a feature of this period, though I may remind some of those who have been impressed by these discoveries that the mere fact of electrical action at a distance is that which hundreds of years ago gave to electricity its name. The power which we have gained of making an instrument oscillate in accordance with a predetermined code of signalling, although detached and a thousand miles distant, does not really lend any new support High and low temperatures.—The past quarter of a century has witnessed a great development and application of the methods of producing both very low and very high temperatures. Sir James Dewar, by improved apparatus, has produced liquid hydrogen and a fall of temperature probably reaching to the absolute zero. A number of applications of extremely low temperatures to research in various directions has been rendered possible by the facility with which they may now be produced. Similarly high temperatures have been employed in continuation of the earlier work of Deville, and others by Moissan, the distinguished French chemist. Progress in Chemistry.—In chemistry generally the theoretical tendency guiding a great deal of work has been the completion and verification of the ‘periodic law’ of MendelÉeff; and, on the other hand, the search by physical agents such as light and electricity for evidence as to the arrangement of atoms in the molecules of the most diverse chemical compounds. The study of ‘valency’ and its outcome, stereo-chemistry, have been the special lines in which chemistry has advanced. As a matter of course hundreds, if not thousands, of new chemical bodies have been produced in the laboratory of greater or less theoretical interest. The discovery of the greatest practical and industrial importance in this connection is the production of indigo by synthetical processes, first by laboratory and then by factory methods, so as to compete successfully with the natural product. Von Baeyer and Heumann are the names associated with this remarkable achievement, which has necessarily dislocated a large industry which derived its raw material from British India. Fig. 12. This figure should be examined with a magnifying glass. It is a direct reproduction of a photograph of a detached nebula and surrounding stars in Cygnus by Dr. Max Wolf of Heidelberg (reproduced by permission from the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. lxiv, Plate 18, p. 839, q.v.). The exposure was four hours on July 10th, 1904, with a camera the lenses of which have a diameter of sixteen inches. The picture is enlarged so that the apparent diameter of the Sun or Moon would be about 1? inch on the same scale (one minute, or sixtieth of a degree, equals one millimetre). The “apparent diameter” of the sun or moon is about one in 115: that is to say that a covering disc of any size you like can be made exactly to coincide with and “cover” the disc of the sun or moon provided that you place it at a distance from the eye equal to 115 times its own diameter—thus a disc of an inch in diameter (say a halfpenny) will just “cover” the sun or moon if placed at a distance from the eye of a little less than ten feet, a threepenny piece will cover it at about six feet, and a disc of somewhat less than half that size when held at arm’s length. The nebula (on the horizontal A A) is seen surrounded by a dark space—at the end of a long dark lane or “rift” which reminds us of the track left by a snowball rolled along in the snow. Has the nebula in some mysterious way swept up the stars in its journey through space? We cannot at present either affirm or deny such interpretations. One or two of the brightest of the surrounding stars might just be seen by an acute eye unaided by a telescope—but no more. The best existing telescopes would show only the large nebular body on the line A A, and the larger white spots; the finest dust-like particles are stars of which the existence is only demonstrated by prolonged photographic exposures such as this, with a lens which focuses its image on to the dry plate. The old “wet-plate” would not remain wet sufficiently long to “take” the picture. It should be borne in mind in looking at this picture that each of the minutest white spots is probably of at least the same size as our own sun: further, that each is probably surrounded by a planetary system similar to our own. Astronomy.—A biologist may well refuse to offer any remarks on his own authority in regard to this earliest and grandest of all the sciences. I will therefore at once say that my friend the Savilian Professor of Astronomy in Oxford has turned my thoughts in the right direction in regard to this subject. There is no doubt that there has been an immense ‘revival’ in astronomy since 1881; it has developed in every direction. The invention of the ‘dry plate,’ which has made it possible to apply photography freely in all astronomical work, is the chief cause of its great expansion. Photography was applied to astronomical work before 1881, but only with difficulty and haltingly. It was the dry-plate (see Fig. 12) which made long exposures possible, and thus enabled astronomers to obtain regular records of faintly luminous objects such as nebulÆ and star-spectra. Roughly speaking, the number of stars visible to the naked eye may be stated as eight thousand: this is raised by the use of our best telescopes to some hundred million. But the number which can be photographed is indefinite and depends on length of exposure: some thousands of millions can certainly be so recorded. The serious practical proposal to ‘chart the sky’ by means of photography certainly dates from this side of 1881. The Paris Conference of 1887, which made an international scheme for sharing the sky among eighteen observatories (still busy with the work, and producing excellent results), originated with photographs of the comet of 1882, taken at the Cape Observatory. Professor Pickering, of Harvard, did not join this co-operative scheme, but has gradually devised methods of charting the sky very rapidly, so that he has at Harvard records of the whole sky many times over, and when new objects are discovered he can trace their The introduction of photography has made an immense difference in spectroscopic work. The spectra of the stars have been readily mapped out and classified, and now the motions in the line of sight of faint stars can be determined. This ‘motion in the line of sight,’ which was discernible but scarcely measurable with accuracy before, now provides one of the most refined methods in astronomy for ascertaining the dimensions and motions of the universe. It gives us velocities in miles per second instead of in an angular unit to be interpreted by a very imperfect knowledge of the star’s distance. The method, initiated practically by Huggins thirteen years before, was in 1881 regarded by many Work on the sun has been entirely revolutionised by the use of photography. The last decade has seen the invention of the spectro-heliograph—which simply means that astronomers can now study in detail portions of the sun of which they could previously only get a bare indication. More of the same story could be related, but enough has been said to show how full of life and progress is this most ancient and imposing of all sciences. A minor though very important influence in the progress of astronomy has been the provision, by the expenditure of great wealth in America, of great telescopes and equipments. In 1877 Sir George Darwin started a line of mathematical research which has been very fruitful and is of great future promise for astronomy. As recently as last April, at the Royal Astronomical Society, two important papers were read—one by Mr. Cowell and the other by Mr. Stratton—which have their roots in Sir George Darwin’s work. The former was led to suggest that the day is lengthening ten times as rapidly as had been supposed, and the latter showed that in all probability the planets had all turned upside down since their birth. And yet M. BrunetiÈre and his friends wish us to believe that science is bankrupt and has no new things in store for humanity. Geology.—In the field of geological research the main feature in the past twenty-five years has been the increasing acceptance of the evolutionary as contrasted with the uniformitarian view of geological phenomena. The great work of Suess, ‘Das Antlitz der Erde,’ is undoubtedly the most important contribution to physical geology within the period. The first volume appeared in 1885, and the impetus which it has given to the science may be judged of by the epithet applied to the views for which Suess is responsible—‘the New Geology.’ Suess attempts to trace the orderly sequence of the principal changes in the earth’s crust since it first began to form. He strongly opposes the old theory of elevation, and accounts for the movements as due to differential collapse of the crust, accompanied by folding due to tangential stress. Among special results gained by geologists in the period we survey may be cited new views as to the origin of the crystalline schists, favouring a return to something like the hypogene origin advocated by Lyell; the facts as to deep-sea deposits, now in course of formation, embodied in the ‘Challenger’ reports on that subject: the increasing discrimination and tracking of those minor divisions of strata called ‘zones’; the assignment of the Olenellus fauna of Cambrian age to a position earlier than that of the Paradoxides fauna; the discovery of Radiolaria in palÆozoic rocks by special methods of examination, and the recognition of Graptolites as indices of geological horizons in lower palÆozoic beds. Glacially eroded rocks in boulder-clays of permo-carboniferous age have been recognised in many parts of the world (e.g., Australia and South Africa), and thus The Freshwater Jelly-fish of Regent’s Park (Limnocodium Sowerbii) magnified five times linear. It was discovered in the tropical lily tank of the Botanical Gardens in June, 1880, and swarmed in great numbers year after year—then suddenly disappeared. It has since been found in similar tanks in Sheffield, Lyons, and Munich. Only male specimens were discovered, and the native home of the wonderful visitor is still unknown. Fig. 14. The minute polyp attached to the rootlets of water-plants—from which the Jelly-fish Limnocodium was found to be ‘budded off.’ Fig. 15. One of the peculiar sense-organs from the edge of the swimming disc of Limnocodium. C, cavity of capsule; EC, ectoderm; EN, endoderm. Sense-organs of identical structure are found in the Freshwater Jelly-fish of Lake Tanganyika and in no other jelly-fish. Animal and Vegetable Morphography.—Were I to attempt to give an account of the new kinds of animals and plants discovered since 1881, I should have to offer a bare catalogue, for space would not allow me to explain the interest attaching to each. Explorers have been busy in all parts of the world—in Central Africa, in the Antarctic, in remote parts of China, in Patagonia and Australia, and on the floor of the ocean as well as in caverns, on mountain tops, and in great lakes and rivers. We have learnt much that is new as to distribution; countless new forms have been discovered, and careful anatomical and microscopical study conducted on specimens sent home to our laboratories. I cannot refrain from calling to mind the discovery of the eggs of the Australian duck-mole and hedgehog; the freshwater jelly-fish (figs. 13, 14, and 15) of Regent’s Park, the African lakes (fig. 16) and the Delaware River; the marsupial mole of Central Australia; the okapi (figs. 17, 18, and 19); the breeding and transformations of the Fig. 16. The Freshwater Jelly-fish of Lake Tanganyika (Limnocnida Tanganyicae), magnified five times linear. Since its discovery in Tanganyika it has been found also in the Lake Victoria Nyanza and in pools in the Upper Niger basin. Fig. 17. The Giraffe-like animal called the Okapi, discovered by Sir Harry Johnston in the Congo Forest. Photograph of the skin of a female sent home by him in 1901, and now mounted and exhibited in the Natural History Museum. Fig. 18. Two “bandoliers” cut by the natives from the striped part of the skin (the haunches) and at first supposed to be bits of the hide of a new kind of Zebra. These were sent home by Sir Harry Johnston in 1900. The main result of a good deal of such investigation is measured by our increased knowledge of the pedigree of organisms, what used to be called ‘classification.’ The anatomical study by the Australian professors, Hill and Wilson, of the teeth and the foetus of the Australian group of pouched mammals—the marsupials—has Fig. 19. Photograph of the skull of a male Okapi—showing the paired boney horn-cores—similar to those of the Giraffe, but connected with the frontal bones and not with the parietals as the horn-cores of Giraffes are. Fig. 20. Drawings by Professor Grassi, of Rome, of the young of the common Eel and its metamorphosis. All of the natural size. The uppermost figure represents a transparent glass-like creature—which was known as a rare “find” to marine naturalists, and received the name Leptocephalus. Really it lives in vast numbers in great depths of the sea—five hundred fathoms and more. It is hatched here from the eggs of the common Eel which descends from the ponds, lakes, and rivers of Europe in order to breed in these great depths. The gradual change of the Leptocephalus into a young Eel or “Elver” is shown, and was discovered by Grassi. The young Eels leave the great depth of the ocean and ascend the rivers in immense shoals of many hundred thousand individuals, and wriggle their way up banks and rocks into the small streams and pools of the continent. The above figures were published by Professor Grassi in November 1896, in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, edited by E. Ray Lankester and published by Churchill & Sons. Speculations as to the ancestral connection of the great group of vertebrates with other great groups have been varied and ingenious; but most naturalists are now inclined to the view that it is a mistake to assume Fig. 21. The unicellular parasite Benedenia, from the gut of the common Poulp or Octopus. 1 is the normal male individual; 2 and 3 show stages in the production of spermatozoa on its surface by budding; 4, 5 and 6 show a female parasite with spermatozoa approaching it. Fig. 22. Production of spermatozoa on the surface of the unicellular parasite Coccidium oviforme, from the Rabbit’s intestines. The origin of the limbs of vertebrates is now generally agreed to be correctly indicated in the Thatcher-Mivart-Balfour Fig. 23. Spermatozoa (often called “microgametes”) of the unicellular parasite Echinospora found in the gut of the small Centipede Lithobius mutabilis. The discovery of the formation of true spermatozoa by simple unicellular animals of the group Protozoa is a startling thing, for it had always been supposed that these peculiar reproductive elements were only formed by multicellular organisms (figs. 21, 22, and 23). They have been discovered in some of the gregarina-like animalcules, the Coccidia, and also in the blood-parasites. Among plants one of the most important discoveries relates to these same reproductive elements, the spermatozoa, which by botanists are called antherozoids. A great difference between the whole higher series of plants, the flowering plants or phanerogams, and the Fig. 24. Spermatozoa (antherozoids) of Cycas revoluta, seen from the side and from above. The spermatozoon is spherical, carrying a spiral band of minute vibratile hairs (cilia) by which it is propelled. When we come to the results of the digging out and study of extinct plants and animals, the most remarkable results of all in regard to the affinities and pedigree of organisms have been obtained. Among plants the transition between cryptogams and phanerogams Fig. 25. The gigantic three-horned Reptile, Triceratops, as large as an Elephant, found in Jurassic strata in North America. A model of the skeleton may be seen in the Natural History Museum in London. By their fossil remains whole series of new genera of extinct mammals have been traced through the tertiary strata of North America and their genetic connections established; and from yet older strata of the same prolific source we have almost complete knowledge of several genera of huge extinct Dinosauria of great variety of form and habit (fig. 25). Fig. 26. Photograph of the skeleton of a large carnivorous Reptile from Triassic strata in North Russia, discovered by Professor Amalitzky and named by him, Inostransevia. The head alone is two feet in length. Fig. 27. Photographs of completed models of the Devonian fish Drepanaspis, from Devonian slates of North Germany, worked out by Professor Traquair. The models are in the Natural History Museum, London. Fig. 28. The oldest fossil fish known—discovered in the Upper Silurian strata of Scotland, and named Birkenia by Professor Traquair. The discoveries by Seeley at the Cape, and by Amalitzky in North Russia of identical genera of Triassic reptiles, which in many respects resemble the Mammalia and constitute the group Theromorpha, is also a prominent feature in the palÆontology of the past twenty-five years (fig. 26). Nor must we forget the extraordinary Devonian and Silurian fishes discovered and described by Professor Traquair (figs. 27 and 28). The most important discovery of the kind of late years has been that of the Upper Eocene and Miocene Mammals of the Egyptian Fayum, excavated by the Egyptian Geological Survey and by Dr. Andrews of the Natural History Museum, who has described and figured the remains. They include a huge four-horned animal as big as a rhinoceros, but quite peculiar in its characters—the ArisinoÏtherium—and the ancestors of the elephants, a group which was abundant in Miocene and Pliocene times in