THE TOMOYE AND THE SWASTIKA Fig. 54.—The "Tomoye"—the Japanese badge of triumph. Fig. 55.—Symbols of the history of the universe used by the ancient Chinese philosopher Chu-Hsi. A, The original "void." B, The great monad. C, The monad divides into two, male and female. D, The halves in rotatory movement, suggested by the S-like bending of the dividing line or diameter of the circle. Fig. 56.—Diagrams to show the possible derivation of the swastika from the inscription of two S-like lines (or "ogees") within a circle so as to divide the circle into four bent cones. B and C are ogee and rectangular swastikas easily produced by modification of the encircled figure. FIG. 54 represents a remarkable design which is a sort of national emblem, a universally accepted badge of triumph and honour in Japan, and is called "Tomoye"—meaning "triumph." The black and white portions are in that country painted respectively red and yellow. It is simply a circle divided into two equal cone-like figures by the inscription within it of a doubly-curved line like the letter S. Where and how did the Japanese get this badge? Who invented it, or from what natural object is it copied? A modified Tomoye with the cones dislocated is used as the national flag of Korea. A single one of these curious, tapering, one-sided cones is closely similar to the cone-like figures sometimes called "pines" which one sees on Indian shawls. The origin of these is sometimes said to be a copying of some fruit or vegetable growth, but is really not ascertained—and is possibly half of a Tomoye! A great circular altar-stone has been found in Central America, 5 ft. across, divided by a deep S-shaped groove into two equal one-sided cones (Fig. 59) like the Tomoye. The figure formed by an S within a circle is found in the writings of the ancient Chinese philosopher Chu-Hsi. He gives a series of symbols representing If we suppose the circle divided, as in the Tomoye, to be a very ancient badge or device, dating from prehistoric man, then it is probably derived from a natural object. And this object was probably a ground-down transverse section across a whelk-shell, for if one makes such a section just above the mouth of the shell at right angles to its length, one gets two adjacent chambers of the spirally-coiled shell separated by an S-like partition, the resulting figure given by the slice across the shell being that of the "tomoye," with its paired, one-sided, cone-like constituents. Shells are amongst the chief ornaments used by prehistoric and modern savage man. Large ones are ground down to make armlets. The perception of the spiral as a decorative line is almost certainly due to the handling and grinding-down of snail shells, and, indeed, we find spirals and reversed spiral scrolls engraved on bone by the Pleistocene cave-men (see Fig. 29). Fig. 57.—Terra-cotta cone with a seven-armed sun-like figure engraving on it. Troy. (Schliemann.) The ÆgÆan people of the Greek islands (of whom the MykenÆans are a part) copied a variety of forms of marine animals in their decorations of pottery, and, in fact, natural shapes were the basis of their decorative art. They simplified and "grammatized" their more nature-true designs into badges and symbols. Fig. 58.—Scalloped Shell Disk, from a mound near Nashville, Tennessee, showing in the centre a tetraskelion with four curved arms, about four inches in diameter, made of polished shell. (Peabody Museum.) We find in early work discovered in the ancient mounds of North America decorative circles (Fig. 58) in which two S-like lines at right angles to one another are inscribed as shown in Fig. 56, and we find also that these curved rays may be prolonged as a marvellous enveloping It is not possible with our present knowledge to penetrate into the remote past and really ascertain the origin of the shape or device called a Swastika. But it is, I think, quite likely that in manipulating the "tomoye" symbol (whether copied from a section of shell or originating by more independent invention and "trying" of lines and curves and circles), very early man duplicated the symmetrical S by which he had divided a circle and produced the tetraskelion seen in Fig. 56, A. The conversion of this into the rectangular Swastika and into varieties of the ogee and menander (which I have not found space to describe) would be an easy and natural sequence. Fig. 59.—An altar-stone of prehistoric age. The circular surface is cut into by a trough of S-shape, which divides it so as to resemble the Japanese "Tomoye." From Copan, Honduras. At the same time, I have no conviction that this is the real origin of the Swastika, and await further evidence. The "flying-stork theory," which was put forward by Reinach, is very attractive. Birds as badges and "totems" are frequent among primitive mankind, and certain species are often regarded as sacred and bringing good luck. The stork is one of these. If the artists who marked the very ancient clay-pottery of Hissarlik with the Swastika and also with outlines of the flying stork, strongly resembling a Swastika, did not derive the Swastika from the stork, but had received it from some independent When we take account of the apparently arbitrary passage of human decorative design from the naturalistic to the linear, and from the linear to the naturalistic; from the curvilinear to the rectilinear, and from rectilinear to curvilinear; when we also reflect that some races and populations of men have been prone to seek for the forms of their decoration in the natural forms of plants and animals, whilst others have made use of mere mechanical patterns of parallel or interlacing lines, we must conclude that by the appeal to one or other of these various tendencies it is easy to invent a large variety of more or less plausible theories as to the origin of the Swastika. The truth of the matter can only be decided, if ever, by more direct and conclusive evidence than we at present possess. Nevertheless, it is a legitimate and fascinating thing to speculate on the origin of this wonderful world-pervading emblem coming to us from the mists of prehistoric ages, and to endeavour to arrive, if possible, at possible points of contact between it and other "devices" and "symbols," even though they may be of equally obscure birth. Fig. 60. The accurate division of a circle into two equal comma-shaped areas of the special shape presented by the "Tomoye" of the Japanese (Fig. 54) and the rotating "Great Monad" of Chinese cosmogony (Fig. 55), is effected by describing within a given circle two circles each having its diameter equal to a radius of the enclosing circle. The two inscribed circles touch one another at the centre Apart from this development of the "streptocone" as an important feature in decorative work, it is not without interest in connection with the probable importance and significance of the Japanese double streptocone, as we may call the Tomoye, to note some of its geometrical features. Referring to the Fig. 60, it is obvious that each of the paired streptocones is equal in area to half the enclosing circle, also that each of the two inscribed circles (a, b) has an area of one-fourth of that of the enclosing circle—and that each arbelus (c, d) has also an area one-fourth that of the enclosing circle and is equal in area to each of the inscribed circles (a, b). Each of the two constituent "streptocones" is made up of a complete circle capped by an "arbelus" equal in area to it (namely, one-quarter of that of the big circle). It is obvious that the area of the arbelus formed in a semicircle by two enclosed semicircles which are contiguous and of equal base as in Fig. 60, is equal to that of a circle the diameter of which is the vertical line drawn from the apex of the arbelus to the arc of the semicircle (Fig 60). This is true whether the enclosed contiguous semicircles have chords of equal or unequal length (Fig. 60). This fact was known to the Greek geometricians, as I am informed by Sir Thos. Heath. FOOTNOTE: |