Oysters are delicate morsels—still appreciated by that class of the population which nevertheless shudders at the thought of eating the high-flavoured “whilk” or the gristly “periwinkle,” and neglects the admirable mussel, so rightly valued by our French friends. There are a number of interesting facts about the nature and life-history of oysters, and the different kinds of them—a knowledge of which does not diminish, but, on the contrary, rather adds to the pleasure with which one swallows the shell-fish. I remember the time when “natives” were sold in London at sixpence the score. When I was a schoolboy at St. Paul’s they were no more than sixpence a dozen at the best shops in Cheapside. That inevitable form of British enterprise which is known as “monopoly,” many years since laid hold of the oyster business, and rapidly raised the price of the best natives to eight times what it had been, while the typhoid “scare” came subsequently as a sort of poetical justice, and threatened to ruin the oyster monopolists. As a matter of fact, there is no difficulty in freeing oysters from any possible contamination by the typhoid germ. They have only to be kept for ten days or a fortnight in large tanks of sea-water of unquestionable purity—after removal from the fattening grounds (tanks The oyster is sometimes grandiloquently styled “the succulent mollusc”—and it is classed together with other bivalve shells and true “shell-bearing” shell-fish, such as whelks and snails (not lobsters and crabs, which are Crustacea), in a great division of animals known to naturalists as the Mollusca. This word is only a Latin form of the name Malakia, which was given to the cuttle-fishes by that wonderful man Aristotle, the Greek—and means “soft creatures.” A bivalve, or two-shelled mollusc, like the oyster, may be compared to an oblong notebook. The hard covers correspond to the two shells and the back to a horny piece by which the two shells are united, forming the hinge. If you place a piece of indiarubber (a thickish bit) between the covers of the notebook so that it lies near the back, and then try to shut the book, you find that it requires some pressure to do so; when you leave off pressing them the covers gape. The horny hinge-piece or ligament of the shells of the oyster and other bivalves acts in this way. The shells are only kept closed by a strong muscle, which runs across from shell to shell (Figs. 28 and 30m). When the oyster is at rest or when it is dead the muscle does not act, and the elastic hinge-piece or ligament causes the shells to gape. The animal within the shells Fig. 28.—An oyster with the right-side shell removed; c, the pearly inner surface of the left-side shell; d, the horny outer layer projecting beyond c; a, the thick edge of the “mantle”-flap of the left side; b, the thick edge of the mantle-flap of the right side thrown back towards the centre, so as to show what underlies it; e, notch in the surface (pulled a little upwards and forwards) where the ligament is formed; h, the hinge surface, where the removed shell rested on the left-side shell; g1 to g4, the four gill-plates or flaps, two right, two left—the so-called beard; l, the four corresponding lip lobes: the mouth lies deeply between the second and third—that is between the right pair and the left pair; m, the central shell-muscle, which runs from one shell to the other. Fig. 29.—Part of a row of the lashing hairs or “cilia” which cover the gills of the oyster. This represents part of a single row, only the 1/400th of an inch long from one end to the other. The whole surface of the gill and other parts is beset with these hairs, not in single rows, but closely, as the hairs of fur are set. The drawing is intended to show the way in which the hairs actively bend downwards (or “lash”), and then rise up again in regular waves, the movement or wave passing along in the same way as a wave of bending and returning to the upright passes over a ripe cornfield when a light breeze blows across it (see also Fig. 40). The oyster’s gill-plates, commonly called “the beard,” are covered on the surface by microscopic hairs of a very remarkable kind (Fig. 29). They are soft, living protoplasm, and are continually “lashing,” bending forwards and straightening again at the rate of some three or four hundred strokes to the minute. They all work rhythmically together, and produce a strong current in the water, which bathes the surface of the oyster when the shells are open. Such microscopic vibrating hairs are very common in aquatic animals, and are called “cilia.” The current which they produce causes oxygen-holding water to flow from without over the gills, and so aerate the blood of the oyster, and also carries into the chamber protected by the shells excessively minute particles, chiefly microscopic plants, which are driven on to the small, open mouth of the oyster, placed far up on its body. These microscopic food-particles are wafted down the oyster’s throat by similar vibrating hairs into the stomach and intestine. An oyster has no other means of taking food, and almost without cessation, as the oyster lies on the sea bottom Fig. 30.