Europe and Asia, and in still later times in America, Fig. 29. Photograph of a complete model of the skull and lower jaw of the ancestral elephant, PalÆomastodon, discovered by Dr. Andrews in the Upper Eocene of the Fayum Desert, Egypt, and modelled and restored under his direction in the Natural History Museum, London. The comparatively short trunk or snout rested on the broad front teeth of the long lower jaw. The face is elongated, and the cheek-teeth are numerous. Fig. 30. Photograph of the lower face of the skull of a specimen of PalÆomastodon brought from Egypt in April, 1906, by Dr. Andrews, and now in the Natural History Museum, London. The six characteristic cheek-teeth on each side, and the pair of sabre-like tusks in front, are well seen. Fig. 31. Drawing of the skull and lower jaw of the Meritherium, discovered by Dr. Andrews in the Upper Eocene of the Fayum Desert. The shape of the skull and proportions of face and jaw are like those of an ordinary hoofed mammal such as the pig; but the cheek-teeth are similar to those of the Mastodon, and whilst the full complement of teeth is present in the front of the upper jaw, we can distinguish the big tusk-like incisor which alone survives on each side in PalÆomastodon, Mastodon, and the elephants, as the great pair of tusks. Another great area of exploration and source of new things has been the southern part of Argentina and Patagonia, where Ameghino, Moreno, and Scott of Princeton have brought to light a wonderful series of extinct ant-eaters, armadilloes, huge sloths, and strange ungulates, reaching back into early Tertiary times. But most remarkable has been the discovery in this area of remains which indicate a former connection with the I cannot quit this immense field of gathered fact and growing generalisation without alluding to the study of animal embryology and the germ-layer theory, which has to some extent been superseded by the study of embryonic cell-lineage, so well pursued by some American microscopists. The great generalisation of the study of the germ-layers and their formation seems to be now firmly established—namely, that the earliest multicellular animals were possessed of one structural cavity, the enteron, surrounded by a double layer of cells, the ectoderm and endoderm. These Enterocoela or Coelentera gave rise to forms having a second great body-cavity, the coelom, which originated not as a split between the two layers, as was supposed twenty-five years ago by Haeckel and Gegenbaur and their pupils, but by a pouching of the enteron to form one or more cavities in which the reproductive cells should develop—pouchings which became nipped off from the cavity of their Before leaving the subject of animal morphology I must apologise for my inability to give space and time to a consideration of the growing and important science of anthropology, which ranges from the history of human institutions and language to the earliest prehistoric bones and implements. Let me therefore note here the discovery of the cranial dome of Pithecanthropus in a river gravel in Java—undoubtedly the most ape-like of human remains, and of great age (see figs. 1 and 2); and, further, the Eoliths of Prestwich (see figs. 3 and 4), in the human authorship of which I am inclined to believe, though I should be sorry to say the same of all the broken flints to which the name ‘Eolith’ has been applied. The systematic investigation and record of savage races have taken on a new and scientific character. Such work as Fig. 32. Bacillus radicola, the parasite which infests the roots of leguminous plants and causes the growth of nodules whilst assisting the plant in the assimilation of nitrogen: (a) Nodule of the roots of the common Lupine, natural size; (b) longitudinal section through a Lupine root and nodule; (c) a single cell from a Lupine nodule showing the bacteria or bacilli, as black particles in the protoplasm, magnified 600 diameters; (d) bacilli from the root nodule of the Lupine; (e) triangular forms of the bacillus from the root nodules of the Vetch; (f) oval forms from the root nodules of the Lupine; (d e f) are magnified 1,500 diameters. Physiology of Plants and Animals.—Since I have not space to do more than pick out the most important advances in each subject for brief mention, I must signalize in regard to the physiology of plants the better understanding of the function of leaf-green or chlorophyll due to Pringsheim and to the Russian Timiriaseff, the new facts as to the activity of stomata in transpiration discovered by Horace Brown, and the fixation of free nitrogen by living organisms in the soil and by organisms (Bacillus radicola) parasitic in the rootlets of leguminous plants (see fig. 32), which thus benefit by a supply of nitrogenous compounds which they can assimilate. Great progress in the knowledge of the chemistry of the living cells or protoplasm of both plants and animals has been made by the discovery of the fact that ferments or enzymes are not only secreted externally by cells, but exist active and preformed inside cells. BÜchner’s final conquest of the secret of the yeast-cell by heroic mechanical methods—the actual grinding to powder of these already very minute bodies—first established this, and now successive discoveries of intracellular ferments have led to the conclusion that it is probable that the cell respires by means of a respiratory ‘oxydase,’ builds up new compounds and destroys existing ones, contracts and accomplishes its own internal life by ferments. Life thus (from the chemical point of view) becomes a chain of ferment actions. Another most significant advance in animal physiology has been the sequel (as it were) of Bernard’s discovery of the formation of glycogen in the liver, a substance not to be excreted, but to be taken up by the blood and lymph, and in many ways more important than the more obvious formation of bile which is thrown out of the gland into the alimentary canal. It has been discovered that many glands, such as the kidney and pancreas and the ductless glands, the suprarenals, thyroid, and others, secrete indispensable products into the blood and lymph. Hence myxoedema, exophthalmic goitre, Addison’s disease, and other disorders have been traced to a deficiency or excess of internal secretions from glands formerly regarded as interesting but unimportant vestigial structures. From these glands have in consequence been extracted remarkable substances on which their peculiar activity depends. From the suprarenals a substance has been extracted which causes activity of all those structures which the sympathetic nerve-system can excite to action Fig. 33. The continuity of the protoplasm Nerve-physiology has made immensely important advances. There is now good evidence that all excitation of one group of nerve-centres is accompanied by the concurrent inhibition of a whole series of groups of other centres, whose activity might interfere with that of the group excited to action. In a simple reflex flexure of the knee the motor-neurones to the flexor muscles are excited, but concurrently the motor-neurones to the extensor muscles are thrown into a state of inhibition, and so equally with all the varied excitations of the nervous system controlling the movements and activities of the entire body. Fig. 34. Diagrammatic representation of the structures present in a typical cell (after Wilson). Note the two centrosomes, sometimes single. The discovery of the continuity of the protoplasm through the walls of the vegetable cells by means of connecting Fig. 35.—The Number of the Chromosomes: (a) Cell of the asexual generation of the cryptogam Pellia epiphylla: the nucleus is about to divide, a polar ray-formation is present at each end of the spindle-shaped nucleus, the chromosomes have divided into two horizontal groups each of sixteen pieces: sixteen is the number of the chromosomes of the ordinary tissue cells of Pellia. (b) Cell of the sexual generation of the same plant (Pellia) in the same phase of division, but with the reduced number of chromosomes—namely, eight in each half of the dividing nucleus. The completed cells of the sexual generation have only eight chromosomes. (c) Somatic or tissue cell of Salamander showing twenty-four ?