A man of science cannot say a word about experiments with precious stones nowadays, but he is liable to be misunderstood and represented as having discovered how to make valuable gems out of dirt, or of enormous size, and in vast quantity. Last year the production of a few small crystals by the electrical decomposition of bisulphide of carbon was announced as something to affect the stock market instead of as a matter of interest to a few learned chemists. The crystals were supposed—erroneously as it turned out—to be diamond. We were also gravely told that a competent French chemist had discovered, and that the distinguished geologist, Professor Lapparent, had communicated the fact to the Academy of Sciences, that the radiation of radium acting on “corindon,” or, as we should prefer to write it in England, “corundum”—a base, dull, colourless crystal—converts that dull substance into sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and topazes—and that the dealers attest the value of the precious stones so produced. This is really great nonsense, and arises from a little confusion in the use of the names of precious stones, and ignorance of what the substances indicated by those names are—defects which we cannot attribute to the French chemist, but must suppose to have “crept in” to the reports which crossed the Channel. Corundum is a colourless crystal, opaque or translucent. In chemical composition it is the oxide of aluminium—standing in the same relation to that light, white metal as rust or hematite ore does to the metal iron. It would not be at all astounding if by simple treatment we could convert corundum into sapphire or into ruby, since sapphire and ruby have precisely the same chemical constitution as corundum—are, in fact, only coloured varieties of corundum. Sapphire is blue, transparent Diamonds are pure crystalline transparent carbon. Commonly they are colourless and transparent, but are sometimes black or white and opaque. Transparent diamonds are often found of a straw colour, rarely of a deep blue (the Hope Diamond), more rarely green (the Dresden Diamond), and rarest of all red. If radium were really able (as some people have wrongly inferred from the French experiments) to change the chemical nature of corundum and convert it into topaz and emerald, the case would be very different from that of merely changing the colour of the corundum. What is to-day called “topaz” is a sherry-yellow crystal consisting of silicate of alumina and of fluoride of alumina. It turns pink when heated, and is also known of a blue colour and colourless. The topaz of the ancients from the coasts of the Red Sea is of a different chemical nature, and is now called peridot. Yellow corundum is sometimes wrongly called Oriental topaz, and the yellow-brown quartz crystals properly known as cairngorms are sometimes wrongly called Scotch topaz. So that the word “topaz” is used loosely as well as strictly, and confusion results. Emerald is widely distinct from corundum, sapphire, and ruby. It is a silicate of alumina and beryllium, and in its coarse and pale-coloured variety is known as beryl. From all this it appears that some names of precious stones indicate substances quite distinct from one another chemically, built of differing elements, and also per contra that what is actually one and the same kind of precious stone in chemical composition and native crystalline form may present examples possessing various colours and degrees of transparency, each variety being One naturally asks, “To what is the colour of these precious stones due?” The answer is difficult, because very minute traces of chemical impurity, such as iron, cobalt, manganese, or chromium may suffice to tint an otherwise transparent, colourless crystal with the brightest red, yellow, blue, violet, or green. Moreover, it is certain from what we know of traces of metallic impurity in artificial glass that it may exist in such a state of chemical combination as to give no tint whatever to the glass, but after prolonged exposure to light or other agencies, the minute impurity may combine chemically with oxygen present in the glass and develop colour. Thus, for instance, old window-glass often assumes a violet or amethystine tint after long exposure. This varying colour of the combinations of metals according to whether they are oxidised or not, and the degree of oxidation, or the special salt which they may form, is in itself an unexpected thing to those who are not chemists. The metal chromium, for instance, gives rise to colourless, to yellow, red, green, and blue combinations. Manganese, a metal commonly associated with iron, gives rise to brilliant green, to violet, and to wine-red combinations, and if scattered as microscopic particles of black oxide in glass would produce no colour effect at all. From what we know of glass and the ease with which it is coloured to every shade of the rainbow by the admixture of traces of metallic impurities—so that “paste” or glass gems of all colours can be manufactured—it is not surprising to find that natural crystals, transparent and often devoid of colour (such as corundum, diamond, quartz, and topaz), are yet also Having reached this point, we can see that such potent disturbing agents as the rays of radium—penetrating a colourless, or faintly-coloured, crystal—may determine oxidation or other chemical combination within the crystal of traces of metal (iron, cobalt, manganese, chromium) already present there, and so give it an increased colour or an altogether new tint. In 1905 (therefore long before the recent French experiments had shown that the radium rays will act in this way on corundum, the “base variety” of sapphire and ruby), Sir William Crookes published an account of his experiments as to the action of the radium rays on the diamond. “Some fine colourless crystals of diamond,” writes Sir William Crookes in 1905, “were embedded in radium bromide, and kept undisturbed for more than twelve months. At the end of that time they were examined. The radium had caused them to assume a beautiful bluish-green colour, and their value as ‘fancy stones’ had been materially increased.” On another occasion Sir William found that a yellowish “off colour” diamond had its tint changed to a pale blue-green when embedded for six weeks in a tube with radium bromide. (I have seen this stone.) He also has succeeded in improving the clearness of diamonds by exposing them to radium rays. Everyone who has experimented with radium knows that it causes the glass which may be |