—The animal of an oyster removed from the shell: a, the thick edge of the left side mantle-flap or skirt; b, same of the right side; l, position of the mouth; m, shell-muscle or adductor-muscle, bringing the two shells tightly together when it contracts. The oyster has also a heart and blood-vessels (Fig. 30) and blood; in some few bivalves and snails the blood is red like our own. The beating of the heart may be seen by careful examination of a freshly opened specimen. The oyster has also a “liver,” or digestive gland, and a kidney and a soft, branched, tubular structure embedded in the body, within which the egg-cells and sperm-cells grow by means of which the oyster propagates itself in the summer. Our north European oyster produces in the same individual both egg-cells, and the male fertilising sperm-cells or spermatozoa. The eggs are just visible to the unaided eye (Fig. 31), and as many as a million are produced in the warm breeding season by a Fig. 31.—The eggs of the oyster—taken from a ripe individual—magnified 500 times linear. [Transcriber’s Note: The original image is approximately 3 inches (7.5cm) high and 2 inches (5cm) wide in total.] The sperm particles or spermatozoa (Fig. 32) are produced by millions, and form a cloud finer than dust in the sea water. They are carried within the shells of both egg-producing and sperm-producing oysters, and are Fig. 32.—The sperms or spermatozoa of a ripe oyster, as seen swimming in a drop of sea water: magnified 2000 times linear. [Transcriber’s Note: The original image is approximately 1½ inches (4cm) high and 1 inch (2.5cm) wide in total.] Fig. 33.—Development of the egg of the common oyster, after fertilisation within the tubular passage of the reproductive sacs. A, surface view. B, section through a very early stage—the separate cells or protoplasmic corpuscles which have resulted from the dividing up of the fertilised single egg-cell are seen; bl, in-pushing to form the gut; sk, in-pushing to form the rudiment of the double shell. C and D, the same a few hours later. The mouth, m, is now seen. E, still later stage surface view: a ring of cilia has appeared. F, the young free-swimming oyster nearly ready to leave its mother’s protection, who is now laden with such young, and is said to be “white-sick.” The top of the head, tp, is now well marked and surrounded by a ring of lashing cilia. The outline of the right-side shell is seen, and the foot, ft, between the mouth, m, and the anus, a. The stomach, st, and the intestine, e, show by transparency. In the course of a week or so the brood of dark young oysters escapes by thousands from the parent’s shell into the surrounding water. They swim by their circlet of vibrating hairs, or “velum,” as it is called, towards the surface, and are carried far and wide by the tides. They are active, transparent little “dots,” very unlike their parent (Fig. 34). The next thing that happens to them—after a few days, perhaps weeks—is that owing to the increasing weight of their shells, they sink to the bottom. More than half perish by dropping Fig. 34.—Free-swimming young oyster or oyster-larva, showing the head, with its tuft of cilia projecting from between the two shells, l and r. Enormous as is the output of young by a single oyster—amounting to something like a million a year in probably four or five successive years—yet it must be remembered that on the whole, taking all the various oyster-beds into account, some of which increase whilst others dwindle or actually die out altogether, there is no The above brief history applies to the North Sea or Channel oyster, which is also found (with other species) in the Mediterranean. The American and the Portuguese oyster differ from it in being of distinct sexes, and in the fact that the eggs are discharged into the sea by the females, and are there fertilised by the sperm discharged by the male oysters, instead of in the parent’s body. Other “molluscs,” such as snails and whelks, enclose their fertilised eggs, when they lay them, in egg-shells. Some snails enclose a single egg in a shell which is filled up with clear liquid—corresponding to the “white” of a bird’s egg—in which the egg floats and develops. The eggs of the common snail are not bigger than a hemp-seed, but some Indian snails lay eggs as big as those of a robin, with a hard, calcareous shell, and the young snail has quite a large coiled shell of its own before it escapes from the egg-shell. So that it looks, when one of the big snail’s eggs