-shaped chromosomes, each of which is becoming longitudinally split as a preliminary to division. (d) Sperm-mother-cell from testis of Salamander, showing the reduced number of chromosomes of the sexual cells—namely, twelve; each is split longitudinally. (From original drawings by Prof. Farmer and Mr. Moore.) A few words must be said here as to the progress of our knowledge of cell-substance, and what used to be called the protoplasm question. We do not now regard protoplasm as a chemical expression, but, in accordance with von Mohl’s original use of the word, as a structure which holds in its meshes many and very varied chemical bodies of great complexity. Within these twenty-five years the ‘centrosome’ of the cell-protoplasm has been discovered (see fig. 34), and a great deal has been learnt as to the structure of the nucleus and its remarkable stain-taking bands, the chromosomes. We now know that these bands are of definite fixed number, varying in different species of plants and animals, and that they are halved in number in the reproductive elements—the spermatozoid and the ovum—so that on union of these two to form the fertilized ovum (the parent cell of all the tissues), the proper specific number is attained (see figs. 35 and 36). It has been pretty clearly made out by cutting up large living cells—unicellular animals—that the body of the cell alone, without the nucleus, can do very little but move and maintain for a time its chemical status. But it is the nucleus which directs and determines all definite growth, movement, secretion, and reproduction. The simple protoplasm, deprived of its nucleus, cannot form a new nucleus—in fact, can do very little but exhibit irritability. I am inclined to agree with those who hold that there is not sufficient evidence that any organism exists at the present time which has not both protoplasm and nucleus—in fact, Fig. 36. Further stage in the division of The question of ‘spontaneous generation’ cannot be said to have been seriously revived within these twenty-five years. Our greater knowledge of minute forms of life, and the conditions under which they can survive, as well as our improved microscopes and methods of experiment and observation, have made an end of the arguments and instances of supposed abiogenesis. The accounts which have been published of ‘radiobes,’ minute bodies arising in fluids of organic origin when radium salts have been allowed to mix in minute quantities with such fluids, are wanting in precision and detail, but the microscopic particles which appear in the circumstances described seem to be of a nature identical with the minute bodies well known to microscopists and recognised as Psychology.—I have given a special heading to this subject because its emergence as a definite line of experimental research seems to me one of the most important features in the progress of science in the past quarter of a century. Thirty-five years ago we were all delighted by Fechner’s psycho-physical law, and at Leipzig I, with others of my day, studied it experimentally in the physiological laboratory of that great teacher, Carl Ludwig. The physiological methods of measurement (which are the physical ones) have been more and more widely, and with guiding intelligence and ingenuity, applied since those days to the study of the activities of the complex organs of the nervous system which are concerned with ‘mind’ or psychic phenomena. Whilst some enthusiasts have been eagerly collecting ghost stories and records of human illusion and fancy, the serious experimental investigation of the human mind, and its forerunner the animal mind, has been quietly but steadily proceeding in truly scientific channels. The science is still in an early phase—that of the collection of accurate observations and measurements—awaiting the development of great guiding hypotheses and theories. But much has been done, and it is a matter of gratification to Oxford men that through the liberality of the distinguished electrician, Mr. Henry Wilde, F.R.S., a lectureship of Experimental Psychology has been founded in the University of Oxford, where the older studies of Mental and Moral Philosophy, Logic and Metaphysics have so strong a hold, and have so well prepared the ground for the new experimental The difficult and extremely important line of investigation, first scientifically treated by Braid under the name ‘Hypnotism,’ has been greatly developed by the French school, especially by Charcot. The experimental investigation of ‘suggestion,’ and the pathology of dual consciousness and such exceptional conditions of the mind, has been greatly advanced by French observers. The older work of Ferrier and Hitzig on the functions of the parts of the brain has been carried further by Goltz and Munk in Germany, and by SchÄfer, Horsley, and Sherrington in England. The most important general advance seems to be the recognition that the mind of the human adult is a social product; that it can only be understood in relation with the special environment in which it develops, and with which it is in perpetual interaction. Professor Baldwin, of Princeton, has done important work on this subject. Closely allied is the study of what is called ‘the psychology of groups,’ the laws of mental action of the individual as modified by his membership of some form of society. French authors have done valuable work here. These two developments of psychology are destined to provide the indispensable psychological basis for Social Science, and for the anthropological investigation of mental phenomena. Hereafter, the well-ascertained laws of experimental psychology will undoubtedly furnish the necessary scientific basis of the art of education, and psychology will hold the same relation to that art as physiology does to the art of medicine and hygiene. There can be little doubt, moreover, of the valuable interaction of the study of physical psychology and the theories of the origin of structural character by natural selection. The relation of the human mind to the mind of animals, and the gradual development of both, form a subject full of rich stores of new material, yielding conclusions of the highest importance, which has not yet been satisfactorily approached. I am glad to be able to give wider publicity here to some conclusions which I communicated to the Jubilee volume of the ‘SociÉtÉ de Biologie’ of Paris in 1899. I there discussed the significance of the great increase in the size of the cerebral hemispheres in recent, as compared with Eocene Mammals (see fig. 5), and in Man as compared with Apes, and came to the conclusion that ‘the power of building up appropriate cerebral mechanism in response to individual experience,’ or what may be called ‘educability,’ is the quality which characterizes the larger cerebrum, and is that which has led to its selection, survival, and further increase in volume. The bearing of this conception upon questions of fundamental importance in what has been called genetic psychology is sketched as follows: ‘The character which we describe as “educability” can be transmitted; it is a congenital character. But the results of education can not be transmitted. In each generation they have to be acquired afresh. With increased “educability” they are more readily acquired and a larger variety of them. On the other hand, the ‘To a large extent the two series of brain-mechanisms, the “instinctive” and the “individually acquired,” are in opposition to one another. Congenital brain-mechanisms may prevent the education of the brain and the development of new mechanisms specially fitted to the special conditions of life. To the educable animal the less there is of specialised mechanism transmitted by heredity, the better. The loss of instinct is what permits and necessitates the education of the receptive brain.’ ‘We are thus led to the view that it is hardly possible for a theory to be further from the truth than that expressed by George H. Lewes and adopted by George Romanes, namely, that instincts are due to “lapsed” intelligence. The fact is that there is no community between the mechanisms of instinct and the mechanisms of intelligence, and that the latter are later in the history of the development of the brain than the former, and can only develop in proportion as the former become feeble and defective.’ Darwinism.