A certain number of human skulls and a few complete skeletons have been found in the cave-deposits, and even in open ground (as at Predmost, in Moravia) associated with the bones of extinct animals, or with carvings and ornaments like those which occur abundantly in the caverns. The ancient cave-men of the Cromagnard type—often called “the Reindeer Men”—buried their dead sometimes in the caves, but more usually in the open. Sometimes the skeletons are found in a crouching position, as though tied up when buried; more rarely (as in some examples found in the caves at Mentone) they are stretched out and decorated with a necklace or wreath made of shells, or of the teeth or small bones of animals. In many cases the flesh was removed from the corpse, and red ochre was smeared on the bones (as by some recent savages). The “Reindeer” people used red ochre and charcoal to colour the engravings of animals (Fig. 71) which they made on the walls of their caves, and probably for painting or tattooing their own faces. The existence of these wall paintings, wonderful representations of bison, great ox, deer, and other animals, proves that these men had artificial light (lamps or torches) to send fitful gleams on to the paintings, and it is probable that the “wall pictures” had to do with some kind of witchcraft. Fig. 76.—Three views of the skull-top from near Elberfeld on the Rhine, known as the Neanderthal skull—(Middle Pleistocene, Moustierian, or last Glacial Period: epoch of the Mammoth). These figures are partly copied by kind permission of Mr. Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S., from excellent figures published by him in his interesting book, Man, the Primitive Savage (Stanford, 1899). In all respects the measurements of this skull-top agree very closely with those of the skull from the Chapelle-aux-Saints. A. A view from in front. B. Side view showing the line a-b, and the other lines, a-c, d, e, and f, exactly as in Fig. 65. The shallowness of the cranial dome and the small projection of the frontal boss d, agree exactly with the measurements of the Chapelle skull shown in Fig. 65. C. View of the skull-top from below. This gives the outline of the Neander-man’s skull as seen from above, and shows the curious vizor-like expansion of the ridges over the orbits, the pinching in just behind them, and the elongate shape of the skull, with its great breadth in the hinder region. The French skull from the Chapelle agrees exactly in outline with this, and in both the volume of the cranial cavity given by this large expanse amounts to 1600 cubic centimetres, in spite of the flatness of the cranial dome—a greater volume than that of the Cromagnon skull drawn in Fig. 75, or of the average modern European. In the cave-deposits of the Post-Glacial or Reindeer Age, the human skulls and skeletons which have been found (not indicating more than thirty or forty individuals altogether from widely separate localities) show a very well-developed race, with large brain-case (Fig. 75), quite equal to that of modern Europeans. Some of these men were very tall, one of the skeletons from the Mentone caves being that of a man 6 ft. 3½ in. in height. The cavity of the skull (which corresponds very closely in size with that of the brain which it contained) would hold about 1550 units of water (the unit referred to is a cubic centimetre, 1550 of which are equal to a little less than two and a half English pints). It is not surprising that these Reindeer Men had fine brains, for their carvings and pictures show them to have been real artists, not mere savage scrawlers. This race is called the “Cromagnards,” after the first skulls discovered at Cromagnon, in Central France. They had big, strong lower jaws, with prominent chins, like many fine modern races (e.g. the New Zealanders), and fine, narrow noses. The face and upper jaws were somewhat prominent, though not nearly so much so as in modern negroes. The skull-bones were thick and strong. The brain-case or cranial part of the skull was oblong rather than round. Fig. 77.—The Gibraltar skull from a cave in Gibraltar, now preserved in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. It is of the Neander race. Compare the dotted lines and lettering with those of Fig. 65, and the explanation there given. The drawing is one-third (linear) of the natural size. [Transcriber’s Note: The original image is approximately 2 inches (5cm) high and 2¾ inches (7cm) wide.] The skulls of the older race—that of the Last Glacial or Moustierian Age—the Neander Men, were Hence it appears that a short race with a very strange and low-browed type of skull preceded the men of the Reindeer Age. When, thirty years ago, only the original skull-top from the Neander cave (Fig. 76) was known, Virchow, of Berlin, considered it to be probably that of an idiot, whilst Huxley expressed the opinion that it indicates