is broken, as though a snail had managed to get inside a bird’s egg without making a hole in it! The whelks and their kind lay many eggs in one shell or capsule, and the sea-slugs produce a sort of firm jelly, in cords like vermicelli, the jelly enclosing hundreds of little sacs filled with liquid, in which the true germs or fertilised egg-cells float. These are all methods for protecting the young in their earliest condition. One of our pond-snails—the Paludina—keeps her eggs, whilst they develop, inside the dilated end of the tube which leads from the egg-producing organ or ovary to the exterior. Similar devices for protecting the young in their earliest helpless stages of growth from the egg-shell are found in all classes of animals. What is very curious is the fact that, of two closely allied animals, one species will recklessly lay its eggs and leave them, whilst another has special arrangements for retaining in the parent’s body the eggs as they develop, and so preserving them from danger. Such parents are called “viviparous.” Of course, in all viviparous animals, as well as in those which lay their eggs in hard shells, the fertilisation of the egg must be effected within the maternal body. Amongst our common fishes there is the viviparous blenny, often found in pools at low tide on the seashore. All the other British fresh-water and marine fishes lay their eggs and abandon them, excepting some sharks, dog-fish, and skates, which are viviparous; others of the shark and skate tribe lay eggs of large size encased in hard, horny shells. Every one knows that frogs and toads lay their eggs, but there are some kinds in which the eggs remain inside the mother’s body during the development of the young, which only escape into the world as well-formed little frogs. All the hairy, warm-blooded quadrupeds known as “the mammals” are viviparous, except the duck-mole and the spiny ant-eater of Australia. These extraordinary little “beasts” lay eggs like those of a bird. The most ingenious devices for the protection of the young are (as perhaps those who believe in the superior There are various species of oysters common in all parts of the world which are eaten as delicacies. Primeval (Neolithic) man ate oysters (the common sort) in Denmark in enormous quantity—great heaps of the discarded oyster-shells are found, buried among which are discovered stone axe-heads and bits of rude pottery. In the West Indies travellers relate that the oysters “climb” the trees which overhang the water of quiet creeks and inlets of the sea. The fact is that the branches of the mangrove trees dip into the water, and the young oyster “spat” attaches itself to the immersed twigs. After a year or two, the tree grows vigorously, In Paris you may test and compare several local varieties of the common oyster in a celebrated oyster-shop. There are Courseilles, Cancales, Marennes, Ostend, Zeeland, Arcachon, English natives, CÔtes Rouges (red banks), and Black Rocks. And you can eat sea-urchins there, too, if you wish. They have not, however, got the celebrated oysters from the Lake Fusaro, near Naples. This was the ancient Acherusia palus, and in the neighbouring Lake Avernus and the Lucrine lake oysters were cultivated by the ancient Romans, the young oysters being made to affix themselves at “the fall of the spat” to wooden “stands” or frames, which were then placed in the lake (a salt-water lake), where they had abundant minute vegetable food and grew large and fat. The same cultivation, with the same shape of “stands,” The care of the breeding oyster and the plans adopted by the owners of oyster-beds for catching the “spat,” or young oysters, when they fall to the bottom, by placing movable tiles or frames for them to fix themselves to, form an important part of the craft of the oyster-man. It is a difficult business, and is variously carried out in England, France, Holland, and America. The young oysters, when they have fixed themselves, are carried on the movable tiles or frames from one region to another for the purpose of encouraging their growth and avoiding a variety of dangers to their life and health (sometimes from the Bay of Biscay to the mouth of the Thames!). They are often—but not always—finally fed up in sea-ponds or inlets, which are peculiar in containing an enormous number of those very minute microscopic plants, with beautifully shaped siliceous shells, which are known as diatoms. These are so abundant in such ponds as to form a sort of powder or cloud near the bottom, and the oysters draw them, day and night, by their gill-currents into their mouths, digest them, and grow fine and fat. The district of Marennes, on the west coast of France, is celebrated for having sea-ponds or tanks in which a wonderful diatom of a bright blue colour abounds; so abundant are they that the |