—Under the title ‘Darwinism’ it is convenient to designate the various work of biologists tending to establish, develop, or modify Mr. Darwin’s great theory of the origin of species. In looking back over twenty-five years it seems to me that we must say that the conclusions of Darwin as to the origin of The attempt to resuscitate Lamarck’s views on the inheritance of acquired ‘Normal conditions of environment have for many thousands of generations moulded the individuals of a given species of organism, and determined as each individual developed and grew “responsive” quantities in its parts (characters): yet, as Lamarck tells us, and as we know, there is in every individual born a potentiality which has not been extinguished. Change the normal conditions of the species in the case of a young individual taken to-day from the site where for thousands of generations its ancestors have responded in a perfectly defined way to the normal and defined conditions of environment; reduce the daily or the seasonal amount of solar radiation to which the individual is exposed; or remove the aqueous vapour from the atmosphere; or alter the chemical composition of the pabulum accessible; or force the individual to previously unaccustomed muscular effort or to new pressures and strains; and (as Lamarck bids us observe), in spite of all the long-continued response to the earlier normal specific conditions, the innate congenital potentiality shows itself. The individual under the new quantities of environing ‘So far, so good. What Lamarck next asks us to accept, as his “second law,” seems not only to lack the support of experimental proof, but to be inconsistent with what has just preceded it. The new character which is ex hypothesi, as was the old character (length, breadth, weight of a part) which it has replaced—a response to environment, a particular moulding or manipulation by incident forces of the potential congenital quality of the race—is, according to Lamarck, all of a sudden raised to extraordinary powers. The new or freshly acquired character is declared by Lamarck and his adherents to be capable of transmission by generation; that is to say, it alters the potential character of the species. It is no longer a merely responsive or reactive character, determined quantitatively by quantitative conditions of the environment, but becomes fixed and incorporated in the potential of the race, so as to persist when other quantitative external conditions are substituted for those which originally determined it. In opposition to Lamarck, one must urge, in the first place, that this thing has never been shown experimentally to occur; and in the second place, that there is no ground for holding its occurrence to be probable, but, on the contrary, strong reason for holding it to be improbable. Since the old character (length, breadth, weight) had not become fixed and congenital after many thousands of successive generations of individuals had developed it in response to environment, but gave place to a new character when new conditions operated on an individual (Lamarck’s first law), why should we suppose that the new character is likely to become fixed after a much shorter time of responsive existence, or to escape the In its most condensed form my argument has been stated thus by Professor Poulton: Lamarck’s ‘first law assumes that a past history of indefinite duration is powerless to create a bias by which the present can be controlled; while the second assumes that the brief history of the present can readily raise a bias to control the future.’ An important light is thrown on some facts which seem at first sight to favour the Lamarckian hypothesis by the consideration that, though an ‘acquired’ character is not transmitted to offspring as the consequence of the action of external agencies determining the ‘acquirement,’ yet the tendency to react exhibited by the parent is transmitted, and if the tendency is exceptionally great a false suggestion of a Lamarckian inheritance can readily result. This inheritance of ‘variation in tendencies to react’ has a wide application, and has led me to coin the word ‘educability’ as mentioned in the section of this address on Psychology. The principle of physiological selection advocated by Dr. Romanes does not seem to have caused much discussion, and has been unduly neglected by subsequent writers. It was ingenious, and was based on some interesting observations, but has failed to gain support. The observations of de Vries—showing that in cultivated varieties of plants a new form will sometimes assert itself suddenly and attain a certain period of dominance, though not having been gradually brought Two general principles which Mr. Darwin fully recognised appear to me to deserve more consideration and more general application to the history of species than he had time to give to them, or than his followers have accorded to them. The first is the great principle of ‘correlation of variation,’ from which it follows that, The second, somewhat but by no means altogether neglected, principle is that a good deal of the important variation in both plants and animals is not the variation of a minute part or confined to one organ, but has really an inner physiological basis, and may be a variation of a whole organic system or of a whole tissue expressing itself at several points and in several shapes. In fact, we should perhaps more generally conceive of variation as not so much the accomplishment and presentation of one little mark or difference in weight, length, or colour, as the expression of a tendency to vary in a given tissue or organ in a particular way. Thus we are prepared for the rapid extension and dominance of the variation if once it is favoured by selective breeding. It seems to me that such cases as the complete Disease.—The study of the physiology of unhealthy, injured, or diseased organisms is called pathology. It necessarily has an immense area of observation and is of transcending interest to mankind who do not accept their diseases unresistingly and die as animals do, so purifying their race, but incessantly combat and fight disease, producing new and terrible forms of it, by their wilful interference with the earlier rule of Nature. Our knowledge of disease has been enormously advanced in the last quarter of a century, and in an important degree our power of arresting it, by two great lines of study going on side by side and originated, not by medical men nor physiologists in the narrow technical sense, but by naturalists, a botanist, and a zoologist. Ferdinand Cohn, Professor of Botany in Breslau, by his own researches and by personal training in his laboratory, gave to Robert Koch the start on his distinguished career as a bacteriologist. It is to We must not forget that in this same period much of the immortal work of Pasteur on hydrophobia, of Behring and Roux on diphtheria, and of Ehrlich and many others to whom the eternal gratitude of mankind is due, has been going on. It is only some fifteen years since Calmette showed that if cobra poison were introduced into the blood of a horse in less quantity than would cause death, the horse would tolerate with little disturbance after ten days a full dose, and then day after day an increasing dose, until the horse without any inconvenience received an injection of cobra poison large enough to kill thirty horses of its size. Some of the horse’s blood being now withdrawn was found to contain a very active antidote to cobra poison—what is called an antitoxin. The procedure in the preparation of the antitoxin is practically the same as that previously adopted by Behring in the preparation of the antitoxin of diphtheria poison. Animals treated with injections of these antitoxins are immune to the poison itself when subsequently injected with it, or, if already suffering from the poison (as, for instance, by snake-bite), are readily shown by experiment to be rapidly cured by the injection of the appropriate antitoxin. This is, as all will admit, an intensely interesting bit of biology. The explanation of the formation of the antitoxin in the blood and its mode of antagonising the poison is not easy. It seems that the antitoxin is undoubtedly formed from the corresponding toxin or poison, and that the antagonism can be best understood as a chemical reaction by which the complex molecule of the poison is upset, or effectively modified. The remarkable development of Metschnikoff’s doctrine of phagocytosis during the past quarter of a century is certainly one of the characteristic features of the activity of biological science in that period. At first ridiculed as ‘Metschnikoffism,’ it has now won the support of its former adversaries. For a long time the ideal of hygienists has been to preserve man from all contact with the germs of infection, to destroy them and destroy the animals conveying them, such as rats, mosquitoes, and other flies. But it has now been borne in upon us that, useful as such attempts are, and great as is the improvement in human conditions which can thus be effected, yet we cannot hope for any really complete or satisfactory realisation of the ideal of escape from contact with infective germs. The task is beyond human powers. The conviction has now been arrived at that, whilst we must take every precaution to diminish infection, yet our ultimate safety must come from within—namely, from the activity, the trained, stimulated, and carefully guarded activity, of those wonderful colourless amoeba-like corpuscles whose use was so long unrecognized, but has now been made clear by the patiently continued experiments and arguments of Metschnikoff, who has named them ‘phagocytes.’ The doctrine of the activity and immense importance of these corpuscles of the living body which form part of the all-pervading connective tissues and float also in the blood, is in its nature and inception opposed to what are called the ‘humoral’ and ‘vitalistic’ theories of resistance to infection. Of this kind were the beliefs that the liquids of the living body have an inherent and somewhat vague power of resisting infective germs, and even that the mere living quality of the tissues was in some unknown way antagonistic to foreign intrusive disease-germs. Fig. 37.