a race of men with decidedly low development, and in some respects more ape-like characters than modern Europeans; but he held that it is not to be considered as “a missing link,” nor as taking us appreciably nearer from modern man to the apes, since it is most closely approached by the flat skulls, already well known, of some of the South Australian natives, both in shape and in the cubical capacity of the brain-cavity. What I mean by the flatness of the skull may be understood by looking at a side view of a monkey’s We know a little more about the skull of the Neander race since Huxley wrote, owing to the further discovery of specimens. The Australian’s skull has usually a more projecting upper jaw and upper front teeth than has the Neander Man’s. The Neander skulls stand alone in the great breadth of the orbits and of the nasal region as compared with all known skulls. They are also alone (the Gibraltar skull and the new French specimen are the only ones which show it) in the contour of the upper jaw. In other human skulls there is a broad depression of the surface—a nipping-in, as it were—behind the root of the canine tooth on each side. This A very remarkable discovery of the last five years made in the course of the careful excavation of the four caverns of Mentone by the Prince of Monaco, where as many as sixteen human skeletons of the Pleistocene Age have been brought to light, gives us a new point of view as to the presence of more than one race in Europe in these immensely remote times, as in later periods. In one of the caves, and in a position showing them to date from the deepest layer of the middle Pleistocene, or late Glacial Age, two complete skeletons have been found (and may be seen alongside those of the Cromagnon race in the museum at Monaco), which are obviously different from those of both the Neander and the Cromagnon people. They have skulls which decidedly resemble that of the modern negro race, so that they have been definitely assigned to a new race hitherto unknown in European caves, and are spoken of as “the negroid skeletons” and “the Grimaldi race.” This is indeed a startling fact. There was land stretching across the Mediterranean in those days, and these skeletons suggest that already there was a negroid race in Africa, individuals of which had wandered north as far as the maritime Alps. When one ventures to speculate as to the story of the earliest men in Europe, one can but feel, even after handling the specimens and carefully following the excavations, how small and fragmentary and difficult to interpret is the evidence at present brought to light. And yet there the evidence is, gathered with the utmost care and intelligent method, discussed and interpreted by men of rare knowledge and experience, who, after long comparison of contending opinions and the discovery of an ever-increasing body of fact, have arrived at a definite certainty as to the sequence of arts, races, animals, and climates which I have given above, and is again summarised in the tabular statement on page 384 bis. Hereafter these conclusions will be modified and extended by excavations in other parts of the world, at present untouched. The one point upon which the best authorities will not commit themselves is the exact, or even approximately exact, number of thousands of years which these events have occupied. The whole story, so far as it is at present worked out, is a marvellous result of patient research and scientific reasoning. Some Fig. 78.—The skull-top of the primitive kind of man from Pleistocene sands in Java, called Pithecanthropus. One-third (linear) of the natural size. Compare with Fig. 65, and refer to that figure for the explanation of the letters and dotted lines. [Transcriber’s Note: The original image is approximately 1½ inches (4cm) high and 2½ inches (6.5cm) wide.] There is one other discovery of a fossil man which comes properly at this point, to cap and confirm what has already been said. Fifteen years ago a skull-top and a thigh-bone were found by Dr. Dubois at Trinil, in the island of Java, at a depth of thirty feet in a sandy deposit, considered by good authority (but not certainly) to be of Pliocene age. From recent reports on the deposit it seems that it may very well be of Pleistocene age. These remains have become celebrated as those of a monkey-like man, and the name Pithecanthropus has been given to the creature to which they belonged. This skull-top (or cranial roof) is now in Utrecht, and is well known (Fig. 78). It indicates a race of men or men-like creatures, with the flatness of skull, receding forehead, and large bony eye-ridges, such as we see in the Neander Men and in some South Australians, but greatly exaggerated. The skull was so low and flat as greatly to resemble that of the Gibbon, though much larger. The volume of the cranial cavity (showing the size of FOOTNOTES: |