In old times, if one wanted to compare a man to the humblest and simplest of animals, one called him “a worm.” But really a worm is a very elaborate creature, with skin, muscles, blood-vessels, kidneys, nervous system, pharynx, stomach, and an intestine, and is built up by hundreds of thousands of protoplasmic cells. Shakespeare got nearer the mark when he made one of his uncompromising professional “murderers” exclaim, as he stabbed the young Macduff to the heart, “What, you egg!” An egg is a single cell or corpuscle of protoplasm, and the simplest living things are of the same structure—mere units, single corpuscles of protoplasm, often less than the one-thousandth of an inch in diameter, and invisible except with the microscope, though in some cases big enough to be seen by the naked eye as they swim or crawl in a glass of pond-water. Many thousands of kinds of these simplest animals and plants have been carefully recorded, distinguished from one another, and named by naturalists. Many of these unicellular animals (or “Protozoa”) crawl by a curious irregular flowing movement of the viscid tenacious protoplasm of which they consist. There is no firm coat or cell-wall, only the thinnest pellicle on the surface. The Proteus-animalcule A whole group or division of these simplest animals are provided with special moving or vibrating hair-like extensions of the protoplasm called “cilia,” that being the Latin name for “eyelashes,” to which they are compared. These cilia are arranged with great regularity in rows, circlets, or spirals, on the surface of the “cell.” They are found not only on cells which are independent unicellular animals and plants, but also on cells which form the clothing or surface layer of many larger animals (Fig. 40 A and B). Thus, in ourselves, they are found lining the windpipe, and they also line the internal cavity of the brain and spinal cord. The gills of the oyster, and such shell-fish, and other parts of their skin, are paved with ciliated or cilia-bearing cells, set side by side in thousands. A single “cilium” is like a little lash of a whip, and is always making its lashing movement. For a fraction of a second it is straight and upright, then suddenly curves over and bends to one side with The ciliated unicellular animalcules (often called the infusoria, because they flourish in decomposing “infusions”) not only swim by means of their cilia, but have a definite mouth or opening in the firm outer layer of the protoplasm of the cell, into which solid particles of food are driven by whirlpool-like currents set up by special lines of cilia (Fig. 41Aa). The mouth leads through a definite “gullet” into the interior of the cell. Remember that the whole creature is but a single minute cell or corpuscle of protoplasm! It is only from the hundredth to the thousandth of an inch long—with nucleus (e in the figure) of denser structure within—just like, in essential structure and properties, one single cell of the many thousands which build up the liver, or are packed in layers to form our outer skin, or are piled side by side (by self-division) to make the stems and leaves of plants. Yet here is such a cell—self-sufficing. When it divides (as it does) the two resulting cells do not remain in contact as they do when a germ cell (a fertilised egg-cell) divides. They simply separate, and each swims away, and carries on its own life. Many of them are fitted out with these cilia as a most serviceable locomotor apparatus, and as producers Fig. 41.—Two specimens of a bell-animalcule (Vorticella). A, extended. B, with retracted disc and coiled stalk. a, the ciliated disc; b, the firm ring behind the disc, called “peristome”; c, the pulsating chamber, called often the contractile vacuole; d, a completely digested particle of food on its way to be cast out through the gullet; e, the sausage-shaped nucleus; f, a particle of food which has just sunk into the protoplasm from the gullet, and is surrounded by a little water; g, the gullet; h, the reservoir leading from the pulsating chamber to the gullet; i, the hollow stalk; k, the spirally attached muscle within the stalk; l, the attachment of the stalk to a weed m. One of the numerous kinds of “bell-animalcules” affords an excellent example in which we can watch the structures and life-processes in a single cell (Fig. 41). It is a pear or bell-shaped body, little more than one-thousandth of an inch broad, supported on a long, hollow stalk (though sometimes it breaks off from its stalk and swims freely); inside the stalk is a muscle (k), so attached that when it contracts it shortens the stalk by throwing it into a close-set, corkscrew spiral (Fig. 41B). The bell-shaped body has a relatively firm surface, beneath which is soft, viscid protoplasm and a large