—Phagocyte or colourless corpuscle of a guinea-pig in the act of engulphing two Spirilla or parasitic vegetable microbes of a spiral shape. Fig. 38.—The same half an hour later, one of the Spirilla is nearly completely engulphed. Fig. 39.—The same ten minutes later still, one of the Spirilla is completely absorbed into the substance (protoplasm) of the phagocyte. (From Metschnikoff’s book, “Immunity,” kindly supplied by the Cambridge University Press.) The first eighteen years of Metschnikoff’s career, after his undergraduate course, were devoted to zoological and embryological investigations. He discovered many important facts, such as the alternation of generations in the parasitic worm of the frog’s lung—Ascaris nigrovenosa—and the history of the growth from the egg of sponges and medusÆ. In these latter researches he came into contact with the wonderfully active cells, or living corpuscles, which in many low forms of life can be seen by transparency in the living animal. He saw that these corpuscles (as was indeed already known) resemble the well-known amoeba, and can take into their soft substance (protoplasm) at all parts of their surface any minute particles and digest them, thus destroying them. In a transparent water-flea Metschnikoff saw these amoeba-like, colourless, floating blood-corpuscles swallowing and digesting the spores of a parasitic fungus which had attacked the water-fleas and was causing their death. Fig. 40. Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Fig. 40.—Phagocyte of a guinea-pig in the course of engulphing a very mobile undulating spirillum. Fig. 41.—The same, forty minutes later. Fig. 42.—The same taken half an hour after Fig. 41. (From Metschnikoff’s “Immunity.”) Fig. 43. A large kind of phagocyte of the guinea-pig, killed and stained for microscopic examination. It shows the large spherical nucleus and three specimens of the spirillum of relapsing-fever which have been engulphed, and are lying within its protoplasm. They would have been slowly digested—that is to say, dissolved by the digestive juices within the phagocyte. (From Metschnikoff’s “Immunity.”) Disease-germs, bacteria, or protozoa produce poisons which sometimes are too much for the phagocytes, poisoning them and so getting the upper hand. But, as Metschnikoff showed, the training of the phagocytes by weak doses of the poison of the disease-germ, or by weakened cultures of the disease-germ itself, brings about a power of resistance in the phagocytes to the germ’s poison, and thus makes them capable of attacking the germs and keeping them at bay. Hence the value of inoculations. The discussion and experiments arising from Metschnikoff’s demonstrations have led to the discovery of the production by the phagocytes of certain exudations from their substance which have a most important effect in weakening the resistance of the intrusive bacteria and rendering them easy prey for the phagocyte. These are called ‘sensitisers,’ and have been largely studied. They may be introduced artificially into the blood and tissues so as to facilitate the work of the phagocytes, and no doubt it is a valuable remedial measure to make use of such sensitisers as a treatment. Dr. Wright considers that such sensitisers are formed in the blood and tissues independently of the phagocytes, and has called them ‘opsonins,’ Another feature of the progress of our knowledge of disease—as a scientific problem—is the recent recognition that minute animal parasites of that low degree of unicellular structure to which the name ‘Protozoa’ is given, are the causes of serious and ravaging diseases, and that the minute algoid plants, the bacteria, are not alone in possession of this field of activity. It was Laveran—a French medical man—who, just about twenty-five years ago, discovered the minute animal organism in the red blood-corpuscles, which is the cause of malaria (see fig. 44). Year by year ever since our knowledge of this terrible little parasite has increased. We now know many similar to, but not identical with it, living in the blood of birds, reptiles, and frogs (see fig. 45). It is the great merit of Major Ross, formerly of the Indian Army Medical Staff, to have discovered, by most patient and persevering experiment, that the malaria parasite passes a part of its life in the spot-winged gnat or mosquito (Anopheles), not, as he had at first supposed, in the common gnat or mosquito (Culex), and that if we can get rid of spot-winged mosquitoes or avoid their attentions, or even only prevent them from sucking the blood of malarial patients, we can lessen, or even abolish, malaria. Fig. 44. SCHIZOGONY SPOROGONY SEXUAL GENERATION A diagram showing the life-history and migration of the Malaria parasite, Laverania MalariÆ, as discovered by Laveran, Ross, and Grassi. The stages above the dotted line take place in the blood of man. The oblong-pointed parasite is seen entering the blood at n just below No. 1. The circles represent the red blood-discs of man. Schizogony means multiplication by simple division or splitting, and it is seen in Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The stages below the dotted line are passed in the body of the spot-winged gnats of the genus Anopheles. A peculiar crescent or sausage-shaped condition is assumed by the parasite inside the red corpuscle No. VI. These are found to be of two kinds, male and female, Nos. VIIa and VIIb. They are swallowed by the spot-winged gnat when it sucks the blood of an infected man. Here in the gut of the gnat they become spherical; the male spheres produce spermatozoa No. Xa, which fuse with and fertilize the female spheres or egg-cells No. XI. An active worm-like form No. XIII results, which pushes its way partly through the wall of the gnat’s gut, and is then nourished by the gnat’s blood. It swells up, divides internally again and again, and is enclosed in a firm transparent case or cyst, Nos. XIV to XVIII. The cysts are far larger in proportion than is shown in the diagram, and are visible to the naked eye. The final product of the breaking up, which is called sporogony, is a vast number of needle-shaped spores or young (called Exotospores, as opposed to the EnhÆmospores, which are formed in the human blood, as seen in Nos. 9 and 10, and serve there to spread the infection among the red corpuscles). The needle-shaped spores formed in the gnat’s body accumulate in its salivary glands, and pass out by the mouth of the gnat when it stabs a new human victim who thus becomes infected, No. XIX. Had the sausage-like phases Nos. VIIa and VIIb been swallowed by a common gnat or mosquito of the genus Culex they would have been digested and destroyed. It is only in species of gnats of the kind known as Anopheles that the parasite can undergo its sexual development and subsequent process of the formation of cysts and needle-shaped exotospores. (After Minchin in Part I. of Lankester’s “Treatise on Zoology,” published by A. and C. Black.) This great discovery was followed by another as to the production of the deadly ‘Nagana’ horse and cattle disease in South Africa by a screw-like, minute animal parasite Trypanosoma Brucei (see fig. 46 B). The Tsetze fly (see fig. 48 A, B), which was already known in some way to produce this disease, was found by Colonel David Bruce to do so by conveying by its bite the Trypanosoma from wild big-game animals, to the domesticated horses and cattle of the colonists. The discovery of the parasite and its relation to the fly and the disease was as beautiful a piece of scientific investigation as biologists have ever seen. A curious and very important fact was discovered by Bruce—namely, that the native big game (zebras, antelopes, and probably buffaloes), are tolerant of the parasite. The Trypanosoma grows and multiplies in their blood, but does not kill them or even injure them. It is only the unaccustomed introduced animals from Europe which are poisoned by the chemical excreta of the Trypanosomes and die in consequence. Hence the wild creatures—brought into a condition of tolerance by natural selection and the dying out of those susceptible to the poison—form a sort of ‘reservoir’ of deadly Trypanosomes for the Tsetze flies to carry into the blood of new-comers. The same phenomenon of ‘reservoir-hosts’ (as I have elsewhere called them) has since been observed in the case of malaria; the children of the native blacks in Africa and in other malarious regions are tolerant of the malarial parasite, as many as 80 per cent. of children under ten being found to be infected, and yet not suffering from the poison. This is not the same thing as the immunity which consists in repulsion or destruction of the parasite. Fig. 45. Lankesterella ranarum (Lank.), the parasite of the red blood-corpuscles of the edible Frog, described originally as Drepanidium ranarum by Lankester in 1882, and previously without name in 1871. The large ovals represent the red corpuscles of the frog; the dark central mass is the nucleus, N. In A two spindle-shaped parasites are seen; in B one larger parasite with nucleus n preparing to divide; in C the parasite is ?