sausage-like nucleus. The body can expand itself so as to look like a solid bell or trumpet-shaped figure, with a flat, disc-like surface where the “hollow” of the bell should be, or it can draw the edges of the disc together and assume the shape of a ball. A line of “cilia” is set on the edge of the bell’s disc (a) and takes a spiral course. There is a deep pit on one side of the disc. This is the mouth. It is easy to feed this minute “egg” of a creature! A powder of fine particles—boiled bacteria, in fact, are what I have used—is introduced into the water between two slips of glass in which the bell-animalcule is displaying itself under our microscope. We see the particles whirling about in a vortex, hitting the disc of the bell-animalcule and then driven into the pit or cavity of the open mouth, whence they sink, enclosed in a sphere or droplet of water (f) into the internal protoplasm! If the “boiled bacteria,” before The nucleus of these unicellular animals is often elongated (e), and shaped according to the general shape of the animalcule; but it is the same thing as the “nucleus” of all cells, whether of plants or animals—a denser “kernel” of protoplasm, limited by its own delicate sheath or membrane. It shows, like the cell-nucleus of ordinary cells, a special affinity for certain dyes, which do not stain the rest of the cell, so that it can be made very obvious and clear when the animalcule These facts throw a great light on the significance Fig. 42.—Six successive stages in the division of a “cell,” to show the appearance of the V-shaped filaments of colourable matter or chromatin. a, resting-cell, with chromatin dispersed as fine irregular filaments in the nucleus; b, the chromatin takes the form of a wreath with twelve loops—it lies horizontally across the cell; c, the loops break from one another, and form twelve separate V-shaped pieces; d, each of the twelve pieces divides along its length into two parallel V-shaped pieces; e, the divided pieces now separate from one another, so as to form two wreath-like groups of twelve V-shaped pieces at each end of the cell; f, the wall of the cell forms across between the separated groups of V-shaped pieces, which lose their regular arrangement. Each group becomes enclosed in a capsule, and is the nucleus of a new cell. This is the regular process of cell-division, and the mode in which the chromatin of the nucleus is broken up, so as to be equally shared by the two daughter cells. In some species of animals the cells have as many as thirty-six V-shaped chromatin bodies; in others as few as two. Different plants also show a similar difference in the number of chromatin bodies characteristic of the species. When a cell divides the fission or splitting of the cell is preceded by peculiar changes in the nucleus. There is a material in the nucleus of every cell—of those which are simple animalcules, as well as of those which are germ-cells and sperm-cells, and of those which form, heaped up in enormous numbers, the living substance of larger animals and plants—a material which is an elaborated sort of proteid (see p. 185) and stains strongly with carmine, logwood, and such dyes, and is called “chromatin.” It exists often in the shape of minute granules and filaments (Fig. 42a), but always takes on, sooner or later, the form of an irregularly undulated thread or threads. When the cell is about to divide into two—as all growing and active cells do—the thread arranges itself like a zigzagging girdle around the equator of the globular nucleus (Fig. 42b). The margin of the nucleus then seems to melt away into the general protoplasm, and the zigzag bits of the stainable thread break from each other, forming a ring-like group of Fertilisation of the egg-cell by the sperm-cell consists essentially in the junction or fusion of the nuclear chromatin threads of the egg-cell with the nuclear chromatin threads of a single sperm-cell or spermatozoon, which sinks into the egg-cell and fuses with it. This has been witnessed and studied with the greatest care. The leading fact of interest is that the egg-cell and the sperm-cell have only half the number of V-shaped nuclear pieces which the ordinary cells of the same animal or plant possess. Thus a salamander’s ripe egg and ripe spermatozoid have each only twelve V-shaped pieces—not twenty-four. This is brought about by the parent cells, which divide to form the egg-cell of the female and the spermatozoid of the male, not splitting their V-shaped nuclear bits; consequently, the number is Some of the simplest living things, consisting of but one microscopic cell, are animals, and some are plants. The essential difference between an animal and a plant is shown very clearly by some of these microscopic creatures. Animals feed