-shaped. In D the parasite has become spherical, and is so in E also. In F the spherical parasite has divided into a number of spores mz, with a central residual body np. The figures G to N represent supposed stages in conjugation of small and large forms; O is an encysted phase; and P a spore or sporozoite of the sexual generation similar to the needle-shaped exotospores of Laverania. (See Fig. 44.) All the figures magnified 2,250 diameters. (After Hintze from Minchin’s section on Sporozoa in Lankester’s “Treatise on Zoology.”) Fig. 46. Various species of Trypanosoma from the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. A. T. Lewisii, from the blood of rats; B. T. Brucei, the parasite of the Nagana or Tsetze-fly disease, found in the blood of horses, cattle, and big game; C. T. gambiense, the parasite causing Sleeping Sickness in man; D. T. equinum, which causes the mal de caderas in South American horse ranches; E. T. noctuÆ, from the blood of the little owl, Athene noctua; F. T. avium, found in the blood of many birds; G. a species found in the blood of Indian pigeons; H. T. ziemanni, a second species from the blood of the little owl; J. T. damoniÆ, from the blood of a tortoise; c.g., granules; v., vacuole; l.s., fold of the crest or undulating membrane. These figures are from Dr. Woodcock’s article on the “HÆmoflagellates” in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, April and June, 1906. (See also the figures in the next chapter relating to Sleeping Sickness.) The Trypanosomes have acquired a terrible notoriety within the last four years, since another species, also carried by a Tsetze fly of another species, has been discovered by Castellani in cases of Sleeping Sickness in Uganda, and demonstrated by Colonel Bruce to be the cause of that awful disease. Trypanosomes are now being recognised in the most diverse regions of the world as the cause of disease—new horse diseases in South America, in North Africa, in the Philippines and East India are all traced to peculiar species of Trypanosome. Other allied forms are responsible for Delhi-sore, and certain peculiar Indian fevers of man. A peculiar and ultra-minute parasite of the blood cells causes Texas fever, and various African fevers deadly to cattle. In all these cases, as also in that of plague, the knowledge of the carrier of the disease, often a tick or acarid—in that of plague the flea of the rat—is extremely important, as well as the knowledge of reservoir-hosts when such exist. The zoologist thus comes into closer touch than ever with the profession of medicine, and the time has arrived when the professional students of disease fully admit that they must bring to their great and hopeful task of abolishing the diseases of man the fullest aid from every branch of biological science. I need not say how great is the contentment of those who have long worked at apparently useless branches of science—such as are the careful and elaborate distinction of every separate kind of animal and the life-history and structure peculiar to each—in the belief that all knowledge is good, to find that I have not time to do more than mention here the effort that is being made by combined international research and co-operation to push further in our knowledge of phthisis and of cancer, with a view to their destruction. It is only since our last meeting at York that the parasite of Phthisis or Tubercle has been made known; we may hope that it will not be long before we have similar knowledge as to Cancer. Only eighteen months have elapsed since Fritz Schaudinn discovered the long-sought parasitic germ of Syphilis, the SpirochÆta pallida (see fig. 6). As I write these words the sad news of Schaudinn’s death at the age of thirty-five comes to me from his family at Hamburg—an irreparable loss. Let me finally state, in relation to this study of disease, what is the simple fact—namely, that if the people of Britain wish to make an end of infective and other diseases they must take every possible means to discover capable investigators, and employ them for this purpose. To do this, far more money is required than is at present spent in that direction. It is necessary, if we are to do our utmost, to spend a thousand pounds of public money on this task where we now spend one pound. It would be reasonable and wise to expend ten million pounds a year of our revenues on the investigation and attempt to destroy disease. Actually what is so spent is a mere nothing, a few thousands a year. Meanwhile our people are dying by thousands of preventable disease. 2. The Advancement of Science as Measured by the Support given to it by Public Funds, and the Respect Accorded to Scientific Work by the British Government and the Community at Large.Whilst I have been able, though in a very fragmentary and incomplete way, to indicate the satisfactory and, indeed, the wonderful progress of science in the last quarter of a century, so far as the making of new knowledge is concerned, I am sorry to say that there is by no means a corresponding ‘advancement’ of Science in that signification of the word which implies the increase of the influence of science in the life of the community, the increase of the support given to it, and of the desire to aid in its progress, to discover and then to encourage and reward those who are specially fitted to increase scientific knowledge, and to bring it to bear so as to promote the welfare of the community. It is, unfortunately, true that the successive political administrators of the affairs of this country, as well as the permanent officials, are altogether unaware to-day, as they were twenty-five years ago, of the vital importance of that knowledge which we call science, and of the urgent need for making use of it in a variety of public affairs. Whole departments of Government in which scientific knowledge is the one thing needful are carried on by ministers, permanent secretaries, assistant secretaries and clerks who are wholly ignorant of science, and naturally enough dislike it, since it cannot be used by them, and is in many instances the condemnation of their official employment. A difficult feature in treating of this subject is that when one mentions the fact that ministers of State and the officials of the public service are not acquainted with science, and do not even profess to understand its results or their importance, one’s statement of this very obvious and notorious fact is apt to be regarded as a personal offence. It is difficult to see wherein the offence lies, for no one seeks to blame these officials for a condition of things which is traditional and frankly admitted. This is really a very serious matter for the scientific world to consider and deal with. We represent a line of activity, a group of professions which are in our opinion of vital importance to the well-being of the nation. We know that those interests which we value so highly are not merely ignored and neglected, but are actually treated as of no account or as non-existent by the old-established class of politicians and administrators. It is not too much to say that there is a natural fear and dislike of scientific knowledge on the part of a large proportion of the persons who are devoid of it, and who would cease to hold, or never have held, the positions of authority or emolument which they now occupy, were scientific knowledge of the matters with which they undertake to deal required of them. This is a thorny subject, and one in which, however much one may endeavour to speak in general terms, it is difficult to avoid causing personal annoyance. Yet it seems to me one of urgent importance. Probably an inquiry into and discussion At the same time public attention should be drawn in general terms to the fact that science is not gaining ‘advancement’ in public and official consideration and support. The reason is, I think, to be found in the defective education, both at school and university, of our governing class, as well as in a racial dislike among all classes to the establishment and support by public funds of posts which the average man may not expect to succeed by popular clamour or class privilege in gaining for himself—posts which must be held by men of special training and mental gifts. Whatever the reason for the neglect, the only remedy which we can possibly apply is that of improved education for the upper classes, and the continued effort to spread a knowledge of the results of science and a love for it amongst all members of the community. If believers in science took this matter seriously to heart they might do a great deal by insisting that their sons, and their daughters too, should have reasonable instruction in science both at school and college. They could, by their own initiative and example, do a good deal to put an end to the trifling with classical literature and the absorption in athletics which is considered by too many schoolmasters as that which the British parent desires as the education of his children. Within the past year a letter has been published by a well-known nobleman, who is one of the Trustees of the British Museum, holding up to public condemnation the method in which the system laid down by the officials of the Treasury and sanctioned by successive Governments, To the Editor of the ‘Times.’ Sir,—The death, noted by you to-day, of my dear friend and colleague Dr. Copeland, His Majesty’s Astronomer for Scotland, creates a vacancy in the scientific staff of Great Britain. Will you permit me, Sir, to offer a word of warning to any who may be asked to succeed him? Students or masters of astronomy are not, in the selfish sense, business men, nor are they as a general rule overburdened with this world’s goods. It behoves them henceforth to take more care as to their future in case of illness or physical infirmity and not to trust to the gratitude or generous impulse of the Treasury Department. In old days it was the custom when a man distinguished in science was brought into a high position in the Civil Service that he was credited with a certain number of years’ service ranking for pension. This practice has been done away with, and a bargain system substituted. A short while ago the growing agonies of heart disease caused Dr. Copeland to feel that he was less able to carry on the duties of his post, and he determined to resign; but he learnt that under the scale, and in the absence of any special bargain, the pension he would receive would not suffice for the necessities of life. The only increase his friends could get from the Treasury was an offer to allow him about half-a-crown a week extra by way of a house. Indignant and ashamed of my Government, I persuaded Dr. Copeland to withdraw his resignation and to retain the official position which he has honoured till his death. I trust, Sir, that this memorandum of mine may cause eminent men of science who are asked to enter the service of the State when already of middle age to take heed for their future welfare. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, 2 Cavendish Square, October 28. It is more agreeable to me not to dwell further on the comparative failure of science to gain increased influence and support in this country, but to mention some instances on the other side of the account. As long ago as 1842 the British Association took over and developed an observatory in the Deer Park at Kew, which was placed at the disposal of the Association by Her Majesty the Queen. Until 1871 the Association spent annually a large part of its income—as much in later years as 600l. a year—in carrying on the work of the Kew Observatory, consisting of magnetic, meteorological and physical observations. In 1871 the Association handed over the Observatory to the Royal Society, which had received an endowment of 10,000l. from Mr. Gassiot for its maintenance, and had further devoted to that purpose considerable sums from its own Donation Fund and Government Grant. Further aid for it was also received from private sources. From this Observatory at last has sprung, in the beginning of the present century, the National Physical Laboratory in Bushey Park, a fine and efficient scientific institution, built and supported by grants from the State, and managed by a committee of really devoted men of science who are largely representatives of the Royal Society. In addition to the value of the site and buildings occupied by the National Physical Laboratory, the Government has contributed altogether 34,000l. to the capital expenditure on new buildings, fittings, and apparatus, and has further assigned a grant of 6,000l. a year to the working of the laboratory. This institution all men of science are truly glad to have gained from the State, and they will remember with gratitude the statesmen—the late Marquis of Salisbury, the Right Hon. Arthur J. Balfour, Mr. Haldane, and others—as well as their own leaders—Lord Rayleigh, Sir William Huggins, and the active body of I may mention also another institution which, during the past quarter of a century, has come into existence and received, originally through the influence of the late Lord Playfair (one of the few men of science who has ever occupied the position of a Minister of the Crown), and later by the influence of the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, a subsidy of 1,000l. a year from the Government and a contribution of 5,000l. towards its initial expenses. This is the Marine Biological Association, Fig. 47. The Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association on the Citadel Hill, Plymouth, overlooking Plymouth Sound. The laboratory was built with the aid of funds raised by public subscription and a contribution of £5,000 by H.M. Government, and cost £12,200. The Association has expended, exclusive of this sum, since the opening of the laboratory in 1884, about £62,000, or an average of £3,000 a year on the maintenance of the laboratory, steam-boat and fishing-boats, and in payment of a staff of scientific observers. Of this sum the Government has contributed one-third, the rest has come from private donations and subscriptions, and from the “earnings” of the laboratory by sale of specimens, admission fees to the tank-room, &c. The journal of the Association, published at intervals, records a vast amount of scientific work, advancing our knowledge of marine life and of the life-history of fishes. In addition to the above expenditure and results, the Association has superintended and most carefully directed the expenditure of £6,000 a year during the past five years in the investigation of the southern area of the North Sea and of the Channel at the request of H.M. Government, the work being part of the International Investigation of the North Sea. The very voluminous results of these inquiries are published in special reports by the International Committee. Full particulars of the work of the Marine Biological Association can be obtained from Dr. E. J. Allen, the Director, the Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth, who will also receive donations and applications for membership of the Association. One of the most solid tests of the esteem and value attached to scientific progress by the community is the dedication of large sums of money to scientific purposes by its wealthier members. We know that in the United States such gifts are not infrequent; they are rare in this country. It is, therefore, with especial pleasure that I call attention to a great gift to science in this country made only a few years ago. Lord Iveagh has endowed the Lister Institute, for researches in connection with the prevention of disease, with no less a sum than a quarter of a million pounds sterling. This is the largest gift ever Many other noble gifts to scientific research have been made in this country during the period on which we are looking back. Let us be thankful for them, and admire the wise munificence of the donors. But none the less we must refuse to rely entirely on such liberality for the development of the army of science, which has to do battle for mankind against the obvious disabilities and sufferings which afflict us and can be removed by knowledge. The organisation and finance of this army should be the care of the State. It is a fact which many who have observed it regret very keenly, that there is to-day a less widespread interest than formerly in natural history and general science, outside the strictly professional arena of the school and university. The field naturalists among the squires and the country parsons seem nowadays not to be so numerous and active in their delightful pursuits as formerly, and the Mechanics’ Institutes and Lecture Societies of the days of Lord Brougham have given place, to a very large extent, to musical performances, bioscopes, and other Before concluding this retrospect, I would venture to allude to the relations of scientific progress to religion. Putting aside the troubles connected with special creeds and churches and the claims of the clerical profession to certain funds and employments to the exclusion of laymen, it should, I think, be recognized that there is no essential antagonism between the scientific spirit and what is called the religious sentiment. ‘Religion,’ said Bishop Creighton, ‘means the knowledge of our destiny and of the means of fulfilling it.’ We can say no more and no less of Science. Men of Science seek, in all reverence, to discover the Almighty, the Everlasting. They claim sympathy and friendship with those who, like themselves, have turned away from the more material struggles of human life, and have set their hearts and minds on the knowledge of the Eternal. |