on the flesh or “proteid” substances manufactured by other animals or by plants; they also feed on oils or fats, and on the sugar and starch manufactured by other animals or by plants. But they cannot construct these “foods” themselves from the simpler stable chemical compounds called “mineral bodies,” which, nevertheless, contain the elements they require—carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. Such stable mineral bodies are carbonic acid, ammonia, and water. In fact, ordinary “smelling salts” (which is chemically carbonate of ammonia) dissolved in water, if we add to it a trace of phosphates, sulphates, and chlorides of potash, soda and lime, contain all the actual chemical elements that an animal needs. Yet no animal can be nourished by such a “mineral” soup. On the other hand, it is the special distinction of plants—of green plants, be it noted—that they can feed on this simple diet, and, moreover, cannot feed on anything else. The green colouring matter which gives its beautiful tint to the grass and weeds and the leaves of the big trees which clothe the earth is absolutely essential in this process; so also is sunlight. The living protoplasm of the green-coloured parts of plants is crowded with microscopic discs or plates of a brilliant transparent green colour. The peculiar substance causing the colour is called “leaf-green,” or “chlorophyll.” It can be dissolved out of a leaf, not by water, but by spirit or by ether, and separately studied. It may be seen in solution Consequently we distinguish among the simplest living things those which are provided with leaf-green, and feed, as do the larger green plants, on dissolved “mineral” solids and gases. There are many thousands of kinds of them—single simple cells. Some are known to microscopists as Diatoms and Desmids—often of curious spindle or crescent-shape, others star-like. The diatoms form on their surface a delicate, wonderfully-sculptured Those simplest living things which have not got leaf-green to enable them to feed on mineral food must—unless they are parasites (as many important kinds are)—get their food, as do bigger animals, by feeding on the solid substance of other living things. All living things are, in fact, ultimately dependent on the green plants—whether microscopic or of larger kinds—not only for food, but for oxygen gas. If you could take away green plants altogether from the world, the animals would eat one another and use up the oxygen gas of the atmosphere, and at the last there would be a few only of the strongest left, like the last survivor of the shipwrecked crew of the Nancy Bell, and even they would be suffocating for want of oxygen. The single cells, which are independent animalcules, and feed like animals on whole creatures smaller than themselves, or on bits of the fresh substance of other animals or of plants, are of extraordinary diversity of form and activity. Unlike the unicellular plants, whose food is dissolved in the water in which they live, the single-cell animals of necessity take their food in “lumps” into their inside and digest it, and so their cell-protoplasm has either a soft surface which can take up a food-morsel at any point or it has a firm surface with a definite mouth, or aperture, in it (see Fig. 41) where the mouth is marked by an arrow. Many of them, especially those with soft glutinous protoplasm, which extends from the main-mass in long threads or branching processes searching for food-morsels, form marvellous, perforated shells by chemical deposit, either of silica or limestone (Radiolaria and Foraminifers). It is a most remarkable and thought-stirring fact that here we have “animalcules” which are no more than isolated units of the kind and structure which go by hundreds of thousands to build up a larger animal—just as bricks are units of the kind which to the number of many thousands build up a house. And yet each of these free-living units has a complete organisation—mouth, pharynx, renal organ, locomotive organs, and so on—similar in activity and general shape to the system of large, capacious organs built up by the agglomeration of millions of cell-units to form the body of a higher animal. It is as though a single brick were provided with door, windows, staircase, fireplace, chimneys, and wine-cellar! It is clear that there is only a resemblance and not an identity of origin between the organs of the multicellular animal and those of the single-celled animalcule. The history of the growth of an animal from the single egg-cell, and also the series of existing many-celled animals, leading from simple forms to the most complex, proves this. And in view of that fact the wonderful elaboration of these diminutive creatures—many of them so small as to be absolutely invisible |